Portrayed by Kåre Hedebrant |
Name: |
Abraxas Malfoy |
Aliases: |
Abe |
Birthday: |
February 2nd, 1924 |
Position: |
Slytherin |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood |
One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.
— Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince (1513)
Abraxas is a young man, roughly 15 years old, of Pure-Blood, English heritage with alabaster skin tone, who stands at 5'7" and is around 120 pounds in an overall skinny body type. Chin-length platinum blonde hair is done in page-cut style framing a long oval shaped face that is beginning to sharpen into the typical angular Malfoy features. With thin almond dark blue-gray eyes that are set to either side of his slightly upturned, pointed nose. Below that nose is a "Cupid Bow" set of lips. The rest of his a long oval shaped face is accented by a small chin and increasingly sharp cheeks. There is not a single blemish or scar upon him. Abraxas smells of expensive ink and parchment. When he speaks, the tones and accent of upper class Wiltshire, England can be detected.
At the moment Abraxas is wearing a Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry uniform. Rather notable by the green and silver colouring he must have sorted into House Slytherin. A grey vest edged in green and silver covers a crisp white Oxford shirt, buttoned from the belt to the collar and accented with a green tie with narrow silver stripes. The shirt is tucked neatly into matching gray trousers that fall to the tops of black shoes. Over all of this flows a voluminous black robe lined in soft Slytherin Green fabric, unadorned except for a silver snake slithering over a green background with a silver chevron sewn over the heart.
15 1/2 inches, yew, unyielding, with a phoenix feather core.
Agathe, a female lilac point siamese
Abraxas has been named as one of the Slytherin prefects, likely as a favor to his father. Still, he knows that eyes are upon him, and word will get back to Malfoy Manor.
The eldest son of Enceladus and Eurydice Malfoy, and the heir to Malfoy Manor. He's about as Malfoyish as a Malfoy can be — in fact, more-so than most of his family. He's highly bigoted, looking down on everyone that he views as different. This goes beyond matters of blood status, and even includes those of lower social/economic standing, race, sexual orientation, etc. Most of these prejudices are not remotely prevalent in the wizarding world. But Abraxas is something of an extremist. In summary, he has a massive superiority complex — the result of being the son of one of the most powerful men in wizarding Britain and a mother who dotes upon him and believes he can do no wrong.
At Hogwarts this extremist point of view hasn't earn him much in the way of friends, though he does have plenty of acquaintances that grovel and suck up to him enough that he considers himself friendly with them. Arithmancy and Ancient Runes are the two electives that he has taken as they are the two subjects that involve dealing with people or filthy creatures the very least. They would also allow him to excel in the future as he ascends to greatness within the Ministry.
Fifth Year (1939-40)
Prior to the 1939 school year, Abraxas was appointed a Slytherin House prefect. Under Professor Flint's headmastership, Abraxas was a leading member of the Magijugend, and was deputized with enforcing Hogwarts rules against Muggleborns - by force, if necessary. Despite his disdain for unclean blood, however, he was surprisingly reticent about actually using force against other students - at least until the rolling magical scrum through the corridors of Hogwarts Castle as Abraxas, Lucretia Black, and Oberon Lestrange hid one of Professor Flint's magical chests. While they succeeded in their mission, the chest was eventually recovered by the Aurors, Flint was removed by the Board of Governors (of which Abraxas's father, Enceladus, is chair), and Dumbledore became Headmaster.
A student aide to Professor Arcadius Lestrange, Abraxas was encouraged to broaden his horizons, and the year saw him, while not any less bigoted, becoming more political about how he expressed his views. He began to learn how to hide his fangs until it was time to strike. He also traveled to South America for a holiday adventure with several friends. He spent the winter months locked in an increasingly bitter feud with the Eibons, engineering various misfortunes for them at Hogwarts to match the larger, quiet conflict in high society. Completing his OWLs with high marks, he will continue on to a sixth year at Hogwarts.
RP Hooks
Heir to Malfoy Manor - Only son of one of the most rich and powerful men in Wizarding Britain, his father is a member of the Hogwart's Board of Governors, among other things. Abraxas is destined to go straight to the top.
The Magijugend - He's a member, and supports Grindelwald's vision of a better world. A world in which only pure-blood wizards and witches are taught magic. He's quite vocal about his many beliefs on the matter.
People Like Him - Abraxas is very picky about the company he keeps. Pure-blooded, native-born, wealthy white people of the greater wizarding families would be a close description. Even if you fit into that category, he doesn't exactly have a lot of 'friends'. But he can be a helpful person to know.
The Great Unwashed - If you don't fit into all of the categories above, then Abraxas will hold it against you. That goes especially for muggle-borns and their blood traitor friends.
Student Aide - Abraxas serves as a Student Aide to Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Arcadius Lestrange.
Famous Family: Malfoy
Friends in High Places
Wealth: Opulent
Grades and Classes
Year |
Year |
Year |
Year |
Year |
Year |
Year |
Classes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Astronomy |
E |
E |
E |
A |
E |
Charms |
O |
E |
O |
O |
O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Herbology |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
History of Magic |
E |
E |
E |
E |
E |
Potions |
E |
E |
A |
A |
E |
Transfiguration |
E |
E |
A |
E |
E |
Arithmancy |
E |
E |
E |
Study of Ancient Runes |
E |
E |
E |
Broomflying |
A |
Logs featuring Abraxas |
Logs that refer to Abraxas |
Father. An imposing figure in the Wizarding World, and Chairman of the Hogwarts Board of Governors. Which means he hears about EVERYTHING at school.
Mother. Mother dotes on Abraxas. He approves of this. However, she's also what might commonly be called a lush, and that, in his opinion, makes her weak.
Uncle. Father's brother, and the head of the London branch of the family. A fairly imposing sort, but one wonders how his relations manage to make such a hash of things.
Aunt. Uncle Balaurius's wife.
Cousin. An Auror, which is fairly nifty, but word amongst family and friends is that she's a blood traitor.
Cousin. Seems to be a man of substance, but one wonders about his connections to the more seedy elements of the Wizarding world and his fascination with muggle warfare. On the other hand, with Abraxas's changing career thoughts, perhaps he might be an interesting source of information about the world at large.
Cousin. A big wheel in politics these days. I don't agree with him about mixing with muggles, but for the sake of family unity (which father assures me is the most important thing), I try to grit my teeth in public. On the other hand, he's said he will teach me something about how the game is played, which might be valuable in the future.
Friend - Professor Lestrange's only son, and Abraxas's Magijugend partner in crime. Unfortunately, he has made some poor decisions about lashing out at muggle-borns of late.
Friend -
Friend - It was his brain-child to form the Knights of Walpurgis. Strangely charismatic and intense for his young age. May be spending some time with the Malfoys given the goings-on in the Muggle world.
Friend -
Friend -
Friend -
Friend - He was there with the Magijugend when the chips were down, and that sort of loyalty counts with Abraxas.
Headmaster. Former Transfiguration Professor and head of Gryffindor House, and now Headmaster Flint's replacement. It remains to be seen what the new regime will be like, but Abraxas is sure it will be much different than what came before.
Professor of Defence Against Dark Arts. Abraxas is Professor Lestrange's student aide, and he thinks very highly of the man, and hopes he's willing to be something of a mentor. Abraxas is sure that the Professor has learned many interesting things in his time travelling the globe.
Professor of Transfiguration. Took Dumbledore's spot when he became Headmaster. She's a world traveller, which Abraxas finds more interesting than he used to. Other than that, still a mystery.
Deputy Headmaster and Professor of Ancient Runes. Former Chief Unspeakable, and probably one of the most brilliant wizards ever, and with an undeniable pedigree for excellence. The only good thing so far about Dumbledore becoming Head was that he at least made Professor Black Deputy.
Professor of Charms. A mudblood and supporter of mudbloods. Abraxas is good at charms, but fully expects that Professor Viridian will someday turn him into a chicken or something - hopefully getting himself fired in the process.
Seventh Year. Overseer of the Magijugend under Headmaster Flint. Of similar ideals and bent to Abraxas, they seem to get on like a house afire, and given the importance of their families, this could be a long-term relationship worth cultivating.
First Year Cousin. Cousin Cyril's illegitimate daughter. Not exactly the best start. But still, she's a Malfoy, and the family name is all that matters. Abraxas will keep a close eye on her and bring her along the right way.
Seventh Year. Headmaster Flint's niece, she seems to be taking his departure hard, which is not surprising. Abraxas has seen her be strangely soft on the muggle-borns, though, which makes him wonder. Still, he'll give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment.
Fourth Year. A scion of the House of Black, just like Alphard, and therefore an ally in the struggle to maintain the purity of the wizarding world. They seem to be on friendly terms.
Sixth Year Former Prefect. Older brother of the Eibon family. Brought a muggleborn to Malfoy Manor for the Yule party, which is either evidence of suicidal tendencies or blood treason. Abraxas may have had something to do with his no longer being a Prefect.
Transfer Student. Joined in the Fifth Year, transferring from a magic school in Egypt. She's willful, that's certain, but their are tantalizing hints that she learned some things at Heka that aren't taught at Hogwarts. Abraxas will find out more.
Fourth Year. Another Black, and possibly the only person at Hogwarts more virulently purist than Abraxas.
The Head Boy. Abraxas's first year as a Prefect has not gone off without a hitch thusfar, and he isn't terribly fond of the Head Boy. Zayn's dislike of the Magijugend, his constant blathering about Prefects serving only for the good of the School, and his constant reminders that Abraxas lost the first points of the year rub like a shirt made out of whatever fabric the plebians wear. Five points. Hardly even worth mentioning given what's gone on since. This is going to be a difficult year.
Gryffindor Traitor. Angelus was a member of the Magijugend, and Abraxas was his ally. Then the Eibon boy inexplicably betrayed the Eye of Truth, getting his wand broken for the trouble. Now he seems to vacillate between both sides of the struggle. Abraxas called him a sniveling coward and a disgrace to pure-bloods and wizards. Then there was the family feud, Abraxas got him sacked as Aide to the Potions Master, and now he's in Mungo's for mental care.
Gryffindor Mudblood Troublemaker. Self-proclaimed Junior Auror, Abraxas confiscated her badge and took it to Dumbledore - a mistake he regrets, as another professor would have doubtless decided differently. He finds her revoltingly common, and while he'd usually ignore a second year, he'll make sure she gets what's coming to her eventually.
Gryffindor Troublemaker. If Terrance and Abraxas ever had a nice word to say to one another, it would be a headline in the Daily Prophet. There is no love lost here.
Ravenclaw Pureblood. A seventh year, he's of good breeding, and seems as bookish as any Ravenclaw could be. Overly sympathetic to impure elements, but recipient of at least a grudging level of respect.
Ravenclaw Half-Blood. A half-blood in pure-blood surname, and what a disgrace to the Goyle name she is, too. Clearly a blood traitor.
Ravenclaw Mudblood. Constantly introducing himself into situations where he has no business. Like so many of the muggleborns, he needs to learn his place.
Ravenclaw Pureblood Magijugende (?). One of the captives of Durmstrang, recently returned to Hogwarts with Valda and Professor Dippet. Claims to have met Grindelwald personally. Also claims that all wizards (including mudbloods) need to stand together. Sanity yet to be determined. Spends far too much time with blood traitor Angelus Eibon.
Ravenclaw Half-Blood. Her father is a pureblood who married a muggle. Disgusting. However, Abraxas has been encouraging her to hew more closely to the wizarding side of her heritage, and she at least plays a passable game of Wizard's Chess. She somehow manages to soothe some of his more monstrous impulses to lash out, and Abraxas has come to think of her as one of the small number of half-bloods that isn't totally worthless.
Ravenclaw Half-Blood. A sixth-year, she was surprised to hear about Abraxas's plans to learn German and to travel more. Her politics are highly suspect, though she might be one of Cousin Cassisus's people without even knowing it.
Ravenclaw Pureblood Enigma. Transferred from Durmstrang in her seventh year. Cast the killing curse on Leander Fox. Defied the High Master of Durmstrang to help Headmaster Dippet and the other hostages escape. Hero or traitor? That remains to be seen.
Tour Guide? Beryl Crabbe is an interesting woman. A former cursebreaker, she has no love lost for the goblins of Gringott's Bank. Now she's a freelance treasure hunter, and was along on the South America trip. At least she seems the right sort of people.
Revolutionary. Known only by his mighty reputation, the Magijugend support Grindelwald, and Abraxas certainly agrees with his ideas on blood purity. He's not sure that he wants to have anything to do with muggles, though, a violent and fractious lot that they are.
Former Headmaster. Imposing, certainly, and with all the right ideas about the appropriate stature of mudbloods in Hogwarts and at large. Unfortunately, he pushed too far, too fast, and screwed up all the plans for a purer Hogwarts.
Practically a Muggle. Who lets a mudblood become an Auror? Abraxas doesn't know her personally, but he's heard quite enough. Alphard hates her and Madelene worships her, which tells him all he needs to know.
Half-Blood Malfoy Aspirant and Tutor. One muggle grandparent, and so almost acceptable, but engaged to Cousin Cassius in some sort of sop to the less pure elements of Wizarding society. She labors under some sort of curse, too. On the other hand, she seems to have a goodly knowledge of how the political game is played, and it's fun to make her blush and stammer (which isn't hard). She's agreed to tutor him on some of the political things the future Malfoy patriarch needs to know, and he's doing his best to listen, because regardless of the source, those things are valuable to know.
The Professor's Daughter. Professor Enid Pettigrew's daughter, and a recent graduate of Hogwarts, she now owns her own tea shop in London. She's traveled a lot, as one would expect with her globetrotting mother. She either has a thirst for adventure or a death wish - she climbed onto the Hogwarts roof, for example - and Abraxas hasn't decided which yet.