This character is retired, and is no longer in play.
Portrayed by Jada Facer |
Name: |
Ahnaliese Brown (anna·lees) |
Aliases: |
Ahna, Leesie (lees·see) |
Birthday: |
August 14, 1927 |
Position: |
Hufflepuff |
Lineage: |
Pureblood |
Likely eleven in age, Ahnaliese possesses a soft quality with her expressive, hazel-brown eyes, round cheeks, and small, squarish chin. She also has a lot of long, loosely curling, brownish blonde hair, and long bangs obscuring her eyebrows.
Her Hogwarts robes and scarf are poor in cloth, and the seams of her jumper and skirt threadbare; yet, the lines of her white, oxford blouse, and pleated skirt are crisp, as if freshly pressed. The bold yellows edged in black mark her Hufflepuff, and are most distracting in her tie's black-and-yellow diagonal stripes. Her grey knee-highs and freshly shined Oxford booties match the look, and the latter also give her an inch or two.
In August of 1927 Ahnaliese was born to Abner and Clara (Meliflua) Brown, a middle-class family until her father's propensity for monetary speculation and spontaneous purchases landed the family in the downward, financial slope they presently find themselves in.
These circumstances, and a move from Southampton to Midhurst, shifted Ahnaliese's homeschooling from the arts (singing, cello, and piano) to the practical life skills of natural and magical gardening, sewing, knitting, and baking. It also brought her childhood frustrations to the surface through her blunt personality.
Recreational homeschool activities, games, exploration, tree-climbing, swimming, and wildlife and insect observations, especially that of spiders, took the rest of her time. Spider intrigue especially developed into book-study, as well as catch-and-release rescues. An intense interest in the moon, stars, and solar movements also took root with her, but without the aid of a telescope to propel her interest beyond her books.
- 10-3/16 inches, unspecified wood and core
- Nicknamed by Ahnaliese "The Lesser Wand"
- Given to her father as a job payment
- Does not always cooperate with Ahnaliese
- Finicky: If Ahnaliese comes across as very picky about everything, what of it?
- Impish: Some consider Ahnaliese playful, but some find her playfully annoying, or just annoying.
- Outspoken: Ahnaliese can be outspoken, to the point of coming across as judgmental.
- Presumptuous: If Ahnaliese sounds like she has someone or something entirely figured out, it may all be based upon her observations and assumptions.
- Wealth: Poor
RP Hooks
- Are you a prankster that doesn't mind getting in over your head with older students? Maybe there's a joint-target to be had?
- Are you thinking Ahnaliese's robes and wand look second-rate for a pureblood? Perhaps there's a way to let her know and to get it off your chest?
- From do-it-yourself domestic projects to Quidditch, maybe you've been looking for a partner, competition, or someone to lord your expertise over?
- Do you know one of Ahnaliese's relatives? Perhaps they've told you how awesome she is? You could always tell her yourself.
Logs featuring Ahnaliese |
Logs that refer to Ahnaliese |
Abner Brown
Father - Born: 07/30/1900
. Pureblood - 2nd Child / 2nd Son of Radley Brown and Lacey Brown nee Thurkell.
. Married Clara Meliflua: 01/02/1921
. Siblings: Maddox Brown, Waldo Brown
. It's hard to respect him when all he does is figure out new ways to waste our money, and get mad at Ma'. When he's not grumpy he likes to tell jokes and stories, tease, and talk about politics with someone that agrees with him.
Clara Brown nee Meliflua
Mother - Born: 06/01/1900
. Pureblood - 3rd Child / 1st or 2nd Daughter of Nathan Meliflua and Scarlett Meliflua nee Abbott.
. Married Abner Brown: 01/02/1921.
. Siblings: Zach Meliflua, ### Meliflua
. I love my Ma'. We do everything together, and I tell her everything too, just like she tells me everything.
Zach Meliflua
Uncle - Born: 01/08/1882
. Pureblood - 1st Child / 1st Son of Nathan Meliflua and Scarlett Meliflua nee Abbott.
. Married Natasha Le'darre: 01/02/1921.
. Siblings: ??? Meliflua, Clara Meliflua
. He's nice, and sometimes he asks me questions, but I don't really know him. I only really see him at family events.
??? Meliflua
Aunt / Uncle?
. Pureblood - 2nd Child of Nathan Meliflua and Scarlett Meliflua nee Abbott.
. Siblings: Zach Meliflua, Clara Meliflua
. <This character is open for another PC family connection; contact MouseGirl / Artemis for more details>
Radley Brown
Grandfather - Born: 11/03/1857
. Pureblood - 2nd Child / 2nd Son of -?- Brown and -?- Brown nee Rashley.
. Married Lacey Thurkell: 01/02/1882
. Siblings: Odo Brown
. I like Grandpa. He likes to smile, tell stories, stroke his white beard, and talk politics with Pa' long enough for me to sneak off.
Lacey Brown nee Thurkell
Grandmother - Born: 04/06/1860 - Died: 05/12/1916
. Pureblood - 2nd Child / 1st Daughter of -?- Thurkell and -?- Thurkell nee MacDougal.
. Married Radley Brown: 01/02/1882
. Siblings: -?- <Undefined GrammaMaidenName>
. She died at St. Mungos before I was born, but Grandpa says she was really pretty and the best wife. Sometimes it makes him sad.
Cousin, Mother's brother's daughter - Clara > Zach > Artemis
· 38.0904
· Hufflepuff, Pureblood
. She makes Hufflepuff worth it. She's fun to tease, and ticklish, and her eyes light up when she talks about things she likes, like history. I kind of like listening to it.
. 38.0904
. He's quiet, and knows a lot about muggle things, but it's hard to get him to talk about it, like he's afraid of it. I think he knows how to fight in self-defense.
Older Hufflepuff
. 39.0124
. She's excitable and really pretty, in the striking kind of way I hope I will be, but I don't think she likes me. Maybe I aggitated her somehow, with my question about the book club? Or maybe it's just because I'm a first-year and she was tired, or because I talked to Leoric? They're both Selwyn though.
. 38.0912
. He's a typical book-crazy Ravenclaw. I see him often with his head in a book when he's walking. He bumps into people.
Older Gryffindor
. 38.1021,1101
. He's a big flirt, and he likes to tease me about things. I think the way Peele handles his problems, or circumstances, annoys him.
Older Hufflepuff
. 38.0904
. He's reasonable and really cares about people he values, but I haven't been around him much lately.
Older Hufflepuff, Prefect
. 38.0912
. She's nice, and helped us find classes in the beginning. She stood up to some Slytherin bullies for a Ravenclaw boy. She's boy crazy.
Older Ravenclaw
. 38.0915
. He's very logical, which I like, but he was rude and I got mouthy with him, just like Mum warned me against. The make-believe just annoyed me.
. 38.1101
. He seemed nice, and I think it's possible that he's a bigger flirt than Angelus. He seemed to have his hands full, and I think I made things more difficult for him.
. 38.0901
. She sat in the same compartment with me on the Hogwarts Express and hardly said anything.
. 38.1101
. He loves candy, and I'm pretty sure he'll avoid me until he forgets why, which was minor anyway.
Older Gryffindor
. 38.0925,1014
. His focus is Medusa, and they're close. I think he found me amusing. Is that a good thing?
Ravenclaw, Young Harper
. 38.0901,1101
. She wanted to help Lillian find a boyfriend, and told me about the Harper Family Curse before running off—she thinks she's going to die at Hogwarts. I think she likes Peele, and doesn't like Donnelly.
. 38.0912,1101,1102
. She's spunky, fun, and smart, and we have a secret club. She's an awesome prankster too.
Older Ravenclaw
. 38.0915
. She's nice, and pretty, and has probably already forgotten I was ornery to O'Toole in front of her.
. 38.1101
. Cake. She's not the brightest, but I don't mind that. I try to look out for her, but somehow we always seem oblivious to each other.
Older Hufflepuff
. 39.0124
. I love her blue eyes and her hair. The Selwyn girls are so attractive. They have their own little world it seems, and I get lost observing it. Maybe they mind.
Older Hufflepuff, Beater and Quidditch-Captain-hopeful
. 38.0912
. I let him sketch on one of my doodles, and it was brilliant; I could tell it was Crocker that he sketched. Maybe he has a thing for her.
Older Gryffindor
. 38.1024
. She's in Domestics Club with me, and really fun to be around; she's cute and precious, and she and Denholm are a thing, which makes things fun just because.
Older Gryffindor
. 39.0124
. He's fun. I like his sense of humor. It catches me off guard, and I love his hair: a Selwyn, of course. There's other things about him too that make me wonder things.
Older Slytherin and Beater
. 38.0901,04
. She's boy-crazy and a bad potions mixer, and cried to Augustin when her hair changed colors because of a potions explosion.
Older Slytherin
. 38.1014
. She talked about having plans for me, and gave me something; but I think—well, it doesn't matter what I think. She's the Gorgon, and she's busy. I'm fine with that.
. 38.1101
. She's taller than most first-years, and I don't really know her. I know she's an Eibon though, and she likes cake, or sweets.
Older Hufflepuff
. 39.0124
. He's really nice, and attractive, and seems really close with the Selwyn girls. I bet there's a lot of girls his age that like him, and probably in the book club for that reason too.
. 38.0912,15
. He's sickly and a lot smarter than me. I know we were friends because he defended me, even when I set his plans back. We haven't really talked since then though.
. 38.0912
. Crocker is boy-crazy about him, and said something about spies to him. He's bad on a broom, he says, and talks to ghosts.