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Portrayed by Skandar Keynes |
Name: |
Alphard Pollux Black |
Aliases: |
Alph |
Birthday: |
April 20th, 1922 |
Position: |
Auror Trainee |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood |
A tall, dark haired young man of about seventeen, Alphard looks like a stereotypical member of his House. His eyes are dark brown, nearly the same color as his thick, dark hair which hangs loosely around his head. He has pale skin, deeply hooded eyes, a strong nose, and a pair of narrow lips, all working together to give him a generally pensive sort of look. His build is muscular, his shoulders broad, and he tends to stand tall, with his head held high and an obvious confidence about him. Though he is fairly good looking, his airs of arrogance tend to be off putting to most.
Born to the Black family, as the oldest child, with two younger siblings, Walburga and Cygnus, as he was, Alphard had a fairly typical Pure-Blood childhood. The Black family knew it was better than ninety percent of the people it interacted with (including some of the other Pure Blood families in the area) and Alphard's upbringing led him to become somewhat spoiled, getting frustrated easily when things didn't go his way, and shrilly demanding that things change to accommodate him. As being the oldest child meant he often got his own way, leading to him never really learning to deal with being denied anything in life, resulting in shrill tantrums, and an angry, brooding personality when things don't work out perfectly for him at Hogwarts. Alphard developed a phobia of spiders at a young age, when a careless House Elf neglected to notice the young Black in had snuck into the wine cellar after him. Alphard got locked inside and, with no way to find a light, stumbled into more than a few spider webs, trapped in the darkness while they crawled all over him and he screamed and shrieked until he was, finally, let out. While Alphard was no worse for the wear (besides a fresh new phobia), the House Elf that made the mistake was beheaded, its stuffed head going on to join the mounted house-elf head collection in the Black Home, as a warning to new servants about the price of failure.
Upon his arrival to Hogwarts, Alphard was sorted (as expected) into the Slytherin house, where he began to show some aptitude in Defense Against the Dark Arts. He also joined the Quidditch team as a Beater. His family's wealth and his pure blood upbringing making him able to afford and have a familiarity with the equipment necessary to make him a valuable member of the Slytherin team. He took up the dueling club as soon as he was able as well, and he has worked studiously to become proficient in it. His competitive nature leading to him wanting to dominate there, as he assumed he would do on the Quidditch field.
RP Hooks
- A member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
- A more than occasional bully. If you need someone to pick on your character, look no further! Usually he hunts in a pack of fellow Slytherin and Magijugend boys. Page me if you want to be part of it! I'm also cool with Alphard getting his occasional come-uppance.
- Loves Quidditch. His favorite team is the Falmouth Falcons. He was a Beater on the Slytherin Quidditch Team.
- Is quite serious about his intent to become an Auror, albeit for all the wrong reasons.
- Spent the summer of '39 as an Auror's Apprentice. Presently enrolled in the Auror Training Program.
- Wealth: Well-To-Do
- Snob (Classist)
- Loyalty to Black Family
- Phobia: Spiders
School Results!
Classes |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Year 7 |
Astronomy |
T |
T |
P |
T |
D |
Charms |
E |
E |
E |
O |
O |
E |
E |
Defence Against the Dark Arts |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Herbology |
D |
P |
P |
D |
A |
History of Magic |
P |
P |
P |
A |
A |
Potions |
A |
A |
A |
A |
E |
E |
E |
Transfiguration |
E |
A |
E |
E |
O |
O |
O |
Flying |
E |
Care of Magical Creatures |
A |
A |
A |
Arithmancy |
A |
A |
E |
A |
A |
Clubs and Other Extracurricular Activities
- Duelling Club: Alphard has been a member of the duelling club since he came to Hogwarts. During the early years he was known more for whining about cheating mud-bloods who shouldn't even have been allowed to wield a wand, let alone compete, than his actual accomplishments. Over the latter years he's become a fairly competent duelist, however.
- Quidditch: Alphard is an enthusiastic Quiddich player, which is both his favorite sport and passtime. He's been a Beater for the Slytherin Team since his 3rd year. His grandest moment was in the winter of '38 when he led the Slytherins to victory against the Gryffindors while one man down. He will wistfully recount the tale until the day he dies.
- Magijugend: As one of the first members to sign up for the newly created Magijugend, Alphard was deeply frustrated when he was passed over for Overseer. For a while he thought of quitting the stupid and unappreciative club. Then came '39 and he was made Overseer. All is forgiven!
- Broom Club: In his 2nd - 5th year he was a member of the Broom club. He dropped the club in his 6th to focus on his studies.
- Chess Club: In his 6th year he was briefly a member of the Chess Club, since dropped to facilitate more time for studies.
- Halloween Costume Competition, 1938-39 - 1st Place: Grand Prize as the poor wizard hanged and burned by evil Muggles.
Logs featuring Alphard |
Logs that refer to Alphard |
Alphard's Journal Entries |
Others' Journal Entries About Alphard |
The Pacifist Prefect
Pure Blood
Zayn is an oddball, but he's not too bad. For the most part we seem to get along.
Team mate
Pure Blood
I can understand why some might find Jenny somewhat crass and unreliable, but they haven't played Quidditch with her. She's solid, loyal, and in the end I know what she really thinks of Muggles. If she sometimes gets impulsive and associates with the wrong kind.. well, I'll chalk that up to an unconventional upbringing.
The Transfer
Pure Blood
Prefers 'Azam' over 'Prince'. She seems alright. Apparently her old school did things the way they aught to be done, with the Muggleborns in their proper place from the start.
Magijugend Prefect
Pure Blood
Me and Abraxas get along right well. We have the same background and the same ideas.
Unholy Union
Pure Blood
Turns out she's a pretty good friend. It doesn't hurt that she's got good blood, money, and she's smart as well. And it's not as if I can hold it against her that she fantasizes about nursing me back to health. We're a thing.
Normally I don't associate with her kind, but she's one of Andromena's best friends it seems. I'm giving her a pass because she seems genuinely interested in improving her lot; pursuing pure-blood friends and boyfriends; researching her Wizarding side; staying out of mud-tained politics.
Would Be Hero
Pure Blood
All in all didn't use to be so bad. I can understand and even respect the impulse to stand up and defend your family. In a way I suppose he even took my advce and struck first. Of course I'll still make his life hell if he keeps it up. Where's the Muggle-bashing Pureist we all liked? Come back to us.
He disgusts me in every way. How he made Prefect is beyond me, except perhaps to show how utterly without ambition House Hufflepuff is. I look forward to beating him.
The easy victim
Picking on Adorabella has always been one of my favorite passtimes when bored. I think deep down she even likes it.
Pure Blood
For a Gryffindor he's not so bad. Sure he's uptight and interfering, but not to the point of obnoxiously self righteous. Most of the time.
Half Blood
I know a fake smile when I see one. Don't think I'm unaware of what you're up to. Might be Half-Blood, but he's all Mud. Worst part is we're in all the same classes. One day I'll beat his face in.
Junior Auror
Muggle Born
I can't believe a second year is getting away with being such an insufferable prat. But she's got her whole house protecting her like she's some kind of Gryffindor Princess. Normally second years are beneath my notice, but this one has made a point out of begging for my attention.
Pure Blood
This little kid might one day become a worthwhile wizard. I'm going to keep my eye on him, and interceded on his behalf if needed. He was pretty much the Star of the Gryffindor team. Good thing the rest of his team didn't share his talent.
Distant Cousin
Little Sister
Cygnus III
Baby Brother - Born October 30, 1938.
Pure Blood
I don't like Lucian Proudmore. I think he's a sanctimonious and upstuck little shit. I can't believe he threw away his chance to be something through the Magijugend. Still, I don't harbor him any ill will now that he's finally found his proper place in things; as a menial shit shoveler on a farm.
Pure Blood
She's not so bad when she forgets about her head up her ass. We had a moment once. Who knows what would've happened if she hadn't been so afraid of the powerful attraction she feels? We're friends anyway.
Pure Blood
Always falling in love, aways crying, always whining, always being a damn pain in everybody's ass. Really, it's just as well that he left Hogwarts, he was never going to amount to anything. I do feel bad about the deaths, though. Nobody deserves that.
Pure Blood
The only positive thing I can say of Shelley is that at least she's not Rena. It might not be a compliment, but it's proof that things could be much, much, worse.
Strong Dislike
Mud Blood
How on earth this sad and pathetic creature made Auror's Initiate I have no idea. She's dreadful beyond dreadful, dressing in her hideous Muggle outfits, talking up her Muggle roots, boasting of accomplishments that a true Auror would certainly not be so crass as to throw in one's face. I suppose her single redeeming quality is that she's reasonable attractive, and married a Pure-Blood. However well she hides it behind passive-aggressive tactics, obviously some part of her wants to embrace the Pure. I can respect such a desire. Her husband should be.. what's the Muggle word? Shot, however.
I can't believe it. They told me she went away to a far off country, but really she was a squib the whole time! It is dreadfully awkward. I have no idea how to treat the woman. On the one hand she's a bloody squib, while on the other she's family. Not a Black, perhaps, but blood kin none the less.
Pure Blood
I've decided there's something deeply wrong with her ability to make good decisions, and of course I shouldve been Overseer instead. But we're still friends, because nobody is perfect. I'd like to say I was shocked when she ran off with Douglas, but I'm not.
Pure Blood
Ria has a good head on her shoulders. She understands what's what. I'm glad she got rid of Lucian, and I'm looking forward to meeting her out of Hogwarts again.
Pure Blood
Normally Firsties are beneath me, but she's made a point out of forcing a semblance of familiarity. In the end of the day she's not so bad, actually. She just needs to learn who are appropriate targets for pranks, and who aren't. Happy to help with the education.
Pure Blood
Esther is my cousin on my mother's side. I thought I was seeing improvement in her behavior, but so much for that. She's determined to force the issue rather than just accept her place.
Pure Blood
A snitch, completely without House Loyalty, and an idiot to boot. Scores will be settled. It was a pleasure watching her face when that Howler exploded in her face. Point me. Now she's gone and locked up in St Mungos. Another point fo me.
A filthy honorless little sucker-punching shit. There's nothing but mud in him, whatever parentage he has! If anyone deserves to be drummed straight out of Hogwarts, it's this one. On the run, and don't I get the last laugh?!
Utterly pathetic, but still thoroughly amusing. I enjoy our little back and forth for the most part, especially when he starts to cry. Inevitably he almost always does. Dead, now. Good riddence.
One of the few Half-Bloods who has the potential to escape their muggle heritage. It helps that she's from a good family and has a father that is a Slytherin alumni. She has some annoying ideas about conflict resolution. All in all it's almost a pity she's a half-blood, because she is sort of cute. Alas. What is, is. Graduated.
Cake Girl
Pure Blood
I keep forgetting her name, so I'll stick to 'Fat Little Cake Girl'. I know all about the usefulness of having someone that dumb to do my bidding, though. Who knows? Fiona might actually be onto something. Still doesn't mean I'll be nice. On the other hand, when someone doesn't even realize they're being made fun of, it loses much of its fun. Besides, picking on Firsties is mostly beneath me.
Harmless Idiot
Pure Blood
A lazy no-good wastrel and an idiot. Sometimes he can be pretty decent company, though, and I'll admit I'm almost starting like him a little bit. Almost. Can't believe he ran away with Medusa. Or actually I do.