This character is retired, and is no longer in play.
Portrayed by Trey Songz |
Name: |
Arthur Winters Nightengale |
Aliases: |
Night & Winters |
Birthday: |
Dec 9, 1911 |
Position: |
M.L.E. - Auror |
Lineage: |
Half-Blood |
Ten and a half inches, aspen, Solid, with a dragon heartstring core.
Ministry of Magic
Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement
Auror's Office
Rank: Auror-Honor & Duty Above All
Arthur, stands striking at about six feet tall. He has a athletic and muscular build for someone his size. He appears to be in his mid twenties and of Afro-British ethnicity. His black hair has been cut close to his head, in a faded buzz cut. His eyes are dark brown, though warm and inviting, a air of seriousness seems to lurk inside of them. His skin is smooth and has a slight tan tint to it. He has several tattoos, one across his right arm appears to be feathers falling down his arm. On his left arm a Muggle Cross with "Sinner and Saint" written above it. On his chest, "Only Light Can Break The Darkness. Only Love Can Break Hate. Only Hate Can Destroy Us All" while on the other side of his chest, a small rune appears. His face is cleanly shaven, except the tip of his chin which sports a small goatee, most would consider him to have attractive features.
At the moment Arthur is wearing a dark brown trench coat, with a crisp grey button up shirt underneath. A grey and yellow tie has been neatly tied and hangs down ending just above his belt buckle. A pair of brown slacks, held up with a black belt, flow down to a pair of black dress shoes. A large white gold watch with the words, "ROLEX" on them appears on his wrist. Strapped to his left leg is a simple leather wand holster, while under the long sleeves of his shirt, he wears two leather bracers.
Son of a Whore:
Arthur Winters Nightengale was born in East End London, to Sarah Jade Nightengale, his father to this day remains unknown. Sarah was a working girl in one of the poorest parts of East End, the father of Arthur was simply a customer. He was named after his Grandfather, who bared the same name. Growing up, Arthur was pretty much left on his own, as his mother tried her best to just put food on the table. Needless to say it was perhaps not the most stable household, a stream of abusive boyfriends and individuals claiming to protect his mother, seemed to be the only norm in this boy's life.
The Wonder Years:
The hardest and weirdest thing that perhaps Arthur notices through out his younger years, was little things, the size of his nose, his ears, his hair, cheeks. Just little changes that seemed to be in constant flux, his mother perhaps didn't seem to notice this as much as her own son, because when she wasn't busy putting food on the table, she was curled up with a bottle, for as long as Arthur can remember. Though this was just the start, other strange happenings, began to crop up when he got rather emotional. When the letter came for him to go to Hogwarts along with the Liaison, he was more confused then anything else. When he arrived it was not long before, of all Houses, he had read about he was sorted into Hufflepuff. He also learned that he was Metamorphmagus and received Guidance as to how to start to control it.
Arthur enjoyed his time at Hogwarts, he got good marks and even eventually became a beater on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Since he was a Firstie, he had the desire to become an Auror, so it was no surprise that he focused his N.E.W.T.S on those areas of study. Arthur managed to getting into the Auror Office, though just barely. His marks where just enough. He was no where near the top of the class. He spent his year in the Training Program, before moving on to be an Initiate.Though his life on the streets seemed to shine through a little too much, creating a few black marks on his file about being excessively rough with potential witness.
- Ambidextrous He can uses both hands equally.
- Dapper Sharp Dressed? Always, it is a very rare occasion, that one does not see Arthur dressed to impress!
- Wealth: Well-To-Do He works as an Auror, hey no pain no gain!
- Smart Ass He dares you to ask him a stupid question!
- Metamorphmagus He is an Metamorphmagus, he can change his skin color, eyes and hair color with ease. Along with adjusting his age, height and weight, sex, along with his voice to match.
RP Hooks
- Hogwarts Alumnus: Class of 1929! Huffletough!
- Auror: Do you work with him? Have you crossed him? Is he after you?
- Ministry: Maybe we have bumped into each other, hard to forget someone so Dapper afterall.
- Homebrewing: He brews his own Beer at his house, a talent not many people have. Maybe you want to try a drink on him?
- Rugby: It may be muggle, but it certainly is not for the weak!
- Class of 1929:
- Electives: Care of Magical Creatures & Ancient Runes
- NEWT Classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms and Potions
- Clubs: Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, Athletics Club, Broom Club, Dueling Club
Sarah Jade Nightengale
His mother is a whore, they have grown apart since his last couple of years at Hogwarts and he hasn't spoken with her since the end of his 7th Year. He currently doesn't know her status or her location and he is not actively looking.
Father (Unknown)
Night is a bastard and doesn't know who is father is. One day he would like to find out, but the reality of the situation is that he will more then likely never know.
They dated for a short period of time. Though Night made a mistake, he was seeing another women on the side. This has caused some tension between the two, now she has entered back into his life. Seeking his help, his advice, he ventured on a mission with her, though this mission took an unexpected turn and they ended up between satin sheets. How long can they carry on like this? Does she still love him? Because he still loves her, even with her recent marriage… he hopes he can win her back, because he would do anything to protect her.
He remembers her before her loss. She was a lot more friendly, you could have called them drinking buddies. Night wishes their was more he could, but he views her as a friend even if she doesn't and will be her rock if she needs it.
Really she is like Arthur's sister. Arthur would do just about anything for her and she doesn't know it, but she is the closest thing that Arthur truly has to family. While she pesters him about eating right and his health, Arthur does listen and every so often picks up an apple instead of simply not eating. The recent events of being shot has really shown him how much she really care for him.
Arthur and Graham don't see eye to eye. In reality they couldn't be more different with how they handle things and Arthur makes sure to voice, just how much he dislikes how Graham handles things to him. His recent desire to make sure he involves himself in Arthur's life, has caused him to push back. If his life if fair game for Graham to mess with, Arthur will stick his fingers in Graham's life.
While Arthur and Worthington don't butt heads, Arthur certainly runs his mouth a bit too much to his Chief. But he is pretty sure that Worthington knows deep down inside, that Arthur is beyond loyal. That anything Worthington told him to do, Arthur would do. He might say a few things about it, but he would do. Arthur has nothing but the biggest respect for this man and his service.
Spell-oiled machine. Well no one really likes Snivs, Arthur and him manage to get on okay. The reason, is simple if Arthur's best aspect in the M.L.E. is the fact that he is spot on with paperwork. Never late, everything always right. Hell Arthur files negative reports on himself. This doesn't give good ole Snivs much to yell at him about.
Arthur is not sure about this man. Either he is really calculating things and taking rather heavy risks or it is simply a misunderstanding. He would love the chance to sit down and profile this man, but sadly has yet to get the chance. He calls him Looney Moody, but not for the reason most people think. Arthur thinks that, while some people simply consider him insane, Arthur thinks he is suffers from Napoleonic Complex and Megalomania. Whatever is going on, Arthur believes this man, is truly the most dangerous type, as he truly believes what he is saying is the truth, is right and he believes he will continue to justify everything in his mind this way, he believes that in Brad's mind… Brad is the Hero of the story.
This guy, Arthur has an issue with those who can't play well in a group. He does know that if he pops off at the mouth again about Lee, it is going to be a problem, especially if he tries to buck up and puff his chest out again at him.
Ilbert Carrow
Some call it obsession, others dedication. Arthur has been assigned to this case, where Ilbert Carrow had reportedly: Tortured (Cruciatous) and killed (Killing Curse) his Muggle neighbors who were having a birthday party and the children and pets kept going onto his property. And the Muggle Music sent him into a rage. After the murders, he went on the lam.
Jacob Flemmings
Flemmings is a low level Dark Artifact dealer, who operates out of the Knockturn Alley. Despite a couple of attempts to bust him, he has managed to stay one step ahead of Arthur for now. He had been acting as if he was willing to work and aide in the investigation of Ilbert Carrow, though he had been feeding Nightengale misinformation. Arthur now believes that Femmings has kicked up his game and has been working with an unsub, concealing Ilbert for finical gain.
Albert (Al) <Lastname Unknown>
Some people say that Al, is a figment of Arthur's imagination. Supposedly a supplier of Dark Artifacts to low level crooks in the gutter to pedal and sell. Currently nothing exists to support Arthur's claims that Al, is real. The only time Arthur had the chance to bust, Al was in a supposed meeting in an empty Business on Knockturn Alley where he was suppose to meet with Ilbert, according to Flemmings, no one ever showed up for the meeting and Arthur was left holding his hat.
The Banshee
Profile coming soon.
Perhaps Arthur is indeed slowly loosing his mind. He can concluded after various and intense stake outs that Takeshi Odori, is in fact a Serial Killer. Arthur believes that is conditions, which boarders on the line of obsession, causes him to desire to live up to the expectations of Heir to his family name. This has caused a complicated resentment for his mother, in which he achieves some form of release by killing oriental muggle prostitutes. Arthur believes this is done by poisoning, which do to the status of the victims and his extensive skill and interest in Herbology and Poisons, has allowed him to go undetected. This theory is coupled by his involvement in medical training at St. Mungo's and his habit of interjecting himself into the live's of Auror, such as Auror Irene Lee and Auror Graham Cohen. He hasn't slipped up yet, but when he does, Arthur will be there to make the arrest.
Books Unbound and Thomas Carrow, would provide an excellent safe house or cover house for those attempting to avoid M.L.E. detection. It is well known with in the Ministry of Magic, that Thomas Carrow was dismissed from his duties within the I.M.C. he obviously has a strong understanding of Magical Law and his obsession, which I believe to be false, with muggles will provide him the knowledge to hid a wanted Wizard in the muggle world as he attempts to create a strong defensive case for the wanted.
Steele Travel owned by Mikhale Carrow, which will be noted for the record is the older brother of Thomas Carrow, who has also had a "falling" out with the Carrow line. Mikhale Carrow is trained in the skills of acquiring requested items and planning and using travel to possibly hide a fugitive of the law.
Carrow Investment Services, owned by Hector Carrow. This would provide an wanted individual with the means temporary or permeant to financially evade M.L.E. officials, as Ilbert Carrow has so far done, by a lack a financial trail that can be found. Hector Carrow is a successful investor and would be capable of hiding and cooking books.
Logs featuring Arthur |
Logs that refer to Arthur |