Calculating Clairvoyant |
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Portrayed by Victoria Justice |
Name: | Augustina Maria Dippet |
Aliases: | Gusti, Dipper |
Birthday: | September 21, 1925 |
Position: | Slytherin |
Lineage: | Pure-blood |

'…So someone shared an interesting photograph with me…'
— Augustina, to a Prefect.
This young witch has shoulder-length brown hair — sometimes pulled back into a pair of pigtails — with matching brown eyes, set on a lightly tanned oval face. She constantly has an air of amused curiosity about her, occasionally leading to her twitching her button nose and pursing her red-painted lips when she's particularly interested in something. Her height is unremarkable for a young woman, but she usually manages to project a larger presence through sheer energy.
She's wearing her Hogwarts school robe right now: a buttoned-shut voluminous black robe lined in Slytherin viridian, with the serpentine crest of Slytherin over her heart. Part of the clothing underneath can be seen easily — behind the robe's generous neckline, she has a nicely starched white Oxford collar and a fastidiously-fastened emerald silk tie with silver stripes. Bits of grey and green from her blazer underneath become visible or hidden depending on the exact angle at which she holds herself; far below, black Mary Janes peek out from under the bottom edges of her robe.
On September 21 of 1925, Augustina Maria Dippet was welcomed to the world by her father, Armando "Decker" Dippet the Tenth, and her mother, Nyreen Eliza Dippet (née Lowe). As the middle child between Armando "Leven" Dippet the Eleventh and Amadeus Luigi Dippet, she constantly had to strive to get attention from a somewhat overwhelmed parental duo; most of what she could snatch, she managed on the lap of her famous "Great to the Eighth" Grandfather, Armando Dippet the First, who had the luxury of being able to simply spoil his descendant rather than having to actually care for her. Though her mother could be quite severe and the sibling infighting intense, Augustina views her family with love and respect.
After the suddenness of her great (to the eighth) grandfather's probable capture and uncertain future during her second year, Augustina's grades slumped badly, and she developed an almost single-minded obsession with control and prediction. She ultimately rebounded the following year to a phenomenal performance in Divination and Arithmancy — two subjects usually viewed at odds — and a less-impressive-but-suitable academic record elsewhere.
While her grades are mostly mediocre-to-poor, Augustina — or Gusti, or Dipper, she has a few nicknames — remains a fairly popular student among her classmates. She's very apparently friendly for a Slytherin, and she's good at trading favors and bribes to make sure that if someone does cross her, they'll never see her revenge coming and they'll never prove it. Along with the strength of her family name, this has made her a shoo-in for the informal 'Slug Club' of movers and shakers in Hogwarts.
Augustina was never a remarkable student, and she's chosen to focus on not one but two subjects that have uncertain future job prospects. However, she is unconvinced that there is any problem; she knows what's truly important: connections and an understanding of destiny.
She doesn't care particularly much for clubs, preferring to have as much free time to herself as she can; she enjoys going to Arts and Athletics solely to gawk at the nice-looking people.
Report Card
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"Sonorus" (soh-NOR-us) | Counter-spell • Sound |
Increases the volume of a sound. This is the counter-spell for the Quieting Charm. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Target sound is amplified for five minutes.
- Good Success: Target sound is amplified for fifteen minutes
- Great Success: Target sound is amplified for thirty minutes
- Amazing Success: Target sound is amplified for one hour.
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"Anteoculatia" (an-TEE-oh-coo-LAY-sha) | Transformation |
Causes antlers to grow out of the head of the target of the jinx. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration Class | Duration: Permanent until untransfigured or otherwise removed |
- Any Success: Antlers grow from the target's head. Success levels may determine size of antlers.
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"Ascendio" (ah-SEN-dee-oh) | Movement |
Lifts the caster high into the air, or propels the caster to the surface if underwater. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms Class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Up to 5 feet in the air.
- Good Success: Up to 10 feet in the air.
- Great Success: Up to 20 feet in the air.
- Amazing Success: Up to 50 feet in the air.
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"Garrulus" (GAIR-uh-luhs) | Mind |
Causes target to babble incoherently whenever they try to speak. Any attempt to cast magic with a vocal incantation while under the effect of this curse will result in a magical backlash, as if an Embarrassing Failure had been rolled. |
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Lasts for the remainder of the scene, or until countered with a Success or better.
- Good Success: Lasts for a day, or until countered with a Good Success or better.
- Great Success: Lasts for a week, or until countered with a Great Success or better.
- Amazing Success: Permanent, or until countered with a Great Success or better.
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"Depulso" (de-PUHL-so) | Counter-spell • Movement |
Sends a target (mostly) harmlessly away from the caster. The target is said to have been Banished. Can be used as a counter-spell to the Summoning Charm, sending a Summoned object back to its original location. While normal Banishment is limited by the size and weight of the target object, any Summoned object can be Banished with any success level, so long as the caster overcomes the success level of the summoner. Generally, only targets that could be physically moved by a single human adult can be Banished. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms Class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Banishes a small target (e.g. a cat, a footstool, a broomstick)
- Good Success: Banishes a medium target (e.g. a human child, an armchair)
- Great Success: Banishes a large target (e.g. a human adult, a twin bed)
- Amazing Success: Banishes a huge target (e.g. a queen-sized bed, a fully-packed steamer trunk)
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"Avis" (AH-viss) | Beast • Conjuring |
Conjures a flock of birds. The birds are shot from the caster's wand tip, accompanied by smoke and a loud blast that sounds like a gun being fired. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Transfiguration Class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Avifors" (AH-vi-fors) | Beast • Transformation |
Transforms a unintelligent target of Small or smaller size into a bird, or a collection of similar targets into a flock of birds. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Embarrassing Failure: Would you like toast with that? The target is transfigured into an egg, instead.
- Failure: Fizzle! Nothing happens.
- Success: Effects last for one minute, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Effects last for one scene, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Effects last for one day, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Effects are permanent until untransfigured.
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"Spiranabulla" (spee-RAH-nah-BOO-la) | Conjuring • Protection |
Creates bubble of air around the target's head, allowing them to breathe normally and safely when the environment would not otherwise allow it (e.g. being underwater). |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms class | Duration: One scene |
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"Exultus" (eks-ULL-tus) | Mind |
A spell that induces happiness in a person. The incantation must be spoken with pep and joy. One cannot successfully cast a Cheering Charm if one is sad (meaning that a sad person cannot use this spell on himself to cheer himself up). |
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms Class | Duration: Varies with success level. Happiness may continue of its own accord after duration expires |
- Success: Fleeting smiles (one minute)
- Good Success: Warm fuzzies (ten minutes)
- Great Success: Happy thoughts (one hour)
- Amazing Success: Fits of hysterical laughter (one to three hours). This is generally considered overdoing it.
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"Multicorfors" (MUL-tee-COR-fors) | Transformation |
Causes a target (or a specified part of a target) to change to a desired colour. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Permanent |
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"-creo" (-KRAY-oh) | Conjuring |
The Simple Conjuration Spell can be used to conjure a Small (or smaller) unintelligent target. Living things cannot be conjured with this spell. Only solid physical things can be conjured — conjuring liquids, gases, or energy requires specific spells suited to those tasks. The following roll modifiers apply. • -2 if the thing being conjured has separate, moving parts. The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what is being conjured. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if conjuring a cup, one might incant "Calixicreo". |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: Fifth Year Transfiguration Class | Duration: Varies |
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"Pulvino" (pul-VEE-noh) | Protection |
Creates an invisible cushion on an object or area. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms class | Duration: One scene |
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"Tarantallegra" (ta-RON-ta-LEG-gra) | Movement |
Forces the target creature or object to dance wildly. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Target dances for one minute.
- Good Success: Target dances for five minutes.
- Great Success: Target dances for thirty minutes.
- Amazing Success: Target dances for one hour.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target can dance if he wants to. He can leave your friends behind. (No effect.)
- Marginal Victory: Target dances for one round, suffering -1 to rolls.
- Solid Victory: Target dances for three rounds, suffering -1 to rolls.
- Crushing Victory: Target dances madly for three rounds, suffering -2 to rolls.
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"Deflecto" (deh-FLEK-toh) | Protection |
Considered the most basic form of hex deflection, this charm is commonly used in magical duels. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts / 1st Year Duelling Club (2 Cookies) | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Any Success: If the caster is victorious on the Opposed Roll, the attacking spell is deflected harmlessly away.
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"Descendo" (deh-SEN-doh) | Counter-spell • Movement |
Causes a target to descend or lower itself. This can be used as a counter-spell to Movement spells that lift a target into the air. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Any Success: Target is lowered to the ground. Objects at rest can be toppled in this manner, if the caster chooses not to lower the target safely. If the target is held up by magic, the caster must exceed the original Movement spell's level of success.
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"Engorgio" (en-GOR-jee-oh) | Counter-spell • Transformation |
Causes a target to grow in size. Sometimes called the Enlargement Charm or the Growth Charm. The counter-spell is the Shrinking Charm. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration Class | Duration: One scene |
- Success: Target grows half again its original size.
- Good Success: Target grows to twice its original size.
- Great Success: Target grows to four times its original size.
- Amazing Success: Target grows to ten times its original size.
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"Erecto" (uh-REK-toh) | — |
Erects a simple structure (e.g. a tent, a simple shelter, a very basic one-room building), provided that the materials are present. The structure is sound and will last until some other force dismantles it. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms class | Duration: Permanent |
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"Deflammo" (deh-FLAH-moh) | Counter-spell • Vanishment |
Puts out fires. Can be used as a counter-spell against most spells with the Fire keyword (not including the Fiendfyre Curse), but at a Difficulty of -2. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration (-2 vs. magical fire) | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Extinguish up to a brazier flame.
- Good Success: Extinguish up to a fireplace.
- Great Success: Extinguish up to bonfire.
- Amazing Success: Extinguish up to small house fire.
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"Perfusorius" (PER-foo-SOR-ee-us) | — |
Makes an object more lightweight. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: One scene |
- Success: Object's weight is reduced to 50% of its original weight.
- Good Success: Object's weight is reduced to 25% of its original weight.
- Great Success: Object's weight is reduced to 10% of its original weight.
- Amazing Success: Object's weight is reduced to 1% of its original weight.
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"Incendio" (in-SEN-dee-oh) | Conjuring • Fire |
Conjures fire. This is one of the most commonplace and useful spells in the wizarding world. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Conjures up to a small flame, enough to light several candles or a torch.
- Good Success: Conjures up to a medium flame, enough to light a fireplace.
- Great Success: Conjures up to a large flame, enough to light a bonfire.
- Amazing Success: Conjures up to a huge flame, enough to light a small house on fire.
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"Ignis Inermus" (IG-nus ee-NER-mus) | Fire • Protection |
A spell that makes fire harmless. Instead of burning, it feels like a warm summer breeze. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: The fire remains harmless for fifteen minutes.
- Good Success: The fire remains harmless for one hour.
- Great Success: The fire remains harmless for one scene.
- Amazing Success: The fire remains harmless until it is extinguished.
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"Flagrate" (flah-GRAH-tay) | Fire |
This spell creates a burning trail in the air or on a surface. The flames are warm, but will not burn. The caster may write or draw with this fire, shaping and directing it with his or her wand. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms class | Duration: Up to an hour (cast may dispel the writing at will) |
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"Pellicius" (peh-LEE-see-us) | Transformation |
Causes a target to grow a coat of fur all over its body. When cast on furry creatures, their coats grow longer and thicker. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Permanent |
- Any Success: Target grows fur. Thickness may vary with success level.
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"Contineo" (kon-TEE-nee-oh) | — |
Allows an object to be more easily gripped. The Gripping Charm revolutionized the design of the Quaffle. It allowed for players to hold, throw and catch the ball with one hand, which eliminated the need for straps or finger holes. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: One scene |
- Any Success: The target object is more easily gripped. The the object is designed to be held in the hand (e.g. a sword, a pen, a handbag, etc.), the holder gains +1 to resist any effort to remove the object from the hand.
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"Singultio" (sin-gul-TEE-oh) | Counter-spell • Healing |
Cures the hiccoughs. Considered a counter-spell if the hiccoughs are magically induced. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Levioso" (leh-vee-OH-soh) | Movement |
Causes a target to hover in mid-air. A hovering objects cannot be controlled with this spell, and is subject to drift about if pushed or knocked by outsides forces, such as a breeze. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Fifteen seconds |
- Success: Hovers an object up to 5 pounds in weight.
- Good Success: Hovers an object up to 20 pounds in weight.
- Great Success: Hovers an object up to 50 pounds in weight.
- Amazing Success: Hovers an object up to 100 pounds in weight.
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"Glacius" (GLAY-shus) | Conjuring • Water |
This spell conjures ice. It can freeze targets, put out fires, or even create structures out of ice. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Varies with success level. |
- Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a cat.
- Good Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a human.
- Great Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a horse.
- Amazing Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a large automobile.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target gets a chill, but is otherwise unaffected.
- Marginal Victory: Only part of the target is frozen, such as a limb. The target can try to break free after one round with a Body roll, requiring the same degree of success as the original spell roll.
- Solid Victory: The target is frozen solidly in place.
- Crushing Victory: The target is frozen solidly in place, and all attempts to counter the spell or break the ice are made at -2.
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"Illegibilus" (ih-LEH-jih-BIL-us) | Mind |
Bewitches text to make it unreadable. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Targeted text is illegible for up to one day.
- Good Success: Targeted text is illegible for up to one month.
- Great Success: Targeted text is illegible for up to one year.
- Amazing Success: Targeted text is permanently illegible, or for any length of time decided by the caster.
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"Impedimenta" (im-PED-ih-MEN-tah) | Movement |
Impedes forward motion, slowing or stopping an object or individual. This can effectively immobilize the target for a short time. Powerful castings can even knock a target off their feet. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class / 1st Year Duelling Club (2 Cookies) | Duration: Ten seconds, or through the following round if in combat |
- Success: Target's movement is slowed, inflicting -2 to any roll requiring physical motion through the next round.
- Good Success: Target's movement is slowed, inflicting -4 to any roll requiring physical motion through the next round.
- Great Success: Target's movement is halted, preventing any physical motion through the next round.
- Amazing Success: Target's movement is halted, preventing any physical motion through the next round, and the target is knocked to the ground.
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"Digitus Wibbly" (DIH-jeh-tus WIH-buh-lee) | Transformation |
Causes the target's fingers to turn floppy and malleable, like a glove filled with jelly. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in the hands, but otherwise no effect.
- Marginal Victory: Only the target's primary hand is affected. Target suffers -2 to any rolls requiring the use of both hands, or -1 for one-handed activities with the off-hand.
- Solid Victory: Both hands are affected moderately. Target suffers -4 to any rolls requiring the use of hands.
- Crushing Victory: Both hands are affected severely. Target suffers -6 to any rolls requiring the use of hands.
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"Flipendo" (flih-PEN-doh) | Movement |
A fairly simple spell that knocks a creature back away from the caster. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Knocks the target away with mild force, up to a few feet.
- Good Success: Knocks the target away with moderate force, up to ten feet.
- Great Success: Knocks the target away with strong force, up to twenty feet.
- Amazing Success: Knocks the target away with powerful force, up to fifty feet.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The target feels a strong shove, but is otherwise unaffected.
- Marginal Victory: The target is knocked back, but remains standing.
- Solid Victory: The target must match the spell's success level on a Body + Reaction roll, or be knocked down.
- Crushing Victory: The target is knocked down.
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"Alarte Ascendare" (ah-LAR-tay a-SEND-da-ray) | Movement |
Causes a small target (no bigger than a breadbox) to launch up into the air and land unharmed. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Up to 5 feet in the air.
- Good Success: Up to 10 feet in the air.
- Great Success: Up to 20 feet in the air.
- Amazing Success: Up to 50 feet in the air.
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"Aliumauro" (AL-ee-um-AW-roh) | Plant |
Causes leeks to sprout out of a target's ears, leading to trouble hearing, and likely some embarrassment. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms class | Duration: Permanent |
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"Locomotor Mortis" (LOH-koh-moh-tor MOR-tis) | Binding |
Binds the victim's legs together. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: One day |
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"Wingardium Leviosa" (win-GAR-dee-um leh-vee-OH-sah) | Movement |
With a swish and flick of one's wand the target is levitated. The levitation direction and height can be controlled by the caster. This spell works primarily on objects, but is not very effective against living creatures. At best, a powerful Levitation Charm might lift a person or animal a few feet into the air. But there are much more useful spells for levitating humans. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Concentration |
- Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 10 lbs.
- Good Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 50 lbs.
- Great Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 100 lbs.
- Amazing Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 200 lbs.
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"Colloportus" (cuh-loh-POR-tus) | Locking |
A very simple spell to lock a door, or to seal a door that otherwise has no lock on it. |
Skill/Roll: Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Permanent, until unlocked |
- Success: Target door is locked, and can be opened with a key or by picking the lock. A door without a lock is wedged shut, and can be forced open with a Body roll.
- Good Success: Target door is locked, and cannot be unlocked by mundane means. A door without a lock is wedged shut, and can be forced open with an Opening spell, or a Body roll at -2.
- Great Success: Target door is locked or wedged shut, cannot be unlocked by mundane means, and Opening spells suffer -2 to unlock it.
- Amazing Success: Target door is locked or wedged shut, cannot be unlocked by mundane means, and Opening spells suffer -4 to unlock it.
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"Locomotor" (LOH-koh-moh-tor) | Movement |
Lifts an object a few inches off the ground and moves it to a location specified by the caster (up to 100 feet away, or within the same building). The incantation is typically followed by the name of the spell's target (e.g. "Locomotor trunk"). This spell cannot be used on a living target. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: Fourth Year Charms class | Duration: Until target reaches destination |
- Success: Moves a target object weighing up to 50 lbs.
- Good Success: Levitates a target object weighing up to 100 lbs.
- Great Success: Levitates a target object weighing up to 200 lbs.
- Amazing Success: Levitates a target object weighing up to 500 lbs.
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"Reparo" (reh-PAH-roh) | Transformation |
Seamlessly repairs broken objects. This spell cannot repair the magical function of broken magical items, including wands. It is illegal to use this spell on people or animals, as it can result is serious scarring or disfigurement. This spell cannot restore an object broken down by natural weathering. If there are pieces missing, the roll suffers a -2 penalty, or -4 if one-quarter to one-half of the object is missing. If more than half of the object is missing, the spell will not work. Similarly, if the object has moving parts that are broken, the spell may suffer a penalty of -1 to -3, depending upon the complexity of the mechanics. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: A target object up to the size of a book is repaired.
- Good Success: A target object up to the size of an office desk is repaired.
- Great Success: A target object up to the size of an automobile is repaired.
- Amazing Success: A target object up to the size of a building is repaired.
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"Oblitero" (oh-BLEE-teh-roh) | Vanishment |
Erases markings made within the last hour, including writing, doodles, and footprints. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Obscuro" (ub-SKYOO-roh) | Conjuring |
Conjures a blindfold over the target's eyes, preventing them from seeing. The blindfold is held in place magically, and cannot be physically removed. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Target is blinded for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Target is blinded for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Target is blinded for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Target is blinded for an hour, or four rounds if in combat.
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"Furnunculus" (fur-NUN-kyoo-lus) | — |
Causes a target to break out in boils or pimples. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: The blemishes last for one day.
- Good Success: The blemishes last for three days.
- Great Success: The blemishes last for one week.
- Amazing Success: The blemishes last for one month.
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"Herbivicus" (her-BIV-uh-cus) | Plant |
Causes a plant to grow at an accelerated rate. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Herbology Class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: The target plant flourishes instantly — a seed sprouts, fruit ripens, flowers bloom, an ailing plant springs back to health, etc.
- Good Success: The target plant achieves one month's worth of growth in one round.
- Great Success: The target plant achieves six months' worth of growth in three rounds.
- Amazing Success: The target plant achieves a year's worth of growth in six rounds.
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"Subvectio" (sub-VEK-tee-oh) | — |
A very common Charm (easily learned from a Ministry pamphlet) for identifying a residence or container as a post-drop, making the target a beacon for post owls looking to deliver letters and packages to any wizard living at the residence (or otherwise intended as a recipient for the drop box). A wizard can also attune the post-drop so the charm is only a beacon to certain owls. This charm can also be used on a letter or package to assign it to the listed address (but not a specific person), even if that address is not designated as a post-drop. Letters sent to Hogwarts students during the school year will be delivered to Hogwarts (delivered during the morning meal) unless specifically addressed to another post-drop. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One minute |
Training: Private study (0 Cookies) | Duration: Permanent |
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"Quietus" (KWI-uh-tus) | Counter-spell • Sound |
Reduces the volume of a sound. This is the counter-spell for the Amplifying Charm. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Target sound is quieted for five minutes.
- Good Success: Target sound is quieted for fifteen minutes
- Great Success: Target sound is quieted for thirty minutes
- Amazing Success: Target sound is quieted for one hour.
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"Reducto" (ree-DUK-toh) | Harmful |
A powerful curse that breaks objects to pieces. This spell cannot be used to target a living creature. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Charms Class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: The target object is broken into several chunks.
- Good Success: The target object is shattered into rubble.
- Great Success: The target object is reduced to dust.
- Amazing Success: The target object is pulverized with explosive force. Anyone standing within five feet must +roll Body + Reaction or be knocked to the ground.
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"Repleo" (reh-PLAY-oh) | — |
Refills a glass or small container with whatever drink it was last filled with. This is not conjuration, but rather a replication of the traces of drink still in the container. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Recedo" (reh-SAY-doh) | Movement • Ward |
Repels a moving object or creature, sending it harmlessly back in the direction it came from. The spell is only strong enough to repel small targets, up to the size and weight of a cat, quaffle, or thrown knife. Considered an Opposed Roll if used against a creature (vs. Body + Reaction) or a missile attack. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Aparecium" (AH-par-EH-see-um) | Revealing |
Cause invisible ink and other hidden markings to appear, whether hidden by magic or more mundane means. Higher success levels may be required for markings hidden by more powerful magic. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Rennervate" (REN-er-vait) | Counter-spell • Healing |
Awakens a sleeping or stunned target. It serves as the counter-spell to the Stunning Spell and similar effects, but is ineffectual against Dark magic. |
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by a single Stunning Spell.
- Good Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by up to two Stunning Spells.
- Great Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by up to four Stunning Spells.
- Amazing Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by any number of Stunning Spells.
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"Relashio" (reh-LASH-ee-oh) | Counter-spell |
Forces a person or object to release its hold on something. If used against a living target, make an Opposed Roll against the target's Body + Fighting. Similarly, if used against magical bindings, the caster must achieve a greater success level than the original casting. Can be used as a counter-spell to Binding spells. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class | Duration: Instantaneous |
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The target feels the pull of the spell, but maintains their grip. If it is a living creature being gripped, it may make an Opposed Body + Fighting roll at -2 to escape.
- Marginal Victory: The target is forced to release their grip.
- Solid Victory: The target is forced to release, and is pushed back several steps.
- Crushing Victory: The target is forced to release, and is knocked back several yards (+roll Body + Reaction to avoid being knocked prone).
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"Carpe Retractum" (KAR-pay reh-TRAK-tum) | Movement |
Creates a "rope" of light that can be whipped out to seize a target (thought it does not bind it), then whipped back with the intent is to pull the target to the caster, as a sort of cruder form of the Summoning Charm. The charm does not grant any additional strength to the caster, that could not be pulled with a normal rope cannot be pulled with this charm, either. If attempting to pull a moving target, such as a large creature, there is a serious risk of the wand being yanked from the caster's hand (likely requiring a Body + Reaction roll to keep hold of the wand long enough to release the spell), or even pulling the caster unceremoniously along with the target. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: Third Year Charms class | Duration: Until target is pulled or released |
- Embarrassing Failure: The wand is yanked from the caster's hand, flinging toward the target.
- Failure: The rope misses entirely and dissipates.
- Any Success: The target is successfully seized. If pulled through the air, +roll Reaction + Body to catch the pulled target.
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"Diffindo" (dih-FEEN-doh) | Harmful |
This spell is used to make precision cuts. It is generally used as a tradesman's tool for cutting relatively soft materials like fabric, or clipping plants. If used inappropriately, it can cut flesh and cause serious injury. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: The spell is strong enough to sever very soft materials, such as light cloth, paper, or hair (not recommended for haircuts).
- Good Success: The spell is strong enough to sever soft materials, such as heavy fabric, thick rope, or flesh.
- Great Success: The spell is strong enough to sever durable material, such as wood or bone.
- Amazing Success: The spell is strong enough to sever hard material, such as stone or metal.
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"Reducio" (ruh-DOO-see-oh) | Counter-spell • Transformation |
Causes a target to shrink in size. This is the counter-spell to the Engorgement Charm |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: One scene |
- Success: Target shrinks to half its original size.
- Good Success: Target shrinks to one quarter its original size.
- Great Success: Target shrinks to one tenth its original size.
- Amazing Success: Target shrinks to one hundredth its original size.
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"Periculum" (puh-RIK-yoo-lum) | Light |
Sends out red sparks from the wand, which shoot like fireworks or a flare gun. They can shoot up to a great height, and then hover in the air. This spell is commonly used as a signal that the caster is in danger and in need of assistance. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration+2 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Ten minutes |
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"Silencio" (sih-LEN-see-oh) | Sound |
This difficult charm renders the victim temporarily mute, unable to speak. Wizards are therefore unable to recite incantations, and can only cast spells non-verbally. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Victim is silenced for one minute, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Victim is silenced for five minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Victim is silenced for fifteen minutes, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Victim is silenced for one hour, or five rounds if in combat.
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"Arresto Momentum" (ah-REST-oh moh-MEN-tum) | Movement |
Slows or halts the movement of a target. This only affects the general motion of a whole target through space. It does not slow or prevent a person's motor functions. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Movement rate slowed by one-quarter.
- Good Success: Movement rate slowed by half.
- Great Success: Movement rate slowed by three-quarters.
- Amazing Success: Movement is completely halted.
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"Serpensortia" (ser-pen-SOR-tee-uh) | Beast • Conjuring |
Conjures a large snake from the tip of the caster's wand. Understandably, the summoned snake will be fairly agitated, and may attack the first person it sees. However, the snake is not under the caster's control. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: 24 hours |
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"Spongify" (SPUN-juh-fye) | Transformation |
Softens a target area or object, making it rubbery and bouncy. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Softens an object up to the size of a large book, or a 2 square-foot area.
- Good Success: Softens an object up to the size of a chair, or a 5 square-foot area.
- Great Success: Softens an object up to the size of an office desk, or a 10 square-foot area.
- Amazing Success: Softens an object up to the size of an automobile, or a 20 square-foot area.
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"Stupefy" (STOO-peh-fye) | Harmful |
Colloquially called a "Stunner," this produces a jet of red light that renders victims unconscious. Multiple Stunners from different sources can cause serious injury, even risking death. This spell is always an Opposed Roll (for unaware victims, roll Body + Presence). |
Skill/Roll: Charms or Dark Defense / +roll Charms or +roll Dark Defense | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class / 4th Year Duelling Club (15 Cookies) | Duration: Varies with success level |
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The spell is resisted or avoided.
- Marginal Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for five minutes, or one round if combat is ongoing.
- Solid Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for ten minutes, or two rounds if combat is ongoing.
- Crushing Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for fifteen minutes, or three rounds if combat is ongoing.
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"Accio" (AK-see-oh) | Movement |
Causes a target object or creature (but not a sentient Being) at a distance to fly through the air into the caster's hand or arms. The target must be able to be carried under normal human power. This is one of the few spells that does not require line of sight with its target. However, it does require the caster to be able to visualize the target and its location in his or her mind. In addition, if the target cannot be seen and pointed at with one's wand, it must be named with the incantation (e.g. "Accio broom!"), which most wizards tend to do habitually anyhow. If the target is being held by another person or creation, the caster must make an Opposed Roll of Mind + Presence against the holder's Body + Reaction in order to wrench the target free of the holder's grasp. Difficulty modifiers can vary. The following modifiers are cumulative: • +2 if target is extremely familiar to the caster (e.g. your own wand, a favourite book) • +2 if specific name of target is known (e.g. summoning a book by its title)*. • –2 if target is not in line of sight. • –2 if target has never been seen by the caster. • –4 if caster guessing at target's location. *Only applies if target has a proper name. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms (see below) | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with distance |
- Success: The target is successfully summoned, and will arrive as quickly as it is able. Objects can move roughly 100 feet per round if unobstructed.
- Good Success: Gain +1 to Opposed Roll to wrench target from a holder.
- Great Success: Gain +2 to Opposed Roll to wrench target from a holder.
- Amazing Success: Gain +3 to Opposed Roll to wrench target from a holder.
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"Vicissitudo" (Vee-SEE-see-TOO-doh) | Transformation |
Switches are partial transformations in which the features of two targets are swapped for one another. Switching Spells must be cast twice — once on each target to be switched — and both spells must be cast in the same scene. The effect only takes place after the second Switching Spell is cast. If either target is untransfigured, both are. The Greater Switching Spell can be used for switches on Medium (or smaller) unintelligent targets. Targets may be a specific part of a larger thing, such as a cart wheel or a window. The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative. • -1 if one of the targets is a living creature. • -1 for cross-species switches (switching features between two different living creatures). • -2 if either of the features being switched has moving parts. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 4 / +roll Transfiguration-1 | Casting Time: Two+ rounds (one per casting) |
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class (requires Lesser Switching Spell) | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incorrect, either switching the wrong part, or affecting the caster.
- Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
- Success: The transformation lasts for a twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
- Good Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
- Great Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
- Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.
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"Permuto" (pair-MOO-toh) | Transformation |
Switches are partial transformations in which the features of two targets are swapped for one another. Switching Spells must effectively be cast twice — once on each target to be switched, but only roll for the second one — and both spells must be cast in the same scene. The effect only takes place after the second Switching Spell is cast. If either target is untransfigured, both are. The Lesser Switching Spell can be used for switches on Tiny (or smaller) unintelligent targets. Targets may be a specific part of a larger thing, such as a nose or cup handle. Cross-species switches (switching features between two different living creatures) are not possible with this spell. The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative. • -1 if one of the targets is a living creature. • -2 if either of the features being switched has moving parts. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: Two+ rounds (one per casting) |
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incorrect, either switching the wrong part, or affecting the caster.
- Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
- Success: The transformation lasts for a scene, unless untransfigured.
- Good Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
- Great Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
- Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
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"Rictusempra" (ric-tuh-SEM-pruh) | — |
Produces a jet of silver light that causes a victim to become overwhelmed with a tickling sensation, causing them to buckle with laughter. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Spell's effects last for 1 round.
- Good Success: Spell's effects last for 2 rounds.
- Great Success: Spell's effects last for 3 rounds.
- Amazing Success: Spell's effects last for 4 rounds.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target gets a mild thrill. Otherwise, no effect.
- Marginal Victory: Target suffers -1 to all actions.
- Solid Victory: Target suffers -1 to all actions, and cannot walk more than a few steps per round.
- Crushing Victory: Target suffers -2 to all actions, and cannot walk at all.
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"Mimble Wimble" (MIM-buhl WIM-buhl) | — |
Binds up the target's tongue, making it very difficult to speak coherently. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Charms class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Spell's effects last for 1 round.
- Good Success: Spell's effects last for 2 rounds.
- Great Success: Spell's effects last for 3 rounds.
- Amazing Success: Spell's effects last for 4 rounds.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target's tongue tingles. Otherwise, no effect.
- Marginal Victory: Target suffers -1 to any roll involving speaking, including casting spells verbally.
- Solid Victory: Target suffers -2 to any roll involving speaking, including casting spells verbally.
- Crushing Victory: Target suffers -3 to any roll involving speaking, including casting spells verbally.
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"-fors" (-fors) | Transformation |
The Complex Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Medium (or smaller) unintelligent target into something else of Medium (or smaller) size. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry. The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative. • +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material. • -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature. • -1 for trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another). • -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts. *Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool) The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a chair, one might incant "Cathedrafors". |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class (requires Standard Transformation Spell) | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
- Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
- Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
- Good Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
- Great Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
- Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.
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"-fors" (-fors) | Transformation |
The Simple Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Tiny unintelligent target into something else of Tiny size. Trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another) is not possible with this spell. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry. The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative. • +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material. • -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature. • -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts. *Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool) The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a lizard, one might incant "Stelliofors". |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration+2 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
- Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
- Success: The transformation lasts for a scene, unless untransfigured.
- Good Success: The transformation lasts for six hours, unless untransfigured.
- Great Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
- Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
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"-fors" (-fors) | Transformation |
The Standard Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Small (or smaller) unintelligent target into something else of Small (or smaller) size. Trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another) is not possible with this spell. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry. The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative. • +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material. • -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature. • -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts. *Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool) The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a book, one might incant "Librofors". |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration+1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Transfiguration class (requires Simple Transformation Spell) | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
- Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
- Success: The transformation lasts for a scene, unless untransfigured.
- Good Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
- Great Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
- Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
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"Mobiliarbus" (MOH-bil-ee-AR-bus) | Movement • Plant |
Uproots and levitates a tree (can also be used for other plants) safely to a new location, which must be dug out ahead of time. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Herbology class | Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Target is mobilized for five minutes.
- Good Success: Target is mobilized for fifteen minutes.
- Great Success: Target is mobilized for thirty minutes.
- Amazing Success: Target is mobilized for one hour.
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"Vellauris" (vell-OR-is) | — |
Causes the target's ears to twitch. This is essentially a harmless spell used for practicing purposes, such as learning basic wand technique, and practicing Shield Charms. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+2 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: A few seconds to a few minutes |
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"Alohomora" (ah-LOH-hoh-MOR-ah) | Counter-spell • Opening |
This spell unlocks locked doors. This is the counter-spell to the Locking Spell. |
Skill/Roll: Charms | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Charms class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Nox" (nox) | Counter-spell |
This is the counter-spell to the Wand-Lighting Charm, and will extinguish the light instantly. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class | Duration: Instantaneous |
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"Lumos" (LOO-mohs) | Light |
Illuminates the caster's wand tip with an ambient white light, suitable for illuminating up to a ten-foot radius. Can also repel spectral foes such as Gytrashes and malevolent spirits. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class | Duration: One scene |
Some variants have been developed to change the color of the light:
- Pink — "Lumos Rosea" (LOO-mohs roh-SAY-ah)
- Red — "Lumos Rubeo" (LOO-mohs ROO-beh-oh)
- Orange — "Lumos Luteo" (LOO-mohs LOO-teh-oh)
- Yellow — "Lumos Flavus" (LOO-mohs FLAH-vus)
- Green — "Lumos Viridus" (LOO-mohs vuh-RID-us)
- Blue — "Lumos Caerulo" (LOO-mohs kah-ROO-loh)
- Purple — "Lumos Ostrinus" (LOO-mohs OS-tree-nus)
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"Aguamenti" (AH-gwah-MEN-tee) | Conjuring • Water |
Shoots a jet of pure water from the tip of the caster's wand. Can also be used to fill a receptacle with water. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class | Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Up to the force of a garden hose, or enough water to fill a large bowl.
- Good Success: Up to the force of a garden hose with spray nozzle, or enough water to fill a wash basin.
- Great Success: Up to the force of a fire hose, or enough water to fill a large bathtub. Can cause damage or knock target down (victim rolls Body + Reaction to stay upright).
- Amazing Success: Up to the force of a crashing wave, or enough water to fill a swimming pool. Will cause damage and will knock target and surrounding things down.
RP Hooks
- Deal with Destiny: Dipper is remarkably good at both Divination and Arithmancy, and this is one of the common favors she trades.
- Trading Favors: If you need something from another Slytherin that you don't have a personal in with, Dipper's the place to start. If she doesn't know them, she might know someone else who does.
- Control Freak: She gives the appearance of being lax, but that's only when she's reasonably certain she's in control of things…
- Fair-Weather Friend: She sees no reason to be mean to anyone who hasn't earned it, but there's not a lot of reasons she'll put herself out there for someone either.
- Favor Trader: Despite her lack of skill, this is her real talent.
- Vindictive Prankster: If you cross Gusti, you will regret it. Sooner or later.
- Wealth: Comfortable: Though the Dippets have some prestige, her dad isn't really anyone special.
Logs featuring Augustina | Logs that refer to Augustina |
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Armando "Decker" Dipper the Tenth |
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Nyreen Eliza Dippet (née Lowe) |
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Armando "Leven" Dipper the Eleventh |
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Amadeus Luigi Dipper |
There are no pre-existing relations I'm actively seeking right now, but I do have some Open for Creation under family.