
This character is retired, and is no longer in play.

Green Thumb
Portrayed by Q'orianka Kilcher
Name: Briar Rebecca Crocker
Aliases: B, Tiger
Birthday: February 22nd, 1921
Position: St. Mungo's Gift Shop
Lineage: Native American - Half-Blood


Briar is a young woman with a tom-boyish demeanor. She has warm luster copper skin, sparkling coal black eyes, stands about 5'7" tall, and is approximately 118 pounds. Her hair is double braid with a part down the middle of her scalp her hair usually can be found with traces of freshly plucked flowers weaved within the strands or sometimes a silver dragonfly barrette is used to pull her bangs out of her eyes it's a carefree better things to do than worry about hair.
Lately her eyes and poise has taken to reflecting a certain sort of peace and inner-confidence that seems to be newly developed and reflective of her Native American heritage. With the passage of time, much has changed, but quite a lot has remained the same. She has lost the vast majority of her baby fat, but her face remains essentially the unchanged. Her cheeks still remain high and rosy in hue, just as her full smile remains brilliant, though she has thinned a little. Her body, without the excess fat, proves to be quite athletic and lithe - but age has added feminine curves to her profile.


Briar was born on a reservation to a poor Native American couple that loved her enough to give her up for adoption hoping for her to have a better life. Her adoptive family treated her like she owed them something. Eventually they just started ignoring her. They had her sister, Lynn, to tend to. When she was seven her father came in to have a talk with her. It was then that she was told that his company was moving and they'd be moving to England. Briar hated London. She spent most of her time getting dragged about town by her mother who nagged constantly. One day she stumbled into the Leaky Cauldron by accident, looking for something to eat. Mid way through meal she was interrupted by something dropping into her bowl. It was a letter from Hogwarts, and a pleasant lady soon arrived to explain. She was a Muggle Liaison for the Ministry of Magic and looked forward helping Briar prepare for her new life. She was well aware of how estranged Briar was from her muggle relations, and it was decided that Briar's family would not be vetted by the ministry and they would be kept in the dark at the existence of the wizarding world. As far as they are concerned Briar got a scholarship to one of the best boarding schools the UK has to offer. Shocked but please that Briar could earn such a scholarship they happily sent her off.


7 and a half inches inches, Ash, Slightly Bendy, with a Unicorn Hair core.


It was a bit amazing for this whole new world of education to be opened up to Briar. She went from being a barely passing student at the Muggle Schools to being quite the academic at the Wizarding School. Finally all of the strange things that made her think she was crazy made perfect sense. Her love of gardening escalated into a deep passion when she had her first Herbology lesson. The knowledge of plants did give her an edge when it came to Potions. Her affinity for Animals translated well come third year in Care of Magical Creatures. The only class she had slight trouble in was History of Magic. What really stunned Briar was when she received something else the summer before her fifth year with her list of books and items. It was a notification that she was to be Prefect for her beloved house Hufflepuff. She stayed on to complete her NEWTs in Herbology and Charms, receiving an O and E respectively.

The warm-hearted and hard working girl that Briar used to be has blossomed fully as a result of the acceptance and understanding she received in the Wizarding World. She took on a job at St. Mungo's as a florist in the gift shop. Working hard to prove to Gringotts that she's worthy of the loan to start her own shop. She's determined to make the best of her life now that she's found her place in the world, and even though her family has moved back to the States when Britain declared War, she remains. The friends she's made at Hogwarts became more her family than her adopted family. She's hopeful for the future and prepared to work to bring it into existance, to help others and to do the best she can.

Report Card

Classes Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7
Astronomy A A A A A
Charms A A A E E E E
Defence Against the Dark Arts A A A A A
Herbology E O E O O O O
History of Magic P P P P A
Potions A A E E E
Transfiguration A A A A A
Flying E
Care of Magical Creatures A A A
Muggle Studies E A E


  • Green Thumb
  • Sarcastic
  • Wealth: Well-to-Do

RP Hooks

Hospital Gift Florist - She works at St. Mungo's Gift Shop as a florist. Need a 'get well soon' gift?
Founder of the Mud Club - The Mud Club is her family. Even though she's graduated. She keeps an eye on the goings-ons and sends treats, money, whatever they might need that she can provide.


Logs featuring Briar Logs that refer to Briar



Peter Thomas Crocker
Father - Briar loves her Daddy, he's the only one in the Crocker family that didn't treat Briar like she was some charity case brought into the family. He treated her like a daughter. It made Briar mad however watching Margaret control him like she does. When she said they were moving back to the states when War was declared he agreed despite the fact that he really loved his job and London. She will miss her Daddy and hopes Margaret and Lynn don't drive him into an early grave.


Margaret Sharon Crocker
Mother - Materialistic bitch. She never much treated Briar like a daughter, or anything remotely resembling a familiar connection. Briar was always the poor little native baby that Margaret was so wonderful for taking in and giving a better life to.


Lynn Erika Crocker
Sister - The braniac, Lynn was brilliant and cast a pretty dark shadow over Briar. She has moved back to America with their parents and taken the gentry gent fiance with them. Draft dodging ponce.

Past Descriptions

Briar is a young woman with a tom-boyish demeanor. She has warm luster copper skin, sparkling coal black eyes, stands about 5'7" tall, and is approximately 118 pounds. Her hair is double braid with a part down the middle of her scalp her hair usually can be found with traces of freshly plucked flowers weaved within the strands or sometimes a silver dragonfly barrette is used to pull her bangs out of her eyes it's a carefree better things to do than worry about hair.
Lately her eyes and poise has taken to reflecting a certain sort of peace and inner-confidence that seems to be newly developed and reflective of her Native American heritage. With the passage of time, much has changed, but quite a lot has remained the same. She has lost the vast majority of her baby fat, but her face remains essentially the unchanged. Her cheeks still remain high and rosy in hue, just as her full smile remains brilliant, though she has thinned a little. Her body, without the excess fat, proves to be quite athletic and lithe - but age has added feminine curves to her profile.



Akilina Asmund Camilla Cassandra Colton Ealisaid Elly Gavin Linc Riddle Soleil Tim Wolfgang Zephyr
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