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Care of Magical Creatures is an elective course at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that can be chosen by students in their Third year. In the class, students learn about a wide range of magical creatures, from flobberworms to dragons, and even unicorns and thestrals. Students are taught about feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of these various creatures. The witches and wizards who succeeded in achieving an O.W.L. in the subject later could become Magizoologists.
Each particular subject roughly takes up two weeks time. Every class is two hours long.
In order to take Care of Magical Creatures at the N.E.W.T. level a student must have an 'A' Grade in their Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L.
Hogwarts Schedule
6 AM | 7 AM | 8 - 10 AM | 10 AM -12 Noon | 12 Noon - 1 PM | 1 -3 PM | 3 - 5 PM | 5 - 6 PM | 6 - 8 PM | 8 - 10 PM | 10 PM - 12 Midnight | 12 Midnight - 2 AM |
Wake-Up/Ready | Breakfast | 1st Period | 2nd Period | Lunch | 3rd Period | 4th Period | Dinner | 5th Period | Free Time to Lights Out | 6th Period | 7th Period |
Care of Magical Creatures Schedule
3rd Years | 4th Years | 5th Years | 6th Years | 7th Years |
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3rd Year Supplies
- Book: <Title>
- Book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander
- Parchment
- Quill
- Wand
- Beast, Being or Pest? - The three categories are gone over and determined at the end of the lesson in a Matching Quiz.
- Owls - Size: Small - With Owls being one of the listed pets allowed to be brought to Hogwarts without special permissions, their feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of is gone over in this lesson. The feathers of the Eagle Owl are also collected for Potion Class use. This lesson does not include the training of Owls for Postal Service. That comes later in the curriculum.
- Frogs & Toads - Size: Tiny - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this mundane class of animal is gone over. With Toads being one of the listed pets allowed to be brought to Hogwarts without special permissions, their feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of is gone over in this lesson. Proper extraction of Frog Brains are also gone over and the harvesting of frog toes as they are used in Potion making. It is also during this lesson that Giant Purple Toads are gone over and their warts are removed so they can be used in Potions Class. Horned Toads are also a topic of this lesson.
- Cats - Size: Small - With Cats being one of the listed pets allowed to be brought to Hogwarts without special permissions, their feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of is gone over in this lesson. Because this lesson is taught in October a Black Cat is the subject of the lesson.
- Dogs - Size: Small - While they may not be on the list of Hogwarts allowed pets, the Professor feels that since dogs are such a common pet at home that their feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of is gone over in this lesson. Dog tongue is used in potion-making. While they are similar, Crups are not apart of this lesson and are not subject of a lesson until later years. Because of their use in chasing Nogtails away from farms, an Albino Bloodhound is used as the subject of the lesson.
- Bouncing Spiders - Size: Tiny - There is a room deep in the Hogwarts Dungeon that is a breeding ground for Bouncing Spiders. Students cast The Freezing Charm, which instantly kills the spiders as well as preserves them. Grading on this assignment is based on the amount of spiders they have by the end of the lesson. After the lesson the spiders are given to the Potions Class to Juice.
- Sleigh and Carriage Hitching - The students are educated in how to properly and comfortably hitch certain animals up to sleighs and carriages. Yes, reindeer are one of the several animals and creatures in this lesson. Jingle all the way!
- Haliwinkle - Size: Tiny - These tiny magical sea creatures look small on the outside, but inside their shell there's enough room to house four tentacles that are several times larger and longer than the violet snail shell. Their pulverized shell is used in the Deflating Draught and their tentacles are a delicacy to eat by the wizarding elite. There is a small artificial tidal pool/tank that can be found in the dungeons. This is where this lesson takes place. First the care and maintenance of these creatures is gone over, before the humane harvesting begins.
- Puffskein - Size: Tiny - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this creature is gone over. The conversation that, though this pet is able to be thrown about, to refrain from doing so. Their shaved hair is used in Zygmunt Budges variation of the Laughing Potion.
- Fenny Snake - Size: Tiny - This magical beast lives in the fens (wetland) of Britain. The fillets of meat from this snake is a Potion Ingredient. It is non-poisonous and it has the ability to never sink even when dead and it can camouflage itself to the point of it's scales elongating and fraying out so that it looks like a tangle of wetlands grass.
- Fairy - Size: Tiny - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this creature is gone over. The Fairy molts their wings at this time of year, so they are collected by the CoMC students for the Potions Class.
- Flying Seahorses - Size: Tiny - In a 3 subject co-operative lesson; Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Potions Classes converge on the Shore of Hogwart's Black Lake and await the sun to hit the water. Normally these creatures have to be provoked to soar out of the water and into the air. But in the first weeks of spring in the morning when the sun hits the water near all of the entire population of Flying Seahorses leap about in seeming celebration that winter is over. The Charms class is there to practice the Seize and Pull Charm while the Potions Class goes over the Girding Potion. This is more of an event than a closed class so anyone above 3rd Year Charms class that isn't supposed to be in another class is welcomed to come fish!
- Golden Snidget Size:** Tiny - These round, golden feathered creatures were once used in Quidditch. They were used before the Golden Snitch was invented nearly a century later, close to being extinct because of the game (also being hunted for their feathers and eyes), when they were classified as a protected species. The class is taught the importance of making sure endangered beasts are continued to be defended and examples of how to assist.
- Flobberworms (Size: Tiny) & Horned Slugs (Size: Tiny) - The class combines with 1st Year Potions class and both are taken around the grounds and gardens of Hogwarts and are shown the Flobberworm and Horned Slug's preferred places of feeding and rest. The First Years find and point out any found worms and the Third Years collect. At the end of the class each first year receives one Flobberworm to take back to the Potions Class where they gently squeeze the worm so that it oozes Flobberworm Mucus out of both ends and then this ooze is carefully scraped into a receptacle jar. The worms are given back to the CoMC students after the collection of mucus is complete. The CoMC students during this lesson have been separating out the most mature Horned Slugs these slugs are given to the first year potions class and they are taught the proper way of stewing these slugs so they can be used as a potion ingredient is taught.
- Flabberghasted Leech - Size: Tiny - The magical flabberghasted leech will latch onto anything and suck key elements out of it. When they have had their fill they fall off and can be squeezed just right to expel the element. Sap from plants and trees, blood from humans and creatures, ore from metal objects. Their bite is completely painless and heals in a matter of minutes after hey have dislodged themselves. They can attach to anything (but enchanted glass) and are often used when collecting the precious blood from protected magical creatures like Dragons.
- Bat Size: Small - A well-known animal that is common in both the wizard and muggle world, it is not surprising to encounter them in shops or the wild. Bats are be particularly vulnerable to the Knockback Jinx, if a need to dispatch an aggressive one arises. Bat spleens can be used in potions, particularly in the Draught of Living Death, although the professor will mention it in passing rather get into the subject. Different types of bats will be discussed along with what they may be used for outside of potion making.
- Flitterby Size: Tiny - Magical moths with orange glowing wings that hum characteristically light and playfully when in flight, almost like if they were laughing. Heat is a way to attract them to one area. They are used in the Pompion Potion, being crushed into a pulp, and can be used to assist in practice with Quidditch.
4th Year Supplies
- Book: Nuisances and Necessities: Living With the Wildlife, by Diamantha Abbott
- Book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander
- Parchment
- Quill
- Wand
- Talon-Clipping Charm -
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- Ghoul - Size: Medium - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this creature is gone over.
- Imp - Size: Tiny - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this creature is gone over.
- Chizpurfle - Size: Tiny - This magical pest is one of the few creatures that the usual covering of habits and breeding cycle and the why they do what they do are forgone. It's the extermination of these pests that is focused on. This extermination comes in a few stages, so that all usable parts can be harvested. They are gathered and placed in a jar. The jar is similar to that of a canning jar with the detachable edge from the central disc. It is without the disc and in its place is stretched taught a piece of spider silk. The fangs of the Chizpurfle come loose easily when they bite and are left behind. With a wand lighting charm the pests are taunted to bite at the silk when the jar is on its side. When they sink their fangs into the silk the jar is righted up and the pest falls fangless to the bottom of the glass. The silk cloth is then removed and the fangs are shaken free into the collection container. Hopefully with no escapee Chizpurfles.
After the fangs have all been harvested the jars of pests are sent to the Herbology Class. Where the Venomous Tentacula lesson involves the feeding of the Chizpurfle. The students wait for the 7th Year Herbology lesson to be over so that they can collect the spitted up hard carapace the Venomous Tentacula heaves up after its meal.
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- Glumbumble - Size: Tiny - The Glumbumble is a furry grey insect that has a resemblance to a bee. They create a treacle which causes melancholy in whomever eats it. If they get into a beehive the results are very bad. Dark, secluded places is where they live, so of course there's a room in the Hogwarts Dungeon where they nest. The Treacle acts as an antidote to Alihotsy leaves. So it is carefully harvested by the class and delivered to the Hogwarts Infirmary and to the Potions Class.
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- Augurey - Size: Small - April Showers bring… Augurey hoarseness. These "Irish Phoenix" vulture like magical beasts were once thought to herald a death with their mournful sounding cries. Turns out they were only heralding the coming of some rain. The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this Irish native beast is gone over. The rainy month is picked for this lesson so that the student will have a chance to hear the legendary cry.
- Bowtruckle - Size: Tiny - Students in a special field trip take jars of Wood Lice and any unhatched fairy eggs to the Wand Weald in the Forbidden Forest wooded area around the Groundkeeper's Hut and try to appease the local bowtruckles.
Chizpurfle - Size: Tiny - This magical pest is one of the few creatures that the usual covering of habits and breeding cycle and the why they do what they do are forgone. It's the extermination of these pests that is focused on. This extermination comes in a few stages, so that all usable parts can be harvested. They are gathered and placed in a jar. The jar is similar to that of a canning jar with the detachable edge from the central disc. It is without the disc and in its place is stretched taught a piece of spider silk. The fangs of the Chizpurfle come loose easily when they bite and are left behind. With a wand lighting charm the pests are taunted to bite at the silk when the jar is on its side. When they sink their fangs into the silk the jar is righted up and the pest falls fangless to the bottom of the glass. The silk cloth is then removed and the fangs are shaken free into the collection container. Hopefully with no escapee Chizpurfles.
After the fangs have all been harvested the jars of pests are sent to the Herbology Class. Where the Venomous Tentacula lesson involves the feeding of the Chizpurfle. The students wait for the 7th Year Herbology lesson to be over so that they can collect the spitted up hard carapace the Venomous Tentacula heaves up after its meal.
Clabbert - For educational purposes the R.C.M.C. provide Hogwarts with a Clabbert so that they can see the glowing red pustule on their heads in action. It is only a demonstration and there is no actual harvesting. Even though the pustule is used in potion-making.
Diricawl - Size: Small -
Gnome - Size: Small -
Grindylow - Size: Medium -
Mooncalf - Size: Large -
Porlock - Size: Small -
Ramora - Size: Medium -
Re'em - Size: Huge -

5th Year Supplies
- Book: Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails, by Puck Wolfram
- Book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander
- Book: The Stunning Spheres of Submarine Symbiosis, by Calaneia Cram
- Parchment
- Quill
- Wand
Lobalug - This 10 inch deep North Sea worm like creature is comprised of a venom sac and a rubbery tube. Merpeople use the Lobalug as a weapon and part of this lesson is spent with the students under the water trying to convince the merpeople not to use the Lobalug on them, but to lend them the creatures so the venom might be harvested.
- Kneazle -
- Murtlap - A tank of these creatures are brought in for observation and care. Found on the coastal areas of Britain at the end of the care lesson the students are shown how to delicately handle these creatures and peel off the growth of tentacles from its back. These tentacles grow back and the process is painless. Pickled and plain tentacles are used in potion-making so they are sent to the Potions Class ingredient stores.
- Horklump - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this Scandinavian Pest is gone over. Because of the Pest type, the extermination of this animated fungus using Streeler venom is taught. After they have been dispatched they are sent to the the Potions Class so that those students can juice them for their potion ingredient stores.
Plimpy - Size: Tiny. The eyes are also harvested for the Potions Class ingredient stores.
Unicorn: Size: Medium. Their blood and horn are used in Potion-Making and their hair is used in potion-making and is one of the supposedly three best wand cores in existence.
Dugbog Size: Small. The Dugbog looks very much like a floating stick in the water. It floats around and waits for prey to come close enough to nip to death.
Billywig - This Australian Pest is discussed.
Bundimun - Within an enchanted aquarium tank some Bundimun are kept for observation. Attached to the tank is a tap and spout so that the Bundimun ooze or slime that collects at the bottom of the tank can be collected for Potions Class.
Red Cap
Salamander - Their blood is also humanely harvested.
Shrake - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this magical fish found in the Atlantic is studied. It was originally bred by wizarding fishfolk that grew upset with muggle fishfolk and their nets. A shrake actively seeks out muggle nets and destroys them and feeds off of the destroyed floating fibers. Their spines are used in Potion-making.
Doxy - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this magical Pest found all over Europe and America is gone over. For the hands on portion of the study a collection of them must be immobilized in their cage so that their Eggs can be gathered for Potion's Class Ingredient Stores. During this process while they are still immobilized special phials are used on their sharp teeth to harvest their venom which also goes to the Potions Class.

6th Year Supplies
- Book: Masters of the Wild, by Wilhelmina Wiggleswade
- Book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander
- Parchment
- Quill
- Wand
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- Blind Worm - This creature isn't a worm at all, nor is it blind, it is in fact a legless lizard with perfect lizard eyes and vision. It's tail is detachable and when threatened and detached the severed side of the tail has a bone stinger. The detached tail will twist about to stab it's opponent with the stinger and inject it with a poison that affects sight by way of blinding. This is why it is called a blind worm.
- Jobberknoll - A very old or very sickly Jobberknoll is brought into class and the Professor painlessly ends it's life to present to the students the phenomenon of it making every sound it's ever heard in reverse order. The feathers are then plucked to give over to the Potions class for the Memory Potion that is taught coinciding with this presentation.
- Owl Training - While the care of Owls was covered in a previous year, this is the year where students are shown how to train an owl so they utilize the owls full potential in being an excellent companion and post carrier.
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- Bicorn - It is brought in on loan from the R.C.M.C. during molting season so that Care of Magical Creatures and Potions students can see what the creature looks like before the horns fall off and then after the Potions Professor receives the two horns afterwards to add to the Hogwarts Potions stores.
The month of May is dedicated to the education of Winged Horse Breeds.
November 1st Lesson
November 2nd Lesson
December Lesson
January 1st Lesson
January 2nd Lesson
March 1st Lesson
March 2nd Lesson
April 1st Lesson

7th Year Supplies
- Book: <Title>
- Book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander
- Book: And How To Survive Them, by Newt Scamander
- Parchment
- Quill
- Wand
- Griffin - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of the Griffin is gone over. Along with the proper way of clipping Griffin Claws down so that they can be used for Potions Class ingredient stores without harming the creature.
- Graphorn - It is brought in on loan from the R.C.M.C. during molting season so that Care of Magical Creatures and Potions students can see what the creature looks like before the famous horns fall off and then after the Potions Professor receives the two horns afterwards to add to the Hogwarts Potions stores.
- Boomslangs Exhibition - For educational purposes the R.C.M.C. provide Hogwarts with a Runespoor that's about to molt so that Care of Magical Creatures students can watch the act. The rare shed skin is given to the Potions Professor to add to the potions ingredient stores. After the lesson is done the R.C.M.C. Agent takes the Boomslang back.
- Runespoors & Runespoor Egg Harvesting - For educational purposes the R.C.M.C. provide Hogwarts with a Runespoor that's about to lay it's eggs so that Care of Magical Creatures students can watch the act and so that the Potions NEWT students can collect the eggs and preserve them for Hogwarts Potions making. After the lesson is done the R.C.M.C. Agent takes the Runespoor back.
- Erumpent - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of this African Beast is gone over. No actual Erumpent is brought in but the fact that Erumpent tails, horns and the fluid within the horn are used in Potion-Making is discussed. The harvesting of these items without permanently harming the rare creature is explained theoretically.
- Cockatrice - The feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of the cockatrice is gone over. The Cockatrice also has fleshy cartilege along the edge of its beak. This can be easily peeled off or allowed to fall of (though it will be dry at that point) during mating season where the male of the species wants a nice sharp beak to fight off other males. These bits are called chicken lips in the potion-making world.
- Dragons - A dragon is something much too dangerous to bring to Hogwarts for any sort of exhibition. But the creatures are gone over in depth. This month it is a general focus on the species and the items and ingredients used in other magical doings such as gardening, crafting and potions. The rest of the year is used to do more focused study on the specific breeds of dragon.
WIP Notes below
CoMC Spells: ????
Full Body-Bind Curse
Fur Spell
Bewitched Sleep