Defence Against the Dark Arts Class
Classroom Description
The large cathedral-like windows in this room provide plenty of illumination to work by at the rows of old fashioned wooden desks, which seat two people each. The rooms itself has low, wooden beamed ceiling but still feels open and spacious thanks to the ample lighting and the large size of the space. Towards one end of the room an open space has been left for the instructor to walk about in, a blackboard covering most of the wall in that section of the room. In a corner of the instructor's area there is a small spiral staircase carved out of white marble that ends in a small balcony from which the instructor can observe the whole room without impediment as well as serving as the entrance to the D.A.D.A. office.
One of the seven Core Classes taught at Hogwarts. The class it taken by all students from First Year until Fifth Year. "D.A.D.A." teaches students how to protect themselves from Dark magic and creatures, from blocking hostile hexes to learning how to recognize and overcome werewolves and boggarts and other Dark creatures. Under Lestrange the curriculum is padded out with learning about some of the most infamous wizards of all time. It also some say quite controversially goes into some depth of the Unforgivable Curses in the NEWT level classes. Not enough to actually teach the students in the Dark Arts. Just enough however to have a healthy dose of respect and fear of most heinous spells known to wizarding kind.
Professors of Defence Against the Dark Arts: Galatea Merrythought (1895 - November 18th 1938), Arcadius Lestrange (November 21st 1938 - )
Each particular subject roughly takes up two weeks time. Every class is two hours long.
In order to take Defence Against the Dark Arts at the N.E.W.T. level a student must have an 'E' Grade in their Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.
Career Requirements
In order to be accepted into the Ministry of Magic's Magical Law Enforcement Department, a person must have received an "E" in Defence Against the Dark Arts along with "E" grades in four other O.W.L.s. If a person wishes to ever reach Inspector rank within the M.L.E. they must have an "E" grade N.E.W.T.s in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions.
Curse-Breakers must also have at least an "A" in Defence Against the Dark Arts at N.E.W.T. level to be accepted at Gringott's Wizarding Bank Curse-Breakers must also have passing O.W.L.s in Arithmancy, as well as N.E.W.T.s in Transfiguration, and Charms. Most importantly, nothing short of an "E" in N.E.W.T.-level Ancient Runes will be acceptable to the goblins.
The above entries are not the only career requirements. Make sure to do some research when figuring out report cards.
Hogwarts Schedule
6 AM |
7 AM |
8 - 10 AM |
10 AM -12 Noon |
12 Noon - 1 PM |
1 -3 PM |
3 - 5 PM |
5 - 6 PM |
6 - 8 PM |
8 - 10 PM |
10 PM - 12 Midnight |
12 Midnight - 2 AM |
Wake-Up/Ready |
Breakfast |
1st Period |
2nd Period |
Lunch |
3rd Period |
4th Period |
Dinner |
5th Period |
Free Time to Lights Out |
6th Period |
7th Period |
1st Year Supplies
• Book: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
• Parchment
• Quill
• Wand
- Gnomes
- De-Gnoming the Hogwarts Garden
- Knockback Jinx
- Laboratory on using the Knockback on Doxies.
- Doxies
- A spare Greenhouse is used for a lab on Doxy Egg collecting exercise as well as fang milking. It is also a test period on how well the Knockback Jinx was learned.
- Wand-Lighting Charm
- Wand-Extinguishing Charm
- Imp
- Students are responsible for the care and upkeep of their own Imp for 2 weeks. If the imp escapes it's a failure. If the imp inacts a prank the grade drops by one level.
- Gargoyle
- A treasure hunt like exercise where students must count the non-sentient Gargoyles of the Castle and come back with code words the sentient gargoyles have given the students. Each word is part of a clue that leads to a chest somewhere on campus. This chest has tokens of proof that the task was completed. The Count is 25% of the grade, gathering all the pieces of the puzzle is another 25% of the grade. Returning to the class with the token is 50% of the grade.
A fairly simple spell that knocks a creature back away from the caster. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: Knocks the target away with mild force, up to a few feet.
- Good Success: Knocks the target away with moderate force, up to ten feet.
- Great Success: Knocks the target away with strong force, up to twenty feet.
- Amazing Success: Knocks the target away with powerful force, up to fifty feet.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The target feels a strong shove, but is otherwise unaffected.
- Marginal Victory: The target is knocked back, but remains standing.
- Solid Victory: The target must match the spell's success level on a Body + Reaction roll, or be knocked down.
- Crushing Victory: The target is knocked down.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Instantaneous |
Illuminates the caster's wand tip with an ambient white light, suitable for illuminating up to a ten-foot radius. Can also repel spectral foes such as Gytrashes and malevolent spirits. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: One scene |
Some variants have been developed to change the color of the light:
- Pink — "Lumos Rosea" (LOO-mohs roh-SAY-ah)
- Red — "Lumos Rubeo" (LOO-mohs ROO-beh-oh)
- Orange — "Lumos Luteo" (LOO-mohs LOO-teh-oh)
- Yellow — "Lumos Flavus" (LOO-mohs FLAH-vus)
- Green — "Lumos Viridus" (LOO-mohs vuh-RID-us)
- Blue — "Lumos Caerulo" (LOO-mohs kah-ROO-loh)
- Purple — "Lumos Ostrinus" (LOO-mohs OS-tree-nus)
2nd Year Supplies
• Book: Dealing with Dark Arts: An Introduction to Defense and Deterrence by Meluvia Trump
• Parchment
• Quill
• Wand
- Jelly Fingers Curse
- Jelly Fingers Curse workshop using Imps as targets.
- Freezing Charm
- Freezing Charm Curse workshop using Pixies as Targets.
- Kelpie
- Kelpie defense workshop.
- Deflection Charm
- Deflection Charm workshop using it in practice duels.
Considered the most basic form of hex deflection, this charm is commonly used in magical duels. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts / 1st Year Duelling Club (2 Cookies) |
Duration: Instantaneous |
- Any Success: If the caster is victorious on the Opposed Roll, the attacking spell is deflected harmlessly away.
This spell immobilizes creatures or objects within a given area, preventing them from moving under their own power. Generally used on living things, it is also useful against objects with automatic functions. At least half of a creature or object must be within the target area to be affected by the spell. Any creature affected by this spell may make a free Body + Presence roll (this does not require an action) on their own turn each round to shake off its effects. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Three rounds |
- Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a one foot radius from the target point.
- Good Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 2 foot radius from the target point.
- Great Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 5 foot radius from the target point.
- Amazing Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 10 foot radius from the target point.
Causes the target's fingers to turn floppy and malleable, like a glove filled with jelly. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in the hands, but otherwise no effect.
- Marginal Victory: Only the target's primary hand is affected. Target suffers -2 to any rolls requiring the use of both hands, or -1 for one-handed activities with the off-hand.
- Solid Victory: Both hands are affected moderately. Target suffers -4 to any rolls requiring the use of hands.
- Crushing Victory: Both hands are affected severely. Target suffers -6 to any rolls requiring the use of hands.
3rd Year Supplies
• Book: Defensive Charms and Curses: A Compendium to Counter the Dark Arts by Tilly Tinderwick
• Parchment
• Quill
- Obscuring Charm
- Obscuring Charm Workshop in a practice duel setting with a partner.
- Red Cap
- Field trip into the Forbidden Forest. Cancelled until end of Centaur Conflict. Til the conflict is over a deep dark part of the dungeons is gone to to face the Red Caps that have taken up a place there. It is unknown the circumstances of the shedding of blood there.
- Kappa
- Professor Lestrange calls in a favor from a very good friend, who is the equivalent of the Care of Magical Creatures Professor at Mahoutokoro in Japan. The Japanese professor brings in a kappa and each student gets a chance to try to get the water out of the cup on the top of its head.
- Jelly-Legs Curse
- Jelly-Legs Workshop in a practice duel setting with a partner.
- Hinkypunk
- An area in the viaduct area is set up to be a boggy obstacle course with Hinkypunks.
Turns a Boggart from being worst fear into something funny, inducing the laughter necessary to banish it. |
Skill/Roll: Dark Defense 6 / +roll Dark Defense-2 (or worse, for particularly nasty fears) |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Instantaneous |
Jelly-Legs Curse |
"Locomotor Wibbly" (loh-koh-MOH-tor WIH-buh-lee) |
Transformation |
Causes the target's legs to become wobbly and collapse. |
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 5 / +roll Transfiguration-1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in the legs, but otherwise no effect.
- Marginal Victory: Only one leg is affected, inflicting a -2 penalty on rolls involving movement (including evading attacks).
- Solid Victory: Both legs are affected. The target collapses to the floor, and suffers -4 to any rolls involving movement (including evading attacks).
- Crushing Victory: Both legs are affected, and hopelessly tangled. The target collapses to the floor, and suffers -6 to any rolls involving movement (including evading attacks).
Conjures a blindfold over the target's eyes, preventing them from seeing. The blindfold is held in place magically, and cannot be physically removed. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 3rd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Target is blinded for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Target is blinded for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Target is blinded for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Target is blinded for an hour, or four rounds if in combat.
4th Year Supplies
• Book: A Light in the Dark: Intermediate Dark Arts Defense by Emuneth Hecklepoke
• Parchment
• Quill
• Wand
- Charmed Skeleton & Zombie Workshop
- Inferi Workshop
- Siccing Charm
- Snowball Wars - A bit of fun before Winter Break, the Professor takes the class out to the Training Grounds and splits the class up by Houses and they are given twenty minutes to erect snowy fortifications and construct as many cricket ball sized snowballs as they can before the War begins.
- Deflection Charm Review
- Deflection Charm Workshop
- Revulsion Jinx
- Revulsion Jinx Workshop
- Incarceration Jinx
- Incarceration Jinx Workshop
This spell conjures thick ropes, which then bind the target. The ropes will actively resist attempts to physically free the target for the duration of the spell (even attempting to tie cut ends), unless the caster wills otherwise. |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 5 / +roll Conjuration-1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: The ropes bind for one minute, or one round in combat.
- Good Success: The ropes bind for five minutes, or three rounds in combat.
- Great Success: The ropes bind for ten minutes, or five rounds in combat.
- Amazing Success: The ropes bind for twenty minutes, or 10 rounds in combat.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The target avoids being entangled by the ropes.
- Marginal Victory: The target is bound, but still has limited movement, suffering -3 to any attempts to move or cast a spell. Physically freeing the target requires a Body + Mind roll at the same penalty (meaning a target trying to free himself suffers the penalty twice, for -6 total).
- Solid Victory: The target is bound, but can manage very restricted movement, suffering -6 to any attempts to move or cast a spell. Physically freeing the target requires a Body + Mind roll at the same penalty (meaning a target trying to free himself suffers the penalty twice, for -12 total!).
- Crushing Victory: The target is completely bound and gagged, and cannot move or speak. The target cannot be physically freed until the spell duration expires.
Forces a person or object to release its hold on something. If used against a living target, make an Opposed Roll against the target's Body + Fighting. Similarly, if used against magical bindings, the caster must achieve a greater success level than the original casting. Can be used as a counter-spell to Binding spells. |
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Instantaneous |
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The target feels the pull of the spell, but maintains their grip. If it is a living creature being gripped, it may make an Opposed Body + Fighting roll at -2 to escape.
- Marginal Victory: The target is forced to release their grip.
- Solid Victory: The target is forced to release, and is pushed back several steps.
- Crushing Victory: The target is forced to release, and is knocked back several yards (+roll Body + Reaction to avoid being knocked prone).
Causes one or many small objects or creatures of the same type to fly through the air and attack a chosen victim. This spell can be cast on a single object, or a stack/pile/container of objects of the same type (causing all of them to attack). Just how dangerous the spell is depends upon what it uses to attack. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 or Dark Defense 6 / +roll Charms-2 or +roll Dark Defense-2 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Varies with success level. |
- Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for one round.
- Good Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for two rounds.
- Great Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for three rounds.
- Amazing Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for five rounds.
5th Year Supplies
• Book: Dueling with Dark Wizards: A Practical Guide to Advanced Defensive Spellwork by Mordelle Nott
• Parchment
• Quill
• Wand
- Lesser General Counter-Spell
- Lesser General Counter-Spell Workshop.
- Acromantula
- Snowball Wars - A bit of fun before Winter Break, the Professor takes the class out to the Training Grounds and splits the class up by Houses and they are given twenty minutes to erect snowy fortifications and construct as many cricket ball sized snowballs as they can before the War begins.
- Carman, the Celtic Witch - This disparaging witch roamed Ireland, destroying anything or anyone in their path with her three wicked sons named Dub (“Darkness” in Irish), Dother (“Evil”) and Dain (“Violence”). The Celtic Witch Carman put a terrible blight on Ireland’s crops and terrorized the Irish until the Tuatha De Danann, the “Peoples of the Goddess Danu,” used their good magic to fight and defeat her, and drove the witch and her off spring out to sea.
- Baobhan Sith - A particularly evil and dangerous female vampire from the highlands of Scotland who preyed on unwary travelers in the glens and mountains.
- Stunning Spell
- Stunning Spell Workshop
- Jelly-Brain Jinx
- Jelly-Brain Jinx Workshop
- Review for O.W.L.s
- Review for O.W.L.s
This is a general counter-spell that will end magical effects currently affecting one target. It cannot be used to counter a spell as it is being cast. This spell has no effect on spells that have a specific counter-spell named in their description. Notably, it is also useless for dealing with botched Transformation spells (this being the purview of the Transformation Repair Spell), and Weather spells (covered by the Weather Magic Counter-Spell). |
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: A single magical effect on the target is ended.
- Good Success: Up to two magical effects on the target are ended.
- Great Success: Up to three magical effects on the target are ended.
- Amazing Success: All magical effects on the target are ended.
Reduces a target's mental capacity, making it more difficult for them to think. |
Skill/Roll: Glamers 7 / +roll Glamers-3 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Varies with success level |
- Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
- Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
- Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
- Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in their head, but otherwise no effect.
- Marginal Victory: Target suffers -1 to rolls using the Mind attribute.
- Solid Victory: Target suffers -2 to rolls using the Mind attribute.
- Crushing Victory: Target suffers -3 to rolls using the Mind attribute.
Colloquially called a "Stunner," this produces a jet of red light that renders victims unconscious. Multiple Stunners from different sources can cause serious injury, even risking death. This spell is always an Opposed Roll (for unaware victims, roll Body + Presence). |
Skill/Roll: Charms or Dark Defense / +roll Charms or +roll Dark Defense |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class / 4th Year Duelling Club (15 Cookies) |
Duration: Varies with success level |
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: The spell is resisted or avoided.
- Marginal Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for five minutes, or one round if combat is ongoing.
- Solid Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for ten minutes, or two rounds if combat is ongoing.
- Crushing Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for fifteen minutes, or three rounds if combat is ongoing.
6th Year Supplies
• Book: Advanced Defensive Magic: Curses and Counter-Curses by Jerus Anedge
• Parchment
• Quill
• Wand
- Intruder Charm
- Intruder Charm Workshop
- The Dullahan
- Snowball Wars - A bit of fun before Winter Break, the Professor takes the class out to the Training Grounds and splits the class up by Houses and they are given twenty minutes to erect snowy fortifications and construct as many cricket ball sized snowballs as they can before the War begins.
- Disarming Charm
- Disarming Charm Workshop
- Myrus Odium Carrow - Graduated top of his class in Creature Lore in 1841, with high marks in herbology and charms. Not long after graduation, he became obsessed with learning about and researching dark creatures. The taming of such that started off as his own personal satisfaction to capture and control such creatures, once found out and reported, turned into his own private collection of hunting beasts. Such animals were used in conjunction with dark arts magic and the implimentation of planting very dangerous plants around his home, creating a natural fortress of sorts. When finally driven from his lair by teams of aurors, claiming his 'hand was forced' to use deadly force against several of them in 'self defense'. This would have landed him a permanent residence at Azkaban had he not fought down to the last dark beast he controlled, and ultimately his last breath.
- The Fachan
- Shield Charm
- Shield Charm Workshop
Disarms the victim of whatever is being held at the time. This spell can affect an opponent's wand. More powerful castings can have additional effects. This spell appears as a jet of red light. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 2nd Year Duelling Club (6 Cookies) / 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts |
Duration: Instantaneous |
On an Opposed Roll:
- DRAW: Target feels a mild tug, but is not disarmed. No additional effects.
- Marginal Victory: Held item lands a few feet away, and can be retrieved in one round. See Additional Effects, below.
- Solid Victory: Held item lands over a dozen feet away, and can be retrieved in two rounds. See Additional Effects, below.
- Crushing Victory: Held item lands far away, and can be retrieved in three rounds. See Additional Effects, below.
Additional Effects:
- Success: No additional effect.
- Good Success: Victim is knocked back a step.
- Great Success: Victim is knocked back a few paces, and must roll Body + Reaction to keep footing.
- Amazing Success: Victim is knocked to the ground, and must roll Body + Presence to remain conscious. Unconsciousness lasts for a few minutes, but may be countered with an Energizing Charm.
Detects intruders to an area and sounds an alarm. Intruders are defined as anyone not within the area of effect when the spell is cast. The spell must be cast upon an object which serves as the center of the area of effect. The area does not move with the object, and the effects end if the object moves outside of the area of effect. |
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes or Charms / +roll Ancient Runes or +roll Charms |
Casting Time: Five minutes |
Training: 5th Year Ancient Runes class / 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: One day |
- Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius around the target object.
- Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius around the target object.
- Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius around the target object.
- Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius around the target object.
A moderately difficult charm that deflects spells and physical attacks. More powerful castings can cause attacking spells to rebound, sometimes back at the attacker. Cast with a parrying motion of the wand. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 |
Casting Time: One round |
Training: 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class / 5th Year Duelling Club (10 Cookies) |
Duration: Instantaneous |
If the caster is victorious on the Opposed Roll, apply the following additional effects:
- Success: Physical attacks bounce away harmlessly, while spells are dissipated on the shield.
- Good Success: The attack is deflected, sending projectiles and spells hurtling away in a random direction. An opponent within arm's reach is thrown backward, and must roll Body + Reaction to land on his or her feet.
- Great Success: The attack is rebounded, sending projectiles and spells bouncing back at the attacker. The attacker must make a Mind + Reaction roll to avoid being struck by their own spell. An opponent within arm's reach is thrown backward, and must roll Body + Reaction -2 to land on his or her feet.
- Amazing Success: The attack is violently rebuffed, sending projectiles and spells bouncing back at the attacker. The attacker must make a Mind + Reaction -2 roll to avoid being struck by their own spell. An opponent within arm's reach is knocked to the ground.
7th Year Supplies
• Book: Understanding the Dark Arts: An Advanced Study of Dark Magic and Defensive Spells by Selma Goyle
• Parchment
• Quill
• Wand
- Harmful Spells
- The Unforgivables
- Shield Charm, Area Workshop
- Snowball Wars - A bit of fun before Winter Break, the Professor takes the class out to the Training Grounds and splits the class up by Houses and they are given twenty minutes to erect snowy fortifications and construct as many cricket ball sized snowballs as they can before the War begins.
- Spell Ward
- Spell Ward Workshop
- Greater General Counter-Spell
- Greater General Counter-Spell Workshop
- Review for N.E.W.T.s
- Review for N.E.W.T.s
This is a general counter-spell that will end all magical effects within an area, be they beneficial or harmful spells. It cannot be used to counter spells as they are being cast. This spell has no effect on spells that have a specific counter-spell named in their description. Notably, it is also useless for dealing with botched Transformation spells (this being the purview of the Transformation Repair Spell), and Weather spells (covered by the Weather Magic Counter-Spell). |
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 |
Casting Time: Two rounds |
Training: 7th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Instantaneous |
- Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to five feet are ended.
- Good Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to ten feet are ended.
- Great Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to twenty feet are ended.
- Amazing Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to fifty feet are ended.
Erects a lasting shield charm around a designated area, creating a physical, dome-shaped barrier that bars all passage and deflects spells. |
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 |
Casting Time: Ten minutes |
Training: 7th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: Twenty-four hours (or until caster dispels) |
- Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius dome.
- Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius dome.
- Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius dome.
- Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius dome.
Spell Ward |
"Salvio Hexia" (SAL-vee-oh HEX-ee-uh) |
Area • Ward |
Wards an area around a rune against dangerous magic. The rune must be written or carved by the caster prior to casting, and somehow secured in place. If the rune is moved outside of the protected area, the spell's effects are cancelled. Attempts to use spells with the Harmful keyword against any target inside the warded area suffer a -6 penalty. |
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 8 or Dark Defense 8 / +roll Ancient Runes-4 or +roll Dark Defense-4 |
Casting Time: Twenty minutes |
Training: 6th Year Ancient Runes class / 7th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class |
Duration: One day |
- Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius around the rune.
- Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius around the rune.
- Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius around the rune.
- Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius around the rune.