Divination Class

This page is under construction, and should not be taken as official material.


3rd Year


  • Introduction to Divination: The first month of lessons covers the various methods of divination. Dream interpretation, palm reading, tea leaf reading, tarot, and scrying. Students will have a Q&A session and each will be given a dream journal and told to record their dreams as practice for future lessons.


  • Omens and Superstitions A • B • C: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, starting with letters A through C. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions D • E • F: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters D through F. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions G • H • I: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters G through I. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions J • K • L: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters J through L. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions M • N • O: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters M through O. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions P • Q • R: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters P through R. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions S • T • U: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters S through U. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.


  • Omens and Superstitions V • W • X • Y • Z: A lecture on various omens and superstitions, letters V through Z. As homework, students will need to come up with / create an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in the lecture.

4th Year


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5th Year


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6th Year


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7th Year


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Divination Lesson Plan

Lesson 2: Omens and Superstitions A-M
A lecture on various omens and superstitions, starting with letters A through M.

Lesson 3: Omens and Superstitions N-Z
The second half of the lecture, covering the rest of the list. As homework, students will need to come up with an omen or superstition that wasn't covered in either lecture.

Lesson 4: How to Spot Omens and Superstitions
An open forum on how to find omens and superstitions in the world around us, as well as by using other means of divination (tea leaves, tarot, etc). Students will be instructed to keep an eye out for an omen and write about their experience.

Lesson 5: Omens for the Year
An open forum on omens and superstitions that can apply to the current and upcoming year. Students will discuss what they found and wrote about from the previous week's lesson.

Lesson 6: Lucid Dreams
A lecture on lucid dreaming and methods to induce control of your dreams. Students should have been keeping a dream journal already and have at least two dreams within. They will be instructed to have a third written down for the next lesson.

Lesson 7: Dream Interpretation
An introduction to symbolism in dreams. Students will then be paired up to use their dream dictionaries to interpret one of their partner's dreams. As homework, they will interpret a new dream they have between this and the next lesson.

Lesson 8: The Major Arcana
A lecture on the Major Arcana and the symbolism within. As homework, students will select a card from the major arcana they identify with and write a few paragraphs about why they chose that card.

Lesson 9: Tarot Readings
Students will be led through performing a basic tarot reading for their partner and how to interpret the result.

Lesson 10: Tea Leaves
Students will be instructed in reading tea leaves and how to interpret what they find there. They will read the leaves for their partners. As homework, they will be instructed to write a short essay on the similarities between dream and tea leaf symbolism.

Lesson 11: Scrying
A basic overview of scrying and various methods (crystal ball, mirrors, smooth pool of water, etc). Students will work with crystal balls and attempt to scry.

Final Exam:
Students will select a method of divination (dream interpretation, tarot, tea leaves, or scrying) and be paired with someone (a NEWT student or a professor) to divine something about that person. They will be graded on effectiveness and truth of the reading.

NEWT Lessons:
Lesson 1: Scrying for the New Year
Students will work in groups on their chosen divination methods to try to make predictions for the new year. They will document these predictions and they will be saved to judge accuracy at the end of the year.

Lesson 2: Advanced Tarot Spreads
Students will be taught more tarot spreads than the basic one they were taught originally. As homework, they will pick a spread and write an essay about the best situations to utilize that spread in and why.

Lesson 3: Advanced Scrying, Part 1
Students will be given mirrors and instructed to try scrying with them.

Lesson 4: Advanced Scrying, Part 2
A field trip will be taken to the lake and students will be instructed to take turns scrying in the calm waters. Homework will be to write an essay comparing the three methods learned (crystal ball, mirror, lake).

Lesson 5: Palm Reading
A lecture and hands-on instruction on palm reading. Students will read their partner's palms.

Lesson 6: Seers and Prophecies
A discussion on seers and how to interpret the prophecies they make. Also a discussion on recognizing true or false prophecies, self-fufilling prophecies, and how fufilling a prophecy can be avoided. Homework will be to write an essay on the topic.

Elective Discussion 1: Preferred Scrying Methods
Students will be in an open forum on their preferred scrying methods and why.

Elective Discussion 2: Tea Reading Workshop
Students will work amongst one another and with guided assistance on proper tea leaf reading. A good study session and highly recommended for those who need more help reading the leaves.

Elective Discussion 3: Tarot Workshop
A discussion on the minor arcana and deeper study into the meanings of reversed cards. Students will work with one another to do readings.

Elective Discussion 4: Scrying Workshop
Though primarily with crystal balls, mirror and basins of water will be provided as well in this workshop intended to help students better themselves at scrying.

Final Exam:
Students will be given a known prophecy to interpret and graded on how accurate they are. Students will also use their preferred method of divination to divine something past, future, or present on the professor and graded on accuracy (in the case of future divinings, grades will be given on how likely the prophecy is and how well they did the divination itself).

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