This character is retired, and is no longer in play.
Portrayed by Lorde |
Name: |
Esther Lowe |
Aliases: |
Em |
Birthday: |
16 September 1922 |
Position: |
W.A.D.A. Student |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood (Lowe/Crabbe) |
Esther Lowe is a disarming creature of the first order. At five foot two, the young woman is hardly going to catch the eye for her towering stature, and well under ninety pounds isn't going to be attracting snickers from her fellow students. What earns this bizarre young woman her reputation is the way that her smokey grey eyes seem to stare at, then bore right through whatever attracts them. They're unapologetic, sitting underneath two finely sculpted and lifted eyebrows, within two well defined and fine-boned sockets, joining with an unremarkable nose, and framed with lashes that are straightened, and only a little curled. Her lips are slender, not overstated, the 'cupids bow' elongated but not pronounced, and her chin is pert and almost cute-looking.
The gaze is only one of her well known features - The second is the long, unruly mess of beautiful brunette locks that tumbles down to the small of her back, and graces her shoulders. It's somehow knot free, but resists any and all means of long term (Or some short term) containment. Currently, it's unbound and free to bounce with every step, move, and gesture that the Esther might make.
Dressed for school, Esther has found her way into a tight, crisp white blouse fastened with a tie - Green, with silver in diagonal paired lines at regular intervals. The layer over the top that conceals her tie is grey wool, hemmed in the same green and silver - And from her waist, a plain, pencil skirt falls to just past her knees, ending in pair of neat black socks and polished black formal shoes. The outfit is completed by a heavier woolen robe, buttoned down the front with long, billowy sleeves that seem perfect for hiding anything and everything in. Her left breast proudly bears her house shield, and crest. Any curious students that try to glimpse beneath her skirt are only rewarded with a pair of cute black shorts.
Esther's far away from Hogwarts today, the slender girl dressed for comfort far more than style. Drawing out the smokiness in her eyes, the dominating feature of her outfit is the grey woolen jersey that's pulled over her top, the neck open enough to reveal how delicate the bones of her neck and collar are, while still keeping her modest and relatively warm. Tight black pants cover her slight legs, ending in a pair of uncomplicated black shoes.
Esther Lowe is the only child of Anthony Lowe and Wilheminia Lowe nee Crabbe. A pure-blood by birth, while she was fed the occasional bit of prejudice, she was by and large grateful for her birthrights - The money, the house-elf, the bloodline were all perks that she appreciated, and enjoyed without guilt. Her fascination with the muggle world was short lived - Beginning with their newspapers, and then becoming obsessed with playing 'Muggles' with her cousins (A game where one would pretend to have no magical powers). When they moved away, she found herself finding other ways to pass her time, alone while her father worked on his career and her mother accomplished housework, while staring into the mirror, trapped within the confines of Grappenhall, Cheshire.
There was little else to do but escape. First, her escapism would come from brush and ink, painting the world as she wished she'd see it — Gardens filled with laughing children (It looked kind of like it, okay!?), skies lit up with bright suns and dragons, and a figure with flyaway hair and big, expressive eyes, always in the middle of it. Stories would join it - Tales of where she'd 'been', what she'd 'done', who she'd 'been' for a day, a week, a month. Sometimes she'd spend whole days as someone entirely different - Penelope Goyle-Williams, an American half-blood. Patience Fletcher, a muggleborn thief. Dunwill Malfoy, a murderer who used his money and connections to escape conviction.
It came to pass that her parents realised this bizarre behaviour, stepping in almost immediately and crushing her dreams — Her paints, gone, her ink and quill taken away, left only with the sounds of nature. Her imagination took them, transforming them into symphonies, written for her one night, invitation only performance. While she at no point forgot who she was, it was simply easier, more entertaining for her to be someone else.
Hogwarts, much to her parents surprise, put her straight immediately. With other children, with challenges, with things to learn, her mind turned to her studies and she buried herself in them so deeply that her parents finally had a reason to feel proud. She appeared as something of a know it all, combined with the glasses she used to wear, earning the dislike of her fellow students - Something that only intensified as her stares developed intensity, curiousity. She struggled to learn anything and everything - Finding herself memorising potions and charms, dedicating herself to practicing in her dorm.
It wasn't until her second year that she found that there was nothing to stop her brush, her ink or her free thought. She's even stopped (publicly) pretending to believe and be things that just aren't real, Her next few years passed in relative ease — Proving quite adept at most of the schools of 'real' magic' (Divination and her have a complicated relationship). Charms, Potions and Transfiguration proved to be easy strong suits.
- Not Always Always There - Sometimes it seems like her mind has gone partially or wholly absent, leaving her wonderfully distant and/or esoteric.
- Unruly Hair - Esther's bountiful hair has been a constant since she was born. Her theory is that her mother was experimenting with self-beautification potions when she was conceived, and that's why her hair literally fails to respond to cutting, dying, more or less any physical alterations. Physical restraints, like hairties, don't last long, if at all.
- Wealth: Well-To-Do (Old Money) - Esther is from a pure blood family that are living off the riches of days long past. The 'used' items she has, the textbooks that are handed down, are all of exceptional quality. They cannot afford to buy often, but they definitely buy well.
- Wealth: Well-To-Do - Having distanced herself from her mother, Esther attracts a stipend from her Father and Grandparents, as well as living off the money that she's saved through the lessons she learned.
RP Hooks
- The Reckoning - Anything and everything to do with Alphard Black or Pringle will get her attention.
- Scholar Club - Completely Anonymous Study Group. Work on spells with/on other students. No grudges.
- Study and Schooling - Esther is a fiend for knowledge, and she loves to learn and teach. It's not a hard sell to convince her to join a study group, and she's happy to help others learn more.
- Dancing, Painting and Journalism!
- If You Speak, I'll Listen - Esther enjoys listening to others. It's how you learn.
- Blood - Esther has developed a morbid fascination with blood.
Esther's Effects
Esther's Bookbag
A slender black satchel that contains, at all times; Her relevant books, ten sheets of parchment, quills, inks, anything she's currently reading, two chocolate frogs, and six phials of potions, all clearly labelled. (Murtlap Essense, Pepperup Potio, Volubilis Potion, Wide-eye Potion, Sleeping Draught, Peaceful Draught).
Notable Additions;
Myrus' 'Dragon' Ring
Zayn and Esther Sketch - "The sketch is a picture of the two of them, dancing close to each other, though in the sketch the two of them have their lips locked in a deep kiss, his hand on her face." ~Zayn
Esther's Easel
Esther's Easel is a well lacquered and well cared for frame. The sill is hollow underneath, a shelf for paintbrushes and paints that have been blended with the necessary potions to perform Living Images.
For those who have never seen Esther angry, this is about as close as they're like to get. Drawn on a 2' by 1' canvas, the girl is at one of the more thin points in her life, her skin not quite drawn but her fine bones easily visible. Her steel-grey eyes are narrowed, her bountiful dark hair pushed back out of her face, cascading down her shoulders. Shoulders squared, she stands with her feet shoulder width apart, arms outspread. She's in uniform, too - The Slytherin emblem, the green and silver tie. One hand grasps her wand, lightning dancing from it's tip, arcing to the ground beneath her, and off the edge of the painting. Her other holds a sword, inspired by one of the many that the armor around the castle clasp, flat towards the viewer. Fire wreathes the blade, tickling the loose sleeve of her robe but failing to burn it. Inscribed on the blade is her signature, '~EL.'
1' square(?) painting. Amalgamation of Myrus and Alphard, looking like he's on the attack.
A memory captured on a 1' square of canvas, the Black Lake is a sea of perfect calm, the perspective clearly from the Hogwarts side of the lake. The detail is minor, barely two inches high - Two figures on a broom, one leaning forward, the other leaning into the 'rider,' hair blowing behind them. The passenger's feet are dipped lightly into the water, causing the smallest disturbance upon the peaceful lake. '~EL' is hidden in the corner of the sky.
A 4'x3' painting done over the holidays, it's quite simply Esther. Her first ever attempt at doing a nude painting was done before a mirror, and on a somewhat whimsical bent, she's painted herself exactly as she looked whenever she paused to check her 'model.'
Her eyes are strangely the most engaging part of the painting. They're betraying wonderment, embarassment, curiousity and determination all in one wide-eyed shot. Her lips are pursed just a little, as if she's stuck in consideration, half of the girl blocked by the elegant oak easel and the canvas upon it. Her hair is behind her, flowing down her back in a bountiful, glorious dark river that refuses to be caged, or controlled. Esther looks almost innocent, despite the nature of the painting.
Half her torso is obstructed by the canvas, although the symmetry makes it easy to guess what she hasn't painted. Her long, delicate arm lifted with brush in hand, thinking of her next stroke, her slender shoulders and the graceful line between them and her neck. The detailing of her collarbone, the gentle, incredibly modest swell of her bare breast, slight trembling of the brush visible in the grain of the painting.. Her stomach is still a little concave. dipping in beneath her ribcage, and then flaring the slightest amount for her hip. The easel interferes here, one of the legs shielding the apex of her thighs - But not the pleasing line the juncture of pelvis and thigh creates. The painting stops at her knee, creamy thigh painted in careful detail. It's on her own 'skin' that Esther has signed, a delicate '~EL' denotes it as her own work.
This is a romantic scene, to say the least. It's based off a sketch, so the lines and stylisations aren't perfectly 'Esther', but she's made it very clear regardless. Two figures, paused mid-dance - The slender female's hand upon his lower back, indenting his olive robes, her other upon his shoulder. His upon her slight hip, the emerald green of her silk dress bunched a little around his grip. Firelight flickers over the pair. It's revealed where his other hand is a moment later, cupping the delicate cheek of his dance partner, cradling it, as their lips meet in what can only be a deep, satisfying kiss - Her abundant hair tumbling down her back, his own wild hair tickling her cheeks as the two embrace. With eyes closed, the real hint to the boys identity is the lovely tan hint his skin has. Any Slytherin could tell you that this is Zayn Shafiq, kissing the /shit/ out of Esther Lowe.
Logs featuring Esther |
Logs that refer to Esther |
Esther's Journal Entries |
Others' Journal Entries About Esther |
Sic Semper Evello Mortem Tyrannis I'll know you better when I rub noses with you. For now, know that I don't trust you. Evil
The greatest lie you can tell is one that inspires others to think you tell the truth. Freedom will be sold - So pass out the Blindfolds. We're out of place, and out of time… And the lucky ones all die heroes. Esther's always had a mild mistrust of Silas, even when she confided in him. He got through to her at last, memories of his conversation inspiring her to forgive Jenny and make new friends (Sybil) by offering them nothing but the truth. Unfortunately, before she could tell him this, he made a massive grab for power, at the expense of Esther, Medusa and Lucretia, backed by Jenny, as ever. His true colors have been revealed, new trust shattered beyond repair - Melilflua is now an enemy. Unfit to rule a straight line, much less Slytherin.
I feel sorry for anyone who has to wield their body to feel relevant. Will you be remembered for being handed around Hogwarts like a Silver Arrow, or your skill on the aforementioned? I would doubt; but I could never surrender. Try and break me down, but I won't let you win. You can call me out, but I know you're a pretender. Esther's trust and promise to never play games, was earned through sweet words and affection. From broken trust, Jenny took things a step further when she, along with Silas and Dastan, called her out in public - Airing Slytherin Issues in public, slandering Lucretia, Medusa and Esther in one fell swoop. Oddly Appropriate Theme
Big Sister - Medusa is the Queen, which is enough to put Esther on edge - Legacies like that are hard to stand up to. There's mixed feelings from how Medusa lifted Esther up, protected her, and then left her out in the cold without warning - Although Esther does admit that some of her actions, out of context, could have caused that. While she's mildly terrified of some aspects of Medusa, she generally does like the woman - And what she thinks of Esther is important to her. Theme?
Big Brother - What we have is perfect. Douglas is the inappropriate big brother that Esther used to hope she always had. He seems to genuinely care about her despite how he may act and speak, and she's started to emulate (And admittedly hero worship) him in some ways. If not for him, things with Medusa might never have smoothed over. She trusts him implicitly.Theme - It couldn't be anything else.
Little Sister Lucretia is the cousin of her cousin, but that would have had no impact. Esther initially befriended Lucretia as a tactical angle against Alphard, but found the girl more than sweet - Actually finding herself caring for her, enjoying the time they spend together. They're becoming good friends, despite the age gap - Esther thinks of her more as a surrogate sister than a friend these days.
You showed me what love is - But not how to tell the difference between the types. Myrus and Esther were an item for a while - And they both seemed incredibly committed. What she'd wanted to feel for him - What she'd forced herself to believe every moment of their time together - Flowed freely for another, and ended their relationship. The messy breakup became the talk of Hogwarts, with a few notable victims. Esther's cried more than her fair share for Myrus, who changed and changed and changed again. Her efforts of forgiveness were instructed by Medusa, who stepped in with her own punishment in lieu of Esther, when Myrus tried to bait her and went too far - By hurting Lucretia. Theme
My Knight; I couldn't save you. I won't lose anyone else. Long term mentor and friend, when they kissed the earth moved - And Esther was forced to confront her feelings in a very real and sudden way. Unfortunately, he's a half-blood, and wrote a document that guarantees that they could never consider a relationship - Not to mention the open conflict with Slytherin. How much she misses him is something she keeps a secret close to her chest.
You love him better than I; I expect no less commitment. Esther wants to slap Julian for what he has done to this lovable girl. There's no bitterness in knowing that he chose /her/. Musidora, like Esther, has lost the ability to see the world for what she wants it to be - And Esther has extended the olive branch. She's confident that Muse will do anything that she's asked.
Why did you cover for me? Andromena is a beautiful mind. What she is doing with Alphard was beyond Esther's guess, but after the two bonded some in the library it became a little more clear. Esther likes her an unusually large amount, but is wary of her. That being said, when she said something stupid, possibly devastating in the presence of Variel… She covered it.
A Frightening Experiment. Esther's never trusted someone so readily since Jenny, and look how well THAT turned out. Still, she's doing this for Silas - To test his theory. Should she trust more? Or is Sybil another name she'll learn to curse each night, before she goes to bed. The brush that was used to tar Silas somehow left Sybil squeaky clean.
You're a brave lad… But I'm far beyond saving. Gage is a brave lad, in his own way. Esther feels /very/ guilty that she was required to humiliate him - Even though she warned him well ahead of time. Gage doesn't seem to hold it against her, considering her a friend - A sentiment she tries to share. Theme
I can see what you want in your eyes, whenever you think I'm not paying attention. The kind young man came back from the Sykes Gala changed. Obsessed with protection and strength, and getting what he wants by force. Variel stripped Esther down to nothing, taking advantage of her the way her mother once did - Realising that in her moment of weakness, she would do whatever she was told. This is a double-edged sword, breaking the young woman down while giving her the cathartic release she needs to continue.
Did you really fall in love? Gresham and Esther have a strange relationship. They're both Scholarly types, and Esther even managed to convince him to engage her in an unregulated duel. Now, with her promise of a Scholar's Club, Gresham seems VERY interested.
For what it's worth… I'm sorry. Truly, deeply sorry. After taking Myrus from her, and then cruelly attacking her next 'interest', Esther doesn't know how to feel about Elizabeth. The girl has always been a little weird - And that's Esther talking. Her refusal to be involved thus far keeps her far from the inner circle. Friend - Sorrow
The most beautiful of intentions, marred by flawed execution. Tom Marvolo Riddle is an adorable young man who has taken on the responsibility of ensuring that Esther, who is normally absent from meal times, eats. He suggests foods, places to sit, and is her guiding light out of being underweight and to becoming a little more filled out. Probably essential, in Scotland. Weirdly volunteered his friends Calig and Niles to help him ensure that Esther is taking care of herself. While she would love for him to be a knight, he's too young.
I'll not throw you under a broom, if you'll show me the same kindness. Peyton cut Esther down to size on the Alphard issue, and reinforced the idea that becoming a monster to defeat him wasn't worth it. Still, the 'good natured ribbing' makes her wonder - Is this what a Frenemy is? Friend - Kindness
Who /wouldn't/ carry murtlap everywhere? Esther's encounters with her have been brief. She's one of the only students who guessed that Esther's bruise came from Alphard, and at least helped to tend it.
Love Of My Life. Zayn played the game brilliantly, convincing Esther of his good intentions and getting her guard to lower until it completely failed. She's not just mildly infatuated with him - She thinks she's in love. But she knows better than to call him her Knight. Zayn's influence is becoming visible upon her though.
You are as you've always been. Somewhere between evil, and pathetic. Esther's vendetta against what she calls the 'Mad Dog' ended suddenly when her mind was turned to a deeper evil. She'll still undermine, insult and otherwise dislike him, but she'll stay her hand from his execution for now. She's aware of his cowardly side, although she hasn't seen it first hand. Mostly these days, she feels sorry for him. Conceitedness Theme (Sorry for the AMV)
What do you /want/? Vincent is an indoctrinated child Magijugend zombie.
Check me out all you will. I'm not yours for the Taking. Marcus is a bit of a flirt, and a mediocre dancer. Esther likes his company well enough, but she wouldn't trust him as far as she could throw him.
Muddyline? That's just cruel. Madeline is far too busy being a muggle to ever really be a witch. Esther isn't particularly pleased that the girl is at school, but neither is she truly upset with the idea.
If you're interested in suggesting stupid ideas, perhaps you'd like to try a flying charm off the castle roof. The search party is over faster. Lucinda is a bully. Esther is bigger - Well, older - Than her. Consequently, the two don't get along.