So you've got your character all finished and approved. You're ready to hit the grid. Your character is just itching for some role-play. But how to go about finding some? It can feel daunting sometimes, leaping into a new game, or even a new character on a familiar game. Here are some suggestions on how to make RP happen for you.
1. Don't Be Shy
This can be the hardest hurdle for some players. Many of us are simply not the type to put ourselves out there. All we can suggest is that if you don't, you won't get role-play. Generally speaking, RP comes to those who seek it. We do have some great community members that will go out of their way to draw in new players, but often we don't know people are looking for RP until they ask for it.
Don't get discouraged if this doesn't work every time. There are a bajillion reasons people might be logged in yet unavailable for RP. It doesn't mean they're avoiding you or that they'll never want RP.
2. Be Specific
Okay, so you've made the leap and asked on Public channel if anyone wants to RP. But you're not getting any bites. One thing you can do to increase your odds is to change up your approach. Instead of…
<Public> PirateSpice says, "Hey, anyone want to RP?"
…try something more specific. Try to inspire people with a suggestion for a scene, such as…
<Public> PirateSpice says, "I'm headed to the Leaky Cauldron to sing some drinking songs. Anyone care to join me?"
<Public> PirateSpice says, "Potions class is about to get chaotic! Come join the fun!"
This tells people that there is a specific scene about to happen, and gives them some idea about whether they'd be interested. For those players with multiple alts, it also informs them about which character they might want to bring along. Vagueness breeds apathy, while specificity piques curiosity.
3. Use the Tools
There are a variety of tools available to help you get into RP, but the tools are only helpful if they're used. The two most important ones are the +events and +rp tools.
The +events tool is best used when planning a scene in advance, such as a special festival, or a plot you have planned. It gives people time to plan ahead, often days in advance.
The +rp tool is a great way to advertise a scene that is presently active. It tells people what is going on and where, serving as an open invitation to join in the fun.
Whether you're trying to attract people to your own event, or looking for events your character can be involved in, using +events and +rp can greatly expand your opportunities. For more details on using these tools, see +help +events and +help +rp in game.
4. Update Your Wiki Page
The wiki is a major part of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not an optional tool like many other MU*s. Your wiki page is a great place to get people excited about your character. Showing off an interesting background and some solid RP Hooks (this section is blank on way too many character pages) can stir up interest in getting to know your character. Keeping your Relationships updated will bring repeat viewers to your page — everyone loves to see their own characters appearing. When you do updates, be sure to include some notes in that box at the bottom of your edit page labelled "Short description of changes". A lot of people glance over the Recent Changes page to see what's new, and whatever you put in that box will appear for them to read, possibly drawing their interest enough to click that link to your page.
Spend some time filling out that page. An incomplete page can send a message to other players that you're not very dedicated to your character. Most players won't pursue RP with a character that appears to be "mothballed."
If you need help with the wiki code, just ask. PirateSpice and many other players are happy to help. Also, check out Optional Code for some ideas to spruce up your page.
5. Log Your Scenes
When you do get RP, log that scene, and post it on the wiki (assuming it is fit for public consumption). This serves as a handy record of your character's history, useful to both yourself and others. It shows people what kind of stories your character is involved in, and may draw in others who want to be involved as well. If nothing else, it shows that your character is active. Seeing only a few logs under "IC Events" (or none at all) on a character's page seems to indicate an inactive character.