Magical Sport - Knock'M

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This game was created by Linc Palancher in 1935 for the Summer Quidditch Camp. For those with knowledge of Muggle Sports, it's a bit modeled after what they call Dodge-ball. It is a game designed to train Beaters but still fun for anyone who enjoys a bit of danger.


  • Two Equal Sized Teams - If the teams are not equal - the smaller side gets first round initiative and one free swing. For the examples of this game the team names are Silver Team and Gold Team.
  • Create Center Line - Down the center of the play area draw a line or stretch out a rope, or any such way of marking the center of the playing field with equally sized areas on either side. ((This is just fluff for RP!))
  • 2 Bludgers per every Player - 6 players means 12 bludgers, 4 players means 8 bludgers.
  • Pitch Set-Up - To help keep teams organized and to aid a visual of who's in game and who's out during the game:
    • Team 1 aka Silver Team - Type: penter D1
    • Team 2 aka Gold Team - Type: penter D2


Stage 1: Initiative

@wait 1=ooc [ansi(hc,Silver Team:)]
@wait 2=+roll/force <SilverPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction
@wait 3=+roll/force <SilverPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction
@wait 4=+roll/force <SilverPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction
@wait #=ooc [ansi(hy,Gold Team:)]
@wait #=+roll/force <GoldPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction
@wait #=+roll/force <GoldPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction
@wait #=+roll/force <GoldPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction

Roll opposed rolls to determine Tie-Breakers.

+roll <SilverPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction vs <GoldPerson>=Broomflying + Reaction

Stage 2: +Rolling

The person with the best Initiative rolls first themselves entering their desired target in <Target> below:

+roll <Beater>=Beater vs <Target>=Broomflying

Then the second best +rolls, third best, etc. Going from best to worse.

  • Embarrassing Failure: Every person with an Embarrassing Failure gets knocked off of their broom and is entirely out of the game. Damage:4 Any strike at the bludger is a complete wiffle and misses entirely. Type: 'ooc I'm KNOCKED OUT OF GAME.' and then type: 'pleave', exiting to the stands is optional.
  • Failure: Every person with a Failure gets Tagged either by the Beater targeting them or a Wild Bludger that's nomming about looking for a victim. After typing: 'ooc I'm OUT!' move on the 'pitch' to the Outta-Play column (E), type: 'pmove E#' Where # is your teams row. The Failure must pose the Referee calling them OUT! and pose leaving to the sidelines. If it's the beater that fails they connected bat with a bludger but the aim is way, way off.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The Beater's bludger strikes the broom not the rider. Broom Damage: 1. Target is still in the game. One person from the Target's Team can return to the game. The Target Types: ooc <Name> RETURN! The Next Round that person can re-enter their teams spot on the pitch by typing: 'pmove D#' Where # is the teams row.
  • Marginal Victory: In the Beater's Favor: The bludger strikes the target in a graze. The Target must pose the Referee calling them OUT! and pose leaving to the sidelines. In the Target's Favor: The Target is able to block the bludger and one person from the Target's Team can return to the game.
  • Solid Victory: In the Beater's Favor: The bludger strikes the target hard. Leading to a mild injury giving a Damage:1 and -1 to rolls for the rest of the game. This penalty and damage stacks. The Target must pose the Referee calling them OUT! and pose leaving to the sidelines. In the Target's Favor: The Target is able to block the bludger and one person from the Target's Team can return to the game.
  • Crushing Victory: In the Beater's Favor: The Target is knocked off of their broom and is out of the game entirely and the go to the stands or mediwizard station. Damage:4 In the Target's Favor: The Target is able to block the bludger and one person from the Target's Team can return to the game.

If a person is hit it doesn't matter if they are grazed just a hint or hit hard, they go to the sidelines. Referee will call "<PERSON> OUT!" This is to be included in the Outted player's pose and is reliant on self policing. OOC cheaters will be reprimanded by the MU's Administration.

If they are knocked off their broom they are out of the game and the go to the stands or mediwizard tent.
A foul will be called on anyone that knock a bludger at the person that's already out. That person also goes to the sidelines.
If/when a team member knocks someone else out to the sidelines the Captain of the Team calls a team mate back from the stands. "<PERSON> IN!"

This is a no holds barred event, if the entire team wants to gang up on one person until they've been hit, so be it. But keep in mind about fouls! This game does take strategy. Do you go for the vets or the newbies first?
The Team that knocks the last opponent out wins.

For Fun Prizes: Whatever the teams agree upon before the game, from Chocolate Frog Cards to Dessert at Hogwarts Feast or Butterbeer at the Pubs!

Quidditch Camp Prize: Team's Names on the Golden Bludger Trophy.

Cheating & Fouls

Over The Line

If you cheat and go over the line you get a +5 to your next Beater Roll. However the Referee gets a contested roll:

+roll <Referee>=Awareness vs. <Cheater>=Stealth

  • Embarrassing Failure: If Cheater is the Crit Failure: They fall off their broom while trying to be sneaky. If the Referee is the Crit Failure: The Cheater can get two cheats for the price of one off, with no second awareness roll.
  • Failure: If Cheater is the Failure: They were so busy trying to be sneaky they didn't see an incoming bludger and get tagged. Cheater gets sent OUT. If the Referee is the Failure: The Cheater can get two chances to cheat for the price of one off, however a second awareness roll is required.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The Cheater gets caught before the cheat is done and aborts the attempt. No bonus. No dismissal.
  • Marginal Victory: If the Referee wins: the Cheater is caught after the bludger is sent. Cheater gets +5 to Beater Roll but is sent OUT right afterwards by Referee. If the Cheater wins: +5 to Beater Roll and Cheater stays in the game.
  • Solid Victory: If the Referee wins: the Cheater is caught before the bludger is sent, the Cheater gets sent OUT. But they can still come back when applicable and are still in the game. If the Cheater wins: +5 to Beater Roll and Cheater stays in the game.
  • Crushing Victory: If the Referee wins: the Cheater is caught after the bludger is sent. Cheater gets disqualified and is removed from the game entirely. If the Cheater wins: +5 to Beater Roll and Cheater stays in the game.


Purposefully going for the Target's head is considered a foul. The result of any successful hit using this foul will see the target knocked off their broom and sent out of the game. The Referee gets a contested awareness roll before the Beater rolls to see if they strike their target.

+roll <Referee>=Awareness vs. <Cheater>=Stealth.

  • Embarrassing Failure: If Cheater is the Crit Failure: They fall off their broom while trying to foul. If the Referee is the Crit Failure: The Cheater can get two cheats for the price of one off, with no second awareness roll.
  • Failure: If Cheater is the Failure: They were so busy trying to be sneaky they didn't see an incoming bludger and get tagged. Cheater gets sent OUT. If the Referee is the Failure: The Cheater can get two chances to cheat for the price of one off, however a second awareness roll is required.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The Cheater gets caught before the cheat is done and aborts the attempt. No bonus. No dismissal.
  • Marginal Victory: If the Referee wins: the Cheater is caught after the bludger is sent. Cheater gets -4 to Beater Roll but is sent OUT right afterwards by Referee. If the Cheater wins: -4 to Beater Roll and Cheater stays in the game.
  • Solid Victory: If the Referee wins: the Cheater is caught before the bludger is sent, the Cheater gets sent OUT. But they can still come back when applicable and are still in the game. If the Cheater wins: -4 to Beater Roll and Cheater stays in the game.
  • Crushing Victory: If the Referee wins: the Cheater is caught after the bludger is sent. Cheater gets disqualified and is removed from the game entirely. If the Cheater wins: -4 to Beater Roll and Cheater stays in the game.

The -4 to the Beater Roll is for the 'called shot' effect of actively targeting the moving small-ish target of a head.
Now it's time to determine if the Target is struck:

+roll <Beater>=Beater-4 vs <Target>=Broomflying

  • Embarrassing Failure: If Cheater is the Crit Failure: They fall off their broom while trying to foul. If the Target is the Crit Failure: They fall off their broom while trying to dodge out of the way. The fall is bad for either and they are sent to the Mediwizard station. Damage: 4
  • Failure: If Cheater is the Failure: They were so busy trying to foul they didn't see an incoming bludger and get tagged. Cheater gets sent OUT. If the Target is the Failure: They fall off their broom. Damage: 2

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The bludger strikes the broom not the rider. -4 to the Target's next roll. Target is still in the game.
  • Marginal Victory: The bludger strikes the target in a graze to the head. The Target must pose the Referee calling them OUT! and pose falling from their broom because of the head shot. Boop Damage: 2
  • Solid Victory: The bludger strikes the target hard. Leading to a mild injury to the head giving a -1 to rolls for the rest of the game. This penalty stacks. The Target must pose the Referee calling them OUT! and pose leaving to the sidelines. BONK! Damage: 3
  • Crushing Victory: The Target is knocked off of their broom and is out of the game entirely and the go to the stands or mediwizard station. KERPOW! Damage: 4

Healing Damage

Some results have Damage: # after them. This is the amount of damage the Target sustained and it acts as a target number for the Healer on Site to reach. After the success or failure outputs there is a number in parenthesis: (#) Each roll is an hours worth of time.

So for example:
If Linc is knocked off his broom and suffers Damage: 4 he is out of the game and stuck with the Healers until he's at Damage:0.

Healer: +roll Charms-or-Potions

<FS3> Spleen rolls Potions: Good Success (3).

So the result is that Spleen heals 3 of Linc's Damage in the first hour. They can don't have to roll again as the last 1 point of damage will heal in the next hour. So it takes 2 hours for Linc's damage to be healed and be free to leave the Healer's care.

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