
This is a page dedicated to a list of Links to websites involving Witchcraft and Wizardry's theme. Such as: 30's slang, Harry Potter Resources, music of the era resources, information on WW2, and really just a plethora of places that have inspired me to make the game what it is.


New to MUSHing? We strongly recommending checking out this MUSHing 101 Tutorial.

MU* Clients

We recommend PotatoMU. It is similar to SimpleMU, but with additional functionality, and it's actually supported by the developer!

Potterverse Lore

Pottermore Wiki — A wiki devoted to documenting the information found on Pottermore. As everything here is book canon, it has become a more reliable source than the HP Wiki (albeit a less complete one). That said, our take on the HP universe will not always sync up with what is found here.
Harry Potter Wiki — Though this is a primary information source for the HP universe, take the information here with a grain of salt. They include everything from the books, movies, video games, and even the theme park. Our take on the HP universe will not always sync up with what is found on the HP Wiki.
The Harry Potter Lexicon — A very thorough encyclopedia of HP lore.
Pottermore — J. K. Rowling's own online HP site, providing an interactive exploration of the books and beyond.
Droo over on Is responsible for fleshing out many of the potions we have on the Potions page.

1930's and World War II Resources

East End Pictures, Pre, During and Post War
Pickering WW2 weekend
Wikipedia - 1937
1937 Timeline
The People History - 1937
Movies & TV
30's Slang
British Names by Era
Archive of LIFE Magazines

Era Clothing

1940's Ladies Fashion Repository
The Fedora Lounge
Vintage Textile
Dorothea's Closet Vintage
Ballyhoo Vintage Clothing - Separates
Ballyhoo Vintage Clothing - Outerwear
Ballyhoo Vintage Clothing - Dresses
Ballyhoo Vintage Clothing - Men's Clothing
reVamp Vintage Clothing - Women's Clothing
reVamp Vintage Clothing - Men's Clothing
Vintage Costumers
1930s Fashion on Pinterest
More Pinterest 30's Fashion
OMG That Dress!
Vintage Inspired Clothing
1930's Clothing on Etsy

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