Residence for Sale

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Location Details
Address: IC Address
Coordinates: G,1 - 7
Owner: Owner
Type: Type of Location
Wealth: Poor ($$)


An empty residence. The Hoxton neighborhood is a rather poor area and the residence reflects that to every nook and corner. Bare floors and walls are freshly scrubbed and painted. Several packing boxes are stacked here and there. The stringent scent of cleaning products and fresh paint is strong and ever lingering. This very small residence is one maybe two rooms; a living area and a sleeping area. Next to the front door are a simple coat rack and a shelf for mail and keys. The home opens up directly into a small common room area where only a low and worn counter separates the kitchen from the dinning space that will fit a table and chair set for a family of four maximum. Within the kitchen there is several beat up appliances such as a gas stove, sink, refrigerator. The floors are all hardwood, waxed and polished in a feeble attempt to hide all of the wear and tear the floor has suffered. Every home is slightly different in its lay out. A closet sized bathroom with a door out to the common room and another into the bedroom has a toilet that rattles and groans like a monster when flushed. The shower is only so big as to allow a large man to squeeze inside with the leaky shower head leveled only five feet high. The walls in the bathroom are stained with water damage from said leaky shower. There is no sink inside the bathroom. The available bedrooms, if any are small but if organized right could sleep a family of four, maybe more if some members are small. But there are always of course the necessary rooms and while some more rural country homes still have outhouses, most homes have indoor bathrooms. A sign in a front window says: 'For Sale'.


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