Residence for Sale

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Location Details
Address: K12 East Horizont Alley, Mysticked District, East End, London, England, United Kingdom
Coordinates: K,1 - 2 (S)
Owner: For Sale
Type: Residence
Wealth: Well-To-Do ($$$)


An empty residence. East Horizont Alley neighborhood in the Mysticked District is a comfortable working class residential area and the home reflects that to every nook and corner. Bare floors and walls are freshly scrubbed and painted. Several packing boxes are stacked here and there. The stringent scent of cleaning potions and fresh paint is strong and ever lingering. This home is comprised of several rooms. A mud room just inside the front door is lined with racks and storage space for outside wear and poor weather accessories. A narrow stair is just a few feet from the foyer. The home comes with a living room area with a fireplace (Floo Network-able) that's adjoined to a dining room, which is attached to a kitchen. Within the kitchen there is everything a witch or wizard could need to conjure up something to eat and drink. A sink with fresh spring water, the latest in ice box magical artificing: the Freezrigator, and a large hearth with plenty of iron appliances to accommodate cauldrons and pans of all shapes and sizes. There is storage space under any available stairway. The floors are all darkened ancient hardwood, waxed and polished in all shades of oak. Every home is slightly different in its lay out. But there are always the necessary rooms and at least one indoor bathroom. A sign in a front window says: 'For Sale'.

Required Wealth: Well-To-Do. Type: '+help +realty' in game.


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