(1938-02-26) Paladin's Challenge Round I - Eamon MacCaille versus Seamus Cavanaugh
Details for Paladin's Challenge Round I - Eamon MacCaille versus Seamus Cavanaugh
Summary: Eamon gets a rematch against Seamus.
Date: February 26, 1938
Location: Club Room
Related: Paladin's Challenge - 1937-38

Arriving a bit before the actual duel was scheduled to begin, Seamus got the stage all nice and prepared and a load of sweets for those watching have been placed on a couple small tables. The diminutive blonde Hufflepuff's shed his school robes and stands there in the rest of the uniform. His tie is neatly tied and every inch of his appearance is perfectly put together. Dark blue eyes flicker a little bit as he nibbles on a biscuit slowly.

Eamon likes to be on time, so he arrives promptly at the agreed upon time. He removes his robe and places it over the back of a chair, his school bag goes into the seat of it. "You ready there, Cavanaugh?" he asks amicably, approaching the small Hufflepuff.

Leonardo enters the room with all his usual pomp, walking directly to the stand, his eyes roving the room and those that are in it. He takes his time, walking around the stage to stand on the far side of it from the door his clothing is as immaculate as ever, his dark eyes taking in the world around him with calm detachedness.

"I am ready when you are." Seamus says nodding his head a little bit, and gets his wand out and smiles a little bit,"Don't try and go easy on me, or I'll do my best to make you pay." He says casually as he moves to take his position on the dueling stage.

"Go easy on ye?" Eamon laughs, and then offers Seamus a patronizing pat on the head. "I woouldn't think of it." He takes his wand out, twirling it on his fingers with easy confidence and then takes his own spot up on the stage facing his opponent.

Placing a hand up Leonardo does the customary question of readiness, and then reads out the rules, "… the combat will begin upon the count of three, at which time you will turn and bring for the vengeful wrath of your magics upon those who would seek to challenge your right to win this, the Paladin's challenge." The Head boy then begins the countdown, his words slow, a good bit of distance between numbers. "Three, two, one."

Lifting his wand in salute, Seamus takes his position and with a quick movement brings up his shield charm just in the nick of time. His blue eyes watch his opponent as he tries to decide what he should be doing right now.

Eamon is a creature of habit… not one to mince words— or spells, he brings his wand about with a flourish, and a calm, "Stupify," cast at Seamus. In the end, Seamus is faster, and his spell bounces, missing him narrowly. "I should rethink these things, half the time I end up stunning myself."

Deciding that unlike the last time that the match needed a more aggressive pace, Seamus' wand moves quick as he says firmly,"Stupefy!" A beam of red light shoots out from his wand towards Eamon. It's an oddly aggressive move for him really.

"Expelliarmus!" yells Eamon at the same time. The spell goes wide as Eamon hits the ground. One Gryffindor prefect, stunned again. He's probably getting used to that. He's probably also really glad Kimiko wasn't around to see. Maybe he can get sympathy out of her later.

The duelists chant their charms, the red flash of Seamus' wand sparks out just soon enough to send the green flash of light from Eamon's careening off to hit the ceiling. Eamon flies backward landing on the stage with a soft thump, cushioned by the quickly cast spell from Leonarod's wand. "Cavanaugh wins." He remarks in a droll tone of voice before walking over to revive the fifth year.

"Good match Eamon." Seamus says once the other duelist has been returned to his awakened state. He's there by the other prefect holding out a tray of biscuits,"Fresh biscuit?" He asks pleasantly. Yes. Losers must take biscuits!

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