(1938-10-15) Tears on the Stairs
Details for Tears on the Stairs
Summary: Niko and Janette run into each other on the stairs, Niko had skipped Breakfast and is blindsided by the news.
Date: 1938-10-15
Location: Moving Staircase, Hogwarts
Related: Rain Dance, Duel Declined, After the Challenge, The Gorgon's Warning Goes Unheeded, Nothing Sweeter, Questions in the Wind, Unexpected Thank You, The Fountain and the Stars

Early in the morning, so there are many traffic jams on the stairs. Everyone is in a hurry finally find their way back home. One of these people is Janette Abbott. She is trying to get down and to the dungeons.
Her hair is free as always, but she is not marble, she is not smiling, she looks… sad! Could that be so? Or maybe she just tired.
While the girl waits for the boy to gather his books,which fall down,a few girls from Gryffindor goes by Janette and whispers chuckling.

Niko is making his way up the stairs, when he ends up standing in front of Janette of course with a boy picking up his books between them, he tilts his head a bit to the right, his hair cascading down his hair slowly, "You okay Janette?" he asks her softly, a concerned look on his face, his eyes looking as a few people have stopped now further up on the stairs watching.

"Oooh… Niko…" bites her lip Janette, turning to the boy, "I… Just… Haven't you heard?" she lowers her head.

Niko had skipped breakfast, he was down in the Potions Classroom so he had missed the Howler. His gaze moves back to the every growing crowd on the stairwell, before turning and looking at Janette, "No." he says softly, his hand moving up to run through his hair, starting to get nervous with all these people.

Janette gently takes the hand of Niko and stares at it, nervously shifting from one foot to another. The girl chews on her lip nervously, before managing to whisper, "I believe it's the work of trio… I did not… Mother… I won't and… but you will… Japanese girl… changes, but before that…" and as someone of them would be dieing, Janette leans closer near the boy, not caring about people around. She just kisses him on the cheek, quite close near his lips, but not in the lips, putting all her emotions to that kiss, these honest emotions, obviously showing what a treasure Niko is for the girl. Then she releases his hand and turns to step down, crying.

Niko just looks at Janette, his brow furrows as she whispers, a string of bits and pieces of various shattered thoughts, seem to escape her lips, before she softly kisses him on the cheek, then leaves crying, why do all these girls keep leaving in tears? Niko's eyes move towards the group as the shuffle uncomfortably, a few of them whispering and some of them giggling. His gaze snaps back to Janette, before looking around at everyone, "I don't get it?" he says bringing his hands up, looking quiet confused. Though a fellow Sixth Year Gryffindor comes and puts his hand on his shoulder and leans in and recalls the accounts from the Howler, his eyes watch Janette as she walks away and Niko frowns for the first time in years at Hogwarts.

Janette hears the question of Niko, she stops. She stops and ponders a few seconds, before raising hands to clean her tears.
Then she turns to the boy, but now her expression is changed. She is once more very cold and marble creature, as she was before meeting Niko and feeling his warmth. She raises her eyebrow, "What you do not understand?" She tries to speak coldly, but her voice trembles, betraying, that girl actually feels as she would be signing on her death or something. "I lose and everybody wins. That's it. Slytherin will be happy, you will be happy with Japanese girl, my parents will be happy. I… There is no me in this story."

Niko shakes his head, "Janette, Kimiko is just a friend." he starts taking a step down the stairs, his hands come up, "I am happy with you." he says softly, people who are still watching and the new people showing up wince, shaking their head at Niko. He stands there, looking at her with his bluish green eyes, "I mean, maybe if I talked to them?" he says slowly, this gets quiet a few laughs out of people, causing Niko to actually blush, looking rather uncomfortable now.

Janette is not a prefect for now. But maybe there are some people, who doesn't know that. Plus, she is really angry. So, girl first time in her life speaks /really/ loudly. "THIS IS NOT A PERFORMANCE! FIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!"
Girl leans closer near Niko and whispers something to his ear,before she turns to move down, waving with her hands for people to move out from her way.

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