(1939-07-29) The Daily Prophet - St. Mungo's Finds a Cure
Details for St. Mungo's Finds a Cure
Summary: Press release on the discovery of an antidote to the poisoning device used on July 27.
Date: July 29, 1939
Location: London
Related: Terrorist Attacks Leave Diagon Alley Horizontal; Plot: Forgotten Shadows

Ever since the abhorrent attack on Diagon and Verdic Alleys that has so tragically affected so many in our community, the Healers of St. Mungo's have worked tirelessly to stabilize the victims and study the device that has caused so much harm. It is with great pride in our Potion and Plant Poisoning Department that we announce that an antidote has finally been discovered and administered to the most critically ill patients. We ask for your continued as more of the critical antidote is brewed, and assure you that we expect all patients to be returning home to their families over the coming days. We would like to thank Healer Keenan O'Shea, Healer Clover Weaver-MacNair, Healer Kahren Umbridge, and all of the Potion and Plant Poisoning Department for their dedication and hard work that has saved so many lives.

While we expect no further attacks of this nature, St. Mungo's would like to assure the public that we will keep several doses of this potion in supply as a precaution. Healers O'Shea, Weaver-MacNair and Umbridge are working together to publish their findings in Greenery and Tonic, Western Europe's Premier Potions Journal to share their work and further ensure against any uses of this device, locally or internationally. St. Mungo's would again like to express their sincerest condolences to the families affected, and our deepest gratitude to the MLE. We also encourage the public to continue to donate to both the Fallen Heroes Fund and the Gone But Not Forgotten Fund.

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