Details for I'm Looking for Pete |
Summary: | Solstice braves the White Wyvern looking for information on a rogue werewolf, and runs into a notorious former classmate. |
Date: | 16 July, 1941 |
Location: | The White Wyvern Pub |
Related: | — |
Characters |
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In the hours after the sun has set, Knockturn Alley claws its way to life…or some semblence of life. The gibbous moon peeks through the clouds to illuminate the narrow street, but still the denizens and visitors tend to cling to the shadows.
One of the livelier places in the Knockturn Alley area is the White Wyvern Pub on Cryptick Alley. Though it claims its share of dark corners containing darker individuals in the darkest hoods and cloaks, most of the pub is lit with flickering lanterns and candles, revealing a motley collection of disreputable witches, wizards, hags, vampires, and goblins.
Among the many dour and sinister faces is one that is quite angelic by comparison. The young lady with the golden hair hurries with her tray of drinks, avoiding groping hands and leering gazes, just trying to get through another night of work.
There was an attempt at addressing her appearance before taking the walk down Knockturn and entering into the unfamiliar territory that is location of Cryptick Alley, but to some degree Solstice failed. Dark muted colors which are normally not her staple are addressed with a rich green silk scarf that is wrapped around her neck and contrasts from the black silk blouse paired with a linen emerald skirt. Fashionable but the darkest items she owns in her wardrobe.
The light within the pub glints off her red hair and it takes a moment for the witch to allow her eyes to adjust. She lifts a hand to idly fix the scarf and scratch at her neck. Arranging the loose strands of hair around the back of it, she takes a moment near the door to search, pale green eyes flickering across patrons and once across Valda as she moves through a sea of seeking hands and eyes. A momentary flicker of unease slips across the hunter's face before she spots the larger figure she'd been looking for, crossing towards Pete with purpose now.
There was an attempt at addressing her appearance before taking the walk down Knockturn and entering into the unfamiliar territory that is location of Cryptick Alley, but to some degree Solstice failed. Dark muted colors which are normally not her staple are addressed with a rich green silk scarf that is wrapped around her neck and contrasts from the black silk blouse paired with a linen emerald skirt. Fashionable but the darkest items she owns in her wardrobe.
The light within the pub glints off her red hair and it takes a moment for the witch to allow her eyes to adjust. She lifts a hand to idly fix the scarf and scratch at her neck. Arranging the loose strands of hair around the back of it, she takes a moment near the door to search, pale green eyes flickering across patrons and once across Valda as she moves through a sea of seeking hands and eyes. A momentary flicker of unease slips across the hunter's face before she smooths her countenance and heads for the bar.
Valda escapes the crowd with only three new inappropriate gropes and four unwanted propositions. She slips behind the bar to fill a few more drink orders. But seeing a new face at the bar, she pauses across from Solstice. "Welcome to White Wyvern Pub," she says in a thick, Eastern European accent. "I can get you anything?" She tilts her head curiously at the red-haired young woman. She certainly doesn't look like the usual sort to come into the Wyvern. But moreover, she looks slightly familiar.
Still peering around the pub and attempting to look casual, Solstice seems to be lost to some degree as she turns slightly just as Valda welcomes her. Green eyes dart back as the hunter shakes her head, "Well.." she hesitates, "Actually I am looking for Pete, is he here this evening?" She asks, giving the young woman a long look. Brows draw together and Sol tilts her head just so to get a better look at the young woman. There is no open question rather a curious study of Valda as she mouths a few words to herself as if a mantra that has her focusing her again and she smiles briefly. "I have some questions for him is all," she offers up. She tugs at the scarf and adjusts it into place as if she is not quite sure what to do with it.
Valda's brow pinches in worry. She stares for a few moments of uncomfortable silence as she tries to size Solstice up. "You…um," she stammers. "For what you are questioning him?" So smooth.
The reaction from Valda draws Solstice's attention and that stark unblinking study of the other girl shows a bit of recognition and she considers a moment. "Nothing about him, hopefully," she says in as reassuring a tone as she can. "He may be able to help me." This brings her attention to the bar and she slides onto a stool and settles in, resting one foot on the rung and the other on the floor as she leans forward. "Something without alcohol, surprise me," she affords.
"Without…alcohol?" Valda considers for a moment, then gives Solstice an apologetic shrug. "I think there is only water." She turns to start filling drinks, starting with a tall glass of water. "Pete is being away. Not here." As she puts the glass in front of Solstice, her mouth opens in an a-ha moment. "Merrythought, yes? From Gryffindor?"
"Water is fine then," Solstice agrees easily enough, though little surprise is in water. "Do you know exactly where he might be?" she pokes Valda with her question before reaching out to take the water. The question, as unexpected as it is does not surprise her either. Her finger taps the glass before giving a faint nod. "Yes, graduated in nineteen forty just like you, Valda," she says. She is known, that much is true and as pale green eyes study the waitress there is no sense of animosity though as she takes a drink of the water to break her silence the scarf shifts and the yet healing, angry scars can be seen that likely extend beneath her shirt further.
Valda winces visibly when her name is spoken, bracing herself for the torrent of righteous anger she is certain is about to be unleashed. But it doesn't come, much to the Latvian girl's relief. "I…I do not know where Pete is. He did not told me that. He is-…" She trails off, her brow pinching in concern. "You are hurting?" She gestures to Solstice's collar.
Cool green eyes make a study of Valda in quiet succession but there is a comfortable sort of ease Solstice has taken with someone more familiar even if not entirely known. With information coming forth, the hunter focuses and blinks a few times before she sets her water down and then shakes her head, "A reminder, nothing more. But you were saying, about Pete, he is?" she lets her question trail off to attempt to lead the other young woman as her fingers play at the glass, tracing unseen designs on its surface.
Valda nods, lowering her gaze from the glimpse of the scars. "No yes. Pete is…scary. He does not say me about his business, and I do not ask. He…he keeps me safe here. You promise me that you are not getting him in trouble." Try as she might to sound firm in her demand, it comes off more like a nervous plea.
"He will continue to keep you safe here, Valda. Though I would suggest a different place of employment," Solstice observes. "When another person's personal wants supercede your own then it is time to rethink your choices." Perhaps a little too many words to get across her point. The water is turned about exactly half way from its starting point and she tinks the glass with her finger. "I just have questions for him." Adjusting the scarf at her throat she leans forward and looks over the young woman. "I take tea at two every afternoon, you are welcome to join me," she slips free the card with contact information at the RCMC, setting it down next to the glass of water.
Valda eyes the card warily for a moment, then cautiously reaches to take it. "There is none other employment," she murmurs with a little helpless shrug. "But you are kind to think for my benefit." She tucks the card away, glancing around conspiratorially. "Maybe…no yes. Tea is being very nice."
"Answers can be found most anywhere if you look but tea," she says and pushes herself up from the stool, giving Valda a faint smile before she glances back across the room. "When you see Pete, give him this as well." Another card is pushed forward for her to take. "Not for tea, for questions." The hunter adjusts the scarf faintly and then nods to Valda. "Tomorrow, two," she reminds the other young woman as if it is guaranteed she will be there.
Without waiting for an answer, Sol turns on foot and braves her way back through the room towards the exit.