Details for Kiss from a Rose |
Summary: | Colton shows up to the opening night of Kimiko's first big role. |
Date: | 3 August, 1941 |
Location: | Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts |
Related: | A Year Later |
Characters |
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Though written only five years ago, The Sorcerer's Garden has become a favourite ballet of the wizarding world. Its creative uses of Shrinking and Engorgement Charms to simulate the growth of the characters based on plants was praised by critics, and the exemplary dances and music have made it a modern classic. It was only natural that the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts would eventually put on their own performance of it.
In the final scene, one of the primary characters, the White Rose, has suffered greatly. Plucked from the earth and placed in a vase, only to be thrown out a window by a wife jealous of her husband's fixation on his flowers. The White Rose, portrayed by Kimiko Saito, spin across the stage, her petaled costume encased in a glass "skirt" meant to represent the vase. She leaps into the air, performing an impressive spin, then lands and collapses, her legs seemingly buckling under her as the glass appears to shatter, sending glittering shards all around her.
The crumpled Rose reaches forlornly toward the window, where the Sorcerer's silhouette can be seem. But when he moves out of view, the music becomes sullen and full of despair. The Rose's dance is only from the waist up now, her legs useless. She casts about in search of her friends, the Red Rose and the Wildflowers…but the garden has been clipped clean of any flowers. In her grief, she lays down to accept her fate, just as a beam of moonlight shines down upon the darkened space under the bush where she first sprouted. There, the audience can see the first tiny bloom of new white petals. The White Rose lifts her head one last time to see the new flower growing. She smiles and reaches toward it as the last of the strength fades…and the curtain closes.
Colton was itchy and squirmy for the first act, he's cleaned up and is in his woolly suit which is the reason he's got the squirms. Productions and Stories and similar forms of entertainment for the Quinnlands and their folk are a rather 'interactive' sort of affair. So when he gets shushed by he neighbor for saying, "That's not right!" When the wife gets jealous is received with a grimace and a "Sorry." That also gets a shhhing from more of his neighbors. He's pretty good for the rest of the performance.
That is until the glass shatters and "Oh shite!" is blurted out in that rather familiar Cant-ish way. He winces when an old witch behind him smacks him up side the back of the head with a program. This time he only mouths 'Sorry' over and over again to those around him. But his eyes are glued on the White Rose. He was uncertain that the shattering was a stage affect or on accident so he was sincerely concerned, hence the outburst. He deflates with relief once it sinks in that it's all a part of the show.
When the curtain closes there's a long pause as Colton shifts about trying to tap his thumb at the inside corner of his eye without being seen. One his eye is dabbed he starts to clap loud and steadily gathering speed until he's standing up in his chair and whooping and whistling.
One by one, the cast members emerge from the sides of the stage for an encore bow, each earning a round of applause and the occasional whistles and cheers. When the Wildflowers appear and put on a quick performance of their acrobatic antics, they get a final laugh from their fans. But it's when the Red and White Roses emerge and join hands that the audience loses any restraint. The applause is deafening. Roses of red and white are throw onto the stage, and the director appears (to yet more applause) to present each with a bouquet of their distinctive colours.
Kimiko can barely contain herself as the white roses are handed to her. It's her first lead role, and it's been a resounding success. Her eyes shimmer with tears threatening to burst free. She waves to the audience, blowing kisses. Her eyes fix mainly on her parents in the front row, and the sight of her happily weeping mother and her father's proud smile nearly breaks her down. But somehow she maintains her composure as the cast gathers and links arms for one final bow, and the front curtain drops. But just before the audience disappears from her view, her eyes catch a familiar face. Can it be? Did he really come? But it's too late; the curtain has fallen and she is being ushered to stage left to change for the reception.
An announcement goes out to the audience to invite everyone to the academy's reception hall to enjoy beverages and hors d' oeuvres, and to meet the cast and crew in person.
Colton was severely unapologetic to those around him as he applauded and put his fingers in his mouth to whistle loudly. There is a bit of a crestfall when he sees the large bouquet of white roses given to her. He looks at the single white rose he had with a red ribbon bow tied around it a 'well you suck' expression and he is a bit later to go behind the scenes than everyone else because he's busy taking apart his program. Finally when he makes his way to through the crowd kind of pushing his way through. He might not say anything but his "Excuse me"s have an air of "I know the star thankewverymuch." The only thing that side-tracks him is a tray of champagne - *snatch* - and some puffy ball things - *fistful of those* - then he's back on track making his way to Kimiko.
Face to face with a chuff of relief, "Oi, finally. Hey. That was bonkers!" High complement from the sounds of it from Colton Higgins. The reason for his delayed appearance shows itself when he lifts up a quickly made White Origami Rose made from the ballet's program. Each petal has a thoughtful blurb of the booklet, the name of the play, many of the major parts and the dancers that played them. Leaving a very special place in the center group of petals for "White Rose" and "Kimiko Saito." It's not the most perfect of origami samples, but it's clear at least that he put some thought into it. "Sorry I'm late. Putting the final touches on that." He nods to the flower and offers it over.
Bonkers? Who would-…Colton! Kimiko spins around with a bright smile, the skirt of her aqua-green party dress twirling prettily. She starts to lunge toward him, but balks at the presentation of the rose. Her jaw drops in a gasp at the creation. "Oh, Colton! It's beautiful!" She takes it with great care, then lunges at him to throw an arm around his neck, impulsively kissing his cheek. "Thank you so much for being here!"
Colton seems rather surprised! She is the one to give a kiss and a hug to him. Not the usual other way around. Colton likes W.A.D.A. Kimi. "Glad ye like it." He returns the hug with a touch of tightening just enough to show that he's hugging her back and then it's almost broken noses for them both as he tries to give her cheek a quick kiss to. "It was a really good show. Some crazy old bint knocked me over the head with her purse though." Ahhh, the Irish talent of Blarney! From a light smack to knocked and thin program to purse. His version is much better a story though. "But I was concerned for a split blink. But it was really good. Really good."
Kimiko glows with joy, and her smile could rival the sunrise. "I wasn't sure you'd come at all. To be honest, it didn't seem like your kind of scene. Oh!" She glances over Colton's shoulder and gives him a shove to turn him around. From behind, a square-jawed Japanese man in a sharp suit is accompanied by a beautiful Japanese woman in a conservative evening dress. "Chichi, Haha! I want you to meet Colton! Colton, these are my parents, Katsuo and Masako Saito."
The comment about it not being his scene receives a shrug and squirm. It reminds him of his itch oversized suit and he is opening his mouth to reply when he gets buffeted about and then faced with her parent. The opened mouth pops open and shut four times like a fish out of water before he finally composes himself, shuts his trap and hands on the sides of his thighs he gives a bow. "Konnichiwa." Is sped out in the small duration of the quick bow. Then he's offering to shake hands, "Nice to finally meet ye. Known Kimi a long while. Glowing praises for the both of ye."
Katsuo looks Colton over with the sort of stern frown that only a Japanese man can achieve. But he follows it with a chuckle, and both he and his wife return the bow, though not as deep as Colton's. "So, you are the young man our daughter has told us so much about. Tell me, should I believe everything I have heard?"
"Chichi-i-i-i…" Kimiko chides her father. "Don't tease my friend." She rolls her eyes at her father's laugh. "He's just trying to make you nervous," she says to Colton.
Colton met the stern gaze of Pringle for seven years of his life with a snarky cocksure smirk. But under the gaze of Katsuo Saito Colton withers a bit, going pale and squirming some more. Heh - heh. Is a weak almost whimpery laugh when told they've heard about Colton. When Kimi comes to his rescue his laugh becomes more Colton-ish and the color and pluck returns with a double snap and then one hand slaps over another snap that all ends in finger pistols at Kimiko's father, "aaaaaand he's succeeding! heheh!"
Katsuo adopts a satisfied smile at that. This time it is Masako that comes to the rescue. "Anata," she says, using a Japanese term of endearment, "I need some fresh air. Please take me outside?" Katsuo sighs as his fun is spoiled, but he gives the youngsters a smile as he and Masako bow again. This time Katsuo extends a hand to Colton. "We will see you again."
Kimiko stands by, now as impatient for her parents to leave as she was excited for them to meet Colton. When they are finally gone, she lets out a breath. "I'm so sorry. He is just trying to keep you off balance. He's always this way at first around boys."
Colton is straight backed and nodding while he shakes Katsuo's hand again. "Look forward to it sir." Masako is given a grateful smile and once again Colton bows. "Sayonara." When they are alone again Colton sounds and looks like a deflating balloon. "Buggerall!" He then gives a nervous little giggle. "So uhh, that went well." He swallows hard and tugs at his collar. Then he shoves three of the puff things in his mouth. Another folly as they are nasty at least to his unrefined palette that's not one for caviar and pâté. He looks like he very well could retch right there and he quickly looks about them for some way to get the foul things out of his mouth without making too huge a scene about it.
Kimiko covers her mouth, trying not to giggle at Colton's predicament. "Come here." She tugs at his sleeve, guiding him through the crowd toward a door. She takes him out into an empty hallway, where there is a dustbin and a magical drinking fountain.
Colton is like a machine gun spitting each puff out of his mouth and into the dust bin. Then he is dashing over to gulp at the water fountain and finally swishing and gargling with champagne. "Cooooor! No wonder you're'll skinny. Being served that stuff for food." He makes one last silent BLARGH face and wipes at his mouth and tongue with the back of his hand after dumping the fist full of uneaten puffy things into the bin. "So…what did ye tell'm bout me?" He gets a big old grin that all Colton being back to normal now.
Kimiko's lips are pinched, stifling her giggles into muffled chuckles. She shrugs to his question. "Just things," she says innocently, her hands behind her back as she turns back and forth, causing her skirt to swish about. "I may have written about you some in my letters home from Hogwarts. Like how frustrated you make me…and I might have mentioned a few times when you lost points for Gryffindor. I suppose I probably told them about what a good Quidditch player you are. But they don't really understand Quidditch." She chuckles again, smiling at him. "Colton, thank you for being here tonight. It really means a lot to me."
Colton's face displays the journey of different emotions he goes through hearing about what she's told them. Sadness that he frustrated her. Grimaced oops mixed with a bit of pride about losing points. Then beaming pride about Quidditch only to be kicked out from under him to learn that they could give a hoot about the sport. Well isn't he up a creek without a paddle. "Grrrreat." He simpers out. Then she's smiling at him and thanking him and he perks up and itches at the side of his neck. "Told ye I would. This really was great." Fingers stopping their itching to point roughly towards the stage's where abouts. "Nearly shit meself when yer skirt shattered. But then it sunk in like a idjit that it was supposed to do that. It was sad though. Ye dyin' andooll."
Kimiko nods, beaming at Colton. "It was really a spectacular effect, wasn't it? The props department worked for months to get the enchantments right." She saunters closer to him, hands still locked behind her waist. "It isn't easy dancing with that 'vase' on. Fortunately I don't have to do it for very long. I'm so glad I didn't trip up tonight. What a disaster that would have been…" She steps right up to Colton, her cheeks turning pink. "…you know, for you to see." She gives him a shy smile, and then suddenly leans in, pressing her lips to his in a warm, tender kiss.
Colton is definitely a fan of W.A.D.A. Kimiko!! He was noticing her getting closer and he was so busy planning how he was going to make a move that he's caught off guard at first by the kiss. But he forces himself to quickly shake it off and get to returning the kiss. He's still kissing air a few moments after she breaks the kiss. Because it must be her to do the breaking or they'll be like that all night if it were left to him. "No trip…good." Post-Kissed by Kimiko Colton talks a bit like a cave man. So really, not too far off from typical Colton Higgins, truth be told.
Kimiko lets the kiss linger quite a bit longer than a young lady should, though it remains relatively chaste, her lips opening only toward the end as she struggles to pull away. She nibbles her lip, gazing bashfully up at him. At least until he speaks, and she breaks into a bout of giggles. "Sorry…um…if I broke your brain."
Colton ah-durs out a sound and then starts to chuckle. "Yeah. Uhmmm, wow. I uh, forgive you. I think?" He licks his lips, straightens up and there's a bit of a crunchy sound as he tries to ruffle his hair, forgetting he gelled it back and so his curls are a stylish subtle pompadour look. Which he of course just ruined in his ruffling attempt. "So… that was…. surprising - uh NICE - just yeah… hope I didn't taste like those things…" A finger is pointed towards the dustbin while the other hand itches at his neck again, a spot where the suit jacket makes the most contact with his neck. It's going a bit splotch and pink there.
Kimiko shakes her head. "You didn't. You tasted…nice." Her blush intensifies at the admission. "So…" she starts, but doesn't finish the sentence. Instead she continues twirling her skirt, her hands now clasped in front of her, giving Colton awkward looks and chuckles.
Colton is grinning like a cat in cream despite the itchy suit. He's gone from nothing but the strange advances of one of the Ladies of King Lot's Court that haunts the ruins he's been working in, to not one but three maybe four girls that think he tastes "nice". How in the hell did he get into the predicament!? He doesn't know and he's dumb founded which is why he's still a bit cave man. "So.. you… me… go back in? Fans are calling?" He is still grinning as he reaches out to boop her nose. "Oh shite. I forgot to ask your mum if she liked the Quinnland Cod…"
Kimiko blinks in surprise at him, her smile fading. "You…want to go back in now? After…I thought…" She drops her gaze to the floor, looking away as if trying to locate where things went sideways.
Colton goes rather dardardurr when he realizes that he's offended her and because he's still suffering from broken brain he reaches to grip her by the shoulders (a bit more aggressively than he intended) to pull her in for another kiss. It isn't the thing of romance that he was calculating earlier. But he's eager to try to show her that he was being insincerely gentlemanly about the returning to the crowd. "Figured you'd want to…" But he's totally fine if she doesn't. TOTALLY. FINE!
Kimiko squeaks in surprise at the sudden show of aggression. At first she tenses up, but at the kiss, her tension fades into…well, a bit of confusion, but there is surrender in that. When he breaks the kiss to speak, she murmurs meekly, "You're a numpty."
Colton releases her arms and gives a little helpless shrug. "Ye keep me on my toes Cutie Patootie. Barrel of surprises ye are today." He leans in to give her a kiss on the cheek again and then while scratching at his neck a bit more he suddenly has a bit of a fit. Stepping back to flail his arms, snatching and gripping and tugging and flopping over at the hips to wrench free of the thing that might as well prove to be a straigh jacket to the poor Traveller. The flapping and pulling sounds of fabric come with a string of Shelta Curses as well. But then when the thing is off it's violently slapped to the ground he deflates in another balloonish way. "If that's not proof that I like ye…" he kicks the pile of jacket. "Put that blasted thing on for ye."
Kimiko's eyes go wide at the sudden display. She gives him a nervous smile, chuckles finding their way through the confusion. "I like you too," she squeaks. "I like that you're here tonight." She shrugs sheepishly. "I just…wanted to kiss you. It felt right. Did I make it weird? I made it weird."
Colton shakes his head and looks like he might grab her again for another kiss in panic, but this time he manages to just give her arms a soothing rub. "Nononnononooooo. Not weird. Not IT, just me, weird as usual, sorry. I am a numpty. Sorry. I'm sayin that a lot to night hmm? Sorry. Shite." He puffs out another chuff. "Just happy it's finally ye wanting to do the kiss ing is all. Brain broke, all your fault. Not that I'm complaining…just Shut It Colton. Right." He settles down with another soft phew.
Trying to follow Coltron through all of his apologies and mixed messages is leaving Kimiko dizzy. When he finally shushes himself, she is back to being completely unsure where she stands. "So…um…wh-…" She scrunches up her nose and scratches behind her ear in an expression of total confusion.
Colton scoops up his jacket and tries to do that suave swing it over his shoulder move and only serves to smack him upside the back of his head. Rolling his eyes at himself he clears his throat and offers his free hand out to her. "Give me a tour?" Hopefully that will give them both time to drive the confusion and stumbling into - out of whatever it is they've gotten themself into.
Kimiko eyes his hand, caught in a moment of indecision. All of their strange history flashes before her eyes: his stolen kiss, her frustration with the liberties he's taken, his frustration with her efforts to civilise him…the stolen kiss….
Kimiko places her delicate fingers in his. Her director will be upset with her for disappearing from the party, but it will last another couple of hours. Surely she'll make it back in time to make a showing. She leads Colton by the hand deeper into the academy she has come to think of as her second home. "A tour it is, then."