(1941-11-29) A Second Magijugend?
Details for A Second Magijugend?
Summary: While Aiden studies in the library, Mackenzie and Walburga plot the beginning of a new pure-blood club.
Date: November 29, 1941
Location: Hogwarts Library

Walburga is sitting at a table with a few more advanced rune books that perhaps come from a private library. There's a few Slytherin girls also by the Black, but generally speaking Walburga is scowling in concentration while she reads. "I heard he broke a broom during his broom flying class, he's so disgustingly large that it snapped in half. That's no way to treat a broom, putting that oaf on it. Ugh, what's next, a troll quidditch team?" she says in her snappy voice with a disgusted sound.

Aiden walks in a slight sneer on his face last night all that herbology rubbish and now hes got to work on something for History of magic. "Ach, wha' a bloody borin' bunch o' rubbish." He mumbles a bit. Aiden glances up to see Walburga and if she notices him he waves to her before taking a seat close to her but not at her table. After all he hasnt been invited to sit with them.

Mackenzie enters the library with a satchel of books over her shoulder and drops them at an empty table behind Walburga before going over to the shelves to draw out two more and bring them back. She sits down in time to hear the other girl's comment and snorts, giving an amused smile as she begins flipping through the pages of a large, dusty transfiguration book.

Walburga hears the snort and she flicks a gaze to the corner of her eye as her head turns just slightly to cast a look over a sharp shoulder to see Mackenzie. She gives the girl a nod. "You must have heard the news. That 'thing' cried for hours I'm told. I suppose that's one way the Gryffindor can try to compete at Quidditch, but you have to fly…you can't just put a mountain in front of the rings and think it'll be any good." before she notes Aiden. She gives a nod to the first year rather than a wave, pointedly flipping a page over. "What's rubbish, Merrythought." she asks in that flat tone.

Mackenzie nods, pressing her hands across the pages of her book to smooth them down as she leans back in her chair, twisting some to talk to Walburga. "It's utterly ridiculous that they even let the half-breed practice magic, much less try to teach him to fly." She shakes her head in disappointment before glancing over to Aiden.

"G'day, Mister Aiden!" Phee calls out cheerfully as she nears the boy's table. "'avin' a better grasp on Betony and Centaury today, I 'ope?" She did not sit down, though she certainly swooped by the table with her biggest and brightest smile.

Aiden shakes his head for a moment. "This bloody 'istory of magic stuff. I mean 'ow can they expec' ye' ta ge' exci'ed o'er a class tha' the bloody professors tone don' change fer nothin'?" he asks.

With a roll of her eyes, Walburga nods in agreement to Mackenzie. "The Headmaster is one of THOSE types who are the enemy of the wizarding world, a fiend that desires to see all magic snuffed out. Can you imagine that? A Headmaster of what used to be the greatest wizarding school in the world, hiring blood traitors and mudbloods while letting such rabble and freaks join this school as if they had any chance of hope in the real wizarding world. I heard he's banned from the library, the oaf was chewing on books thinking they were bread. I suppose the whole concept of reading and books is foreign to giants, I wouldn't know….they all should be forced to live in their places instead of taking up spots for true families." snaps the Black with her thoughts on the matter.

Walburga glances back over to Aiden. "The history of magic is extremely important. If you don't know where you've come from, how on earth do you think you'll know where you want to go? If you can't understand the problems that our ancestors dealt with, how can we apply what they did to the same type of issues now? Hmmmph!"

"This school," Mackenzie says, releasing a grunt of irritation, "It is becoming something disreputable. Especially now that the Headmaster got the Hat to let that half-blood into our House." She shakes her head with a frown, her hands constantly fidgeting in her lap as if she can't hold still for even a moment. "You know, we should have some sort of Society for the purebloods," she says, coming upon an idea, "Group up together to come up with ideas to fix the place, instead of just complaining about it." She purses her lips, thinking hard on it.

Phoenicia tilted her head at Walburga. "You 'eard the 'eadmaster was banned from 'is own library? 's a very funny auld thing to be 'earing, Miss Black," Phee said cheerfully; she recognized Walburga from shared classes and clubs, most notably Domestics and Duelling. She turned that bright smile over to the firstie. "But m'damn is quite right, Mister Aiden! Magic's a fascinatin' thing. Professor Binns is nae the most excitin' teacher, but the subject's luverly, really. 'istory's just stories, that's all ye 'ave tae think about it tae make it interestin', I think. Find the story! Anyone who's important enough t'learn about is the 'ero of their own story an' maybe the villain of someone else's. Like yore famous Slytherin, Merlin."

"There's already a society for pure bloods, it's our families." replies the Black with a lift of a brow upwards. "Not that the idea doesn't have merit. There was a somewhat lovely group I was with before the world turned topsy-turvy with muggle-loving nonsense." And then she glances over towards Phoenicia and squints as if the other girl was speaking a different language, but when Phoenicia agrees with her, she nods. "The Gryffindor prefect is right, even if slightly off. And I was referring to that -thing- who is in your house right now pretending to study but instead just being a danger to every other good student. I think it's a shame that it was given a name, you give it a name and soon it starts thinking it has rights or something." as she's pointedly referring to Rubeus without naming him. "Anyways, the history of magic is absolutely important. It shows quite clearly that we all have our place in society and life, those who go against that simply are selfish."

Mackenzie's still stuck on her own idea, too lost in thought to pay much attention to the conversation between Phoenicia and Walburga. "Pureblood Society," she murmurs to herself, sliding out a piece of parchment and beginning to scribble on it, "Wonder if any of the Professors would sponsor it, make is a real club instead of just some underground thing." She runs her fingers through her hair over her head, spreading the strands around her shoulders and getting it mostly out of her face. Her brow furrows as she scribbles hastily on the page, mumbling to herself the entire time.

Phee rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "A 'thing' pretending tae study but jes' bein' a danger, hm? I'll 'ave tae keep an eye out for any Boggarts, thankie Miss Black. I'll make sure tae tell Rubeus, too. Be a few years afore they teach 'im the Boggart-Banishing 'ex, but lad's got muster." She nodded thoughtfully, then returned her attention to Aiden. "But I 'ave tae scurry on, studyin' tae do. I'll pass yer love on tae your cousin, Mister Aiden. Jus' remember: if 'istory is borin', tryin' makin' yer story out'ae it!" She gave a little wave of her fingers to the first year, then a polite curtsey to the other two. "Miss Black, Miss Lestrange, 's a pleasure of course!"

Walburga says, "Puritas? Sanguinem? The Pureblood Society sounds too muggle-loving for my taste. As for a sponsor, I could talk with my grand-uncle, Professor Black. He'd probably be very happy to sponsor something like that, given the current situation of the school. A group for the youth from the better wizarding families, the future leaders of the world." says Walburga to Mackenzie. She listens to Phoenicia, scowling when she hears that the half-giant is going to be taught other spells. "Do try and not get squished by him, Phillips.""

Mackenzie nods curtly once at Walburga. "Your right, that's not a great name," she says, scratching it out on the parchment, "I'll think on it some, I'm sure I can come up with something appropriate." She licks her lips, finally looking up from her papers to twist and see Walburga. "I didn't think of asking Professor Black, that's a good idea." She grins toothily at Walburga. "Maybe some good can come of this," she says, "I'll have to ask around and see who else is interested."

"Abraxas Malfoy, Oberon Lestrange, George Blishwick, Alicia Rowle, Tom Riddle, Antonin Dolohov, and even my smiling cousin Lucretia." Walburga says a few names off the top of her head. "I'm sure those would be enough to get a small foundation started. The problem is those blood traitors that are worming their way in polite society. We don't want anything to do with them."

Mackenzie turns back around to her parchment, scribbling down the names Walburga listed. "No, not at all," she says, "Alexander Parkinson is a prime example; a Slytherin, defending the Mudbloods like some sort of bully." She shakes her head in disappointment. She sucks on the end of her quill for a moment before dipping it back in the ink and writing out some more.

Walburga says "I've heard, and Malfoy and Lestrange both know they're supposed to deal with him. A stupid weak boy. I won't have anything to do with him, he's wiped from memory as if he doesn't even exist." before she turns a page. "If he'd have done that in front of me, we'd have enjoyed some demerit points."

Mackenzie twists her lips up into a vindictive smile. She sets down her quill and folds up the parchment in front of her, slipping it in a pocket in her robes. "I'll ask around, then, come up with a list of interested students for you to take to your grand-uncle," she says with finality, "I am very excited about this prospect."

Aiden looks up only catching bits and pieces sadly he slipped off into his work and kind of zoned everything else out. He glances to Walburga and Mackenzie with a whatd I miss sort of look and excitement at having over heard something of such importance to the older students. "Im sorry, I mustave gotten really into me work. Did I miss somethin'?" Aiden asks politely. "If I can help with anythin' I mean I may no' know tha' much but Id loike tae troi an' 'elp iffin I can." He says trying to be helpful in whatever they may be discussin.

As Mackenzie is excited, Walburga gives a nod once more as she reads her book. When the younger Slytherin wakens from his study induced tunnel vision, she says "The best thing for first years is to look, listen and emulate. The LLE. Watch what others are doing so you can learn from the stupid ones' mistakes, listen to what your older housemates say to you and to others and follow their example. Those three little rules will serve you very well."

Mackenzie listens to Walburga talk to Aiden for a moment before nodding once and turning her attention to her transfiguration book. She flips through the pages until she finds the particular spell they're working on and begins reading. As she does so, one hand smooths out the opposite page and her lips move silently with each word.

Walburga says "I've heard, and Malfoy and Lestrange both know they're supposed to deal with him. A stupid weak boy. I won't have anything to do with him, he's wiped from memory as if he doesn't even exist." before she turns a page. "If he'd have done that in front of me, we'd have enjoyed some demerit points."

Mackenzie twists her lips up into a vindictive smile. She sets down her quill and folds up the parchment in front of her, slipping it in a pocket in her robes. "I'll ask around, then, come up with a list of interested students for you to take to your grand-uncle," she says with finality, "I am very excited about this prospect."

Aiden looks up only catching bits and pieces sadly he slipped off into his work and kind of zoned everything else out. He glances to Walburga and Mackenzie with a whatd I miss sort of look and excitement at having over heard something of such importance to the older students. "Im sorry, I mustave gotten really into me work. Did I miss somethin'?" Aiden asks politely. "If I can help with anythin' I mean I may no' know tha' much but Id loike tae troi an' 'elp iffin I can." He says trying to be helpful in whatever they may be discussin.

As Mackenzie is excited, Walburga gives a nod once more as she reads her book. When the younger Slytherin wakens from his study induced tunnel vision, she says "The best thing for first years is to look, listen and emulate. The LLE. Watch what others are doing so you can learn from the stupid ones' mistakes, listen to what your older housemates say to you and to others and follow their example. Those three little rules will serve you very well."

Mackenzie listens to Walburga talk to Aiden for a moment before nodding once and turning her attention to her transfiguration book. She flips through the pages until she finds the particular spell they're working on and begins reading. As she does so, one hand smooths out the opposite page and her lips move silently with each word.

Aiden smirk and nods to Walburga. "Aye I un'erstan'. Watch an' Listen, donnae be stupid an' keep me eyes open ya?" He asks with a sigh looking at his history of magic assignment. "I loike the subject but the way i's taught I don' know its jus' borin tae listen to."

Daedalus rolls into the library, pushing himself rather than using the noisy clockwork workings inside his wheelchair. He makes his way through an aisle, picking up a book from a low shelf in the way, then starting to head towards the tables.

Mackenzie closes her book with a thump and sighs. "I think that will do it," she says, shoving it into her pouch along with a quill and an ink bottle. She stands, picking up two books and walking over to the aisles to return them before coming back to the tables. "Miss Black is right," she says to Aiden, "Learn from others, whether good or bad, so you don't have to learn from your own mistakes. In the meantime, however, I need to depart." She gives Aiden a curt nod and, passing Daedalus on the way out, gives him a single word of greeting. "Mulciber," she says kindly before nodding once and heading out the door.

Aiden nods his head to Mackenzie. "Thank you Miss Lestrange Ill keep tha' in moind." He says and than he notices Daedalus. "Dae 'ow ya doin' mate?" he asks his good friend now forgetting his History of Magic assignment.

Daedalus gives a small wave to Mackenzie as she greets him, but then looks back and gives a grin to Aiden. He quickly wheels over, pausing to nudge a chair to the way so he can pull up at the table. "Hi! I'm good. Want to work on that Defence homework. What are you working on?"

Aiden smiles at his best friend in the world. "I was jus' workin' on the 'istory o' magic 'omework. Bu' I need tae take a break from it fer now. Though defence 'omework tha' I can do I love Defence. I me' a cousin o' moine from me da's soide o' tha family."

Daedalus grins, and says, to Aiden mentioning he loves Defence. "Yeah, me too. I still think history of Magic is my favourite, but that's close." Yes, he's weird. Then, he looks curious again, "You did? Who?"

Aiden nods to him with a big smile. "I loike 'istory o' magic, bu' I don' loike the Professor, 'e bores me 'e does." Aiden says honestly. "I also love transfiguration an' potions."

Daedalus nods quickly again, smiling. "Yeah, he's really boring. He's just not a very good storyteller. I want to be an aide, when I'm allowed to be, so maybe I can help tell the stories better. But I just read from the textbook, and that's lots more interesting."

Aiden nods his head excitedly. "Aye Dae I agree wi'h ye' thar I do. I loike the way the book tells i' much be'er than the way 'e does." He says with a smile. "Anyway wha' shal we work on firs'?" He asks putting away his history of magic stuff and pulling out his DADA stuff.

Daedalus nods quickly, and says, "Doxies. They're fun to knock back, but they aren't very interesting to write about." He reaches behind his chair to pull out a scroll of parchment, ink and pen. Then, he opens up the textbook he got from the shelf.

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