(2014-02-24) Uses for Dragon Eggs
Details for Uses for Dragon Eggs
Summary: Hector has a novel idea with regards to getting rid of Dragon Eggs.
Date: 2014-02-24
Location: N/A

Long distance to Tiberius and Hector: Beryl cracks a dragon egg into a big pan and makes an omelet.

Hector pages Tiberius and Beryl: I was gonna say that we should open a Denny's.

Long distance to Hector and Tiberius: Beryl DIES XD

Hector pages Tiberius and Beryl: Sell off some Dragon Egg Grand Slams :P

Long distance to Hector and Tiberius: Beryl cracks up and facedesks

Tiberius pages Beryl and Hector: I love it.

Beryl pages Hector and Tiberius with 'I probably shouldn't laugh so hard, but…I can't help it.'

Tiberius pages Beryl and Hector: We can call it BadDenny's.

Long distance to Tiberius and Hector: Beryl Laughs xD

Hector pages Tiberius and Beryl: lol

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