Details for Hogwarts House Points BB Archive 1940-1941 |
Summary: | The BB archive of Hogwarts House Points 1940 - 1941 |
Date: | June 25, 2016 |
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Hogwarts House Points (Sun Jun 26 01:50:12 2016)
- Gabriel lost points for Ravenclaw
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Susan earned points for Ravenclaw
- Alicia earned points for Hufflepuf
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Cillian earned points for Gryffind
- Gabriel earned points for Ravencla
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Erica earned points for Hufflepuff
- Melody earned points for Hufflepuf
- Gabriel earned points for Ravencla
- Madeline earned points for Gryffin
- Gabriel earned points for Ravencla
- Samira earned points for Slytherin
- Cillian lost points for Gryffindor
- Madeline lost points for Gryffindo
- Landon lost points for Gryffindor
- Cillian earned points for Gryffind
- Madeline earned points for Gryffin
- Landon earned points for Gryffindo
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Eutheria earned points for Ravencl
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Druella earned points for Slytheri
- Terrance earned points for Gryffin
- Finley earned points for Gryffindo
- Josie earned points for Gryffindor
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Walburga earned points for Slyther
- Druella earned points for Slytheri
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Oliver earned points for Gryffindo
- Riddle earned points for Slytherin
- Wren earned points for Gryffindor
- Riddle earned points for Slytherin
- Akilina earned points for Ravencla
- Augusta earned points for Gryffind
- Penelope earned points for Ravencl
- Augusta earned points for Gryffind
- Madeline earned points for Gryffin
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Walburga earned points for Slyther
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Akilina earned points for Ravencla
- Augusta earned points for Gryffind
- Madeline earned points for Gryffin
- Riddle earned points for Slytherin
- Walburga lost points for Slytherin
- Penelope lost points for Ravenclaw
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Akilina earned points for Ravencla
- Augusta earned points for Gryffind
- Madeline earned points for Gryffin
- Riddle earned points for Slytherin
- Samira earned points for Slytherin
- Walburga lost points for Slytherin
- Walburga lost points for Slytherin
- Alicia earned points for Hufflepuf
- Erica earned points for Hufflepuff
- Sierra earned points for Hufflepuf
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Erica earned points for Hufflepuff
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Akilina earned points for Ravencla
- Druella earned points for Slytheri
- Eutheria earned points for Ravencl
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Lucretia earned points for Slyther
- Oliver earned points for Gryffindo
- Orion earned points for Slytherin
- Susan earned points for Ravenclaw
- Walburga earned points for Slyther
- Brody lost points for Ravenclaw
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Gabriel earned points for Ravencla
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Oberon earned points for Slytherin
- Akilina earned points for Ravencla
- Orion earned points for Slytherin
- Susan earned points for Ravenclaw
- Riddle earned points for Slytherin
- Mateo earned points for Hufflepuff
- Alicia earned points for Hufflepuf
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Asmund earned points for Hufflepuf
- Erica earned points for Hufflepuff
- Terrance earned points for Gryffin
- Josie earned points for Gryffindor
- Billy earned points for Gryffindor
- Finley earned points for Gryffindo
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Augusta earned points for Gryffind
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Beauregard earned points for Slyth
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Lissie lost points for Hufflepuff
- RavenclawNPC lost points for Raven
- Beauregard lost points for Slyther
- Angus earned points for Gryffindor
- Beauregard earned points for Slyth
- Beauregard lost points for Slyther
- Erica earned points for Hufflepuff
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Billy earned points for Gryffindor
- Brody earned points for Ravenclaw
- Josie earned points for Gryffindor
- Elspeth earned points for Ravencla
- Gabriel earned points for Ravencla
- Abraxas earned points for Slytheri
- Akilina earned points for Ravencla
- Antonin earned points for Slytheri
- Lissie earned points for Hufflepuf
- Melody earned points for Hufflepuf
- Augusta earned points for Gryffind
- Erica earned points for Hufflepuff
- Josie earned points for Gryffindor
- Ignatius earned points for Gryffin
- Morrow earned points for Ravenclaw
- Lorcan earned points for Slytherin
- Lorcan earned points for Slytherin
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Gabriel Ward, Jr. lost -5 points from Ravenclaw. Handled by Ravenclaw Head of House Manto Mopsus for the reason of: For failure to comply with the orders of a Prefect during the carriage ride. Though it was admittedly in a confusing and harrowing situation, and an effort to help.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Abraxas Malfoy earned +10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Slytherin Head of House Horace Slughorn for the reason of: For keeping a cool head and showing leadership in the face of the centaur threat on the carriage ride.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Susan Mairead Carmody earned +5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Ravenclaw Head of House Manto Mopsus for the reason of: For keeping a cool head and showing concern for her fellow students in face of the centaur threat on the carriage ride.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Alicia Rowle earned +5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Hufflepuff Head of House Hesper Starkey for the reason of: For keeping a cool head and showing concern for her fellow students in face of the centaur threat on the carriage ride.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned +5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Ravenclaw Head of House Manto Mopsus for the reason of: For quick thinking in rescuing several falling trunks from certain doom with Levitation Charms.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Cillian Nephy Peele earned +10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For a superb display of creativity and goodwill toward fellow students. A most excellent…and delicious…pirate ship, Mr. Peele!
(House Points Recorder - Sep 05 2015)
Gabriel Ward, Jr. earned +10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For displaying skill in the use of a delectable potion and bringing joy to his fellow students. I am told that your pirates were as sweet as they were savage, Mr. Ward.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Lissie Keir earned 15 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For showing exceptional good judgement and courage when faced with the choice to lend aid to the Starchasers.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Erica Stainwright earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For their prompt aid to the Starchasers in fetching Madam Spleen as quickly as possible, five points each to Erica Stainwright and Melody Abernathy.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Melodia Grace Abernathy earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For their prompt aid to the Starchasers in fetching Madam Spleen as quickly as possible, five points each to Erica Stainwright and Melody Abernathy.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Gabriel Ward, Jr. earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For making our new First Years a priority over their own safety during the arrival of the centaurs, 10 points each to Gabriel Ward and Madeline Evans.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Madeline Evans earned 10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For making our new First Years a priority over their own safety during the arrival of the centaurs, 10 points each to Gabriel Ward and Madeline Evans.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Gabriel Ward, Jr. earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For demonstrating versatility of skill in tending to the wounds of Chief Torrigan.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Samira Prince earned 10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For her doughty assistance in restoring Chief Torrigan to health.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Cillian Nephy Peele lost -5 points from Gryffindor. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For foolishly running into danger and involving yourself in a battle with armed and very dangerous Centaurs!
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Madeline Evans lost -5 points from Gryffindor. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For foolishly running into danger and involving yourself in a battle with armed and very dangerous Centaurs!
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Landon Longbottom lost -5 points from Gryffindor. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For foolishly running into danger and involving yourself in a battle with armed and very dangerous Centaurs!
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Cillian Nephy Peele earned 15 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: In the face of extreme danger you did what was right and protected the Starchasers and Hogwarts from the aggressive Swift Arrows. You thought on your feet and used the resources provided to you in creative ways. May your bruises heal quick and your esteem not be trodded on by some dancing pony. Well done cub.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Madeline Evans earned 15 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: In the face of extreme danger you did what was right and protected the Starchasers and Hogwarts from the aggressive Swift Arrows. I would like, if you would permit to add your miniature bow souvenier to the mantle of the Gryffindor Fireplace. So all the Lions can see what a lot of bravery and even more creativity can do.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Landon Longbottom earned 15 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: In the face of extreme danger you did what was right and protected the Starchasers and Hogwarts from the aggressive Swift Arrows. You might have slowed down a herd of Centaurs, but your bravery and glory are quick to rise.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 08 2015)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Ravenclaw Head of House Manto Mopsus for the reason of: What do you get when you use your knowledge and wit in the face of danger?
(House Points Recorder - Sep 14 2015)
Eutheria Flitwick earned 7 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For a very good flying lesson.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 14 2015)
Lissie Keir earned 12 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For a very good flying lesson.
(House Points Recorder - Sep 14 2015)
Druella Rosier earned 2 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For a very good attempt during flying lesson.
(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Terrance Green earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good team work during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Finley Fane Higgins earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good team work during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Josephine Alexandra Davies earned 30 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For an amazing showing during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 85 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For leading an amazing showing during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Walburga Black earned 30 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For an amazing showing during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Druella Rosier earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: Thank you for your particpation in coming to the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: Thank you for your particpation in coming to the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: Thank you for your particpation in coming to the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Oliver Louis Nike earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: Thank you for your particpation in coming to the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Tom Marvolo Riddle earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: Thank you for your particpation in coming to the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Oct 26 2015)
Prudentia Wren Galilea Merrythought earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: Thank you for your particpation in coming to the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Tom Marvolo Riddle earned 10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Scariest Pumpkin award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Akilina Yevpraksiya Moscovitz earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Silliest Pumpkin award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Augusta Macmillan earned 10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Sweetest Pumpkin award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Penelope Iblis earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Scariest Costume award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Augusta Macmillan earned 10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Silliest Costume award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Madeline Evans earned 10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Sweetest Costume award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Group Costume award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Walburga Black earned 10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For winning the Group Costume award on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Pumpkin Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Akilina Yevpraksiya Moscovitz earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Pumpkin Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Augusta Macmillan earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Pumpkin Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Madeline Evans earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Pumpkin Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Tom Marvolo Riddle earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Pumpkin Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Walburga Black lost -5 points from Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Pumpkin Contest in a inappropriate to school spirit and unity manner.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Penelope Iblis lost -5 points from Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest in a costume inappropriate to school rules and decorum on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Akilina Yevpraksiya Moscovitz earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Augusta Macmillan earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Madeline Evans earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Tom Marvolo Riddle earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Samira Prince earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Walburga Black lost -5 points from Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: Whoops OOC mistake.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 02 2015)
Walburga Black lost -5 points from Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For participating in the Costume Contest in a costume inappropriate to school rules and decorum on Halloween.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Alicia Rowle earned 10 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and teamwork in the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Erica Stainwright earned 20 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and teamwork in the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Sierra Ileana Higgins earned 10 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and teamwork in the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 15 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and teamwork in the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 60 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and teamwork in the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game. Victory to Ravenclaw under Elspeth's leadership.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Erica Stainwright earned 50 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: In a crises you were there to help a Housemate out. For that selfless thinking, 50 points to Hufflepuff.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 50 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: In a crises you were there to help a Housemate out. For that clever thinking and quick action, 50 points to Hufflepuff.
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— Reply by Boo at Mon Nov 23 06:01:14 2015 —
Edit: In a crises you were there to help out a fellow student. For that clever thinking and quick action, 50 points to Ravenclaw.
(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Akilina Yevpraksiya Moscovitz earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Druella Rosier earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Eutheria Flitwick earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Lucretia Black earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Oliver Louis Nike earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Orion Black earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Susan Mairead Carmody earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Nov 23 2015)
Walburga Black earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Game.
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(House Points Recorder - Dec 08 2015)
Brody Niall Iolar lost -5 points from Ravenclaw. Handled by Head Girl Elspeth Nina Rosen for the reason of: Improper use of fire spell in a wooded area
(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 70 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For her star moments and for leading House Ravenclaw to victory against House Slytherin in their Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Gabriel Ward, Jr. earned 30 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For his star moments in the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match. Managing to be the MVP in this game.
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 20 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For his star moments in the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match. Managing to be the MVP in this game.
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 20 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For his star moments in the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Oberon Lestrange earned 10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For his participation in the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Akilina Yevpraksiya Moscovitz earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For coming to the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match and showing House and School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Orion Black earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For coming to the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match and showing House and School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Susan Mairead Carmody earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For coming to the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match and showing House and School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Tom Marvolo Riddle earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For coming to the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match and showing House and School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Mateo Ezrus Lovegood earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For coming to the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match and showing House and School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Alicia Rowle earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For coming to the House Ravenclaw against House Slytherin Quidditch Match and showing House and School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Three French Hens on Twelfth Night, five points to Lissie.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Twelve Drummers Drumming on Twelfth Night, five points to Elspeth.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Eleven Pipers Piping on Twelfth Night, five points to Brody.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Six Geese A-Laying on Twelfth Night, five points to Elspeth.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 11 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding A Partridge in a Pear Tree on Twelfth Night, five points to Lissie.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Eight Maids A-Milking on Twelfth Night, five points to Lissie.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Four Calling Birds on Twelfth Night, five points to Lissie.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Two Turtle Doves on Twelfth Night, five points to Brody.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Nine Ladies Dancing on Twelfth Night, five points to Brody.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Ten Lords A-Leaping on Twelfth Night, five points to Brody.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Five Golden Rings on Twelfth Night, five points to Lissie.
(House Points Recorder - Jan 12 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Seven Swans A-Swimming on Twelfth Night, five points to Lissie.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Asmund Mercutio Fawley earned 50 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For leading the Hufflepuff Quidditch team to a victory.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Erica Stainwright earned 30 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For a star performance for Hufflepuff Team.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Terrance Green earned 20 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For a star performance for Gryffindor Team.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Josephine Alexandra Davies earned 20 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For a star performance for Gryffindor Team.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
William Marlowe the Younger earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For participation in the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch Match.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Finley Fane Higgins earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For participation in the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch Match.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For showing School Spirit in the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch Match.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Augusta Macmillan earned 5 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For showing School Spirit in the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch Match.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 5 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For showing School Spirit in the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch Match.
(House Points Recorder - Feb 29 2016)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For showing School Spirit in the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch Match.
(House Points Recorder - Mar 29 2016)
Beauregard Zabini earned 16 points to Slytherin. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For wonderful participation in the Color Changing Charm during Transfiguration Class.
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(House Points Recorder - Mar 29 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 8 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For good participation in the Color Changing Charm during Transfiguration Class.
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(House Points Recorder - Mar 29 2016)
Lissie Keir lost -35 points from Hufflepuff. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For losing her temper in the face of bullying and stooping to their level.
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(House Points Recorder - Mar 29 2016)
Ravenclaw Student NPC lost -35 points from Ravenclaw. Handled by Gryffindor Head Of House Enid Pettigrew for the reason of: For bullying and disrespecting Professor Pettigrew right in the middle of class.
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(House Points Recorder - Apr 03 2016)
Beauregard Zabini lost -5 points from Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For invading Mr. Pringle's privacy, five points from Beauregard. Oh, and Beauregard, do clean up that mess before reporting to the infirmary. Thank you.
(House Points Recorder - Apr 07 2016)
Angus Robert MacMillan earned 1 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For managing to not to overly express himself on April 1st. His restraint is appreciated.
(House Points Recorder - Apr 09 2016)
Beauregard Zabini earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Pringle's Diary and returning it to Mr. Pringle, five points to Beauregard.
(House Points Recorder - Apr 11 2016)
Beauregard Zabini lost -10 points from Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For invasion of a faculty member's privacy. It is rude to read people's diaries. Even just to crack one open. Hope this is a valuable lesson.
(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Erica Stainwright earned 20 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and catching the snitch in the Hufflepuff versus Slytherin Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 115 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For leading the Slytherins to an outstanding victory over House Hufflepuff. Through a blizzard he was able to display skill, not only in leadership, but showing that a skilled Keeper can be a winning factor in any game. It's not always about the snitch!
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
William Marlowe the Younger earned 10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Brody Niall Iolar earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Josephine Alexandra Davies earned 25 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation and catching the Snitch in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Elspeth Nina Rosen earned 15 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Gabriel Ward, Jr. earned 15 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match. That was the longest strings of consecutive goals we've seen in quite some time!
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Abraxas Malfoy earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For attending the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match and showing good School Spirit!
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Akilina Yevpraksiya Moscovitz earned 10 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Antonin Dolohov earned 10 points to Slytherin. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Lissie Keir earned 10 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Melodia Grace Abernathy earned 10 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Augusta Macmillan earned 10 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Erica Stainwright earned 10 points to Hufflepuff. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For good participation in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Josephine Alexandra Davies earned 20 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Professor Silvanus Kettleburn for the reason of: When I could not attend a meeting with the Centaur Chieftain, I sent in my Aide, Josie Davies and she did a remarkable job being my eyes and ears and voice.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 05 2016)
Ignatius Leonius Prewett earned 50 points to Gryffindor. Handled by Coach Rolanda Hooch for the reason of: For leading the Gryffindor's into victory in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch Match.
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(House Points Recorder - Jun 15 2016)
Morrow Ruby Artemisia Eugenie Selwyn earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: Morrow Ruby Artemisia Eugenie Selwyn earned 5 points to Ravenclaw. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Pringle's Gloves and returning it to Mr. Pringle, five points to Morrow.
(House Points Recorder - Jun 15 2016)
Maurice Lorcan Parkinson earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Pringle's Fishing Pole and returning it to Mr. Pringle, five points to Lorcan.
(House Points Recorder - Jun 15 2016)
Maurice Lorcan Parkinson earned 5 points to Slytherin. Handled by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the reason of: For finding Pringle's Bagpipe and returning it to Mr. Pringle, five points to Lorcan.