(2016-12-04) July - November Cookie BB Archive
Details for July - November Cookie BB Archive
Summary: The BB3 Archive back up.
Date: July - November 2016
Location: WiWiMUSH
Related: -

(Cookie System - Jul 03 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Xylina 9 cookies
2. Anson 9 cookies
3. Samira 8 cookies
4. Aiden 7 cookies
5. Victor 5 cookies
6. Morrow 5 cookies
7. Galahad 5 cookies
8. Susan 4 cookies
9. Sioned 4 cookies
10. Keenan 4 cookies

(CreepyDoll - Jul 04 2016)

CreepyDoll awarded 2 cookie(s) to TopHat.

Thank you for the obituary for Lunet!

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 6 cookies from Eoin's bank account.

For the Disarming Charm

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to DangitCoral.

Thanks for helping to update Eamon.

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo withdrew 5 cookies from Jaclyn's bank account.

For a Skill Fix on her +sheet.

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo withdrew 15 cookies from Cara's bank account.

For the learning of Gobbledegook.

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo withdrew 10 cookies from Josie's bank account.

For the Patch-Up Spell.

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo withdrew 75 cookies from Corina's bank account.

For the Occlumens Quirk.

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo withdrew 300 cookies from Morgana's bank account.

A new member of the Animagus Registry is penned in. Morgana Rashley, Black Panther. Welcome to the Registry!

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 50 cookies from Kolbie's bank account.

For the Patronus Charm

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 20 cookies from Kolbie's bank account.

For the Shield Charm, Apotropaic

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 10 cookies from Kolbie's bank account.

Defensive Charge

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 5 cookies from Anson's bank account.

Pestering Jinx

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 50 cookies from Herbert's bank account.

Patronus Charm

(CreepyDoll - Jul 05 2016)

CreepyDoll withdrew 20 cookies from Herbert's bank account.

Shield Charm, Apotropaic

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo withdrew 50 cookies from Corina's bank account.

For the bump up to Wealth: Rich.

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to DangitCoral.

Thank you for Carolus' base description! <3

(Boo - Jul 05 2016)

Boo awarded 8 cookie(s) to DangitCoral.

Thank you for Carolus' BG!

(Cookie System - Jul 10 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Samira 8 cookies
2. Lucian 5 cookies
3. Josie 5 cookies
4. Grayson 5 cookies
5. Camilla 5 cookies
6. Roe 4 cookies
7. Morrow 4 cookies
8. Morgana 3 cookies
9. CreepyDoll 3 cookies
10. Soleil 2 cookies

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo withdrew 25 cookies from Moira's bank account.

The Woodcroft family is Well-To-Do.

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo withdrew 10 cookies from Moira's bank account.

Moira is the granddaughter of Ryan Woodcroft, who had a love affair with Gugga and they learned the language together. Since Moira is his favorite he taught the Troll Language to her so they can joke and tell stories in it.

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo withdrew 10 cookies from Moira's bank account.

For Moira's Troll Whisker Wand Core. Moira is the granddaughter of Ryan Woodcroft, who had a love affair with Gugga. The wand was made from one of Gugga's whiskers, and eventually passed down to Moira, the only Woodcroft who enjoys Ryan's stories about the trolls.

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo withdrew 6 cookies from Arcturus's bank account.

For Quirk Adjustments.

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Bailey's bank account.

Quirk adjustment.

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo withdrew 4 cookies from Oberon's bank account.

Quirk Change.

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to DangitCoral.

For the Belaurius Updating!

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to HoneyBonBon.

Thank you for updating Lea!

(Boo - Jul 11 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to HoneyBonBon.

Thank you for updating Ivy!

(Cookie System - Jul 17 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Laurean 3 cookies
2. Samira 2 cookies
3. Moira 2 cookies
4. Lucian 2 cookies
5. Lissie 2 cookies
6. Elly 2 cookies
7. Daedalus 2 cookies
8. Aiden 2 cookies
9. Victor 1 cookies
10. Valda 1 cookies

(Boo - Jul 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Thyri.

Thank you for Marian's Description! <3

(Boo - Jul 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Thyri.

Thank you for Trinity's Description! <3

(Boo - Jul 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Thyri.

Thank you for Mitty's Description! <3

(Boo - Jul 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Thyri.

Thank you for Tilly's Description! <3

(Boo - Jul 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Thyri.

Thank you for Septimus' Description! <3

(Boo - Jul 23 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to CreepyDoll.

Thank you for helping me organize and stay sane today for the Pick-Pocketing Event.

(Boo - Jul 23 2016)

Boo awarded 50 cookie(s) to PirateSpice.

Stipend for all the awesome wiki work you've been doing lately.

(Cookie System - Jul 24 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Josie 9 cookies
2. Lissie 6 cookies
3. Ellery 5 cookies
4. Bowen 5 cookies
5. Samira 4 cookies
6. Lucinda 4 cookies
7. Felix 4 cookies
8. Asmund 4 cookies
9. Morgana 3 cookies
10. Lucian 3 cookies

(Boo - Jul 26 2016)

Boo withdrew 100 cookies from Norman's bank account.

For the Mental Bulwark Quirk. A unique immunity to Mind-based spells and magical effects, as a result to a lifetime of excessive Obliviation.

(Boo - Jul 26 2016)

Boo awarded 8 cookie(s) to LilDragon.

For the Gibbon family history.

(Boo - Jul 30 2016)

Boo withdrew 300 cookies from Thyri's bank account.

For the Animagus: Raven Quirk.

(Boo - Jul 31 2016)

Boo withdrew 40 cookies from Effie's bank account.

For a Rowan Wood Wand.

(Boo - Jul 31 2016)

Boo withdrew 50 cookies from Effie's bank account.

For the Patronus Charm.

(Cookie System - Jul 31 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Effie 7 cookies
2. Lucinda 4 cookies
3. Aiden 4 cookies
4. Eoin 3 cookies
5. Solstice 2 cookies
6. Rubeus 2 cookies
7. Lissie 2 cookies
8. Laurean 2 cookies
9. Eutheria 2 cookies
10. Thyri 1 cookies

(Boo - Aug 01 2016)

Boo awarded 50 cookie(s) to CreepyDoll.

Happy Birthday Creepydoll! <3 *sings* ~This is your Birthday Song! It isn't very long.~

(Boo - Aug 01 2016)

Boo awarded 8 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

For the Selwyn Family History. <3

(Boo - Aug 01 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

Thank you for the Selwyn Family Reputation. <3

(Boo - Aug 03 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to WraithOwl.

Thank you for participating in the Big 3 Projects Poll!

(Boo - Aug 03 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to TopHat.

Thank you for participating in the Big 3 Projects Poll!

(Boo - Aug 03 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to HoneyBonBon.

Thank you for participating in the Big 3 Projects Poll!

(Boo - Aug 03 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to PirateSpice.

Thank you for participating in the Big 3 Projects Poll!

(Boo - Aug 03 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to EvilFerret.

Thank you for participating in the Big 3 Projects Poll!

(Boo - Aug 03 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Josie.

Thank you for participating in the Big 3 Projects Poll!

(Boo - Aug 04 2016)

Boo withdrew 10 cookies from Hellebore's bank account.

To have Eidolon, the Ferret at School as a pet.

(Boo - Aug 04 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Hellebore's bank account.

For the Quirk Tweak to have a bit of a shabbier residence in a nicer neighborhood.

(Boo - Aug 05 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to PirateSpice.

Thank you for participating in the 'Which Class to Do First?' Poll.

(Boo - Aug 05 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

Thank you for participating in the 'Which Class to Do First?' Poll.

(Boo - Aug 05 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to EvilFerret.

Thank you for participating in the 'Which Class to Do First?' Poll.

(Boo - Aug 05 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Josie.

Thank you for participating in the 'Which Class to Do First?' Poll.

(Boo - Aug 05 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to TopHat.

Thank you for participating in the 'Which Class to Do First?' Poll.

(Boo - Aug 06 2016)

Boo withdrew 300 cookies from Daedalus's bank account.

For a Phoenix Wand Core.

(Cookie System - Aug 07 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Moira 8 cookies
2. Effie 8 cookies
3. Daniel 6 cookies
4. Daedalus 6 cookies
5. Tim 5 cookies
6. Gamine 4 cookies
7. Norman 3 cookies
8. Laurean 3 cookies
9. Elly 3 cookies
10. Cassandra 3 cookies

(Boo - Aug 11 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to TwilightSparkle.

Thanks for the help with the MoM Directores and Heads!

(Boo - Aug 12 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

For the Wedding Announcement Article. Thanks for the help!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Josie.

Thank you for voting on what Core Class comes next!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to EvilFerret.

Thank you for voting on what Core Class comes next!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Seamus.

Thank you for voting on what Core Class comes next!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Lainni.

Thank you for voting on what Core Class comes next!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

Thank you for voting on what Core Class comes next!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to PirateSpice.

Thank you for voting on what Core Class comes next!

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to Josie.

Thanks for contributing to Helping With Sizes! <3

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to EvilFerret.

Thanks for contributing to Helping With Sizes! <3

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Seamus.

Thanks for contributing to Helping With Sizes! <3

(Boo - Aug 13 2016)

Boo awarded 25 cookie(s) to Gamine.

Thanks for contributing to Helping With Sizes! <3

(Cookie System - Aug 14 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Effie 2 cookies
2. Daedalus 2 cookies
3. Beauford 2 cookies
4. Tim 1 cookies
5. Lissie 1 cookies
6. Laurean 1 cookies
7. Josie 1 cookies
8. Jonothan 1 cookies
9. Hephaesta 1 cookies
10. Cassandra 1 cookies

(Boo - Aug 19 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to EvilFerret.

Thanks for helping out with the hunt for MoM Heads and Directors! <3

(Cookie System - Aug 21 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Walburga 3 cookies
2. Josie 3 cookies
3. Rubeus 2 cookies
4. Effie 2 cookies
5. Daedalus 2 cookies
6. Camilla 2 cookies
7. Aiden 2 cookies
8. Lorcan 1 cookies
9. Lissie 1 cookies
10. Cara 1 cookies

(Boo - Aug 25 2016)

Boo awarded 13 cookie(s) to Josie.

Thank you so very much for running the Merfolk Meet-and-Greet for me when my health went poorly. <3 <3


(Cookie System - Aug 28 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Lissie 6 cookies
2. Josie 6 cookies
3. Camilla 6 cookies
4. Aiden 6 cookies
5. William 5 cookies
6. Rubeus 4 cookies
7. Eoin 3 cookies
8. Cyrene 1 cookies
9. Cara 1 cookies

(Boo - Sep 02 2016)

Boo awarded 15 cookie(s) to William.

Thank you for the help with NPC pages! <3

(Boo - Sep 02 2016)

Boo withdrew 300 cookies from Moira's bank account.

Moira has great ambitions and a cunning mind. As half-bloods go, she is from excellent (and -relativevly- pure) pedigree, and has the kind of self-importance that many pure-bloods do.

Moira lights up with excitement when her name is called. Some murmurs of recognition bubble up from the students in recognition the Woodcroft name. Anyone who has lived in or spent enough time in Hogsmeade has come across the name of the village's founding family, and likely encountered its red-haired princess bouncing through the shops and streets. Even now, there is a spring in her step as she approaches and hops up onto the stool.

Moira can scarcely contain herself as the tattered old hat is placed upon her head. The Sorting Hat, however, wrinkles up its features and lets out a prolonged, "Hmmmmm." As the hat falls into thoughtful silence, Moira's smile falters and she stares up at the brim, waiting with growing anticipation. "Could it be?" The Sorting Hat ponders aloud. "The times are changing, indeed. SSSSSLYTHERIN!"

As murmurs and gasps travel through the room, Moira's jaw drops open, gobsmacked. A half-blood in Slytherin? As her face drains of colour, her eyes turn slowly toward the Slytherin table, where she is met with a host of expressions, from bemusement to utter shock to glowering disdain. A lump rises in her throat as Moira slides down from the stool, and like a prisoner being marched toward the firing squad, she drags her feet toward her new house as if an invisible hand were pushing her forth against her will. As she nears an open seat, the nearby Slytherin's scoot away, lest her impure blood somehow taint them.

(Cookie System - Sep 05 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. William 9 cookies
2. Daedalus 9 cookies
3. Susan 6 cookies
4. Eoin 5 cookies
5. Dumbledore 5 cookies
6. Antonin 5 cookies
7. Lissie 4 cookies
8. Erica 4 cookies
9. Ellery 3 cookies
10. Cillian 2 cookies

(Cookie System - Sep 11 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Daedalus 7 cookies
2. Aiden 7 cookies
3. William 5 cookies
4. Lissie 5 cookies
5. Walburga 3 cookies
6. Eoin 3 cookies
7. Adrian 3 cookies
8. Andara 2 cookies
9. TwilightSparkle 1 cookies

(Cookie System - Sep 18 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Jaclyn 2 cookies
2. Eoin 2 cookies
3. Abraxas 2 cookies

(Cookie System - Sep 25 2016)

Player Cookies Received

(Cookie System - Oct 03 2016)

Player Cookies Received

(Cookie System - Oct 09 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Lorcan 3 cookies
2. Jaclyn 3 cookies
3. Eoin 3 cookies
4. Aiden 3 cookies

(Cookie System - Oct 16 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Dorea 1 cookies
2. Charlus 1 cookies

(Boo - Oct 21 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to William.

For Helbert's Clothing Description.

(Cookie System - Oct 23 2016)

Player Cookies Received

(Cookie System - Oct 30 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Lissie 3 cookies
2. Aiden 3 cookies
3. Megan 2 cookies
4. Eoin 2 cookies
5. Olivia 1 cookies
6. Lorcan 1 cookies

(Cookie System - Nov 06 2016)

Player Cookies Received

(Boo - Nov 16 2016)

Boo awarded 8 cookie(s) to Phoenicia.

Thank you for Romilda's Background! <3

(Boo - Nov 16 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Bettina Yaxley's description! <3

(Boo - Nov 16 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Gwendolyn's description! <3

(Boo - Nov 16 2016)

Boo awarded 4 cookie(s) to Phoenicia.

Thank you for Romilda's RP Hooks. <3

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Matilda's Desc! <3 Just a couple of tweaks to bring it more into 1940s fashion. But other than that, excellent descing!

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo withdrew 40 cookies from Samira's bank account.

For the Exanimus Curse. Over the summer, Samira's brother, Amir, taught her how to cast this spell.

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo withdrew 20 cookies from Samira's bank account.

For the Stinging Jinx. Over the summer, Samira's brother, Amir, taught her how to cast this spell.

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to Alexander.

Thank you for Abigail's Quirks and a Hook! <3

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to Phoenicia.

Thank you for the Quirks for Dermot.

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo awarded 6 cookie(s) to Phoenicia.

Thank you for all of the great Astronomy Textbooks!

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for Queen Elizabeth's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 17 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for Queen Elizabeth's Quirks.

(Boo - Nov 18 2016)

Boo awarded 8 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for Queen Elizabeth's Background! <3

(Boo - Nov 18 2016)

Boo awarded 6 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

For the CoMC Textbooks! <3

(Boo - Nov 19 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Winky's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 19 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Atalanta's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 19 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Alistair's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 19 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Basil's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 19 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Benjy's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 20 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Cantankerus' Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 20 2016)

Boo withdrew 10 cookies from Mackenzie's bank account.

http://wandw.wdfiles.com/local--files/mackenzie/Mackenzie_02.jpg Light Photo Manipulation.

(Cookie System - Nov 21 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Mackenzie 16 cookies
2. Samira 10 cookies
3. Riddle 9 cookies
4. Phoenicia 8 cookies
5. Tavish 7 cookies
6. Oberon 7 cookies
7. Alexander 7 cookies
8. Billy 6 cookies
9. Zoe 5 cookies
10. Victor 5 cookies

(Boo - Nov 21 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Derwent's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 21 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Hamish's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 21 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for King George VI's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 21 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for King George VI's Background! <3 For the exceptional research and writing, you're getting a couple extra cookies.

(Boo - Nov 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Harrel's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 22 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for the description of Ignatius' clothes! <3

(Boo - Nov 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Jayne's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Joseph's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 22 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Mick's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 23 2016)

Boo awarded 100 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you so much for putting together the spell spread sheet, I think that it is extremely useful and was very kind of you to do! <3 <3

( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I0yI98roBPruTrsZrcVG4Umg3UKG6M3HlAAp0ZXOMlA/edit#gid=0 )

(Boo - Nov 23 2016)

Boo withdrew 15 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Fire Rope spell. Phee is a natural pyromancer and has a high affinity for fire magic

(Boo - Nov 24 2016)

Boo awarded 100 cookie(s) to Melisade.

Thank you for the Polling Station that is found in the OOC Center. I think it will help greatly in coordinating events and just traditional polling questions. <3

(Boo - Nov 24 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Superbia.

Thank you for helping me with the last little bit of Celtic Knot Project! <3

(Boo - Nov 24 2016)

Boo awarded 8 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

Thank you for the Merrythought Family History. <3

(Boo - Nov 24 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to LexicalGavot.

Thank you for the Merrythought Family Reputation Blurb. <3

(Boo - Nov 24 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for the description of the Comedic Gargoyle! <3

(Boo - Nov 24 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for helping me play catch up, getting all the class logs for this year +house pointed.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 25 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

Because it's only been a matter of days since Phee was approved and the Player has really busted to help out and be a part of the Community, we're going to do a little hand-wavery and say that Phee was made Prefect for Gryffindor during her 5th year. Bear the Badge with Pride!

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thanks for help with the tagging of wiki pages in search of Open For Creation.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to HoneyBonBon.

Thank you for planting the seed of the idea that developed into our current Open for Creation marking and tagging system. <3

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 1 cookie from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Dishwashing Spell.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Drying Spell.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 1 cookie from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Flower-Conjuring Spell

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Hairstyling Spell.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 1 cookie from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Hair-Thickening Charm.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 1 cookie from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Bubble-Producing Spell.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Potage's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Ironing Charm.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Knitting Charm.

(Boo - Nov 25 2016)

Boo withdrew 2 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Packing Charm

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Randolph's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Robert's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Rocky's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Ryan's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Slater's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Tawney's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Titus' Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

Thank you for Paul's Description! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 20 cookie(s) to Gamine.

Just for being the Doozer you are, helping me process all of the Doozer goodies! <3

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo withdrew 3 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Scouring Charm.

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo withdrew 3 cookies from Phoenicia's bank account.

For the Sweeping Charm.

(Boo - Nov 26 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to Mackenzie.

For the various RP Hooks for various characters. Thank you so much. <3

(Boo - Nov 27 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for Queen Mother Mary's description! <3

(Boo - Nov 27 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

For the background of the Queen Mother. Thank you! <3

(Boo - Nov 27 2016)

Boo awarded 3 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for the A.R. Texts!

(Boo - Nov 27 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for Princess Lizzies Description! <3

(Cookie System - Nov 27 2016)

Player Cookies Received
1. Virgil 15 cookies
2. Tavish 13 cookies
3. Aiden 11 cookies
4. Phoenicia 9 cookies
5. Walburga 8 cookies
6. Carol 8 cookies
7. Ralphael 7 cookies
8. Mackenzie 6 cookies
9. Lissie 6 cookies
10. Effie 6 cookies

(Boo - Nov 29 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for the description for the Soil Testing Solution! <3

(Boo - Nov 29 2016)

Boo withdrew 5 cookies from Lachlann's bank account.

For a Hazel Wood Wand.

(Boo - Nov 29 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for the help and reminder to update the Chargen2 page of the wiki to relfect the new Quidditch Skills and better define what Action Skills are. <3

(Boo - Nov 29 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you for Pricess Lizzies Background! <3

(Boo - Nov 29 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

For Mary of Teck's Hooks. <3

(Boo - Nov 29 2016)

Boo awarded 50 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

For all your help with the Royals & Churchill! <3

(Boo - Nov 30 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to Michael.

Thank you for the Dorchester Hotel description.

(Boo - Dec 01 2016)

Boo awarded 10 cookie(s) to EmmyStarlight.

Thank you for the essay on the Navy! <3

(Boo - Dec 01 2016)

Boo awarded 2 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thanks for the Bloody Baron's Hooks!

(Boo - Dec 02 2016)

Boo awarded 190 cookie(s) to CinderSkye.

Thank you so much for all of the research and discovery work you did to help me get the new stage system for student actors all done.

(Boo - Dec 02 2016)

Boo awarded 20 cookie(s) to Tree.

Thank you for getting Gwendolyn to approvable levels for Staff!

(Boo - Dec 04 2016)

Boo awarded 5 cookie(s) to UnicornBoy.

Thanks for the help with some Recipe and Potion Training entries.

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