Portrayed by William Moseley |
Name: |
Lucian Pride |
Aliases: |
Luc, Lucian Proudmore |
Birthday: |
10 February, 1921 |
Position: |
Transfiguration Tutor, Hippogriff Trainer |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood |
"Honour is the only thing that nobody can ever take away from you."
— Lucian Pride
A tall, broad-shouldered young man with a strong jawline and a mane of golden-blonde hair. His thoughtful blue eyes are frequently narrowed in careful examination of his surroundings and options. He is tanned from plenty of outdoor work, and well muscled due to the same, favoring physical labor over magical solutions.
He is usually dressed in simple, sturdy clothing, suitable for stable work and riding. A button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, canvas trousers, and a heavy wool coat or cloak when the weather calls for it.
Actaeon Proudmore is the patriarch of a very respectable family, and a long line of Gryffindors. When his illicit affair with his brother's wife produced a son, it could have been a devastating scandal. But money and influence can buy silence, and young Lucian Proudmore grew up largely ignored by pure-blood society. Though a pure-blood himself, he was a bastard, and an embarrassment to the Proudmore family.
Though allowed to live in the family manor, Lucian was relegated to servant's quarters, and made to work for his keep, mainly as a stable-hand, taking care of the family's hippogriffs and other animals. He didn't mind the work — the animals didn't judge him. It was the fact that he had no choice in the matter that made him bitter.
In 1931, Actaeon was fortunate enough to play host to the Minister for Magic and her family at Christmas. Naturally, Lucian was unwelcome at the festivities, instead locked in the carriage house with his own private meal and some token presents. As the night wore on, Lucian's anger and frustration boiled over, and he caused a considerable mess in a fit of rage. Unfortunately, in the process, he knocked an oil lantern over, where it landed on a stack of old Daily Prophets. The fire spread quickly, with Lucian trapped inside. Though he passed out, and doesn't even remember his arm being burned, he was later told that it was Minister Gambol, not his father, that rescued him and placed him in St. Mungo's. Of course, two days later, his father pulled him out before his scars could fully heal (leaving his left forearm badly scarred to this day), insisting that he was "healed enough to work, and that was good enough." Lucian never forgot that it was his own blood that stood by while a stranger risked herself for him. It was all the proof he needed that true power was found in those that earned it, not those born into it.
Lucian had to rely upon his cunning to get by in a world that would rather he just disappear — a sentiment that only spurred on his desire to prove his own worth, even if only to himself. When he started his education at Hogwarts, he couldn't have been happier to be sorted into Slytherin, a fact that only caused further shame to the Proudmores. Here, he could rise above his lowly origins and become the great wizard he knows in his heart he was meant to be. Here, he would show them all…
Lucian's early years at Hogwarts were a struggle, at least socially. He was bitter, and prone to outbursts, which led him into all manner of trouble. It was the influence of another student that tamed the lion inside, and helped him learn to focus his rage and learn patience. Ria Sykes may have been from a prideful, moneyed family like the Proudmores, but she was anything but pampered. She understood what hard work and dedication were, and that made her alright in Lucian's book.
Though he excelled in Care of Magical Creatures and Transfiguration (with fantasies of one day learning to become an Animagus), where Lucian truly shined was in Duelling Club. After Ria helped him find more focus, he took to dueling like a fish to water. But it wasn't simply an outlet for his anger. He began to fancy himself something of a black knight — a warrior of honour, but fierce all the same. He took dueling very seriously, and whatever taunts and arrogance he might have in the halls of Hogwarts, on the dueling stage he was a spiritual gladiator, an exemplar for the younger students, a paladin.
After Hogwarts
Out in the real world, Lucian has learned just how ill-prepared he was for it. He had spent so much time focusing on his relationship and future with Ria. When that relationship fell apart, he was adrift. At least he had the Fawley Farm, where he had been taken in along with the Proudmore hippogriffs. But he had always been one to stand on his own, and wanted to build a life that didn't require him to rely on others.
Initially, Lucian set his sights on the world of professional duelling. But he eventually realised that his heart wasn't in it. He was still fighting to retain who he was, rather than changing to become who he could be. After a mediocre showing at a duelling tournament, he decided to give it up. He had his surname legally changed to "Pride" and set himself on a path to doing what he always loved best: teaching. He put together a small business, hiring himself out as a Transfiguration Tutor, hoping that his offer of "Animagus Consultation" would attract clients interested in the difficult field of study.
Fourteen inches, aspen, slightly springy, with a dragon heartstring core.
Prior to attending Hogwarts, Lucian befriended a crow on the Proudmore Estate, who he came to call "Odin."
Animagus Form
The irony of turning into a lion is not lost on Lucian.
Pyrophobia |
Due to traumatic events in his childhood, Lucian has a primal fear of fire. |
Driven to Succeed |
Lucian has had to labour and scrape for everything he's got, while watching his family live in luxury. It has given him a need to succeed on his own terms. |
Friend to Animals |
Animals don't judge. They don't care if you're a bastard. Lucian has always felt a kinship with beasts. |
Animagus: Lion |
Lucian has trained to become an Animagus. In his animal form, he appears as a young, golden lion. He is registered and now publicly advertises his Animagus status as part of his tutoring business. |
Soul Bond: Morgana |
Due to Morgana's exposure to the damaged Heart of Gold, a magical connection was forged with Lucian. |
Wealth: Comfortable |
Lucian makes a decent living tutoring. |
RP Hooks
- Lion Foe: Throughout school, he had an irrational loathing of Gryffindor. It's gotten milder, but old habits die hard.
- Bastard: Well known to be illegitimate, though it isn't spoken of openly in his father's social circles.
- Duellist: At Hogwarts, he took Duelling Club very seriously, not only in terms of excellence, but also chivalry and respect.
- Mentor: A whole different side of Lucian shows when someone needs guidance. He is a very patient and effective tutor.
- Animal Lover: Lucian's true compassionate side comes out with animals and beasts.
- Hippogriff Keeper: Lucian has been caring for the hippogriffs on the Fawley Farm since he was a young boy, and is very protective of them.
- Ex-Magijunde: Lucian was a member of the Magijugend, but rejected the club, and suffered a broken wand as a result.
- Transfiguration Tutor: Lucian hires out his services as a tutor for transfiguration to both students and adults. Among the services he offers is 'Animagus Consultation and Training'. He will assess those that wish to become Animagi, and if they are suitable candidates, teach them the art.
Character Diamond
A character diamond represents the core, unchangeable traits of a character.
- Passionate: Lucian wears his heart on his sleeve, and his emotions often threaten to get the better of him, leading to impulsive behaviour.
- Honourable: Lucian's sense of honour runs to his very core. He takes pride in living up to certain standards, and he will sacrifice without question to do what he feels is right.
- Stubborn: Sometimes myopic in his focus, Lucian is as single-minded as he is driven and dedicated to his goals.
- Paternal: Lucian feels a powerful need to hold onto, protect, and even teach and inspire the people he cares about.
School Performance
Classes |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Year 7 |
Astronomy |
D |
D |
T |
P |
P |
Charms |
A |
A |
E |
A |
E |
O |
E |
Defence Against the Dark Arts |
E |
E |
O |
A |
E |
E |
A |
Herbology |
P |
A |
P |
A |
A |
History of Magic |
T |
D |
P |
P |
A |
Potions |
A |
A |
E |
E |
E |
Transfiguration |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Flying |
A |
Care of Magical Creatures |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Study of Ancient Runes |
A |
P |
P |
- Duelling Club: Lucian was renowned as both a member and mentor of the Duelling Club. He took great pride in teaching the younger students duelling techniques, and placed great emphasis on the sanctity and honour of the art.
- Athletics Club: Though not especially active in sporting activities, Lucian's involvement in the Athletics Club was largely for the sake of gaining access to the training equipment for venting anger, and to always have an excuse to go swimming when he wanted to.
- Slug Club: It took a lot of hard work to get good enough to impress Professor Slughorn.
- Triwizard Entourage: Lucian was chosen for the entourage of the 1938 Hogwarts Champion.
- Paladin's Challenge, 1938-39 - 3rd Place: Lucian placed third in the 1938-39 Paladin's Challenge duelling tournament.
Logs featuring Lucian |
Logs that refer to Lucian |
Camilla is my real family now. She's given me everything I ever could have hoped for, and asked for nothing in return but help around the farm. I think she feels like she's a mother to me, but I see her as more of a big sister.
Josie's a tough little kid, and smart, too. She's had a rough life, and she gets that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I'm doing my damnedest to make sure she doesn't turn into another arrogant Gryffindor prat. So far, I think she's doing well. I can't say I like the influence of that pretentious little "pirate captain" she hangs about with. He's destined to be the worst of their entire house.
We are such a blend of things in common and complete opposites. We're both bastards and we've both struggled because of that. But she can be so logical and cerebral, while I…I can be a little too emotional. But we also seem to balance each other out. I really believe we're good for each other, and I never saw her coming. She makes me happy. Unreasonably happy. I've never felt like this before. I really think she's the one.
Old Sluggy's a decent chap. Can't say I'm not thrilled to be in his club. Anyone who's "made it" is in the Slug Club. This could be my ticket to a real life.
One thing I can say about Soleil is that she doesn't have unrealistic expectations of anyone. Seems like that's a rare quality these days, but I appreciate it.
She helps out on the farm a lot, which is pretty nice. She's a bit nosy, but she sort of has a way of getting me to talk. It's annoying.
Some part of me still wants to give Alphard a proper thrashing. But we've agreed to leave the past in the past, and try to be civil. Though now that I'm out of the Magijugend, I have no idea if that truce will remain.
This kid's got spirit, and she's clever, to boot. In our duel, she couldn't break through my Shield, so she tried to get around it and Spongify my shoes. Brilliant! I think she could be a great duelist with the right motivation.
He reminds me of my father in so many ways. Plenty of bravado, insults, and arrogance. He makes a lot of assumptions and thinks he knows it all without having half the facts. Still…we fought alongside each other. We probably even saved each other's lives. I'm not sure about him now.
When it comes to Briar, it's complicated. We had a few flings. I'm not entirely sure why. I guess I like her fire. But she never lets up on Ria, and it pisses me off. We're getting along now…I think. I dunno, it's so hot and cold with her.
I get Claire, at least in some ways. She's got a lot of fury in her. I don't know where it comes from, but I know what it's like. In our duel, she was like a sledgehammer. Nearly busted through my defenses.
Just my luck that the Transfiguration professor and Dueling Club mentor is also the Head of House for Gryffindor. He might not be so bad if he didn't show such obvious favouritism for those arrogant prats.
Ria's famous sister. Yeah, that Jocunda Sykes. She seems alright. I didn't get to know her much before blood purity talk ruined the conversation, but she seemed more grounded than most of the Sykes clan. Ironic, considering she's famous for flying. I guess maybe being alone up there for so long can give someone perspective.
Kaiden really seemed like he had it in for me. I figure he was jealous that Ria spends so much time with me. Maybe he's worried that someone might know her as well as he does. Whatever Briar did to him, he finally backed off. Of course, ever since they broke up, there's no telling. He had his eyes on Morgana for a time. He probably hates me again if he realises that she and I are together now.
Snog a girl once, and she thinks she's your girlfriend. She might have been alright, if she'd ever just shut up.
I thought Seamus understood duelling etiquette. He was fantastic last year with the Paladin's Challenge. But to find him there, aiding Edwards in an illegal duel…I never would have seen that coming.
She saved my life. I'll owe her forever for that.
I have no love for Ria's father. He tried to destroy our love. In the long run, it looks like he succeeded, at least on Ria's end.
"Father." What a sick joke. He's no more a father to me than the Minister for Magic is my wet-nurse.
Deceased. My father's wife. She had as much to do with my banishment to the servant's quarters as Actaeon did. She always looked down her nose at me.
My youngest half-sibling, and isn't she the spoiled little princess. It pisses me off the way my father ruins her. He never challenges her. Never makes her do anything for herself. She's going to end up just like Victor.
Missing, Presumed Deceased. My only half-sibling from my mother's side of the family. At least he wasn't raised by Actaeon, but he was still a tried and true Gryffindor. But now he's…a baker? Something to do with that woman he wanted to marry. I heard she was killed a few years ago. That's got to do something dark to a man. I know that if anything ever happened to Ria, I'd go out of my mind. Now Lionel's gone and disappeared. They're saying he's dead. He may be an arse, but I hope he's alright.
My mother dropped me in my father's lap the moment she squeezed me out. So much for a mother's undying love. She folded to her husband's spitefulness, so I got a crap life. It taught me something valuable though. Everyone is out for themselves. Real loyalty is earned, never given freely.
My uncle, and technically my stepfather. He seems happy to pretend I don't exist. He's the one I can hardly blame in any of this. He's as much a victim as I am.
Our father must be so proud of precious Victor. Must be nice never having to work for anything, and still getting praised for it. Now he's trying to be a brother to me, and it's really ticking me off. He thinks he can buy my love with charity and expensive presents. Damn it…it was easier when he was just trying to beat me at everything.
This idiot is the poster child for Gryffindor arrogance.
Hard to admit it, but she's a lot like me. She's was even in a fire like me, and she shares my fear of it. Only she's not a fighter. She's a survivor, though. Unfortunately, it's made her selfish and melodramatic. I'm through with trying to maintain a friendship with someone that takes every opportunity to test it.
My first…you know. I was sixteen, she was…twenty, I think? She was the daughter of a Squib hired to tend the gardens the summer of '37. I don't know if she was just bored or if she really liked me. But it was a fantastic summer. She and her father never returned to Pridehall after that. I hope she's living well somewhere.
Another Duelling Club reject. Apparently these numbskulls learn nothing about actual duelling, and think the club is just about learning to cast nasty spells. Edwards has made his own bed, and he'll get what's coming to him.
He earned my respect, even before he sacrificed his life for his brother. I said before that he's got bollocks of pure steel, and in the end, he proved it. Anyone that has an ill word for Leander Fox is going to get a bloodied face.
Red's a vixen, and doesn't try to hide it. Maybe we could've had something if I hadn't had Ria. But I needed someone more mature, who understands me. Lorraine…well, she doesn't.
Hot shot with an attitude problem. She acts all sweet, but she pulls that taunting crap on the dueling stage. Classic example of a Gryffindor. They talk big about honour, but when it comes time to put up, it's nothing but dirty tricks and cheap tactics.
She taught me to dance back in our Third Year. We almost got together again in Fourth Year, but then she got a boyfriend. We started talking again when she needed Transfiguration tutoring, and she quickly became someone I could talk plainly to. It was pretty nice. But then something happened to her, and she started treating me like she treats everyone else, playing her little games and trying to push my buttons. Our friendship seemed too good to be true, and apparently it was.
Ever since First Year, Ria was the only kid at school that understood me, and we were best friends. I didn't expect to fall in love with her. But she's turned into this incredible, beautiful, brilliant girl. We were never the perfect little couple, but I thought it made us stronger that we struggled through our differences. But that was until "Daddy" found out, and suddenly I was nobody. We had a chance to make it better, but there's only so much I can fight for someone that won't fight for me. She's shown me who she really is. I'll always love her, but as hard as it is to admit, she's bad for me.
What a bloody exhausting bloke. It's up and down with him. First we hate each other, then we try to make peace, then he just can't help pissing me off again, and now we're…what? I don't know. I think we were finally settling down to just being housemates, and now he's vanished, probably on some fool quest to avenge his brother. Good luck, you bloody great idiot.
He's a good guy to have on your side. A little cocky, but he's earned the right to be.
Ria's treasure-hunter brother. What a self-absorbed prat he is. He obviously didn't want me with Ria. Big surprise, the stick-up-his-arse rich boy doesn't want his sister to be with the bastard. The hell with all of them.
Class of 1939
Like Lucian, the following characters are from the class of 1939 at Hogwarts: