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Portrayed by Bailee Madison |
Name: |
Lucretia Black |
Aliases: |
Lulu, Lu |
Birthday: |
July 24, 1925 |
Position: |
Slytherin Prefect |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood |
Near black hair falls in soft glossy waves around the delicate angles of Lucretia's face, the length of it kept to just below her shoulder blades with a heavily-cut fringe falling across her brows. Her face is sweetly vulpine; warm brown eyes set in a slight slant that tell of a mischievous nature, and this reinforced by a wide and brilliant smile. She's getting a little taller as she enters the middle of her teenage years as she stands about feet feet two inches, and her slenderness is turning from delicate into elegant.
Eldest child and daughter of Arcturus Black III and Melania nee Macmillan. Her mother is a celebrated potioneer in the Pure-Blood circles and has her own shop. It's there that she met Lucretia's father and after a year of courtship they decided that they were suitable for marriage and entered in a marriage contract. The lack of 'love' between her parents didn't effect Lucretia as poorly as many would assume. They have a great respect for each other and both give Lucretia and her little brother Orion plenty of love and affection.
Under her mother's wing through her childhood Lucretia spent a good deal of time at her mother's shop and picked up basic fundamentals that she took with her onwards. When her father would come home after work they would listen to the Wizarding Wireless. It is when she heard a violin solo in a symphony piece and saw the reaction on her father's face, pure serenity, that Lucretia made the decision to take up the violin.
After she was sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts she earned the deserved reputation of being a bit wound tight, not quite the perfectionist her mother is, but certainly an over-achiever. For electives she chose Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Divination. For extra-curricular activities she is a member of the Arts Club for their Musical faction and a somewhat enthusiastic member of the Duelling Club. Her rigid stance on upholding the purity of wizarding blood has seen her join the Magijugend movement within the school, her pendant always in evidence around her neck no matter her form of dress. It is this, perhaps, that has earned her a reputation for a coldness towards the muggle-borns within the school and this, more often than not, taints her reactions with half-bloods too. If Lu had her way, she'd simply refuse to deal with muggle-borns and half-bloods at all, but things as they are, she knows that's unrealistic and so settles for something that's more a simple disdain of their existence. Whilst her future plans are, at this point, not quite set in stone, she knows that whatever else she achieves, to play the violin professionally features somewhere there.
RP Hooks
Thirteen inches, ebony, unyielding, with a dragon heart-string core.
Gaston came to Lu on her tenth birthday. A keen student of french at the time, he acquired his Gallic name and has been her silent shadow since. But only when he's got nothing better to do.
Violin (Bernard)
Lu's 12th birthday present from her parents was a 1912 Paul Jombar violin all the way from Paris, France. Its older than Lu herself! The back is of lovely flamed maple climbing diagonally from lower right to upper left and she's named it Bernard. If you really want to upset Lu, just try touching it.
- Member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
- Slytherin: If you were sorted here, chances are you'll know Lulu.
- Music: Play an instrument? Lulu's weapon of choice is the violin. She's obviously the best violinist in school and nobody can tell her differently.
- Over-Achiever: Lucretia cannot stand being second best in anything. There's some things she knows she's hopeless at, so doesn't even touch on them, but those that she does, she has to perfect. A sure way to wind Lu up is to point out her flaws and failings.
- Blood Purist: Lucretia is a member of the Magijugend and she makes no secret of her antipathy towards mudbloods. Half-bloods don't fare much better.
- Wealth: Rich
- Precocious
- Over-Achiever
Logs featuring Lucretia |
Logs that refer to Lucretia |
Friend - Pure Blood- Surprisingly, Lu hadn't really encountered Esther until a night of disturbed sleep put them together in the common room. She makes a smashing cup of cocoa and offered Lu advice. Also an ear, whenever she needs it. She's taken on the role of 'older sister' to Lucretia of late.
Cousin - Pure Blood - Might be a tiny bit of hero-worshipping here. Although Lu's not as set as him in his views on muggles, half-bloods and blood-traitors, there's potential to be heavily influenced by him. Of course, him being a sixth year and Lu being a third means he's more likely to actively avoid her than anything else.
Friend - Pure Blood - Sharp as a tack. There's a lot Lulu could learn from Medusa and probably a lot she shouldn't. Unlike a lot of older students, Medusa actually has time for Lu and doesn't treat her like a child. Of late, Medusa's been taking more interest in Lucretia, offering her advice and help in a number of matters and taking her under her wing a little.
House Mate- Pure Blood - Niles is in the year below Lulu, and seems friendly enough. She's quite happy to hang out with him and he had the good sense to choose her company over that of Madeline. Definite plus point.
House Mate - Pure Blood - Apparently Lu upset Genevieve, or so she heard. Something about her nose and Lu's offer to help her fix it. Lucretia's not sure whether Genevieve still holds a grudge against her over the whole nose business, but since Lu's now on the Quidditch Team they're going to be working together, so hopefully not.
House Mate - Pure Blood - Silas has apparently pitted himself against Medusa over Myrus' physical assault on Lu. Its going to be interesting.
House Mate - Pure Blood - Lulu heard that Peyton dislikes her, probably because she told Medusa what Peyton had said about her. She started up the nickname Baby Black for Lu, though it seems not to have stuck.
Acquaintance - Pure Blood - Current girlfriend of Alphard. "Meanie" seems to be alright so far as sixth-years go and so far Lucretia has avoided finding out first-hand just why she's earned her nickname.
Acquaintance - Half-Blood - Elizabeth is just an odd sort of irritation to Lucretia. She was horrified when she found out that Variel was actually dating this witch, but she made a promise to him to try to behave herself around Elizabeth. She's not sure if that promise still applies or not now they're no longer together, but she's a feeling it does.
Acquaintance - Pure Blood - Esther's ex. They were in love and were going to be married, and then they weren't. Whilst Lu's loyalty lies with Esther, she tried a couple of times to reach out to him, but he acted the pig towards her. Pig levels jumped dramatically to the realms of psychotic bully when he attacked Lu in the Owl Tower. There'll be no more attempts to reach out to him now, she'd push him off a cliff if she could.
Friend - Pure Blood - Lu's known Leoric and his twin Elric since childhood and it was perhaps inevitable that her first foray into the serious business of dating has seen her pairing up with him. Not that it lasted, Lu's probably just not cut out for having a boyfriend. Perhaps its the knowledge that her future's already mapped out. Why set yourself up for hurt.
Acquaintance - Mudblood - One of Madeline's friends. A first year that's so gullible that it almost makes it difficult to be mean to him. Lucretia particularly enjoyed revenge exacted upon him for throwing a snowball at her.
Acquaintance - Pure Blood - Leoric's older sister. She's one of those gentle and sweet-natured sorts that never gives offence to anyone. Except there was that one time she caught Dora giving Iggy a sympathetic look when she went to talk with him. So perhaps not quite so inoffensive, because Lu was offended.
Betrothed - Lu has known Ignatius for what seems like forever. It was inevitable that her parents and his would see a good match in the pair of them and whilst she tries to get along with him, sometimes he seems to go out of his way to make it impossible. Probably he should get himself a girlfriend to grow him up a little.
Acquaintance - Pure Blood - The bad boy of Hogwarts. Related through her mother. If there's a rule, its likely he's broken it. Dating Medusa Malfoy. He's been a source of knowledge for Lu on a few things, which mightn't always be ideal. He likes owls.
Surrogate Big Brother - Pure Blood - One of the Weasley clan and a pure blood. He has a pet grass snake named Clever and despite being a 6th year doesn't seem to look down his nose at younger students. His sympathy towards mudbloods and half-bloods seems to have waned following the Sykes New Year Party.
Friend - Pure Blood - Angelus is a terrible flirt. Something Lu's not always noticed, but certainly has now. He thoroughly spoils her at any opportunity and behaves like a proper gentleman around her. Ignatius could probably learn a lot from him.
Pure Blood
Angus is Douglas' younger brother and in the same year as Lu herself. He's a bit rural, but good fun to hang out with. They bonded over milkshakes, ice cream and cauldron cakes and together pulled off the biggest prank of the 1938 Christmas Break.
Non-Friend - Mudblood - Madeline rubbed Lu up the wrong way right from the word go. It might be just that she was a horrible little Firstie, but more likely that she was a horrible little Firstie mudblood. Now she's in her second year, and it isn't any better. Why Madeline tries continually to be nice to Lucretia is beyond Lucretia, she doesn't even want to breathe the same air as her.
Grandfather - Former Chief Unspeakable at the Ministry, Lu's grandfather has a brilliant mind and is the Professor of the Study of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts. No wonder Lu has such a deep interest in them herself.
Mother - Lulu is the apple of her mother's eye; her darling, her treasure. Lu thinks the absolute world of her mother and the feeling is mutual. Melania would move the earth for her daughter (and probably has).
Father - Talented. Gifted. Handsome. What more could a girl wish for in a father. If there was a father worthy of being hero-worshipped, then Arcturus is it.
Brother - Orion is quite sweet so far as younger brothers go. He can be annoying, and Lu will crush him when he is, but just let anyone else pick on him and she's there like a tiger in his defence.
Betrothed - Lu has known Ignatius for what seems like forever. It was inevitable that her parents and his would see a good match in the pair of them and whilst there's nothing romantic there, he's terribly nice to her and seems concerned enough to keep tabs on how she is. Which is kind of nice, if a little awkward.
Cousin - Might be a tiny bit of hero-worshipping here. Although Lu's not as set as him in his views on muggles, half-bloods and blood-traitors, there's potential to be heavily influenced by him. Of course, him being a 6th year and Lu being a 3rd means he's more likely to actively avoid her than anything else.