This character is retired, and is no longer in play. It's rumored that Medusa leaves the UK to pursue her own life outside of the Malfoy shadow. Or she also eloped with Douglas Macmillan. Or that she's locked in the Malfoy dungeon.
Portrayed by Taylor Momsen |
Name: |
Medusa Alcyoneus Malfoy |
Aliases: |
The Gorgon |
Birthday: |
February 28, 1921 |
Position: |
Unknown |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood |
A young woman of medium height and fair colouring. She bears the trademark light blond hair of the Malfoy clan; a tousle of loose platinum blond curls that fall down to small of her back when left down. Her complexion is fair, not quite so pale as most of her family, but healthy with a natural pinkish tint to her cheeks. Beneath darker arched brows she watches the world with her ice cold gaze; steely blue eyes legendary for their petrifying glare and framed by thick dark lashes. Her slender slope of a nose suits her face, nothing about her is harsh apart from those eyes when she wants them to be. Just above her lip, slightly to the left of her nose she has a small mole that can only be seen when up close and she is very particular about who gets that close. Her mouth is expressive and often tilted into a smirk, her lips painted a shade of coral.
Her uniform is neat, tidy and made of the best material money can offer. The Slytherin House crest is proudly displayed on the left breast of her lightweight woolen black over-robe. It hangs open to reveal the green and silver striped tie, loosened somewhat, and the collar of her crisp white shirt. The collar, like the tie, is a bit loose the top buttons having been undone. Over her shirt she wears a grey jumper trimmed in house colors. The jumper is snug fitting, accentuating the fine genes she has been blessed with. Her pleated grey skirt is an inch or two shorter than it ought to be, falling as it does to above her knees. Most of her height is made up of the long bare legs she has and they are covered to the knee by her white knee socks. A pair of button up heeled black ankle boots adorn her feet.
The youngest child of Balaurius and Desdemonia Malfoy, Medusa is something of a study in contrasts. She has the signature Malfoy looks and the superior attitude, but has shown little interest in politics or anything remotely worthy of ambition. Indeed, there are some who might be inclined to say that she lacks ambition altogether, except that she was sorted into Slytherin for a reason. The truth is simpler than anyone would guess: Medusa's interests are known only to Medusa.
Easily bored by the "crunchier" aspects of academics, Medusa's grades have been somewhat less than stellar, and her understanding of magical theory as a whole is imperfect at best. This is not from any lack of intelligence, as she has a sharp wit and a quick tongue, but is due more to the fact that she simply learns differently, and in a way that the Hogwarts curriculum is not prepared to address. Her wandwork is exceptional, however, and she does well enough in subjects that provide opportunities to practice the skills that are taught. Lack of theoretical expertise hasn't kept her from being quite a skilled witch, though it has led to the occasional "accident" when a spell didn't work as intended (she Transfigured the legs off her cat once, and there's the rumor about her missing pinky toe).
Since third year (and her breakup with Lucian Proudmore), Medusa has kept her fingers firmly on the pulse of the Hogwarts' gossip chain, though it's not widely known that she even pays attention to rumors given her general air of disinterest in most things. Topics such as classwork, inter-House rivalries and Quidditch have been known to bore her almost as much as studying, and many find it difficult to converse with her at length due to her apparently short attention span (this is also why she has quite the string of exes). Still, there are few willing cross the youngest Malfoy: one of the oldest rumors about Medusa is that she's capable of casting a wandless, wordless Petrificus Totalus just by leveling that death-glare of hers at someone.
Precisely what Medusa plans to do after graduation, no one seems to know; Medusa took Care of Magical Creatures and Divination for her electives and did abysmally in both. For her NEWTs, she's taking Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration (she barely scraped by the requirements for it, and there are some who say Dumbledore only accepted her as an attempt to avert more Medusa-related Transfiguration disasters in the future). Medusa, when she deigns to answer questions at all, professes not to have made up her mind regarding her career. Whether or not this is true, only time will tell.
After Hogwarts
After years of not knowing what she wanted out of life Medusa had seemingly settled on something at last. She planned to go into business with her beau, Douglas. But her family did not approve of her relationship, and when she didn't heed their warnings, her plans "mysteriously" fell apart. Medusa has been out of the limelight ever since, and rumours abound regarding what has become of her.
- Gossip-Monger
- Petrifying Glare
- Wandering Mind
- Wealth: Opulent
RP Hooks
- Former Club Member: Medusa has tried just about every club in the school at one point or another, some because she heard it might be fun, some because she fancied a boy who was in the club. Her stints in Domestics Club, Art Club, Athletics Club, Dueling Club, and Broom Club were short-lived but given her attitude likely a little memorable.
- Wizarding Royalty Medusa is a Malfoy. They are known, followed, admired and loathed in equal measure.
- Unity: Medusa's elder brother Cassius is currently the voice behind the so-called Unity Party.
Logs featuring Medusa |
Logs that refer to Medusa |
Medusa's father is so old. When she was little he doted on her but she disappointed him somewhere along the way. She loves her father but he can be very stubborn (likely where she gets it from). She wants to prove to him that she can be an asset to the family but she is not sure just what that will take.
Medusa's mother is an incredibly talented, intelligent, beautiful woman. Whenever she looks at her mother Medusa is surprised that she can look so young and be old enough to have a child as old as Edwarlinda. She loves her mother but doesn't think she lives up to her mother's perfection.
Medusa's sister is a bit of an embarrassment to the family, though she is an accomplished Auror. In the past year, perhaps because Eddie is now a mother or perhaps because Medusa is more mature, they have grown closer. When Medusa needed relationship advice she went to Edwarlinda, not their mother. She loves her sister fiercely and while she knows she can never be another Eddie Medusa is mature enough to realise that she can still exhibit some of her sister's strength of character. Now thanks to her sister's help she also has the opportunity to see to a future for herself; a future of her choosing.
Cyril has settled in London and his presence is one Medusa has welcomed. Of all her siblings, she thinks herself perhaps more like Cyril in nature. They both think not in terms of politics or good and evil but in profitability. That is why when she wanted financial advice she went to Cyril. He not only looked over her business plan and pronounced it sound, but he further gave her the opportunity to get a financial footing.
Medusa's brother is some sort of important barrister in the Wizengamot. He's got some very vocal opinions about the Ministry and the Statute of Secrecy. Medusa couldn't care less about politics. She has tried to help Cassius in her own way, out of familial loyalty but she won't go as far as their sister and come out in public support of his idea of a unified world with muggles. She also worries over his choice in women, especially as some in the past have been rather circumspect (or at least were likely to patronise Cassius' much younger sister).
Little Circe is Medusa's niece, the illegitimate child born to Edwarlinda in 1937. She bears the names of Medusa's brothers but not her; this doesn't bother Medusa in the least. She full well knows the vast age difference between her and her siblings is part of this. Even so, she enjoyed being around Circe during the summer of 1937 as the baby helped make a very trying and emotionally draining period of her life bearable. In short, she is fond of the tyke.
The lord of the manor, literally. He is Medusa's uncle and the head of the main branch of the Malfoy family. Medusa respects her uncle's position within society and has been known to capitalise upon it when the need arises but otherwise their relationship is one of distant politeness and she prefers to keep it that way.
Medusa's aunt was bartered off to her uncle at the ridiculously young age of nineteen. Medusa feels pity for her aunt who is a lonely trophy wife and is determined to not end up like her. If necessary she will give up everything to avoid such a horrid fate.
Medusa's little cousin. He's a sharp one. Heir to Malfoy Manor, Abraxas has a sense of entitlement that makes Medusa look downright humble. His disdain for anything other than perfection at times amuses her but she is clever enough not to make that well known.
Beatrice Nott
Beatrice Darcy Nott Born: 12/16/1920. Friends since children, Beatrice is Medusa's cousin and co-conspirator. Beatrice is more intelligent than she lets on, and often coached Medusa to allow the Malfoy girl to take the spotlight. Despite this subtle manipulation, she adores Medusa and is extremely loyal to her.
Thaddeus Ambroisus Cornfoot Born: 02/28/1921. (Not a relative but left here for ease of finding it when doing +request). Thaddeus is one of Medusa's best friends. Tall, dark and handsome he would be infinitely more useful if he weren't also gay. Although, Medusa doesn't mind his sexuality and has even been his wing(wo)man on occasion. She adores the Ravenclaw and would do anything to help him, except let him kiss her boyfriend. The line must be drawn somewhere.
After years of being adversaries, namely over Lucian, Medusa has found herself allied with Ria Sykes over the future of the house they both love dearly. Their family connection is an old one, with her parents and Ria's having been close friends all their lives. There is a brutal ruthlessness to Ria which Medusa finds frightening, thankfully there is also the comical obsessiveness and prudishness which coupled with Ria's inability to remember simple things like people's names and houses tempers that fear.
Medusa and the Head Girl struck a deal and, surprisingly, Medusa discovered she likes Morgana's dry wit and enjoyed studying with her. What started as a deal between a tutor and a pupil has become a deep friendship. She is a true ally and one Medusa plans to hold onto.
Medusa likes little Lucretia Black and she knows Douglas does too - though as they are kin it is expected that he would defend the girl. As such, Medusa has high hopes for Lucretia and has watched the girl mature over the past year. She feels sorry about Lucretia's arranged marriage to an idiot, but knows there is nothing she can do about it. However, she did try to make things a bit more navigable for Lucretia at Hogwarts.
Medusa genuinely likes Evie, but she doesn't really have a use for her in the game, even so when she tells people she has "some half-blood friends" she is mainly talking about Eibhlin.
Medusa likes this spunky girl and sees something of herself at that age in Ahnaliese. It is not Ahnaliese' fault she was born to those poor Browns, but Medusa did her best to train up the girl so that she will get the most out of Hogwarts. Besides a first year was a way better pet than a ferret anyway.
They don't get to speak to one another as much as either would like, but then Gerald is investing in his new relationship and Medusa seems to be doing well in potions. Even so they try and catch up at least once a week.
Medusa doesn't approve of Alphard's beastly side preferring to deal with insolence in a more clever than brutal manner. However, she has seen Alphard grow and mature, especially this last year, and has high hopes for his future. He has proven himself a loyal and considerate friend, which she appreciates.
Conall surprisingly gained power and position at Hogwarts, but as expected, he squandered it. Medusa has seen little evidence of him doing anything worthwhile. Such a disappointment this one.
This one will be given a chance to prove his worth. Medusa's history with Kaiden is complicated. Like herself he wants no real part in the politics their parents are embroiled in, which may ensure he is a far better ally than his twin. Does he deserve the power she is giving him, it remains to be seen.
So desperate for power and hungry for revenge. Sometimes Esther gives Medusa pause and cause for concern, but so far she has been able to steer the girl clear from anything too troublesome. Esther's talent is what attracted Medusa's attention but now she has a vested interest in seeing just what the girl plans to do. She knows Esther looks up to her and has made the choice to be brutally honest with her about things in the hopes this will help Esther grow and find some kind of inner balance.
Silas's play for power led to surprising consequences for both himself and Medusa. Now she doubts his loyalty and his focus; thinking there may well be something (or someone) pressing him to make radical choices that could well harm him and Slytherin in the future.
Depending on how things go, it might be possible to make use of Briar. But it will require careful planning considering the intense hatred Briar has for Medusa.
She suspects that he is unhinged; his verbal abuse of Esther after their breakup, physical abuse of Lucretia and frankly ridiculous attempts to come after her had Medusa swatting him like an irritating gnat. He is a boy whose own family don't care much for him and as such that says enough.
Dim witted. French. Likely to cry at the drop of a hat. Naive. For some reason he is Douglas' best friend (a reason Medusa cannot quite grasp). Out of loyalty to Douglas, Medusa made efforts to befriend Augustin and help the boy get his love life back on track. Things seemed to be going well, but she knows where his true loyalty lies. Gus, following the tragic death of his mother, left Hogwarts and has gone home to Kent to help his father. Medusa rather suspects he'll turn up like an irritating French penny at some point in the future.
In Third Year, Lucian and Medusa were sweethearts for a few months, during which time Medusa taught Lucian how to dance. But once the family found out she was associating with the bastard son of Actaeon Proudmore, they demanded she end the friendship. She managed to keep a distance without ruffling feathers. They nearly got together again in their Fourth Year, but she started dating another boy to avoid upsetting her family. Since then, Lucian has been a casual acquaintance. Despite this Medusa saw him as someone she could trust and go to in a time of need. In their Seventh Year, she called on him to ask for help, and they began to form a strong friendship. But she miscalculated in an attempt to steer him toward Morgana while he was still wrapped up in Ria, and it exploded in her face. His outrage frightened Medusa, and she has been afraid to come near him since.
Medusa discovered that Gabrielle had no real value in her life.
While easily baited, Deven turned out to be uninteresting.
No longer a part of Medusa's life.
Such an arrogant one. Not entirely unlike his half-brother, Lucian. Neither of the Proudmore boys are a part of Medusa's life any more.
After years of close friendship Medusa has turned against Helene. There is speculation that it has to do with a fall out over Medusa's ill-fated decision to sign up for the Mud Club in their Sixth Year, but as few people dare to ever question her reasons for things there are not many who know the truth because there is equal speculation that there was some kind of romantic tiff between them.
Leonardo has moved on. Medusa sees him as a worthy opponent however, but at present they are not on a level playing field and so that will have to wait.
After years of finding Douglas incredibly irksome, Medusa was surprised by just how loyal, caring and devoted he seemed to be. She fell for him hard, which blinded her to his shortcomings, and spelled ruin for the both of them. She tried to defy her family's will and remain in a relationship with him, but soon discovered the foolishness of dragging the Malfoy name through the mud. There is still no word about what has become of Douglas.
Janette has been removed to St. Mungo's for her "health".