Artifact Detective |
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Portrayed by David Wenham |
Name: | Michais Fawley |
Aliases: | Sherlock |
Birthday: | December 17, 1903 |
Position: | Artifact Curator |
Lineage: | Pure-Blood, British |
The well trimmed and sandy-colored short beard that hugs the jawline and upper lip of the youngish looking man is in direct contrast to the short, unruly locks that stand out in different directions on the top of his head. His hazel eyes are steady, but often seem to either be in another world, or just plain see right through the person he's talking to. At more serious times, they seem to tend to more of a brown hue.
His posture is often deferential, with hands clasped behind the back, and the man often bends from the waist in the manner of Asian customs when greeting or taking leave of someone. His robes are always well cared for, and in almost perfect condition, however they are not stylish, being often neutral colored and non-descript styling. Though he takes good care with his person to be neat and clean, he doesn't take it to a point that it would attract attention.
Background Summary
Mercutio Fawley and Rosamund Pyrites isn't a story of love at first sight. She was an ugly duckling story that had Mercutio regretting his years of teasing her. But Murcutio didn't give up trying to woo her disguised as language lessons as he'd joined the Department of International Magic. By the time they got him fluent in Japanese she was ready to leave her post as an Obliviator to move with him to Japan when he became an ambassador there. They married just in time and honeymooned in their new home in Japan. She also soon gave her husband two healthy sons consecutively. Lawrence, the eldest, took after their father in his strength and handsome good looks, but something Lawrence lacked in was magical ability and Magical Japan was not the place for a gaijin squib, so the Fawley family sent Laurie to a military school in England. Michais, the youngest, took after his mother in his brains and love of books. The younger Fawley often followed the elder around, wishing to be as strong and handsome, and feeling himself in Laurie's shadow.
Due to the fact that his parents were both British Citizens and technically still even residents…just considered to be out of country on government business, Michais received his invitation to Hogwarts, not to Mahoutokoro. Michais was sorted into Ravenclaw, unsurprisingly. Even in Hogwarts he was still a gaijin. He had the mannerisms and in his robes and even his wand the stylings of Japan. Coupled with his new found fear of heights during Flying class most of the student body found him strange and in most cases strange in the bad way. But he had his studies to keep him busy and filled his schedule when it came time with three electives (instead of the required two): Divination, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. He didn't find as much satisfaction from Divination as the others, as they presented him with puzzles that didn't really have true answers. So, he dropped Divination and after OWLS he chose Astronomy, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Charms and Transfiguration for NEWT levels. By the time he graduated, he'd not only accomplished high scores in his NEWTs, he could also read and speak a few different Asian languages.
After Hogwarts, Michais spent a couple of years as a clerk at one of the rare book shops on Diagon Alley. He and Laurie also visited on a semi-regular basis, although nothing that could be called frequent. Their parents stayed in Japan, as they had come to regard the country as their home, and so the young men would go together to visit them for the holidays. He moved on in employment to the Wizarding Museum of Great Britain, working in the warehouse. Daily he would assess the artifacts that came in, cataloging them, preparing them for display, and in some cases working to figure exactly what the artifact was. These were his favorites, as he was never able to resist a challenge, and would sometimes not leave for days until he'd solved the mystery. Which compounded quite the loner's lifestyle.
Family History —-
When Mercutio Fawley and Rosamund Pyrites met at Hogwarts, they didn't hit it off particularly well. She was a Ravenclaw with glasses and dull brown braids, her nose perpetually in a book. He was a handsome, well built star of the Slytherin Quidditch team, who delighted in finding her hiding places and teasing the mousy little girl. As time passed, Rosamund proved to be the proverbial ugly duckling, her face becoming more striking with maturity, and the flat brown hair turning to glossy waves. Somewhere in their seventh year, Mercutio's teasing took on a new note, but Rosamund wasn't so quick to forget.
Mercutio was not one to give up, and as he worked in the Ministry to secure his position in International Wizard Relations, he found time to visit Rosamund in her office of Obliviators. He enlisted her help to tutor in languages, as she had the quick and inquiring mind typical of Ravenclaw, she slowly became intrigued with the handsome young man. By the time they had mastered the Japanese Language together, and he accepted to post of British Ambassador to Japan, they were deeply in love, and married just in time for her to accompany him on his assignment.
The Fawley were soon well known in the magical circles of the Asian world. Rosamund found a new challenge for her mind, learning the local customs, and hosting the ambassadors of other countries as well the proper dignitaries from Japan itself. She became known as the consummate hostess, a credit to her husband that enhanced his success in his post. The fact that she also gave him two sons not long after their marriage was considered auspicious.
Lawrence took after his father in his strength and handsome good looks, and Michais took after his mother in his brains and love of books. The younger Fawley often followed the elder around, wishing to be as strong and handsome, and feeling himself in Laurie's shadow.
Lawrence, however, did not show any inclination towards magical gifts, and when he did not receive a letter inviting him to Hogwarts, Mercutio had to acknowledge what Rosamund had already accepted, their eldest son was a squib. They sent him to muggle private school in England, and from there, Laurie chose enter military academy, and follow a military career.
Michais did receive his invitation to Hogwarts, and his parents celebrated by taking him to a local wand shop there in Japan to purchase his wand, along with some cauldrons and other items he would need. Then Rosamund accompanied him to Diagon Alley to purchase his books, and even a pet cat to accompany him. By not being in the same school as his older brother, he began to appreciate his own strengths, and he learned to revel in the powers of his brain.
Hogwarts history —-
Unsurprisingly, he was sorted into Ravenclaw, but had a bit of a time fitting in. His non-school robes came from Japan and a distinctive flair to them, as did his cauldron with it's Oriental styling. His wand was different, and he practiced the quiet, polite manners of the Japanese. To top it all off, he realized during flying class that he was afraid of heights. Most students found this very amusing or weird, and except for a very few of them, weird did not equate interesting. This saw him spending long hours alone with his books and his little orange cat that he had named 'Watson'.
One of the older students in his house, a third year, was one of the few people that found his different ways interesting. Since she was often found in dusty corners of the library delving into the oldest books she could find, and because he found a fascination with unraveling mysteries and puzzles (the answers to which where often in old, dusty tomes) they ran into each other fairly often. They soon became friends. One year she read the Sherlock Fawley stories, a set of muggle books she found when she was home on hols. Because of his little cat's name, and his puzzle solving that was quickly becoming his obsession, she nicknamed him Sherlock.
Michais took all the electives pertaining to the mind when it came time, Divinations, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. He didn't find as much satisfaction from Divinations as the others, as they presented him with puzzles that didn't really have true answers. So, after OWLS he chose Astronomy, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Charms and Transfigurations for NEWT levels. In the past few years, Michais had forgotten his envy of his brother's brawn and good looks, even when they were home in Japan for summer holidays he had learned to be content with being who he was. This was a good thing, because his friend had graduated from Hogwarts, and when he went back, he missed seeing her each day, but kept in touch by owl as she continued studying at a Muggle University. He took on a personal project in her absence, he began to expand his knowledge of languages in the region of his childhood. He was already fluent in Japanese, and knew a little of the languages spoken in nearby countries, enough to get by. He began to study these languages, and couple others of the region such as Tibet more thoroughly. By the time he graduated, he'd not only accomplished high scores in his NEWTs, he could also read a few different languages.
After Hogwarts —-
After Hogwarts, Michais spent a couple of years as a clerk at one of the rare book shops on Diagon Alley. His friend, Miranda, was still studying with the muggles, and then a job that took her traveling for most of the time. He did still see her on a fairly regular basis, when she'd stop in for coffee between trips, if she had the time.
He and Laurie also visited on a semi-regular basis, although not what you would call frequently. Their parents stayed in Japan, as they had come to regard the country as their home, and so the young men would go together to visit them for the holidays.
He moved on in employment to the Wizarding Museum of Great Britain, working in the warehouse. Daily he would assess the artifacts that came in, cataloging them, preparing them for display, and in some cases working to figure exactly what the artifact was. These were his favorites, as he was never able to resist a challenge, and would sometimes not leave for days until he'd solved the mystery. However, without Miranda around to talk with on a constant basis to chat and make him go out, Michais quickly became a loner. He would go to work, stop at a little muggle diner or wizard pub on the way home for dinner, and then read in his flat until bedtime.
This pattern of behavior was interrupted one day when Miranda stopped in and told him that she was taking a trip, leaving the country indefinitely, and asked him to look after things for her. He agreed readily, although he didn't realize until later that would include cataloging her collection, as she sent back things she found around the world during her travels. After about six years, he had to advise her that she was running out of space, and needed to decide what to do with it all. So, she's returned to open an Antiques Shop to sell her collection, and he's been moonlighting on the side, still working at the Museum, but also helping her get her shop off the ground.
RP Hooks
- Business Owner - One half Prewett and Fawley World Imports, the one half that is there during the evening hours that it is open.
- Curator - Curator for the London Wizarding Museum… inspects items brought for display and makes sure they are properly warded to not harm guests.
- Exotic Upbringing - Any questions about Asian culture? He was raised in Japan and knows that corner of the globe quite well.
- Obsessive - If he is presented with a puzzle of any kind, especially one dealing with language, history or artifacts, he will not stop working on it until he's figured out the answer.
- Solemn - In keeping with the environment where he was raised, he does not often show any sort of emotion.
- Wealth: Well-To-Do
- Code of Honor - He was born and raised in Japan and absorbed their ideas of Honor and Chivalry.
Logs featuring Michais | Logs that refer to Michais |
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Mercutio Fawley |
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Rosamund Pyrites |
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Lawrence Fawley |