Witchcraft and Wizardry is nothing without the continued presence of the role-players who contribute their time here. Many, we're sure, participate on other MUSHes or MUDs (collectively termed "ElseMU*") in addition to Witchcraft and Wizardry. Occasionally a player will post a message to the Other MU bboard or another bulletin board which is essentially an "advertisement" or recruiting message for one of these other games. Our official position on such things is that we don't really mind, provided:
- The player posting the message was or is an active contributor who has shown a commitment to *this* MUSH.
- What they're advertising is a non-profit game just like ours.
- The advertising is not so excessive that it hinders the use of the bboard for more WiWi-relevant purposes.
- A like advertisement for WiWi will need to placed on the ElseMU’s BB, if allowed by their game. If it is determined that one has not been , we will remove the ad from ours.
Further, we hope that all members of Witchcraft and Wizardry population respect any rules that other games may have regarding the advertisement of Witchcraft and Wizardry in their forums. If you are not sure what another game's rules are, please ask them before advertising us. Thank you.

.^.:. .:.^. *
<.*.'::. * .* Witchcraft and Wizardry: *. * .::'.*.>
| .:'' .:' Age of Grindelwald `:. '':. |
| '::. .:' THE J.K. ROWLING WORLD circa 1940's `:. .::' | *
| ':::' * ADDRESS: wiandwi.net PORT: 1936 * `:::' |
* | `*' WIKI: wandw.wikidot.com/welcome `*' |
Witchcraft and Wizardry: The Age of Grindelwald is set in J.K. Rowling's
World of Harry Potter, before Harry's birth during the rise of Gellert
Grindelwald. World War II has been declared. The Muggle and wizarding worlds
are both about to face some of the greatest evils that either has ever borne
witness to. Will the worst come to pass, or will history as we know it
follow a different course?
Game Status: BETA The game uses the PennMUSH coding base, with FS3.
Player Age: 18+ years old (R rated) due to mature themes involving violence,
language, and other realistic, war-time imagery.
Cookie Awards: Everyone is allowed to create and play Wizards, Muggles, and
Squibs right off. Other Special 'races' and abilities available at the cost
of 'cookies'. Cookies are OOC rewards given for RP and other helpful things.
+Roster: OPEN A speed play alternative to creating a character from the
ground up, the roster is a collection of ready-made characters (and a few
still in need of completion) available to be claimed and played. The roster
is where you'll find playable canon characters too.
Below is the advert that can be used to publicize our game. Our policy is Ad exchange, meaning if you post our Advertisement somewhere, find that games advert and post it on our ElseMU Ad board. This also goes for games posting their advertisements here. Please return the favor by taking the following advertisement and publishing it in your game! Below is the code of the advert for ease in posting. Thank you very much.
%r[ansi(hw,[space(2)].^.:.[space(63)].:.^.)][ansi(hy,[space(2)]*%r)][ansi(hw,[space(1)]<.)][ansi(hy,*)][ansi(hw,.'::.)][ansi(hy,[space(2)]*)][ansi(hw,[space(5)].)][ansi(hy,*)][ansi(hw,[space(8)]Witchcraft[space(1)]and[space(1)]Wizardry:)][ansi(hy,[space(7)]*)][ansi(hw,.)][ansi(hy,[space(4)]*)][ansi(hw,[space(3)].::'.)][ansi(hy,*)][ansi(hw,.>%r)][ansi(y,[space(3)]|)][ansi(hw,[space(2)].:''[space(4)].:'[space(13)]Age[space(1)]of[space(1)]Grindelwald[space(12)]`:.[space(4)]'':.)][ansi(y,[space(2)]|%r)][ansi(hw,)][ansi(y,[space(3)]|)][ansi(hw,[space(2)]'::.[space(2)].:'[space(7)]THE[space(1)]J.K.[space(1)]ROWLING[space(1)]WORLD[space(1)]circa[space(1)]1940's[space(5)]`:.[space(2)].::')][ansi(y,[space(2)]|)][ansi(hw,)][ansi(hy,[space(2)]*%r)][ansi(hw,)][ansi(y,[space(3)]|)][ansi(hw,[space(4)]':::')][ansi(hy,[space(4)]*)][ansi(hw,[space(6)]ADDRESS:[space(1)]wiandwi.net[space(1)]PORT:[space(1)]1936)][ansi(hy,[space(3)]*)][ansi(hw,[space(5)]`:::')][ansi(y,[space(4)]|%r)][ansi(hw,)][ansi(hy,[space(1)]*)][ansi(hw,)][ansi(y,[space(1)]|)][ansi(hw,[space(5)]`)][ansi(hy,*)][ansi(hw,'[space(12)]WIKI:[space(1)]wandw.wikidot.com/welcome[space(10)]`)][ansi(hy,*)][ansi(hw,')][ansi(y,[space(5)]|%r)][ansi(m,[space(1)]------------------------------------------------------------------------------%r)][space(2)]Witchcraft and Wizardry: The Age of Grindelwald is set in J.K. Rowling's%r[space(2)]World of Harry Potter%, before Harry's birth during the rise of Gellert %r[space(2)]Grindelwald. World War II has been declared. The Muggle and wizarding worlds%r[space(2)]are both about to face some of the greatest evils that either has ever borne%r[space(2)]witness to. Will the worst come to pass%, or will history as we know it%r[space(2)]follow a different course?%r[ansi(m,[space(1)]--------------------)][ansi(hx,================)][ansi(hw,%()][ansi(hy,@)][ansi(hx,v)][ansi(hy,@)][ansi(hw,%))][ansi(hx,================)][ansi(m,---------------------%r)][ansi(hy,[space(2)]Game[space(1)]Status:)][ansi(hg,[space(1)]BETA)] The game uses the PennMUSH coding base%, with FS3.%r[ansi(hy,[space(2)]Player[space(1)]Age:)] 18+ years old %(R rated%) due to mature themes involving violence%,%r[space(2)]language%, and other realistic%, war-time imagery.%r[ansi(hy,[space(2)]Cookie[space(1)]Awards:)] Everyone is allowed to create and play[ansi(hw,[space(1)]Wizards)]%,[ansi(hw,[space(1)]Muggles)]%, and%r[ansi(hw,[space(2)]Squibs)] right off. Other Special 'races' and abilities available at the cost%r[space(2)]of 'cookies'. Cookies are OOC rewards given for RP and other helpful things.%r[ansi(hy,[space(2)]+Roster:)][ansi(hg,[space(1)]OPEN)] A speed play alternative to creating a character from the%r[space(2)]ground up%, the roster is a collection of ready-made characters %(and a few%r[space(2)]still in need of completion%) available to be claimed and played. The roster%r[space(2)]is where you'll find playable canon characters too.%r[ansi(m,[space(1)]--------------------)][ansi(hx,================)][ansi(hw,%()][ansi(hy,@)][ansi(hx,v)][ansi(hy,@)][ansi(hw,%))][ansi(hx,================)][ansi(m,---------------------%r)]%r