
This character is retired, and is no longer in play.

Character Information
Portrayed by Stefanie Scott
Name: Peyton Elizabeth Crabbe
Aliases: "Princess"
Birthday: Feb 15
Position: Slytherin
Lineage: Pure-blood


Golden honey hued tresses frame a delicately featured face, giving her an almost angelic countenance, as if she could do no wrong. Her wide, sea blue eyes further this innocent image, but there is a sardonic arch to her brows that belies that mien on occasion. Barely five feet tall, she carries herself with the thoughtless confidence of a girl much taller than she; an effortless grace prevents all but intentional oversight from those of loftier statures.

Currently she wears a white button down shirt with the buttons on the wrong side, a hint that the shirt itself is borrowed from someone of the opposite gender. Her tie is the green and silver pattern expected of all in her house, and over these is a gray cashmere cardigan, soft and feminine. A black high-waisted skirt with crisp pleats falls to the knee, and knee-high black socks with green argyle diamonds at the top are on her feet, as well as a pair of gleaming black flats. Over all of this are the dark, flowing robes of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the serpentine crest of Slytherin House boldly embroidered on the leftmost side.


Thirteen and a half inches, rowan, supple, with a unicorn hair core.


Baine is a British long-hair, with a smushed face and a streak of black over one eye that gives him an entirely mischievous countenance that he lives up to completely. As if in resistance to all Peyton's efforts at instilling chivalry into the men in her life, Baine goes out of his way to wreak havoc, earning him his name and place of honor as the bane of Peyton's life. She loves him anyway.


Born Peyton Elizabeth Crabbe in London's Borough of Isling in February of 1923, her birth was a ray of sunshine on an otherwise unextraordinary winter evening. Born to Miranda Crabbe nee Dippet and Daveth Crabbe III, Peyton had one brother two years older than she, and one brother just a year younger. Born into a pure-blooded lineage, Peyton was raised with all the dogma that entails in a family that believes in purist supremacy, and as is the norm with an upbringing devoid of rebellion, she accepted this way of thinking without difficulty. While not a particularly close family, Peyton groomed her brothers into an acceptable honor-guard, and she had no qualms about wielding them with precision when feeling threatened. While some would say that Peyton was spoiled due to her privileged upbringing, there was a method to her madness and she perfected the art of graciousness.

Like her brother before her and her parents before him, Peyton enrolled at Hogwarts to begin her academic career and was immediately sorted into Slytherin. Effortlessly academic, Peyton's first four years at Hogwarts were not particularly notable, and it wasn't until her fifth year that she began to come out of her shell. Not a shell of shyness, mind, but of the single-minded application to her studies in preparation for her N.E.W.T. level classes.

Relaxing somewhat, she began to make friends and put her years of brother-wrangling to good-use. While not exactly boy-crazy, she was exceptionally fond of attention and had a knack for winding up in situations she needed to be 'saved' from; be it a mouse in a classroom or a book just out of reach in the library. She'd never have put herself in real harm's way - attention is all well and good but pity was beneath Peyton entirely. 'Boys are knights in shining armor, and she is a beautiful princess so they should be lining up to help her' is rather lengthy for a motto, but it fit Peyton to a tee. And if those knights in shining armor needed practice at being chivalrous, well Peyton was the most deserving of their efforts, surely?

Things that did not fit Peyton were schedules and personal space: she had a habit of being late for everything; late to wake, late to bed, late to class, even late to leave class when she drifted off into her own head space, writing stories of romance and unicorns and villains with bad hair. This happened a lot. She also had a habit of 'borrowing' things from her friends; sometimes this was a pair of shoes or a hair clip or a quill, other times it was their homework, their ideas, and once in her fourth year she borrowed another girl's identity for a week, on a lark.


  • Never On Time
  • Perpetual Damsel in Distress
  • Habitual 'Borrower'
  • Wealth: Well-To-Do


Logs featuring Peyton Logs that refer to Peyton



Her mother is my father's sister. First Cousin.
Pure Blood
Alyssa is Peyton's "sister-from-another-mister". She's athletically inclined, but lazy as all get out. She plays Quidditch, which is just one more thing she has in common with Jenny, her own cousin on the Slughorn side and one of Peyton's newest good friends. Alyssa is always up for a good time, and pays no heed to whether or not that good time is entirely within the realm of good sense or legality. Peyton's made it a mission in life to teach Alyssa some decorum, but she's fairly aware that there's no changing this leopard's spots without getting bitten.


Partner in Chill
Pure Blood
Genevieve, or Jenny as she goes by, is a Quidditch obsessed party girl; some would say we are polar opposites. But she's amazingly fun to be around, the troublemaker. She's also started referring to Peyton as 'Princess Peyton', a nickname that she's sure they mean as a slur but which Peyton does not mind at all. It has a nice ring to it, so there! Jenny is a tease, and brings out the most playful side of Peyton; though when Jenny is displeased - look out. She's fierce, and damned intimidating.


Cousin of some sort
Pure Blood
Esther lives in her head, and it's created a very strange sort of narrative that she plays out in her day-to-day life. This, naturally, makes for some particularly odd encounters. Now that her pique of crazy (what else is there to call it?) has seemingly passed - for the time being, Esther has been making an effort to be personable, but Peyton isn't above making Esther pay a little for her previous inconsideration.


Our mothers are sisters. First Cousin.
Pure Blood
Marcus either likes Peyton or hates her, there can be no in-between here. He kissed her (on the cheek!) under some mistletoe, and though she's gotten ribbed for it ever since by all and sundry, she's now had her first kiss (not that she'll ever tell them it was her first) and she would be quite pleased - if Marcus didn't run quite so tangentially opposite to what Peyton is looking for in her knight-in-shining armor. He's mean, dismissive, and doesn't really seem to care about much of anything. Still, he's promised to protect her and though the 'from what' has not been answered, it was a very chivalrous moment.


Cousin of some sort
Pure Blood
Everyone's favorite antagonist. Alphard is charming enough when he wants to be, though his recent spat (if Esther plotting to kill him can be called a 'spat') with Esther has made it something of a chore to bring his name up, for all the ensuing drama. Peyton will be glad when all of this blows over so she can get back to prodding him toward chivalry like a proper, meddling princess.


New Acquaintance
Pure Blood
Peyton still isn't completely sure about Silas. He certainly seems nice enough, he's friendly and playful and seems to have a thing for Genevieve that certainly seems to be reciprocated. So for all her not-really-knowing him, she likes him quite a bit because Jenny has great taste in people. She's promised to help him girl-ify Jenny a bit, his fashion sense is miles and away better than hers and Peyton means to try and trade in some of Jenny's bruises for frills, just for Silas.


New Acquaintance
Pure Blood
Helene is a pure-blood and a Slytherin, which makes her head and shoulders above a lot of other students. But there's not much more than that readily noticeable about her, not yet at least. Perhaps it'll just take a few more outings together and bit more beer.


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