Quidditch Summer Camp

To keep plots separate and uninterrupted, there will be no transformations and such re: The Zoanthropy Epidemic at Quidditch Camp.

Plot Details for Quidditch Summer Camp
Summary: Every Summer the Ministry of Magic's Sports & Games Department hosts a Quidditch Camp for all ages.
Run by: Boo & Anyone
The First Pick-Pocket Event and Knock'm Event is reserved for Boo. All other events are open for others to run.

Hosted by the Department of Magical Games and Sports (M.G.S.) of the British Ministry of Magic every summer, usually from one Friday in the summer months to the next Friday following.

The following Menus aren't the only things provided, they are just some neat little sports themed dishes especially served at Quidditch Camp.

Breakfast Menu - Sausage Bludgers, Scotch Egg Quaffles, Hard Boiled Egg Snitches with Bacon Wings. Oval platters of an English Breakfast decorated like a pitch with baked beans in the scoring zone for the sand, sausage links for the goal posts, rounds of toast for the hoops, green scrambled eggs for the grass with hash browns for the stands and the sauteed vege on top as the crowd. Orange Juice, Water, Pumpkin Juice, Milk, Tea.

Lunch Menu - Baked Potato Bludgers (Potatoes wrapped in bacon), Quaffle Pasties (filled with beef, pork, chicken, or seafood), Platters of Salad Fixings decorated like a pitch with breadstick hoops and rings, salad greens for grass, dressing reservoirs for goal zones, garlic bread and croutons for stands with salad toppings on top as the crowd.

Dinner Menu - Baked Potato Bludgers (Potatoes wrapped in bacon), Beef Roast Quaffle, Yorkshire Pudding Snitches.

Dessert Menu - Chocolate Snitches wrapped in gold. Chocolate dipped Pretzel Brooms. Licorice Bludgers. Sugar Quaffles.

Dates for 1941: July 22nd - July 29th

Getting Involved

Quidditch Fanatic? Adult or Student characters are welcomed to participate at Quidditch Camp. The Hogsmeade Campground is where the camping will be located while the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch will be the location of the Events as the Hogsmeade's Flying Hogs' Quidditch Pitch is still under construction.

If you do have a Quidditch Camp scene please make sure to tag it with: plot:quidditch_camp and another tag of the current year, example: 1941

If you attend any of the Quidditch Camp Events, please add your name to the list of names found below under each year you attended.

Camps Throughout the Ages

1941 Quidditch Camp



1938 Quidditch Camp



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