The Warlock's Hairy Heart: A Play in Three Acts
Plot Details for The Warlock's Hairy Heart: A Play in Three Acts
Summary: Gilbert tries his hand as a playwright, using his first effort as the opening play for his new dinner theater, A Midsummer's Night Stage.
Run by: BadSeed/Gilbert

Getting Involved

Anyone Wizard, Witch, or Squib that is or would like to be involved in theater is welcome. We can use actors, actresses, understudies, a stage manager, stage hands, scenery artists. I can come up with scenes for pretty much every role involved in the production of a play.

I (the player) have a very inconsistent schedule so I prefer not to schedule specific days and times for scenes, instead running scenes on the fly when I log on. If you're interested in participating page me on BadSeed or shout out on pub when you see me on and non-idle. :)

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