Left-handed Nazle Powder
hp.png Left-handed Nazle Powder Mind •
Left handed nazle powder is a dust which causes the consumer to become left handed. If the consumer is already left-handed their penmenship becomes very nice.
Skill/Roll: +roll Potions Brewing.Time: 10 minutes - 6 months
Training: Private Study (1 Cookie) Duration/Shelf Life: Dependent on Success / 1 Day - 1 Year
  • Embarrassing Failure: Potion is destroyed, all ingredients and container are useless. +roll Body to judge any damage to brewer.
  • Failure: The proportions are off and the potion is of poor quality. +roll Body to judge any damage to drinker.
  • Any Success: 1 Potion is created.
  • Success: The duration lasts for 30 minutes.
  • Good Success: The duration lasts for 1 hour.
  • Great Success: The duration lasts for 3 hours.
  • Amazing Success: The duration lasts for 6 hours.
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