This character is retired, and is no longer in play. Rena leaves her job as an Auror to enjoy her new life as a mother of twins in the country.
Portrayed by Madisen Beaty |
Name: |
Irene Cassandra Faulkner |
Aliases: |
Rena (Ra) |
Birthday: |
Feb 9 |
Position: |
M.L.E - Auror |
Lineage: |
Muggle-born |
Charming and somewhat petite in her overall appearance, this young redheaded woman carries herself with a distinct air of confidence. Her dark brown eyes flash with spirit; her fair features are more than a little pixie-like, and soft gently curved lips give the impression that there is always a hint of a secretive smile hidden behind her expression. Being a redhead, her skin is an incredibly pale tone of creamy rose-petal complexion, but surprisingly, her skin is entirely free of freckles. Although she has curves - physically speaking - they seem to be demurely understated.
Her clothes are decidedly closer to muggle fashion than the wizarding world, but pretty none the less. A sporty moss green blazer with pointed lapels follows along the frame of her body, sweeping down from the single button closure and around her hips in a smooth curve. Under this, she wears a silk blouse of rich peacock blue. Going down the length of her legs to about mid-calf, her skirt is cut on the bias and hugs her figure quite snugly; however, for the sake of movement, cleverly hidden pleats begin at the knee and run down to the hem. A pair of sweetly simple white t-strap pumps adorns her feet, matching the white gloves she wears, and the little corner of a handkerchief sticking up from her breast pocket. Atop her finger-waved ginger tresses, a jaunty wide-brimmed fedora - made to match the suit - sits at a tilted angle. The ribbon encircling is a rich peacock blue; and the hat itself is neatly trimmed with the eyes of a couple glossy peacock feathers that follow the gentle curve of its form.
Irene (Rena) Lee was born into the school of hard knocks, and under a cloud. Her young mother carried her to term and gave birth only shortly before contracting the deadly 1918 flu. The small, already struggling family had no means to acquire medical help in the underbelly of London, and Reginald Lee soon found himself a widower with an infant daughter to care for, alone. It wasn’t easy, but he managed to feed and clothe his little girl through his magician act in various burlesque theatres. It wasn’t long before he began to include the adorable tyke in his act as his pint-sized assistant; and she learned to sing and do acrobatic tricks to appeal to the audience’s better nature. However, times change, and peoples’ tastes do as well; and Reginald found it increasingly difficult to garner work in any legitimate theatre. Eventually, the pair found themselves reduced to street performance, and Irene watched helplessly as alcoholism began to overtake her father’s life in the background.
A deep fog had settled on the borough of Wapping (London) the night that Irene and her father were visited by a member of the Muggle Liaison Office; but as unbelievable as the news might have been, it was like a ray of light piercing through the darkness. Parting from her father was a wrench at first; both knew that the opportunity was better than anything they could have hoped for. She was quickly sorted into Hufflepuff, and her feet were set upon the pathway to a better life.
School was no bed of roses for the extremely poor Muggle-born, but she was determined to prove herself to the Wizarding world, and her grades reflected her resolve. During holidays, she would return home to her father in Wapping, and continue on as part of his act for the first couple years. The added attraction ensured that he was taken care of monetarily when she was away. As she grew older, she began to get more grown-up jobs on stage that paid better than being the attractive assistant to a man who was essentially a hack. However, Reginald always took great pains with his daughter, never having much faith in Hogwarts as a school of higher learning. He always insisted that she read Muggle literature (all kinds) during her time with him; and he also went the extra mile to send her books and newspapers while she was in school. He would not stand for her being turned ignorant of the larger Muggle world. Members of the ministry - and adults in the school - were doubtless aware of her family situation; but, to avoid humiliation, the girl closely guarded any information about her father to her fellow students, even to the point of giving the impression that she had no direct family alive among Muggles.
As Rena grew, it became increasingly clear that she had inherited her mother’s looks as well as her vibrant personality, despite her hardships in life. She knew what it means to be poor, but also to survive and endure. Instead of learning to hate the world for the difficulties she has been through, she has always tried to see the good in people; and she believes that happiness isn’t a thing that one waits for, but rather, something that we must create for ourselves. Over time, Rena became increasingly interested in justice. With a keen mind and courageous spirit, she passed her N.E.W.T.s well and applied to the Auror program with the Ministry. Now, she continues to walk a tightrope between the Muggle and Wizard's world; but her main concern is to acquit herself well as an Auror; and to be a force for good with the powers she has been gifted (or cursed) to have by fate.
1938-1939: A Series of Fortunate… and Not So Fortunate Events
The time that passed between the winter of 1938 and 1939 was filled with adventures, turmoil and drastic changes in Rena's life. She met Takeshi Odori in the Autumn of '38, was engaged to him by January of '39; married in August, and subsequently divorced by January 1940. The reasons can be best found Here. Truly has it been said that the road to hell has been paved with good intentions. No one knows this better than Irene Lee. The year ran the gamut of political problems between the Unity Party and Brad Moody's "Army of Truth." Also, befriending several men in the RAF, she has grown deeper roots and ties into the Muggle world than may perhaps be wise, given the state of War that Britain finds herself in, currently. Other important events that occurred over the course of the year included the lengthy investigation into the wrongdoings of Professor Flint, deposing him from his position of authority in Hogwarts; recapturing the Heart of Gold from the despicable Vengal family, and preventing them from unleashing a Fiendfyre on London; having the misfortune of being caught in the midst of the Diagon Alley terrorist attacks, and subsequently, a terrorist attack in King's Cross railway station perpetrated by the IRA. It was a rough year for the soft-hearted girl, but it also saw her become a fully-fledged Auror.
Rena's Theme: "Brave" by Sara Bareilles.
RP Hooks
Father: Rena keeps her father's career a closely guarded secret, though some older members of the wizarding world would be in-the-know. As a street-performing "magician," and an alcoholic, she fears he would become a point of ridicule if largely known. For a time, half of her Auror paycheck went to the support of her father. However, a violent falling out with the man caused her to all but break ties with him in mid-1939. Although she worries about him, she can't bring herself to support his addictions and fall prey to his abuse any longer.
Stage Struck Having grown up doing Vaudeville-type performance and moving on to "Burlesque" variety theatre briefly, Rena still clings very fondly to some of her better memories of better days on stage. While she seems to have not made many close friends during her time at Hogwarts, she's managed to hold onto a number of Muggle friends from childhood. Whenever she can, she takes time out to visit and pretend that she's a Muggle with them. Of course, she has to lie about her job and where she's living, these days…
Music Rena is a sucker for a piano - or a band, for that matter. She adores music. She loves to sing and dance (with or without a partner) and it's very difficult for her to resist any opportunity to cut loose and have fun with a song.
The Unity Movement For a short time after joining the Unity Party, Rena was being groomed by Cassius Malfoy to be something of an unofficial spokesperson. However, she overstepped herself, was publicly denounced and given the sack. Despite this rocky spell, she and Mister Malfoy have since made amends, and she remains a member of the Unity Party.
M.L.E. Rookie Rena is probably the least experienced Auror on staff; but she is a full-fledged Auror none the less. Because of her whirlwind way of handling things and her charismatic personality, some might consider her a detriment to society, rather than a potential defender. She's appeared in the news several times, and not always under the most the best circumstances for career advancement.
Badly Adapted As time goes on, Rena finds herself less at peace with the Statute of Secrecy, and more determined that Cassius Malfoy's dream of Unity comes true. She would give anything to live openly.
Logs featuring Rena |
Logs that refer to Rena |
Rena's Journal Entries |
Others' Journal Entries About Rena |
- Wealth: Well-To-Do
- Moxie
- Soft-Hearted
I can't remember when I had such a good time! I met Mister Martin at Biggin Airfield when I went to see Guy at the canteen, and he accompanied me on the piano while I sang. We did marvelously well together. I hope we get to do it again some time soon.
Brandy was the best thing that came out of Hogwarts for me. It was hard for me to get along with other children, and I was horribly shy and withdrawn. However, she always stood up for me and looked out for me. I'm awfully glad that we're still friends, now that we're both grown up and work in the Ministry.
Probably the most beautiful woman in the world. I first encountered Corina in the Three Broomsticks the day I met Takeshi. We had another close encounter in Blackfriars Pub where we distracted a lot of angry men from fighting by jumping up on the bar and singing "Let's Misbehave." But it wasn't until I dropped in at House Lorelei to meet a friend of mine that I /really/ met her. She's so very nice and kind and understanding about everything, I'm so glad that we're friends now.
Guy is unlike anyone else I've ever met before. We've come to be such great friends, and he's even taught me to drive a Muggle car. I'm quite capable now, because of him! Once, he even saved my life. But… War is going to take him away - maybe forever. I don't like to think about losing him. It breaks my heart. Maybe the powers that be will be kind and spare him. He's got work to do for King and Country, now.
She saw me graduate from school and set out on the path to becoming an Auror. I suppose it's not often that one stays in touch with the people who educated them, but she's been a good friend and ally to me when I've needed her. I hope I can return the favor in time.
Kaleb and his pet goose surprised me while I was feeding ducks in the park one evening. After some cautious talk, we discovered that we were both of the Wizarding world and it broke the ice. Speaking of ice, despite his insistence to the contrary, I still think Canada is a place covered in snow and ice all year around. However, I think he's a lovely man, even if his goose makes me a little nervous.
Laurence has such a way with words. I never know if he means half of what he says when he flatters me, but he's a lot of fun to be around. Also, I never dreamed he would create a masterpiece for me when I asked him for a broom with bicycle handles. The Cycloom is almost too beautiful to ride.
Graham's adopted sister and a new friend to me. Although I don't know her well, I can say with assurance that she seems to be a sweet and genuine person. Really, it was she who brought me into the Unity Party, and it's a shame that it didn't work out. However, at least I'm on friendly terms with her and Cassius again.
Kahren is a coworker of Takeshi's, and an awfully sweet lady. She's fascinated by Muggle technology, and I'm determined to teach her some of the basics someday. We've already attempted the telephone with varying degrees of success.
I may not have had the best of times in Hogwarts, but I will forever be grateful to this man. He was my Muggle Liason all those years ago when I was just a scared little girl. If anybody wants to point fingers and lay blame for what I am today, they might start with Michael. I wonder if he remembers me very much, though.
He swept me off my feet, he treated me like a queen and I thought he might be "the one," but then, he went and cheated on me. It took a while to get past the heartbreak and anger, but I managed in the end. Now, we get on quite well as friends… perhaps too well. We still hurt each other as much as we ever did. Sometimes, I think it's like an addiction to some painful drug between us. I still love him, even though I know that we mix as well as oil and water.
I bumped into Charlie in the Underground station by accident, and discovered that the poor man was a lost Wizard from America. I'm so glad that I found him and helped him locate Diagon Alley before war was declared… But, how did I manage to turn the situation into another lovesick mistake? I don't know what to do. I am so confused and torn right now.
My ex-husband. From the outside looking in, I suppose that people would say that we were an unlikely pair. However, I did try… I tried so hard to make things work. I am such a failure. Never did a kinder, gentler soul exist when we first met. What happened? Everything changed and went to hell so quickly. What went wrong? I'll never understand… was it all my fault?
Nobody ever treated me like such a lady before; and now, I'm his lady forever. He's such a gentleman, and smart as a whip. He's a smashing story teller and a wonderful teacher. I can't begin to explain my feelings for him beyond genuine love and admiration. When I say that I love him, I have no reservations. No more mistakes, no more second guessing, and no more straying from the path. Choosing to marry him is the best choice I ever made. But, he is a pilot, and we are at War. I never know when he goes up in that plane if I'll see him again.
Reginald Lee
Dad. He's a good man at heart and I know he means well. He did his level best to do right by me during my childhood. It's not easy being a single parent, and theatre isn't the easiest business in which to stay afloat. I desperately wish that he weren't an alcoholic… in the last few years, it's really begun to get the better of him. Our relationship has become awfully strained lately because of it. However, I was able to reconcile with him in time for the wedding, and he was there by my side through the ceremony. Perhaps life is setting itself right, once again.
Cassandra Lee
Mother. Oh, how I wish I had known you. I wonder if you could ever be proud of me, knowing what a mess I've made of things. Aside from your name and the fact that your people came from Ireland, I know so little about you. Father says that you loved roses above any other flower. Maybe that's why I love them so.
Mister Bates is someone worthy of respect, and I do my best to always treat him that way. One evening, he took me aside and admonished me to be less reckless. I took his advice to heart, and I have done better in my work since then, I believe. Stern and serious as he is, he's got a kind side, and no mistake.
Everyone calls him mad. I don't think he is. I just think his mind works a bit differently from other people's. He's as unpredictable as a jumping spider, terribly clever…and very handsome. Although I try not to show it, I'm afraid he makes me feel a little overwhelmed and shy when I talk to him. We have the good fortune of living across the street from one another, and we sometimes go to and from the Ministry because our paths cross. The only disadvantage to living across the street from him is the fact that he leaves his blinds open far too often.
I'm afraid of Mister Gideon - and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's not that he's a bad person, quite to the contrary! He's just been through a hell of a lot, and he isn't the most easy person to get along with. Besides, I'm sure I do a great deal to annoy him by being… well, myself.
I was a bit lost on my first day at the Ministry, but this gentleman played the good old fashioned white knight and got me to my destination safely. We hit it off with each other right away. Unfortunately, over time we've come to realize we don't often see eye to eye on many issues, and things have been pretty strained with him since he poked his nose into my business about Arthur. I wish he'd keep his mind on his job. We'd get along better if he did.
Hugh can be a little off-putting, but I like him. He thinks in round-about ways, and seems to be terribly clever. If only he wouldn't fill the office with smoke from that infernal pipe of his. What on earth does he put in that thing, anyway?
Kat - I'm never quite sure about her, but she seems to be alright. I don't think she takes the job seriously enough sometimes, though.
Bob Ogden. The Boss's boss… the big, scary boss. Whatever I do, I mustn't annoy him. I'm quite sure that the only reason he's kept me under the employ of the MLE is due to the intervention of Mister Worthington at times.
Patrick is possibly the nicest Hit Wizard I've ever met. Quite the Irish charmer, he is. Always good fun to be around; and I truly appreciate having him to back me up in a tight situation.
Peregrine has been kicking around the MLE forever. If anybody knows what they're doing around here, he does. If ever in doubt, this is the fellow one wants to go have a chat with.
I wasn't entirely sure about this co-worker of mine at first. She's cunning, clever, and she can be rather unpredictable. But, the truth of the matter is that she's a good person, and I'm glad to know that we're on the same side.
Mister Worthington is a fair-minded man, and I know that he became chief of the Auror office for good reason. Because I do things in a thoughtless and headlong fashion, I'm afraid that I get on his nerves at times. And yet, he seems to believe in me. He wants me to be more confident and stop thinking that I'm not as bright as the others. I'll try to do better for him in the future.
I never seem to do well when faced with a Malfoy. Abraxas is no exception to the rule, I'm afraid. Alphard Black apparently "told him" about me. I can just imagine what sort of opinion the boy has formed in his head; and we didn't meet under the best circumstances at Hogwarts.
As the old saying goes: If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I spent the summer of 1939 with this boy kicking around the MLE as an intern, and that was quite enough of an experience to last a lifetime.
I fear Angelus is the unfortunate product of his upbringing, but maybe there is hope for change. I think that there is a truly nice young man under that stiff, purist exterior. Someday perhaps, he will learn the value of equality and learn to see past blood status. He was terribly brave to "betray" Flint and allow his wand to be broken. I'm proud of him, and have high hopes for his future.
My goodness, but he does use big words to get his ideas across… I met him through Brandy Sweetwater during Gervase Flint's unfortunate (though short-lived) rule over Hogwarts, when there was a need to provide students with aid. He's a good soul, and apparently aiming to become an Unspeakable someday. I can see that happening.
Such a nice girl - and like Anthony Rowle, bent on becoming an Unspeakable. She handled the turmoil and the aftermath in Hogwarts like a real trooper, I thought. I met her the same day I met Tony.
This young man was instrumental in helping me to bring down the Headmaster from hell. He gave me help despite his own troubles, which I appreciate deeply. I promised to do him a favor in return by helping to deal with his father. We'll see how that goes.
I'm sure some people would think it's odd for someone my age to count a twelve year old as a friend, but Maddie is an exceptional child. She has the boundless energy and personality that will take her far in life, and I hope I can be some kind of good influence along the way. I could have never secured the Magijugend contracts without her, bringing Gervase Flint's tyrannical rule to an end. Well done, Jr. Auror!
I'm not at all sure about this boy. He is completely and utterly incorrigible; and strikes me as being a loose cannon. But, to be honest… he makes me laugh. I think if he has a bit more direction, he'll go far in whatever he does.
Poor boy. I knew his father only slightly; but to know him was to respect him and know that he was a good man. He was one of our own in the MLE, and he died saving lives during that dreadful terrorist attack in Diagon Alley. I fear for Niko. Pain, grief and bitterness can do terrible things to twist a person from the inside out. I hope that I can help him even a little as time goes by.
Brad Moody and I could not be further polar opposites if we stood on opposite ends of the world. And yet, sometimes, we do manage to see eye to eye. I'm going to keep an open mind with regards to this man and see where things might go.
We didn't part on the best terms after the whole Brad Moody debacle. Was it my fault or his? Was it both? I don't know the answer. However, shortly after my marriage to Takeshi, we managed to patch things up and mend some bridges. I don't like being at odds with people. As you can well imagine, I am very relieved. We'll see how things go from here.
He's a vampire and he scares me to death. But it isn't his fault that he's a vampire. He can't help being what he is. Besides, he did give me good information and help when I needed it. That counts for something. It may be unwise, but I think he can be relied upon… If only I knew what he wanted in return.
A very rough around the edges, down to earth type of Hit-Wizard. I wish he wouldn't resort to violence so quickly to solve his problems. It frightens me. But still, he did save my life - even after I got in the way during an "Interrogation" and was stabbed for my troubles. Our departments work hand in hand. We've got to get along, somehow.
OOC Notes
Rena's player has a website! A place where she posts artwork pertaining to this MUSH - among other things. If you are interested in seeing her artwork or getting to know her better as a person, please visit: