
A very simple form of broomstick-jousting where one flyer attempted to knock the other off his broom. (Off screen usually) Blunt ended lances are conjured up to be used during the matches. Shuntbumps can be done just as a duel between only two people or as a competition with multiple players. It's always one-on-one.

The opponents make three 'passes'. The best two out of three makes the winner and if it's a competition they move on to the next round of matches in the tournament. If there is a tie at the end of the three passes, the passes continue until there is a win.

Roll the below syntaxs Three Times. Either in:
+Rolls. Pose. +Rolls. Pose. +Rolls. Pose.
+Rolls. +Rolls. +Rolls. Winner Pose. Loser Pose. Second Pass Winner Pose. Second Pass Loser Pose. Third Pass Winner Pose. Third Pass Loser Pose.

+Roll <Player1>=Broomflying +/-# vs <Player2>=Broomflying +/-#

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Simultaneous miss! Nothing done. Move on to the next pass and skip rolling Beater.
  • Marginal Victory: The Winner gets a +1 to their Beater +Roll. Loser suffers no penalty to their Beater +Roll.
  • Solid Victory: The Winner's gets a +2 to their Beater +Roll. Loser suffers a -1 penalty to their Beater +Roll.
  • Crushing Victory: The Winner gets a +4 to their Beater +Roll. Loser suffers a -2 penalty to their Beater +Roll.

+Roll <Player1>=Beater +/-# vs <Player2>=Beater +/-#

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Simultaneous miss! Nothing done, no points.
  • Marginal Victory: The Winner's lance tip makes contact, but does not break. Winner gains 1 point. Loser does not suffer any penalty next +roll.
  • Solid Victory: The Winner's lance tip is broken as a single piece. Winner gains 5 points. Loser gets palpably hit, creating a -2 to next roll.
  • Crushing Victory: The Winner's lance is shattered into multiple pieces. Winner gains 10 points. The loser is knocked from their broom, much pain creates a -4 to their next +roll.

The points won are mostly just for Tournaments where they will be used to pit the lowest scoring opponents against each other first and so on.

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