Anti-Unlocking Charm
hp.png Anti-Unlocking Charm "Obstructus Impervium" (ob-STRUK-tus im-PER-vee-um)
Makes locks resistant to spells with the Opening keyword. It must be cast individually for each type of Opening spell, and the caster must know how to cast the Opening spell to be charmed against. This is not the same as a Locking Spell.
Skill/Roll: Charms or Ancient Runes / +roll Charms or +roll Ancient Runes Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: 7th Year Charms class / 7th Year Ancient Runes class Duration: Up to six months (caster's choice)
  • Success: A Good Success or better with the Opening spell is required to open the target lock.
  • Good Success: A Great Success or better with the Opening spell is required to open the target lock.
  • Great Success: An Amazing Success with the Opening spell is required to open the target lock.
  • Amazing Success: The Opening spell cannot open the target lock.
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