Atmospheric Charm
hp.png Atmospheric Charm "Tempero Tempestus" (TEM-per-oh tem-PEST-us) Area • Weather
Alters the atmospheric conditions in a immediate area. Generally used indoors as a form of climate control, similar to air conditioning. Once cast, the effects of the charm will continue until the spell is countered or its duration expires.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: Thirty minutes
Training: 7th Year Charms class / Magical Maintenance training Duration: Varies with severity (see below)
  • Success: Mild atmospheric alteration (e.g. adjust the temperature a few degrees, slightly more or less humidity, light breeze). Effects last for up to a month.
  • Good Success: Moderate atmospheric alteration (e.g. significantly hotter/colder, strong breeze). Effects last for up to a week.
  • Great Success: Heavy atmospheric alteration (e.g. unbearable heat, biting cold, wind, frost, light rain). Effects last for up to a day.
  • Amazing Success: Severe atmospheric alteration (e.g. blistering heat, icy conditions, heavy rain, snow). Effects last for up to 6 hours.
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