Babbling Curse
hp.png Babbling Curse "Garrulus" (GAIR-uh-luhs) Mind
Causes target to babble incoherently whenever they try to speak. Any attempt to cast magic with a vocal incantation while under the effect of this curse will result in a magical backlash, as if an Embarrassing Failure had been rolled.
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Lasts for the remainder of the scene, or until countered with a Success or better.
  • Good Success: Lasts for a day, or until countered with a Good Success or better.
  • Great Success: Lasts for a week, or until countered with a Great Success or better.
  • Amazing Success: Permanent, or until countered with a Great Success or better.
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