Confundus Charm
hp.png Confundus Charm "Confundo" (con-FUN-doh) Mind
Causes confusion in a creature (or a sentient object). Someone affected by this spell is said to be "confunded." This spell has no light or sound effect.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 8 / +roll Glamers-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target befuddled for two rounds in combat, or one minute out of combat (-1 to all rolls).
  • Good Success: Target befuddled for five rounds in combat, or ten minutes out of combat (-1 to all rolls).
  • Great Success: Target is bewildered for the remainder of the scene (-2 to all rolls). Alternatively, one thing the target knows can be confused, leaving them uncertain about the facts. For example, how many siblings they have, the address of a friend, or what they were just doing.
  • Amazing Success: Target is bewildered for a full day (-2 to all rolls). Alternatively, one fundamental belief the target has can be confused, leaving them uncertain about the facts. For example, the colour of the sky or their own name.
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