Conjuration Spell, Standard
Conjuration Spell, Standard | "-creo" (-KRAY-oh) | Conjuring |
The Standard Conjuration Spell can be used to conjure a Medium (or smaller) target. Only solid physical things can be conjured — conjuring liquids, gases, or energy requires specific spells suited to those tasks. The following roll modifiers apply. • -2 if the thing being conjured has separate, moving parts. • -2 if the thing being conjured is alive. The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what is being conjured. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if conjuring a chair, one might incant "Sellacreo". |
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 5 / +roll Conjuration -2 | Casting Time: One round |
Training: 6th Year Transfiguration Class | Duration: Varies |
page revision: 3, last edited: 28 Mar 2015 22:25