Freezing Charm
hp.png Freezing Charm "Immobilus" (ih-MOH-bih-lus) Area • Movement
This spell immobilizes creatures or objects within a given area, preventing them from moving under their own power. Generally used on living things, it is also useful against objects with automatic functions. At least half of a creature or object must be within the target area to be affected by the spell. Any creature affected by this spell may make a free Body + Presence roll (this does not require an action) on their own turn each round to shake off its effects.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Three rounds
  • Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a one foot radius from the target point.
  • Good Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 2 foot radius from the target point.
  • Great Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 5 foot radius from the target point.
  • Amazing Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 10 foot radius from the target point.
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