Intruder Charm
hp.png Intruder Charm "Cave Inimicum" (KAH-vay ih-NIM-ih-kum) Area • Sound
Detects intruders to an area and sounds an alarm. Intruders are defined as anyone not within the area of effect when the spell is cast. The spell must be cast upon an object which serves as the center of the area of effect. The area does not move with the object, and the effects end if the object moves outside of the area of effect.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes or Charms / +roll Ancient Runes or +roll Charms Casting Time: Five minutes
Training: 5th Year Ancient Runes class / 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: One day
  • Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius around the target object.
  • Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius around the target object.
  • Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius around the target object.
  • Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius around the target object.
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