Invisibility Charm
hp.png Invisibility Charm "Indespectus" (in-deh-SPEK-tus) Area* • Hiding
One of the most powerful spells in existence, this charm makes a person or object completely invisible to the naked eye. Efforts to detect the target's presence must rely entirely on other senses. *If used by multiple casters, this charm can be used to make the contents of entire areas invisible.
Skill/Roll: Charms 12 / +roll Charms-6 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: Private study (75 Cookies; six months) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The spell's effects run out of control, causing people and objects in the vicinity of the target to randomly turn invisible (or visible, if already invisible; does not apply to naturally invisible creatures like thestrals) for a few minutes at a time.
  • Failure: Fizzle. No effect.
  • Success: Target is invisible for five minutes, or as long as the caster concentrates.
  • Good Success: Target is invisible for ten minutes, or as long as the caster concentrates.
  • Great Success: Target is invisible for thirty minutes, or as long as the caster concentrates.
  • Amazing Success: Target is invisible for one hour, or as long as the caster concentrates.
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