Locking Spell
hp.png Locking Spell "Colloportus" (cuh-loh-POR-tus) Locking
A very simple spell to lock a door, or to seal a door that otherwise has no lock on it.
Skill/Roll: Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Permanent, until unlocked
  • Success: Target door is locked, and can be opened with a key or by picking the lock. A door without a lock is wedged shut, and can be forced open with a Body roll.
  • Good Success: Target door is locked, and cannot be unlocked by mundane means. A door without a lock is wedged shut, and can be forced open with an Opening spell, or a Body roll at -2.
  • Great Success: Target door is locked or wedged shut, cannot be unlocked by mundane means, and Opening spells suffer -2 to unlock it.
  • Amazing Success: Target door is locked or wedged shut, cannot be unlocked by mundane means, and Opening spells suffer -4 to unlock it.
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