Memory Charm
hp.png Memory Charm "Obliviate" (oh-BLIH-vee-ait) Mind
Sometimes known as Obliviation, this spell erases memories. While it cannot actually create new memories (see False Memory Charm), the nature of the spell does allow the mind to fill in gaps for itself. Generally, people do not question when they cannot remember something. People forget things all the time, so unless there is a memory gap that is glaringly obvious (and not easily explained by something like alcohol), a victim of Obliviation isn't likely to question it. This charm does not allow the caster to dictate how the mind fills in the gaps, however. Obliviation can remove a period of time, or can selectively remove elements related to a given subject. In truth, Obliviation does not genuinely destroy memories. It only buries them so deeply that they are inaccessible. It is possible for a talented Legilimens or Healer to retrieve them, but it is highly difficult to do so (a penalty of at least -5 on attempts).
Skill/Roll: Glamers 8 / +roll Glamers-4 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: M.A.C. Obliviator training / Private study (40 Cookies; two months) Duration: Permanent
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The spell turns on the caster, randomly erasing large chunks of memory.
  • Failure: The caster cannot summon sufficient will to penetrate the target's mind. No effect.
  • Success: Removes a block of memory up to an hour long, or memories of a subject of trivial importance to the victim (e.g. an overheard conversation that means nothing to him out of context).
  • Good Success: Removes a block of memory up to a day long, or memories of a subject of minor importance to the victim (e.g. details about a book he enjoys).
  • Great Success: Removes a block of memory up to a week long, or memories of a subject of moderate importance to the victim (e.g. memories of a heated argument).
  • Amazing Success: Removes a block of memory up to a month long, or memories of a subject of major importance to the victim (e.g. memories of a loved one or a significant event).

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target feels strange, but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Marginal Victory: The target retains fragments of the affected memories, but finds them confusing.
  • Solid Victory: The chosen memories are erased.
  • Crushing Victory: The chosen memories are erased and the victim is left bewildered for several minutes, as if hit with a mild Confundus Charm.

Role-Playing Obliviation: It can be tricky knowing how to RP a character that has had memories removed. The key thing to remember is that the human mind tries to rationalize. It wants the world to make sense. So when it encounters something that doesn't quite add up, it will almost never leap to the conclusion that it has been tampered with. This is true even among wizards.

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