Reviving Spell
hp.png Reviving Spell "Rennervate" (REN-er-vait) Counter-spell • Healing
Awakens a sleeping or stunned target. It serves as the counter-spell to the Stunning Spell and similar effects, but is ineffectual against Dark magic.
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by a single Stunning Spell.
  • Good Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by up to two Stunning Spells.
  • Great Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by up to four Stunning Spells.
  • Amazing Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by any number of Stunning Spells.
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