Siccing Jinx
hp.png Siccing Jinx "Oppugno" (oh-PUG-noh) Harmful • Movement
Causes one or many small objects or creatures of the same type to fly through the air and attack a chosen victim. This spell can be cast on a single object, or a stack/pile/container of objects of the same type (causing all of them to attack). Just how dangerous the spell is depends upon what it uses to attack.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 or Dark Defense 6 / +roll Charms-2 or +roll Dark Defense-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level.
  • Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for one round.
  • Good Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for two rounds.
  • Great Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for three rounds.
  • Amazing Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for five rounds.
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