

Spell Keywords

Area: Effect that covers an area.
Beast: Affects animals/creatures.
Binding: Constrains the target.
Conjuring: Creates from nothing.
Counter-spell: Dispels magic.
Dark: A Dark magic spell.
Electricity: Electrical/lightning effect.
Fire: Affects flame.
Harmful: Causes damage or illness.
Healing: Cures injury or illness.
Hiding: Conceals or disguises.
Light: Glowing or light effect.
Locking: Closes and/or locks.
Mind: Affects target's mind.
Movement: Causes physical motion.
Opening: Unlocks or opens.
Plant: Affects vegetation.
Protection: Protects from harm.
Revealing: Reveals what is hidden.
Sound: A sound-based effect.
Transformation: Alters physical form.
Vanishment: Removes from existence.
Ward: Keeps something away
Water: Affects water.
Weather: Affects weather/climate.

What follows is an official list of spells recognized on Witchcraft & Wizardry, along with system mechanics for using them in game. We try to include most every canon spell out there, and a number of non-canon spells as well, but there may be some variation in our interpretation of them. Likewise, if a spell is missing from this list, there is probably a good reason for it (particularly if it's a non-canon spell). You won't be able to perfectly replicate everything done in the books, as we've had to make choices to keep things balanced for a game.

We encourage players to get creative with these spells. We cannot possibly think of every use a spell might have, so feel free to think outside the box, using the rules here as guidelines. For players that are interested in creating entirely new spells, we have guidelines in place for just that.

This is merely a collection of available spells. For other details about magic and how it is used, see Magic.

Spell Format

In the title bar of each spell entry below is a hp.png link to the HP Wiki's entry on the spell, the name of the spell, followed by its incantation. At the far right of the title bar are "keywords" — OOC categories that spells fit into. These keywords may be used for such things as determining the types of spells a given counter-spell will counter.

Following the title bar is a brief description of the spell's effects, including any special considerations, such as types of viable targets. If our version of the spell differs from canon, that information will be found here. Note that in some cases, the spell name we use will differ from that found on the HP wiki.

The rest of the spell information breaks down as follows:

Skill/Roll: "Skill" is the Skill used to the cast the spell. If applicable, this is followed by the skill rank required to learn it (e.g. Charms 6 means you must have Charms at rank 6 to learn the spell). If no rank is listed, the spell can be learned an any skill rank (even 0). "Roll" is the code used to cast the spell in game, including a difficulty modifier, usually expressed in a penalty.

  • If multiple skills can be used to cast the spell, all applicable skills will be listed. A character need only meet the requirements for one of these skills.

Living and Non-Living Targets

Some spells specify that they can only be using on a living or non-living target. But what about the undead? That depends upon whether they are merely animated shells, such as Inferi, or the Living Dead, such as vampires and zombies.

Inferi may be animated, but they are not alive, and are therefore considered non-living targets. The Living Dead aren't strictly alive either, but they possess enough semblance of life energy that they are considered alive for the purposes of determining whether or not they are targetable by certain spells.

Note that ghosts are not undead creatures. They are spirits, and their intangibility makes them immune to most spells anyhow.

Training: The level of schooling, professional training, or private study that is required to learn the spell.

  • Alternative paths to learning are separated by a "/".
  • Sometimes there is a Cookie cost associated with learning a particular spell, as well. In addition, a spell without a Cookie cost can be researched and learned on its own without fulfilling the training prerequisites. This requires an expenditure of Cookies equal to twice the highest school year the spell would normally be learned, or 15 Cookies for spells learned elsewhere (such as Ministry training). Spells purchased with Cookies will be record on a character's +sheet2.
  • Some spells take time to learn, and have a training time listed. Note that these times are estimates, and depending upon circumstances, the spell may actually take more or less time to learn.

Casting Time: The time it takes to cast the spell. If a spell takes more than one round to cast, it can be interrupted by a counter-spell, attack, or other interference. In some cases, this may cause a backfire of some kind.

Duration: The length of time that the spell's effects last after it is successfully cast. Spells with a duration of "Instantaneous" have an immediate effect, but do not persist.

  • If duration is listed as "Concentration", the spell's effects will continue as long as the caster maintains eye contact with the target and does nothing but try to maintain it.
  • Many spell durations will vary based upon whether it is cast in a combat situation. This is primarily for dramatic and game-balance reasons, but can be justified as the difficulty of casting accurately in the tension of battle.

The main spell block is followed by the results of Success, sometimes expressed as a single success result, sometimes with different results for different success levels, and/or additional effects based upon the victory level of an Opposed Roll. If there are no special system effects beyond the basic spell description, no success results will be listed. If there are any specific effects for a Failure or Embarrassing Failure, they will be detailed in this section. Failure will typically means the spell simply misses its target or fizzles. An Embarrassing Failure results is some sort of magical backlash, which can vary wildly in effect (but never to the benefit of the caster).

A wizard may always opt for a lesser effect than what is rolled, though this does not reduce the actual roll result when determining the victor of an Opposed Roll.

Size Rank Example Creatures Example Objects
Tiny mouse, beetle, puffskein needle, teacup
Small cat, dog, tortoise book, breadbox
Medium human, jaguar, goblin chair, steamer trunk
Large horse, half-giant, hippogriff dining table, automobile
Huge troll small hut, full-grown tree
Massive dragon, giant house, sailing ship

Size Ranks

Some spells will refer to a target's size. Size in Witchcraft & Wizardry is measured in size ranks: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, and Massive. Refer to the table at the right for an idea of what creatures and objects fit into each size rank.

Spell Descriptions



hp.png Age Line "Anno Invius" (ANN-oh IN-vee-us) Area • Ward
Encircles an object with a magical line that is repels all efforts to bypass it by people under a given age. This includes any mundane means used by ineligible people to pass or reach beyond the line, as well as spells, which will typically backfire on the underage caster.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: 1 hour
Training: Private study (20 Cookies; two weeks) Duration: Until the target object is moved outside the line
  • Success: Those wishing to trick the line +roll Presence + Glamers -2. They must still get a Great Success to trick the line.
  • Good Success: Those wishing to trick the line +roll Presence + Glamers -4. They must still get a Great Success to trick the line.
  • Great Success: Those wishing to trick the line +roll Presence + Glamers -6. They must still get a Great Success to trick the line.
  • Amazing Success: Those wishing to trick the line +roll Presence + Glamers -8. They must still get a Great Success to trick the line.

Special: Please copy and paste the three lines of code below in game in the room where you cast the Age Line. Replace the sections in bold with the appropriate information.

@Create Age Line

@describe Age Line=%R%T[ansi(hc,Castername has created an Age Line that shimmers in luminescent pale blue about Target-Object so that no one under the age of ## can pass the magical line.)] %R%R((Castername +rolled: <Copy and paste +roll result here.>)) %R%RIf you are under the age of ## and wish to cross the Age line you will have to roll a Great Success on a: <Copy and paste above result. Ex: +roll Presence + Glamers -6> to trick the line and get past. %R%R((Contact Staff to mediate the tricking +rolls.)) %r

Drop Age Line

hp.png Amplification Charm "Sonorus" (soh-NOR-us) Counter-spell • Sound
Increases the volume of a sound. This is the counter-spell for the Quieting Charm.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target sound is amplified for five minutes.
  • Good Success: Target sound is amplified for fifteen minutes
  • Great Success: Target sound is amplified for thirty minutes
  • Amazing Success: Target sound is amplified for one hour.

hp.png Anti-Apparition Charm "Empodisi Apparare" (EM-poh-DEE-see AP-uh-rair-eh) Area • Counter-spell
Prevents people from Apparating into a building or area up to the size of a middle-class home. Multiple charms may be used to ward larger areas. Please see: Apparition Magic for further details on how we handle Apparition.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 7 / +roll Ancient Runes-3 Casting Time: Two hours
Training: 7th Year Ancient Runes / Department of Magical Transportation training Duration: One year

hp.png Anti-Cheating Spell "Scribus Veritas" (SCRY-bus ver-EE-tahs)
Enchants up to a dozen writing quills at a time, making it impossible for them to write cheats. This spell is specifically taught to those in the Wizarding Examinations Authority, and is frequently known by magical educators. All exams — even pop quizzes — are taken with these quills. Generally expected to be used "off-camera", with no roll required under normal circumstances. Anyone who knows this spell can be assumed to have an ample supply of anti-cheating quills if they so desire.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: 20 minutes
Training: Wizarding Examinations Authority training / Private study (2 Cookies) Duration: Permanent

hp.png Anti-Choking Spell "Anapneo" (an-AP-nee-o) Counter-spell • Healing
Allows a living creature to breathe that is otherwise being prevented from doing so, such as if one is choking. If the asphyxiation is caused by a magical effect, the caster must overcome it (usually by achieving the same success level as the caster of the harmful spell). Can be used as a counter-spell if the choking is caused by magic.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: First year of Healer training Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Anti-Disapparition Jinx "Empodisi Evanesco" (EM-poh-DEE-see EH-vah-NES-koh) Area • Counter-spell
Prevents people from Disapparating from a building or area up to the size of a middle-class home. Multiple charms may be used to ward larger areas. Please see: Apparition Magic for further details on how we handle Apparition.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 7 / +roll Ancient Runes-3 Casting Time: Two hours
Training: 7th Year Ancient Runes class / Department of Magical Transportation training Duration: One year

hp.png Anti-Unlocking Charm "Obstructus Impervium" (ob-STRUK-tus im-PER-vee-um)
Makes locks resistant to spells with the Opening keyword. It must be cast individually for each type of Opening spell, and the caster must know how to cast the Opening spell to be charmed against. This is not the same as a Locking Spell.
Skill/Roll: Charms or Ancient Runes / +roll Charms or +roll Ancient Runes Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: 7th Year Charms class / 7th Year Ancient Runes class Duration: Up to six months (caster's choice)
  • Success: A Good Success or better with the Opening spell is required to open the target lock.
  • Good Success: A Great Success or better with the Opening spell is required to open the target lock.
  • Great Success: An Amazing Success with the Opening spell is required to open the target lock.
  • Amazing Success: The Opening spell cannot open the target lock.

hp.png Antler Jinx "Anteoculatia" (an-TEE-oh-coo-LAY-sha) Transformation
Causes antlers to grow out of the head of the target of the jinx.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration Class Duration: Permanent until untransfigured or otherwise removed
  • Any Success: Antlers grow from the target's head. Success levels may determine size of antlers.

hp.png Arrow-Shooting Spell "Sagitta" (sah-JEE-tah) Conjuring • Harmful
Fires one or more arrows out of the tip of the wand. Can be used as an attack.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Ascending Charm "Ascendio" (ah-SEN-dee-oh) Movement
Lifts the caster high into the air, or propels the caster to the surface if underwater.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms Class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Up to 5 feet in the air.
  • Good Success: Up to 10 feet in the air.
  • Great Success: Up to 20 feet in the air.
  • Amazing Success: Up to 50 feet in the air.

hp.png Atmospheric Charm "Tempero Tempestus" (TEM-per-oh tem-PEST-us) Area • Weather
Alters the atmospheric conditions in a immediate area. Generally used indoors as a form of climate control, similar to air conditioning. Once cast, the effects of the charm will continue until the spell is countered or its duration expires.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: Thirty minutes
Training: 7th Year Charms class / Magical Maintenance training Duration: Varies with severity (see below)
  • Success: Mild atmospheric alteration (e.g. adjust the temperature a few degrees, slightly more or less humidity, light breeze). Effects last for up to a month.
  • Good Success: Moderate atmospheric alteration (e.g. significantly hotter/colder, strong breeze). Effects last for up to a week.
  • Great Success: Heavy atmospheric alteration (e.g. unbearable heat, biting cold, wind, frost, light rain). Effects last for up to a day.
  • Amazing Success: Severe atmospheric alteration (e.g. blistering heat, icy conditions, heavy rain, snow). Effects last for up to 6 hours.


hp.png Babbling Curse "Garrulus" (GAIR-uh-luhs) Mind
Causes target to babble incoherently whenever they try to speak. Any attempt to cast magic with a vocal incantation while under the effect of this curse will result in a magical backlash, as if an Embarrassing Failure had been rolled.
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Lasts for the remainder of the scene, or until countered with a Success or better.
  • Good Success: Lasts for a day, or until countered with a Good Success or better.
  • Great Success: Lasts for a week, or until countered with a Great Success or better.
  • Amazing Success: Permanent, or until countered with a Great Success or better.

hp.png Banishing Charm "Depulso" (de-PUHL-so) Counter-spell • Movement
Sends a target (mostly) harmlessly away from the caster. The target is said to have been Banished. Can be used as a counter-spell to the Summoning Charm, sending a Summoned object back to its original location. While normal Banishment is limited by the size and weight of the target object, any Summoned object can be Banished with any success level, so long as the caster overcomes the success level of the summoner. Generally, only targets that could be physically moved by a single human adult can be Banished.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms Class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Banishes a small target (e.g. a cat, a footstool, a broomstick)
  • Good Success: Banishes a medium target (e.g. a human child, an armchair)
  • Great Success: Banishes a large target (e.g. a human adult, a twin bed)
  • Amazing Success: Banishes a huge target (e.g. a queen-sized bed, a fully-packed steamer trunk)

hp.png Bat-Bogey Hex "Vespernaris" (VES-per-NAR-is) Beast • Transformation
Transfigures a human victim's bogeys into a flurry of bats which fly out of the nose, which makes it difficult to speak and can be terribly distracting. This spell was invented by Miranda Goshawk. Use of the hex on a non-human target can have radically unpredictable results, and can even be fatal to small animals.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study, 2nd Year or higher (must be taught by a practitioner) (5 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level (see below)
Lore Threshold: N/A (Can only be known of circumstantially)
  • Success: Victim suffers -1 to all rolls for one round (or one minute if out of combat)
  • Good Success: Victim suffers -1 to all rolls for two round (or two minutes if out of combat)
  • Great Success: Victim suffers -1 to all rolls for three rounds (or three minutes if out of combat)
  • Amazing Success: Victim suffers -2 to all rolls for three rounds (or three minutes if out of combat)

hp.png Bewitched Sleep "Dormeo" (DOR-may-oh) Mind
Causes the victim to fall into an enchanted slumber.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 7 / +roll Glamers-3 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: 7th Year Charms Class Duration: Varies with success level (see below)
  • Success: Lasts for one minute. Can be interrupted by shaking or a loud noise.
  • Good Success: Lasts for one hour. Can be interrupted by shaking or a loud noise.
  • Great Success: Lasts for eight hours. Can only be interrupted by pain.
  • Amazing Success: Lasts for 24 hours. Cannot be interrupted unless specific conditions set by the caster are met.

hp.png Bird-Conjuring Charm "Avis" (AH-viss) Beast • Conjuring
Conjures a flock of birds. The birds are shot from the caster's wand tip, accompanied by smoke and a loud blast that sounds like a gun being fired.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Transfiguration Class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Bird-Transfiguration Spell "Avifors" (AH-vi-fors) Beast • Transformation
Transforms a unintelligent target of Small or smaller size into a bird, or a collection of similar targets into a flock of birds.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: Would you like toast with that? The target is transfigured into an egg, instead.
  • Failure: Fizzle! Nothing happens.
  • Success: Effects last for one minute, or one round if in combat.
  • Good Success: Effects last for one scene, or two rounds if in combat.
  • Great Success: Effects last for one day, or three rounds if in combat.
  • Amazing Success: Effects are permanent until untransfigured.

hp.png Blasting Curse "Confringo" (con-FREEN-goh) Fire • Harmful
This devastating and dangerous curse causes an object to explode in a fiery blast. It cannot be used to target a living being, but can cause explosions nearby. Note that the size of the explosion assumes common construction materials for most objects of that type. Tougher materials will mean less actual damage done.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The caster's wand explodes with force equal to a Success, harming the caster.
  • Failure: Fizzle! A small pop and a burst of smoke emits from the caster's wand, but that is all.
  • Success: Explodes a target (or part of a target) up to the size of an office desk.
  • Good Success: Explodes a target (or part of a target) up to the size of an automobile.
  • Great Success: Explodes a target (or part of a target) up to the size of house.
  • Amazing Success: Explodes a target (or part of a target) up to the size of a sports pitch.

hp.png Blood Flow Hex "Sanguinio" (san-GWEE-nee-oh) Dark • Harmful • Healing
This spell allows the caster to affect the flow of blood in minor ways. It can cause blood to flow in unnatural directions, even climbing vertical surfaces. It can be used to cause minor hemorrhaging of blood vessels, giving a target a nosebleed, bruising, or even causing them to cough up blood. Alternatively, it can be used to staunch minor bleeding, making it possibly the only Dark spell that is useful for healing. Dried blood cannot be affected by this spell.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: Concentration; varies if cast on a creature
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 7 / Dark Arts Lore 3
  • Embarrassing Failure: The caster begins to bleed from every orifice. It isn't lethal, but will leave the caster weak, and it looks horrifying.
  • Failure: The spell fizzles and nothing happens.

If cast on inanimate blood:

  • Any Success: You can manipulate the flow of a small amount of blood (a few tablespoons worth, at most).

If cast on a person:

  • Success: You can cause hemorrhaging or staunch bleeding for one round.
  • Good Success: You can cause hemorrhaging or staunch bleeding for two rounds.
  • Great Success: You can cause hemorrhaging or staunch bleeding for three rounds.
  • Amazing Success: You can cause hemorrhaging or staunch bleeding for five rounds.

hp.png Bluebell Flames "Ignis Azula" (IG-niss ah-ZOO-la) Conjuring • Fire
This spell conjures bright blue and waterproof flames. The magical fire can be scooped up harmlessly by the caster, and even carried about in a jar, but it still emits heat and can burn, but it will not spread.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 5 / +roll Conjuration-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: One scene
  • Success: Conjures magical fire equal to a candle flame.
  • Good Success: Conjures magical fire equal to a lantern flame.
  • Great Success: Conjures magical fire equal to a brazier flame.
  • Amazing Success: Conjures magical flame equal to a campfire.

hp.png Bone-Mending Spell "…Emendo" (eh-MEN-doh) Healing
A healing spell used to mend bones. "Emendo" is only the second half of the incantation. The Healer must know the first half appropriate the part of the body where the bone is to be healed.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Third year of Healer training Duration: Instantaneous

The full incantations for the various body parts are:

  • Skull — "Calvario Emendo" (cal-VAH-ree-oh eh-MEN-doh)
  • Spine — "Spinum Emendo" (SPEE-num eh-MEN-doh)
  • Chest/Torso — "Sternum Emendo" (STER-num eh-MEN-doh)
  • Upper arm/Shoulder — "Humerum Emendo" (HYOO-mer-um eh-MEN-doh)
  • Forearm/Elbow — "Brackium Emendo" (BRAH-kee-um eh-MEN-doh)
  • Hand/Finger — "Mano Emendo" (MAH-noh eh-MEN-doh)
  • Waist/Hips/Pelvis — "Castulum Emendo" (CAS-tyoo-lum eh-MEN-doh)
  • Hand — "Mano Emendo" (MAH-noh eh-MEN-doh)
  • Leg/Knee/Shin — "Cruso Emendo" (KROO-soh eh-MEN-doh)
  • Foot/Toe — "Pedio Emendo" (ped-DEE-oh eh-MEN-doh)

hp.png Braking Charm "Scopa Subsisto" (SKO-puh sub-SEES-toh) Movement
Enchants a broom for improved slowing and stopping. Part of the process of creating a broom. (If brooms are ever given statistics, expect expanded details here.)
Skill/Roll: Broommaking / +roll Broommaking Casting Time: One hour
Training: Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Permanent

hp.png Bubble-Head Charm "Spiranabulla" (spee-RAH-nah-BOO-la) Conjuring • Protection
Creates bubble of air around the target's head, allowing them to breathe normally and safely when the environment would not otherwise allow it (e.g. being underwater).
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: One scene

hp.png Bubble-Producing Spell "Aurnamento" (OR-nah-MEN-toh) Conjuring
Several dozen non-bursting golden bubbles spew out of the wand, and can be directed into pleasing arrangements, such as Christmas tree ornaments. They require a great deal more pressure than normal bubbles to pop.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Domestics Club (1 Cookie) / Private study (2 Cookies) Duration: Up to two months


hp.png Cannon Curse "Bombarda" (bom-BAR-dah) Harmful
Creates a small but powerful impact, like a cannonball strike.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: The spell strikes the target with enough force to break bone.
  • Good Success: The spell strikes the target with enough force to shatter three inches of wood.
  • Great Success: The spell strikes the target with enough force to break an iron lock.
  • Amazing Success: The spell strikes the target with enough force to pulverize six inches of stone.

hp.png Caterwauling Charm "Clango" (KLAHN-goh) Area • Sound
Sets off a high-pitched shriek if target area is entered.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One hour
Training: Hit Wizard training / Auror training Duration: One day
  • Success: Spell covers area up to the size of room in a house.
  • Good Success: Spell covers area up to the size of a house.
  • Great Success: Spell covers area up to the size of a manor or castle.
  • Amazing Success: Spell covers area up to the size of a village.

hp.png Cheering Charm "Exultus" (eks-ULL-tus) Mind
A spell that induces happiness in a person. The incantation must be spoken with pep and joy. One cannot successfully cast a Cheering Charm if one is sad (meaning that a sad person cannot use this spell on himself to cheer himself up).
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms Class Duration: Varies with success level. Happiness may continue of its own accord after duration expires
  • Success: Fleeting smiles (one minute)
  • Good Success: Warm fuzzies (ten minutes)
  • Great Success: Happy thoughts (one hour)
  • Amazing Success: Fits of hysterical laughter (one to three hours). This is generally considered overdoing it.

hp.png Chest-Opening Charm "Cistem Aperio" (SEES-tem ah-PER-ee-oh) Opening
A very specific charm for opening hinged containers, such as chests, trunks, and boxes.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Gringotts Curse-Breaker training / Private Study (2 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: The targeted container is opened. Locked chests require a Good Success, while containers sealed with magic require a success equal to the that of the original Locking spell.

hp.png Cleansing Charm "Tergeo" (TER-jay-oh)
Cleans off a target by wiping away or siphoning off dust, grime, blood, etc.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Domestics club (2 Cookies) / Private study (4 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Colour Change Charm "Multicorfors" (MUL-tee-COR-fors) Transformation
Causes a target (or a specified part of a target) to change to a desired colour.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class Duration: Permanent

hp.png Confundus Charm "Confundo" (con-FUN-doh) Mind
Causes confusion in a creature (or a sentient object). Someone affected by this spell is said to be "confunded." This spell has no light or sound effect.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 8 / +roll Glamers-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target befuddled for two rounds in combat, or one minute out of combat (-1 to all rolls).
  • Good Success: Target befuddled for five rounds in combat, or ten minutes out of combat (-1 to all rolls).
  • Great Success: Target is bewildered for the remainder of the scene (-2 to all rolls). Alternatively, one thing the target knows can be confused, leaving them uncertain about the facts. For example, how many siblings they have, the address of a friend, or what they were just doing.
  • Amazing Success: Target is bewildered for a full day (-2 to all rolls). Alternatively, one fundamental belief the target has can be confused, leaving them uncertain about the facts. For example, the colour of the sky or their own name.

hp.png Conjunctivitis Curse "Roseoculus" (ROH-seh-OCK-yoo-lus)
A curse that causes an inflammation of the eye, causing them to swell shut.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Eyes partially swollen shut for three rounds (ten minutes out of combat). Target suffers -1 to all rolls involving sight (including aiming spells and other attacks).
  • Good Success: Eyes mostly swollen shut for six rounds (one hour out of combat). Target suffers -2 to all rolls involving sight (including aiming spells and other attacks).
  • Great Success: Eyes completely swollen shut for one day. Target is effectively blind.
  • Amazing Success: Eyes completely swollen shut for three days. Target is effectively blind.

hp.png Conjuration Spell, Advanced "-creo" (-KRAY-oh) Conjuring
The Advanced Conjuration Spell can be used to conjure a target of any size. Only solid physical things can be conjured — conjuring liquids, gases, or energy requires specific spells suited to those tasks.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• -2 if the thing being conjured has separate, moving parts.
• -2 if the thing being conjured is alive.
• -2 if the thing being conjured is Huge.
• -4 if the thing being conjured is Massive.

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what is being conjured. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if conjuring a horse, one might incant "Equocreo".
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 7 / +roll Conjuration -4 Casting Time: One round
Training: 7th Year Transfiguration Class Duration: Varies

hp.png Conjuration Spell, Simple "-creo" (-KRAY-oh) Conjuring
The Simple Conjuration Spell can be used to conjure a Small (or smaller) unintelligent target. Living things cannot be conjured with this spell. Only solid physical things can be conjured — conjuring liquids, gases, or energy requires specific spells suited to those tasks.

The following roll modifiers apply.
• -2 if the thing being conjured has separate, moving parts.

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what is being conjured. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if conjuring a cup, one might incant "Calixicreo".
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: Fifth Year Transfiguration Class Duration: Varies

hp.png Conjuration Spell, Standard "-creo" (-KRAY-oh) Conjuring
The Standard Conjuration Spell can be used to conjure a Medium (or smaller) target. Only solid physical things can be conjured — conjuring liquids, gases, or energy requires specific spells suited to those tasks.

The following roll modifiers apply.
• -2 if the thing being conjured has separate, moving parts.
• -2 if the thing being conjured is alive.

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what is being conjured. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if conjuring a chair, one might incant "Sellacreo".
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 5 / +roll Conjuration -2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Transfiguration Class Duration: Varies

hp.png Cruciatus Curse "Crucio" (KROO-see-oh) Dark • Harmful
The Cruciatus Curse, also known as the Torture Curse, causes the victim unimaginable pain. It doesn't actually injure the victim, and leaves no physical marks behind. But it has been known to drive it's victims to madness. A victim of the Cruciatus Curse is essentially helpless as long as the caster maintains the spell. The victim will writhe in agony, most likely screaming if their voice doesn't choke up. This curse cannot be countered or deflected. It will pass right through Shield Charms. It can be evaded, or the casting can be interrupted, but once cast, there is no defence against it. This is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, and is subject to the rules governing those spells.
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (60 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The curse turns against the caster, immobilizing him with pain for five rounds.
  • Failure: The spell fizzles, and you will probably have a very angry victim on your hands.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The victim feels some pain, but resists and can act as normal.
  • Marginal Victory: The victim is immobilized in agonizing pain for one round.
  • Solid Victory: The victim is immobilized in agonizing pain for three rounds.
  • Crushing Victory: The victim is immobilized in agonizing pain for six rounds.

hp.png Curse of the Bogies "Mucus ad Nauseam" (MYOO-kus ad NAW-zee-um) Harmful
Gives an person a particularly nasty cold, complete with an extremely runny nose. If untreated, the illness can get worse, even causing the victim to collapse.
Skill/Roll: Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Until treated

hp.png Cushioning Charm "Pulvino" (pul-VEE-noh) Protection
Creates an invisible cushion on an object or area.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms class Duration: One scene


hp.png Dancing Feet Spell "Tarantallegra" (ta-RON-ta-LEG-gra) Movement
Forces the target creature or object to dance wildly.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Target dances for one minute.
  • Good Success: Target dances for five minutes.
  • Great Success: Target dances for thirty minutes.
  • Amazing Success: Target dances for one hour.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target can dance if he wants to. He can leave your friends behind. (No effect.)
  • Marginal Victory: Target dances for one round, suffering -1 to rolls.
  • Solid Victory: Target dances for three rounds, suffering -1 to rolls.
  • Crushing Victory: Target dances madly for three rounds, suffering -2 to rolls.

hp.png Defensive Charge "Fulmencorpus" (FOOL-men-COR-pus) Electricity • Protection
Causes a charge of electricity to run through the body of a target, shocking anyone touching that target and leaving them mildly burned. The electricity has no negative effect on the target. This effect has been known to occur reflexively by a wizard being physically menaced, as a form of uncontrolled magic.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 6 / +roll Conjuration-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study, 5th Year or higher (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: Anyone touching the target when this is cast is shocked, and suffers a -1 to all rolls through the next round. Those affected must release the target unless they can beat the caster's level of success on a Body + Presence roll.

hp.png Defermentation Charm "Defermento" (deh-fer-MEN-toh)
Reverses the fermentation process, turning vinegar back to wine, wine back to grape juice, mead back to honey, and so on. Though this spell may seem like transfiguration, in the strictest sense it is not, as it is merely affecting the natural process of the target, not actually transforming it from one substance to another.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Charms class / 5th Year Domestics club (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Deflection Charm "Deflecto" (deh-FLEK-toh) Protection
Considered the most basic form of hex deflection, this charm is commonly used in magical duels.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts / 1st Year Duelling Club (2 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: If the caster is victorious on the Opposed Roll, the attacking spell is deflected harmlessly away.

hp.png Deletion Spell "Deletrius" (deh-LEE-tree-us) Counter-spell • Vanishment
Erases magical images, such as those produced by Priori Incantatum.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: M.A.C. training / Private study (2 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: Erases the magical image. If being used as a counter-spell, the caster must exceed the original spells level of success.

hp.png Deprimus Charm "Deprimo" (deh-PREE-moh) Area • Harmful
Creates a powerful downward force on the ground in an area, strong enough to cave in the floor of a house. The caster must target a specific point on the ground.
Skill/Roll: Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 7th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Affects area within a five foot radius from the targeted point.
  • Good Success: Affects area within a ten foot radius from the targeted point.
  • Great Success: Affects area within a twenty foot radius from the targeted point.
  • Amazing Success: Affects area within a fifty foot radius from the targeted point.

hp.png Descending Spell "Descendo" (deh-SEN-doh) Counter-spell • Movement
Causes a target to descend or lower itself. This can be used as a counter-spell to Movement spells that lift a target into the air.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: Target is lowered to the ground. Objects at rest can be toppled in this manner, if the caster chooses not to lower the target safely. If the target is held up by magic, the caster must exceed the original Movement spell's level of success.

hp.png Disarming Charm "Expelliarmus" (ex-PEL-ee-AR-mus) Movement
Disarms the victim of whatever is being held at the time. This spell can affect an opponent's wand. More powerful castings can have additional effects. This spell appears as a jet of red light.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Duelling Club (6 Cookies) / 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Duration: Instantaneous

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target feels a mild tug, but is not disarmed. No additional effects.
  • Marginal Victory: Held item lands a few feet away, and can be retrieved in one round. See Additional Effects, below.
  • Solid Victory: Held item lands over a dozen feet away, and can be retrieved in two rounds. See Additional Effects, below.
  • Crushing Victory: Held item lands far away, and can be retrieved in three rounds. See Additional Effects, below.

Additional Effects:

  • Success: No additional effect.
  • Good Success: Victim is knocked back a step.
  • Great Success: Victim is knocked back a few paces, and must roll Body + Reaction to keep footing.
  • Amazing Success: Victim is knocked to the ground, and must roll Body + Presence to remain conscious. Unconsciousness lasts for a few minutes, but may be countered with an Energizing Charm.

hp.png Dishwashing Spell "Puricatinus" (PYOO-ree-cah-TEE-nus)
Enchants all dirty dishes stacked by a sink will wash themselves, provided soap and water are available.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Domestics Club (1 Cookie) / Private study (3 Cookies) Duration: Until the dishes are done

hp.png Disillusionment Charm "Homogenus" (huh-MAH-jeh-nus) Hiding
Causes a target creature to blend in with surroundings, disguising its presence. Though not impossible to see, even when detected, the target will look like a distortion of the environment.
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 Casting Time: One round
Training: R.C.M.C. Beast Division training / Dept. of Mysteries Training / Private study (30 Cookies; two months) Duration: One scene
  • Success: Observers must roll Awareness -3 to see the target.
  • Good Success: Observers must roll Awareness -5 to see the target.
  • Great Success: Observers must roll Awareness -7 to see the target.
  • Amazing Success: Observers must roll Awareness -9 to see the target.

hp.png Door-Breaking Spell "Open Sesame" (OH-pen SEH-sah-mee) Harmful • Opening
Smashes doors open.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Gringotts Curse-Breaker training / Private Study (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Target door is broken open, hanging from its hinges, but repairable.
  • Good Success: Target door is ripped clean off of its hinges.
  • Great Success: Target door is shattered into many pieces.
  • Amazing Success: Target door is reduced to splinters or rubble.

hp.png Doubling Charm "Geminio" (jeh-MEE-nee-oh)
This spell causes an object to be duplicated perfectly when touched. Though this is a true charm, not a conjuration, these copies will break down and fade away as per the laws of conjuration. An odd characteristic of the spell, for which a solution was never found, was that only the original caster could stop the doubling effect. If, for some reason, the caster was interrupted, the object would continue multiplying, stopping only when the copies began to break down. For this reason, it is sometimes called the Gemino Curse.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms -2 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous (or until copies start to break down)
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 6

hp.png Drought Charm "Aridus" (ah-REE-dus) Water
A spell that evaporates water.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Herbology class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Affects enough water to dry up a soup bowl.
  • Good Success: Affects enough water to dry up a puddle.
  • Great Success: Affects enough water to dry up a small pool.
  • Amazing Success: Affects enough water to dry up a pond.

hp.png Drying Spell "Arificus" (ah-rih-FEE-kus) Water
This spell dries off a person and his or her clothing with a small warm whirlwind. Unfortunately, it has a way of ruffling up said clothing and hair.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Domestics Club (2 Cookies) / Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous


hp.png Emancipation Charm "Emancipare" (E-man-cee-PAR-eh) Counter-spell • Opening
This charm is used to unbind, unlock, or otherwise remove obstacles to freedom. It is broad in application, but difficult to pull off, and will only work if the targeted bindings/locks/etc. are presently confining someone.
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 Casting Time: One round
Training: 7th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: Ropes/chains are untied, locks open, doors are unbarred, etc. If being used as a counter-spell against a Binding or Locking spell, the caster must overcome the success level of the original spell.

hp.png Engorgement Charm "Engorgio" (en-GOR-jee-oh) Counter-spell • Transformation
Causes a target to grow in size. Sometimes called the Enlargement Charm or the Growth Charm. The counter-spell is the Shrinking Charm.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration Class Duration: One scene
  • Success: Target grows half again its original size.
  • Good Success: Target grows to twice its original size.
  • Great Success: Target grows to four times its original size.
  • Amazing Success: Target grows to ten times its original size.

hp.png Entrail-Expelling Curse "Exviscera" (eks-VIS-er-uh) Dark • Harmful
A disgusting and powerful curse that causes ones intestines to burst forth from the body.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 8 / +roll Transfiguration-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (15 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 6 / Dark Arts Lore 3
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The spell works…on the caster.
  • Failure: No effect.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target gets a rumbly in his tumbly, but otherwise no effect.
  • Marginal Victory: The target suffers incredible pain as his guts are shifted about inside, but there is no rupture. -2 to all rolls until healed.
  • Solid Victory: The target's skin ruptures, and his entrails starts to spill out. -4 to all rolls until healed.
  • Crushing Victory: The target's entrails explode violently through his skin, most likely resulting in death.

hp.png Entrancing Enchantment "Suavio" (swah-VEE-oh) Mind
A spell that entrances the mind to make the caster seem more alluring and charismatic.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 6 / +roll Glamers-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Charms class Duration: One scene
  • Success: +1 to Persuasion rolls against the target.
  • Good Success: +2 to Persuasion rolls against the target.
  • Great Success: +3 to Persuasion rolls against the target.
  • Amazing Success: +4 to Persuasion rolls against the target.

hp.png Erecting Charm "Erecto" (uh-REK-toh)
Erects a simple structure (e.g. a tent, a simple shelter, a very basic one-room building), provided that the materials are present. The structure is sound and will last until some other force dismantles it.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms class Duration: Permanent

hp.png Exanimus Curse "Exanimo" (ex-ah-NEE-moh) Beast • Dark
A lesser known aspect of the branch of magic known as Necromancy, this spell temporarily animates the corpse of a small dead animal (no larger than a rat) as an undead thing called an Exanimus. The caster has very limited control of the animated creation. It can be directed to perform very basic movements (e.g. walk forward, turn left, stop). Anything more complex requires another Charms (-3) roll. All actions must be actively controlled, like a puppeteer manipulating a puppet. The Exanimus cannot be given instructions to be followed out of the caster's sight. This spell is used primarily to teach basic reanimation techniques before ascending to more difficult Necromancy.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: Twenty minutes
Training: Private study (40 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 6 / Dark Arts Lore 2
  • Embarrassing Failure: The Exanimus rises, and attacks the caster immediately!
  • Failure: The spell fails, and the corpse is ruined for further attempts at animation.
  • Success: The Exanimus is animated for five minutes.
  • Good Success: The Exanimus is animated for twenty minutes.
  • Great Success: The Exanimus is animated for one hour.
  • Amazing Success: The Exanimus is animated for one day.

hp.png Exorcism Spell "Transvolaro Phantasma" (trans-voh-LAH-roh fan-TAS-muh) Area • Ward
When all diplomatic efforts fail to relocate a problematic spirit, this spell can be used to exorcise it, banishing the spirit from the area. The area might be a single building, or an entire graveyard. This is usually used on ghosts, as they are most susceptible to it. Other spirits are highly resistant (and likely to attack if wizards attempt to use it). Poltergeists are completely immune to this spell.

The spell requires the area to be warded to have salt sprinkled all around its perimeter (making it highly difficult and impractical to exorcise very large areas). It will attempt to banish all spirits in the affected area, unless a specific spirit is bound first (e.g. with a Spirit Rope). The spell suffers a -1 modifier for each additional spirit the spell tries to exorcise. If successful, affected spirit may then roll Presence + Body (-2 if bound) to resist the effects for a round. If a spirit successfully resists for five consecutive rounds, the spirit is not exorcised, and may remain in the area.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 7 / +roll Ancient Runes-2 Casting Time: Five rounds
Training: R.C.M.C. Spirit Division training / Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The spell backfires, instead attracting more (probably hostile) spirits to the area.
  • Failure: The spell fails, and the salt is ruined.
  • Success: Affected spirits are exorcised from the salted area for one month.
  • Good Success: Affected spirits are exorcised from the salted area for six months.
  • Great Success: Affected spirits are exorcised from the salted area for one year.
  • Amazing Success: Affected spirits are exorcised from the salted area indefinitely.

hp.png Explosion Curse "Expulso" (eks-SPUHL-soh) Area • Harmful
This destructive curse causes explosion of raw force, sending anything nearby flying away from its epicenter. The explosion occurs in empty space; it does not detonate an object.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The caster is blown backward, away from the direction of his casting.
  • Failure: Fizzle. Nothing happens.
  • Success: The spell explodes with enough force to knock nearby objects and creatures five feet several paces (roll Body + Reaction to keep balance).
  • Good Success: The spell explodes with enough force to throw nearby objects and creatures up to ten feet (roll Body + Reaction -2 to keep balance).
  • Great Success: The spell explodes with enough force to fling nearby objects and creatures up to ten feet, knocking them down (roll Body + Reaction -2 to roll with the fall).
  • Amazing Success: The spell explodes with enough force to blow nearby objects and creatures up to thirty feet, knocking them down (roll Body + Reaction -4 to roll with the fall).

hp.png Extinguishing Spell "Deflammo" (deh-FLAH-moh) Counter-spell • Vanishment
Puts out fires. Can be used as a counter-spell against most spells with the Fire keyword (not including the Fiendfyre Curse), but at a Difficulty of -2.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration (-2 vs. magical fire) Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Extinguish up to a brazier flame.
  • Good Success: Extinguish up to a fireplace.
  • Great Success: Extinguish up to bonfire.
  • Amazing Success: Extinguish up to small house fire.


hp.png Feather-light Charm "Perfusorius" (PER-foo-SOR-ee-us)
Makes an object more lightweight.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: One scene
  • Success: Object's weight is reduced to 50% of its original weight.
  • Good Success: Object's weight is reduced to 25% of its original weight.
  • Great Success: Object's weight is reduced to 10% of its original weight.
  • Amazing Success: Object's weight is reduced to 1% of its original weight.

hp.png Fire-Making Spell "Incendio" (in-SEN-dee-oh) Conjuring • Fire
Conjures fire. This is one of the most commonplace and useful spells in the wizarding world.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Conjures up to a small flame, enough to light several candles or a torch.
  • Good Success: Conjures up to a medium flame, enough to light a fireplace.
  • Great Success: Conjures up to a large flame, enough to light a bonfire.
  • Amazing Success: Conjures up to a huge flame, enough to light a small house on fire.

hp.png Fire Rope "Funignio" (foon-EEG-nee-oh) Binding • Conjuring • Fire • Harmful
Conjures a fiery rope which can be used to ensnare a target. The magical flames from this spell do not spread. Once bound, the ropes cannot be physically escaped from; they can only be dispelled by a counter-spell or by extinguishing the flame.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: Private Study (15 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The flame acts like a normal rope, save for being warm to the touch. The ropes bind for one minute, or one round in combat.
  • Good Success: The flame can cause minor burns to the target if the caster desires. The ropes bind for five minutes, or three rounds in combat.
  • Great Success: The flame can inflict serious burns on the target if the caster desires. The ropes bind for ten minutes, or five rounds in combat.
  • Amazing Success: The flames can inflict critical burns on the target if the caster desires. The ropes bind for twenty minutes, or 10 rounds in combat.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target avoids being entangled by the fiery ropes.
  • Marginal Victory: The target is bound, but still has limited movement, suffering -3 to any attempts to move or cast a spell.
  • Solid Victory: The target is bound, but can manage very restricted movement, suffering -6 to any attempts to move or cast a spell.
  • Crushing Victory: The target is completely bound and gagged, and cannot move or speak.

hp.png Flagrante Curse "Flagrante" (flah-GRAHN-tay) Harmful
A curse that causes objects to emit searing heat when touched, burning flesh and other materials as well. An Impervius Charm against heat offers some degree of shielding. There is no outward sign of this curse's use until the object is touched.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Gringotts Curse-Breaker training / Private study (12 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The curse will last for a week.
  • Good Success: The curse will last for a month.
  • Great Success: The curse will last for a three months.
  • Amazing Success: The curse will last for a year.

hp.png Flame-Freezing Charm "Ignis Inermus" (IG-nus ee-NER-mus) Fire • Protection
A spell that makes fire harmless. Instead of burning, it feels like a warm summer breeze.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The fire remains harmless for fifteen minutes.
  • Good Success: The fire remains harmless for one hour.
  • Great Success: The fire remains harmless for one scene.
  • Amazing Success: The fire remains harmless until it is extinguished.

hp.png Flame Writing "Flagrate" (flah-GRAH-tay) Fire
This spell creates a burning trail in the air or on a surface. The flames are warm, but will not burn. The caster may write or draw with this fire, shaping and directing it with his or her wand.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms class Duration: Up to an hour (cast may dispel the writing at will)

hp.png Flashing-Paint Charm "Plurapigmentum" (PLOO-rah-pig-MEN-tum) Transfiguration
Causes paints, inks, and other pigments to flash different colours.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 5 / +roll Transfiguration-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private Study (5 Cookies) / First Year Arts Club (2 Cookies) Duration: Up to a week

hp.png Flower-Conjuring Spell "Orchideous" (or-KID-ee-us) Conjuring • Plant
Conjures a bouquet of flowers from the tip of the caster's wand. At the caster's discretion, the flowers can be conjured as a wreath or other arrangement.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Domestics Club (1 Cookie) / Private study (3 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Flying Charm "Oppupanawe" (up-UP-ah-nah-way) Movement
A spell cast on objects to allow them to fly and respond to a rider's commands. Used primarily by broommakers. (If/when broom rules are expanded, expect more details here.)
Skill/Roll: Broommaking 7 / +roll Broommaking-3 Casting Time: One hour
Training: Private study (learned with Broommaking Skill) Duration: Permanent

hp.png Focus Charm "Recenseo" (reh-SEN-see-oh) Mind
This spell is used to clear the caster's mind and sharpen cognitive ability. It is against Hogwarts school rules to use this spell during exams.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 6 / +roll Glamers-2 Casting Time: Two rounds
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: One scene
  • Success: The caster gains +1 to all non-spell Mind rolls.
  • Good Success: The caster gains +2 to all non-spell Mind rolls.
  • Great Success: The caster gains +3 to all non-spell Mind rolls.
  • Amazing Success: The caster gains +4 to all non-spell Mind rolls.

hp.png Foe-Repelling Charm "Repello Inimicum" (reh-PEL-oh ee-nee-MEE-cum) Area • Mind • Ward
A ward that repels enemies from the target, which may be an item or building. This charm can also be cast on magical constructs, such as the protective shields created by an Area Shield Charm or Greater Shield Charm. Any who have ill-will toward a selected individual or group must roll Presence + Mind to come within one hundred feet of the target.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 7 / +roll Ancient Runes-3 Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: 6th Year Ancient Runes class Duration: Twenty-four hours
  • Success: Enemies must achieve a Good Success on a Presence + Mind roll to approach.
  • Good Success: Enemies must achieve a Great Success on a Presence + Mind roll to approach.
  • Great Success: Enemies must achieve an Amazing Success on a Presence + Mind roll to approach.
  • Amazing Success: Enemies cannot approach until the Foe-Repelling Charm is dispelled.

hp.png Fountain of Wine "Fontivinum" (FAHN-tee-VEE-num)
Summons a fountain of wine from the tip of the caster's wand. Note that, in accordance with Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, this is not true conjuration, as food cannot be conjured from nothing. This spell relies upon the caster knowing of a source of wine from which to draw.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (3 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Four-Point Spell "Point Me" (point me)
A simple spell, performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the caster's wand rotates to point north.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Freezing Charm "Immobilus" (ih-MOH-bih-lus) Area • Movement
This spell immobilizes creatures or objects within a given area, preventing them from moving under their own power. Generally used on living things, it is also useful against objects with automatic functions. At least half of a creature or object must be within the target area to be affected by the spell. Any creature affected by this spell may make a free Body + Presence roll (this does not require an action) on their own turn each round to shake off its effects.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Three rounds
  • Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a one foot radius from the target point.
  • Good Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 2 foot radius from the target point.
  • Great Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 5 foot radius from the target point.
  • Amazing Success: Immobilizes creatures or objects within a 10 foot radius from the target point.

hp.png Full Body-Bind Curse "Petrificus Totalus" (peh-TRIH-fuh-cus toh-TAH-lus) Binding
This tricky spell paralyzes the target, causing the victim's arms and legs to snap to together, the entire body going rigid. Even the jaw snaps shut, preventing speech. The victim can still hear, see (straight ahead), and feel. Also called the Body Freezing Spell.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Duelling Club (15 Cookies) / Private study (25 Cookies) / R.C.M.C. Beast Division Training Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target is paralyzed for one round.
  • Good Success: Target is paralyzed for one minute.
  • Great Success: Target is paralyzed for ten minutes.
  • Amazing Success: Target is paralyzed for twenty minutes.

hp.png Fur Spell "Pellicius" (peh-LEE-see-us) Transformation
Causes a target to grow a coat of fur all over its body. When cast on furry creatures, their coats grow longer and thicker.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Transfiguration class Duration: Permanent
  • Any Success: Target grows fur. Thickness may vary with success level.


hp.png General Counter-Spell, Greater "Finite Incantatem" (fih-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tem) Area • Counter-spell
This is a general counter-spell that will end all magical effects within an area, be they beneficial or harmful spells. It cannot be used to counter spells as they are being cast. This spell has no effect on spells that have a specific counter-spell named in their description. Notably, it is also useless for dealing with botched Transformation spells (this being the purview of the Transformation Repair Spell), and Weather spells (covered by the Weather Magic Counter-Spell).
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 Casting Time: Two rounds
Training: 7th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to five feet are ended.
  • Good Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to ten feet are ended.
  • Great Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to twenty feet are ended.
  • Amazing Success: All magical effects within a radius of up to fifty feet are ended.

hp.png General Counter-Spell, Lesser "Finite" (fih-NEE-tay) Counter-spell
This is a general counter-spell that will end magical effects currently affecting one target. It cannot be used to counter a spell as it is being cast. This spell has no effect on spells that have a specific counter-spell named in their description. Notably, it is also useless for dealing with botched Transformation spells (this being the purview of the Transformation Repair Spell), and Weather spells (covered by the Weather Magic Counter-Spell).
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: A single magical effect on the target is ended.
  • Good Success: Up to two magical effects on the target are ended.
  • Great Success: Up to three magical effects on the target are ended.
  • Amazing Success: All magical effects on the target are ended.

hp.png Gouging Spell "Defodio" (deh-FOH-dee-oh) Movement
Used to gouge out portions of earth or stone. It has practical applications, both in digging and in making passageways through solid rock.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: 1st Year Herbology class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Digs out enough earth to fill a wheelbarrow, or enough stone to fill a bucket.
  • Good Success: Digs out enough earth to fill a large tub, or enough stone to fill a wheelbarrow.
  • Great Success: Digs out enough earth to fill the back of a lorry, or enough stone to fill a large tub.
  • Amazing Success: Digs out enough earth to fill a large swimming pool, or enough stone to fill the back of a lorry.

hp.png Gripping Charm "Contineo" (kon-TEE-nee-oh)
Allows an object to be more easily gripped. The Gripping Charm revolutionized the design of the Quaffle. It allowed for players to hold, throw and catch the ball with one hand, which eliminated the need for straps or finger holes.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: One scene
  • Any Success: The target object is more easily gripped. The the object is designed to be held in the hand (e.g. a sword, a pen, a handbag, etc.), the holder gains +1 to resist any effort to remove the object from the hand.

hp.png Gubraithian Fire "Aduro Eternum" (ah-DUR-oh ee-TER-num) Fire
Also called Everlasting Fire, this highly advanced spell bewitches an object, such as a torch, to burn forever once it is lit on fire, even underwater. No known spell can extinguish Gubraithian Fire, though new fires lit from it are normal flames and can be put out easily.
Skill/Roll: Charms 10 / +roll Charms-6 Casting Time: Twenty-four hours
Training: Private study (60 Cookies; three months) Duration: Permanent
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 9


hp.png Hairstyling Spell "Crinus Muto" (kree-NUS MYOO-toh) Transformation
Changes the colour and style of the target's hair, including facial hair. Length cannot be altered with this spell.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: 10 seconds
Training: 3rd Year Domestics Club (2 Cookies) / Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Hair-Thickening Charm "Cappilus" (kah-PEE-lus) Transformation
Causes the target's hair to grow longer and thicker. Generally used for cosmetic reasons, but if performed poorly, this can affect eyebrows, facial hair, or even body hair.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Domestics Club (1 Cookie) / Private study (2 Cookies) Duration: Permanent (until cut)
  • Any Success: The target's hair grows longer very quickly. Success level may indicate precision or length.

hp.png Hardening Charm "Duro" (DOO-roh) Transformation
Changes an object to solid stone. This spell cannot be cast on living targets.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 7 / +roll Transfiguration-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Permanent
  • Success: A target (or part of a target) up to the size of a pasty is turned to stone.
  • Good Success: A target (or part of a target) up to the size of a school bag is turned to stone.
  • Great Success: A target (or part of a target) up to the size of a desk is turned to stone.
  • Amazing Success: A target (or part of a target) up to the size of an automobile is turned to stone.

hp.png Hiccough-Curing Charm "Singultio" (sin-gul-TEE-oh) Counter-spell • Healing
Cures the hiccoughs. Considered a counter-spell if the hiccoughs are magically induced.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Homorphus Charm "Homorpho" (hoh-MOR-foh) Counter-spell • Transformation
Returns a transfigured person back to their human form, making further transfiguration impossible for the duration of the spell. Can be used as a counter-spell to unwanted transfigurations. Though this spell will force an Animagus or Metamorphmagus to resume natural human form, it has no effect on a werewolf changed into wolf form.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 8 / +roll Transfiguration-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: 7th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The transfigured target is returned to human form for one minute.
  • Good Success: The transfigured target is returned to human form for ten minutes.
  • Great Success: The transfigured target is returned to human form for one hour.
  • Amazing Success: The transfigured target is returned to human form for one scene.

hp.png Hover Charm "Levioso" (leh-vee-OH-soh) Movement
Causes a target to hover in mid-air. A hovering objects cannot be controlled with this spell, and is subject to drift about if pushed or knocked by outsides forces, such as a breeze.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Fifteen seconds
  • Success: Hovers an object up to 5 pounds in weight.
  • Good Success: Hovers an object up to 20 pounds in weight.
  • Great Success: Hovers an object up to 50 pounds in weight.
  • Amazing Success: Hovers an object up to 100 pounds in weight.

hp.png Human-Revealing Spell "Homenum Revelio" (HOH-min-nuhm ruh-VAY-lee-oh) Area • Revealing
Reveals the presence of humans (but not other Beings) within fifty feet. The spell indicates the location of all humans in the area of effect by a magical marker of some kind, visible only to the caster. Those affected by the spell can feel its effects, as a sensation of something "swooping" low over him or her.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Hit Wizard training / Auror training / Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: Three rounds
  • Success: All humans not hidden by magical means are revealed. If a human is hidden by a spell, a second roll (this time an Opposed Roll) should be made to determine if the obfuscation can be penetrated.
  • Good Success: The spell is powerful enough to detect through moderate magical items.
  • Great Success: The spell is powerful enough to detect through powerful magical items.
  • Amazing Success: The spell is powerful enough to detect through legendary magical items.

hp.png Hurling Hex "Ejecto" (ee-JEK-toh)
A hex that can cause an object to try to throw a person off of it. This can be cast on broomsticks, chairs, even a rug under someone's feet.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Concentration
  • Success: The victim must roll Body + Reaction* to keep from being thrown.
  • Good Success: The victim must roll Body + Reaction* -1 to keep from being thrown.
  • Great Success: The victim must roll Body + Reaction* -2 to keep from being thrown.
  • Amazing Success: The victim must roll Body + Reaction* -3 to keep from being thrown.

*In the case of a broomstick, or any situation in which a riding Skill of some kind applies, roll Body + Broomflying (or the appropriate Skill).



hp.png Ice-Conjuring Spell "Glacius" (GLAY-shus) Conjuring • Water
This spell conjures ice. It can freeze targets, put out fires, or even create structures out of ice.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Varies with success level.
  • Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a cat.
  • Good Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a human.
  • Great Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a horse.
  • Amazing Success: Freezes or creates a target the size of a large automobile.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target gets a chill, but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Marginal Victory: Only part of the target is frozen, such as a limb. The target can try to break free after one round with a Body roll, requiring the same degree of success as the original spell roll.
  • Solid Victory: The target is frozen solidly in place.
  • Crushing Victory: The target is frozen solidly in place, and all attempts to counter the spell or break the ice are made at -2.

hp.png Illegibility Jinx "Illegibilus" (ih-LEH-jih-BIL-us) Mind
Bewitches text to make it unreadable.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Targeted text is illegible for up to one day.
  • Good Success: Targeted text is illegible for up to one month.
  • Great Success: Targeted text is illegible for up to one year.
  • Amazing Success: Targeted text is permanently illegible, or for any length of time decided by the caster.

hp.png Impediment Jinx "Impedimenta" (im-PED-ih-MEN-tah) Movement
Impedes forward motion, slowing or stopping an object or individual. This can effectively immobilize the target for a short time. Powerful castings can even knock a target off their feet.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class / 1st Year Duelling Club (2 Cookies) Duration: Ten seconds, or through the following round if in combat
  • Success: Target's movement is slowed, inflicting -2 to any roll requiring physical motion through the next round.
  • Good Success: Target's movement is slowed, inflicting -4 to any roll requiring physical motion through the next round.
  • Great Success: Target's movement is halted, preventing any physical motion through the next round.
  • Amazing Success: Target's movement is halted, preventing any physical motion through the next round, and the target is knocked to the ground.

hp.png Imperius Curse "Imperio" (im-PEER-ee-oh) Dark • Mind
An Imperius Curse places the victim in a trance-like state, in which they aim to please their new "master." They know they've been cursed, but will not reveal it while under the effects of the curse. A side-effect of the Imperius Curse is that it overrides other spells with the Mind keyword, preventing one so cursed from being otherwise influenced. Thus, a Dark wizard that wishes to erase a victim's memory of being placed under the Imperius Curse must actually release them from the curse before using a Memory Charm on them. There is no known counter-spell that will end the effects of an Imperius Curse. Only the original caster can lift the curse before it naturally expires. This is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, and is subject to the rules governing those spells.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 8 / +roll Glamers-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (80 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The curse turns against the caster, putting him into a trance in which he cannot act of his own accord, but is extremely susceptible to suggestion.
  • Failure: The spell fizzles, and you will probably have a very angry victim on your hands.
  • Success: The victim is cursed for one hour.
  • Good Success: The victim is cursed for one day.
  • Great Success: The victim is cursed for one week.
  • Amazing Success: The victim is cursed for one month.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target feels a dizzying sensation, but shakes it off. No effect.
  • Marginal Victory: The duration of the curse is halved.
  • Solid Victory: The target suffers the curse for the full duration.
  • Crushing Victory: The target suffers the curse for twice the duration.

hp.png Imperturbable Charm "Recedito" (reh-seh-DEE-toh) Hiding • Protection • Sound
Creates an invisible barrier around a target object (usually a door) that is sound-proof and repels minor impacts (such as knocking or throwing small objects against the target). The barrier is not strong enough to resist impacts that could cause actual damage to a typical wooden door.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One minute
Training: 6th Year Charms class / Dept. of Mysteries Training Duration: One scene

hp.png Impervius Charm "Impervius" (im-PUR-vee-us) Protection
A protective spell that makes a target resistant to one of the following elements (chosen by the caster): cold, earth, fire, metal, water, wood. The spell will attempt to repel the chosen element. For example, an Impervius Charm cast on a pair of glasses can be used to prevent rain from obscuring the lenses. A target can only benefit from one Impervius Charm at a time. Note that when cast on a person, this spell protects their clothing as well (though not necessarily anything the person is holding).
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: One scene
  • Success: Negative effects from the chosen element are reduced by half.
  • Good Success: Negative effects from the chosen element are reduced to one-quarter.
  • Great Success: The target is immune to any negative effects from the chosen element.
  • Amazing Success: The target is immune, and the effects extend to people and small objects the target is touching.

Extended incantations one might use when specifying the element being protected against:

  • Cold — "Impervius Frigus" (im-PUR-vee-us FREE-gus)
  • Earth — "Impervius Terrus" (im-PUR-vee-us TAIR-us)
  • Fire/Heat — "Impervius Flammas" (im-PUR-vee-us FLAH-mus)
  • Metal — "Impervius Ferrus" (im-PUR-vee-us FAIR-us)
  • Water — "Impervius Aquis" (im-PUR-vee-us AH-kwis)
  • Wood — "Impervius Lignus" (im-PUR-vee-us LIG-nus)

hp.png Inanimatus Conjurus Spell "Inanimatus Conjurus" (in-AN-ee-MAH-tus kon-JER-us)
This spell is cast upon inanimate objects that have been conjured, allowing them to endure longer before fading back into nothingness. This spell has no effect on conjured elements (e.g. fire, ice) or creatures.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The conjured object vanishes immediately.
  • Failure: Fizzle. No effect
  • Success: The conjured object lasts twice as long before vanishing.
  • Good Success: The conjured object lasts three times as long before vanishing.
  • Great Success: The conjured object lasts six times as long before vanishing.
  • Amazing Success: The conjured object lasts ten times as long before vanishing.

hp.png Incarceration Jinx "Incarcerous" (in-KAR-ser-us) Binding • Conjuring
This spell conjures thick ropes, which then bind the target. The ropes will actively resist attempts to physically free the target for the duration of the spell (even attempting to tie cut ends), unless the caster wills otherwise.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 5 / +roll Conjuration-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The ropes bind for one minute, or one round in combat.
  • Good Success: The ropes bind for five minutes, or three rounds in combat.
  • Great Success: The ropes bind for ten minutes, or five rounds in combat.
  • Amazing Success: The ropes bind for twenty minutes, or 10 rounds in combat.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target avoids being entangled by the ropes.
  • Marginal Victory: The target is bound, but still has limited movement, suffering -3 to any attempts to move or cast a spell. Physically freeing the target requires a Body + Mind roll at the same penalty (meaning a target trying to free himself suffers the penalty twice, for -6 total).
  • Solid Victory: The target is bound, but can manage very restricted movement, suffering -6 to any attempts to move or cast a spell. Physically freeing the target requires a Body + Mind roll at the same penalty (meaning a target trying to free himself suffers the penalty twice, for -12 total!).
  • Crushing Victory: The target is completely bound and gagged, and cannot move or speak. The target cannot be physically freed until the spell duration expires.

hp.png Inferus Spell "Inferus" (in-FAIR-us) Dark
The most famous aspect of the branch of magic known as Necromancy. This Dark spell animates the corpse of a dead human to create an Inferius (plural: Inferi). The Inferius is under the command of the wizard that created it, and must be ordered verbally. Often, Inferi will be given standing orders and left as eternal guardians in a hidden place. Though a single Dark wizard can create many Inferi with multiple castings of this spell, it can be difficult to maintain animation of all of them.
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 Casting Time: One day
Training: Private study (100 Cookies; six months) Duration: Permanent
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 4 / Dark Arts Lore 1
  • Embarrassing Failure: The Inferius rises, and attacks the caster immediately!
  • Failure: The spell fails, and the corpse is ruined for further attempts at animation.
  • Success: Creates an Inferius. Any previous Inferi created are rendered back to inanimate corpses.
  • Good Success: Creates an Inferius. The last Inferius created is rendered back to an inanimate corpse.
  • Great Success: Creates an Inferius. All previous Inferi remain animate.
  • Amazing Success: Creates a Greater Inferius*. All previous Inferi remain animate.

*Details on the Greater Inferius will be forthcoming, as the Bestiary is developed. It is faster and stronger than a normal Inferius (which are already quite strong), and mildly resistant to magic (+1 to any rolls to resist magical effects by anyone but the Dark wizard that created it).

hp.png Inscribing Charm "Insculpo" (in-SKOOL-poh)
After this spell is cast, the tip of the caster's wand can be used as a carving tool. This charm was designed to carve runes and other writing, so it cannot carve very deeply, but some wizards have found other creative uses for it. The charm will only carve into stone or wood. This does not hasten the process of carving, but it does bypass the need for carving equipment. This spell cannot be cast wandlessly.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Ancient Runes class Duration: Until ten seconds after caster stops carving

hp.png Instant Scalping Hex "Implumus" (im-PLOO-mus) Vanishment
Instantly removes the target's hair.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 5 / +roll Conjuration-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The spell removes the caster's hair instead.
  • Failure: Fizzle. No effect.
  • Any Success: The target's hair vanishes. Generally only hair from the scalp is removed, but greater success levels may increase area of effect, or allow for more precision.

hp.png Intruder Charm "Cave Inimicum" (KAH-vay ih-NIM-ih-kum) Area • Sound
Detects intruders to an area and sounds an alarm. Intruders are defined as anyone not within the area of effect when the spell is cast. The spell must be cast upon an object which serves as the center of the area of effect. The area does not move with the object, and the effects end if the object moves outside of the area of effect.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes or Charms / +roll Ancient Runes or +roll Charms Casting Time: Five minutes
Training: 5th Year Ancient Runes class / 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: One day
  • Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius around the target object.
  • Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius around the target object.
  • Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius around the target object.
  • Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius around the target object.

hp.png Invisibility Charm "Indespectus" (in-deh-SPEK-tus) Area* • Hiding
One of the most powerful spells in existence, this charm makes a person or object completely invisible to the naked eye. Efforts to detect the target's presence must rely entirely on other senses. *If used by multiple casters, this charm can be used to make the contents of entire areas invisible.
Skill/Roll: Charms 12 / +roll Charms-6 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: Private study (75 Cookies; six months) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The spell's effects run out of control, causing people and objects in the vicinity of the target to randomly turn invisible (or visible, if already invisible; does not apply to naturally invisible creatures like thestrals) for a few minutes at a time.
  • Failure: Fizzle. No effect.
  • Success: Target is invisible for five minutes, or as long as the caster concentrates.
  • Good Success: Target is invisible for ten minutes, or as long as the caster concentrates.
  • Great Success: Target is invisible for thirty minutes, or as long as the caster concentrates.
  • Amazing Success: Target is invisible for one hour, or as long as the caster concentrates.

hp.png Ironing Charm "Levigo" (LEH-vee-goh)
Heats an iron and causes it to iron a pile of laundry, remove unwanted wrinkles, and putting creases in the right places. Alternately, no iron is required if the caster remains on hand, using his or her wand for the duration of the spell. A version of this charm is used to create self-ironing robes.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Domestics Club (2 Cookies) / Private Study (5 cookies) Duration: Until clothes are ironed (with iron), or Concentration (without iron)


hp.png Jelly-Brain Jinx "Cerebrum Gelatus" (seh-REE-brum jeh-LAH-tus) Mind
Reduces a target's mental capacity, making it more difficult for them to think.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 7 / +roll Glamers-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
  • Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
  • Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
  • Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in their head, but otherwise no effect.
  • Marginal Victory: Target suffers -1 to rolls using the Mind attribute.
  • Solid Victory: Target suffers -2 to rolls using the Mind attribute.
  • Crushing Victory: Target suffers -3 to rolls using the Mind attribute.

hp.png Jelly-Fingers Curse "Digitus Wibbly" (DIH-jeh-tus WIH-buh-lee) Transformation
Causes the target's fingers to turn floppy and malleable, like a glove filled with jelly.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
  • Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
  • Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
  • Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in the hands, but otherwise no effect.
  • Marginal Victory: Only the target's primary hand is affected. Target suffers -2 to any rolls requiring the use of both hands, or -1 for one-handed activities with the off-hand.
  • Solid Victory: Both hands are affected moderately. Target suffers -4 to any rolls requiring the use of hands.
  • Crushing Victory: Both hands are affected severely. Target suffers -6 to any rolls requiring the use of hands.

hp.png Jelly-Legs Curse "Locomotor Wibbly" (loh-koh-MOH-tor WIH-buh-lee) Transformation
Causes the target's legs to become wobbly and collapse.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 5 / +roll Transfiguration-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Spell effects last for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
  • Good Success: Spell effects last for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
  • Great Success: Spell effects last for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
  • Amazing Success: Spell effects last for one hour, or four rounds if in combat.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target feels a momentary jiggling sensation in the legs, but otherwise no effect.
  • Marginal Victory: Only one leg is affected, inflicting a -2 penalty on rolls involving movement (including evading attacks).
  • Solid Victory: Both legs are affected. The target collapses to the floor, and suffers -4 to any rolls involving movement (including evading attacks).
  • Crushing Victory: Both legs are affected, and hopelessly tangled. The target collapses to the floor, and suffers -6 to any rolls involving movement (including evading attacks).


hp.png Killing Curse "Avada Kedavra" (ah-VAH-dah keh-DAHV-rah) Dark • Harmful
The Killing Curse is exactly what it sounds like. Being struck with this curse means instant death. It cannot be blocked by any known defensive spell. The only sort of magic that can intercept it are Priori Incantatum (which requires the wands being used to share a core), and sacrificial protection.

More than any other Unforgivable Curse, the Killing Curse requires the utmost intent of pure hatred, and intense concentration. It can easily be miscast, with potentially devastating results for the caster. Casting the Killing Curse requires the expenditure of a Luck Point (which provides no bonus), and must be preceded by a successful Mind + Presence roll. This roll does not require an additional action, but Failure means the spell fizzles. An Embarrassing Failure means the caster is too overwhelmed with his feelings of hatred to focus, and cannot attempt the spell again for the remainder of the scene. Note that because a Luck Point is required to cast the spell, Luck Points cannot be used to enhance or re-roll either roll for a Killing Curse.

As one of the three Unforgivable Curses, the Killing Curse subject to the rules governing those spells.
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 Casting Time: Two rounds
Training: Private study (100 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The caster is slowly undone, suffering horrific pain as his or her soul disintegrates.
  • Failure: Backfire! The caster is killed instantly.
  • Any Success: The target is killed instantly.

IMPORTANT: This curse may never be used without a staff member present, regardless of whether the victim is a PC or an NPC. It is simply too powerful and too final.

hp.png Knee-Reversal Hex "Retrogeno" (REH-troh-JEN-oh) Transformation
Reverses the direction of the target's knees, causing their legs to bend backward.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (8 Cookies) Duration: Permanent

hp.png Knitting Charm "Confervo" (kon-FAIR-voh)
Enchants knitting needles to perform their knitting autonomously.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Domestics Club (2 Cookies) / Private study (4 Cookies) Duration: Three hours

hp.png Knockback Jinx "Flipendo" (flih-PEN-doh) Movement
A fairly simple spell that knocks a creature back away from the caster.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Knocks the target away with mild force, up to a few feet.
  • Good Success: Knocks the target away with moderate force, up to ten feet.
  • Great Success: Knocks the target away with strong force, up to twenty feet.
  • Amazing Success: Knocks the target away with powerful force, up to fifty feet.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target feels a strong shove, but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Marginal Victory: The target is knocked back, but remains standing.
  • Solid Victory: The target must match the spell's success level on a Body + Reaction roll, or be knocked down.
  • Crushing Victory: The target is knocked down.


hp.png Launching Charm "Alarte Ascendare" (ah-LAR-tay a-SEND-da-ray) Movement
Causes a small target (no bigger than a breadbox) to launch up into the air and land unharmed.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Up to 5 feet in the air.
  • Good Success: Up to 10 feet in the air.
  • Great Success: Up to 20 feet in the air.
  • Amazing Success: Up to 50 feet in the air.

hp.png Leek Jinx "Aliumauro" (AL-ee-um-AW-roh) Plant
Causes leeks to sprout out of a target's ears, leading to trouble hearing, and likely some embarrassment.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms class Duration: Permanent

hp.png Leg-Growing Spell "Ambulafors" (am-BOO-luh-fors) Transformation
Causes an inanimate object to grow functional legs. Warning, unattended objects affected by this spell may wander.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 7 / +roll Transfiguration-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Permanent

hp.png Legilimency Spell "Legilimens" (leh-JIL-ih-menz) Mind
Allows the caster to delve into the thoughts, emotions, and memories of the victim. This is the layman's version of mental exploration, and cannot be performed wandlessly or non-verbally. True masters of the art are called Legilimens, and require no wand or incantation to perform it.

The caster suffers an additional -2 penalty to the Glamers roll if the Legilimens cannot look the target directly in the eyes. Note that typical defensive spells (such as a Shield Charm) are not effective against this spell, but there are many spells (and mundane methods) to break the offender's concentration and prevent mental intrusion. This method is generally good for getting one question answered about the character.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 8 / +roll Glamers-4 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: Private study (30 Cookies; two months) Duration: Varies with the depth of information sought
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 6
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The caster's mind opens to the target, who will gain glimpses of those memories the caster would most like to keep hidden.
  • Failure: Fizzle. Nothing happens.
  • Any Success: The caster may have one question about the victim answered. Note that a player is never obligated to tell you their character's deepest, darkest secrets if they choose not to. This spell is intended to enhance role-play and fun, not detract from it.

hp.png Leg-Locker Curse "Locomotor Mortis" (LOH-koh-moh-tor MOR-tis) Binding
Binds the victim's legs together.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: One day

hp.png Levitation Charm "Wingardium Leviosa" (win-GAR-dee-um leh-vee-OH-sah) Movement
With a swish and flick of one's wand the target is levitated. The levitation direction and height can be controlled by the caster. This spell works primarily on objects, but is not very effective against living creatures. At best, a powerful Levitation Charm might lift a person or animal a few feet into the air. But there are much more useful spells for levitating humans.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Concentration
  • Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 10 lbs.
  • Good Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 50 lbs.
  • Great Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 100 lbs.
  • Amazing Success: Levitates a target weighing up to 200 lbs.

hp.png Light-Making Charm "Lumos Maxima" (LOO-mohs MAKS-ee-mah) Light
Creates a powerful ball of light at the end of the caster's wand, which can be detached and left to hover on its own. If flung from the end of the wand, it can travel up to fifty feet before slowing to a stop. Placing it in a specific location requires a Marksmanship roll. The ball can be deliberately manipulated by physical force or by appropriate Movement spells, but incidental forces like wind will not shift its position. Though made of light, the ball behaves like a solid object, and cannot pass through other matter.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms class Duration: One scene

hp.png Lightning Bolt Spell "Baubillious" (baw-BIL-ee-us) Electricity • Harmful
Releases a bolt of lightning from the caster's wand.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 6 / +roll Conjuration-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The caster is shocked with potency equal to a Success, harming the caster.
  • Failure: Sparks fly from the caster's wand, but there there is otherwise no effect. If the caster is standing within a few yards of a substantial quantity of conductive material (e.g. a suit of armour, a bathtub full of water, etc.), the spell will cause an arc of lightning to that material, shocking anyone in contact with it.
  • Success: Target is zapped with a mild electrical shock. Target must roll Body to avoid being stunned for one round.
  • Good Success: Target is zapped with a major electrical shock. Target must roll Body -1 to avoid being stunned for one minute.
  • Great Success: Target is struck with a powerful bolt of lightning, suffering severe burns. Target must roll Body -2 to avoid being stunned for five minutes.
  • Amazing Success: As a Great Success, but the bolt explodes upon impact, affecting any other targets within five feet as if struck by a Good Success.

hp.png Limbo Mist "Topsiturvi" (TAHP-see-TER-vee) Area • Movement
Creates a golden mist that floats a few feet above the ground, filling a space up to ten cubic feet. Within the mist, the effects of gravity are altered. Those within feel that the world has turned upside-down, with the sky far below them, and the ground as a "ceiling" above. Anything touching the ground remains adhered to it, but anything that becomes detached from the ground will fall upward to the top of the mist. Even for those that remain on the ground, the effect is extremely disorienting, and the mist can be difficult to escape. Despite floating off of the ground, crawling under the mist will not prevent the spell's effects.
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 4
  • Success: The Limbo Mist lasts for one hour.
  • Good Success: The Limbo Mist lasts for six hours.
  • Great Success: The Limbo Mist lasts for twelve hours.
  • Amazing Success: The Limbo Mist lasts for one day.

Special: Please copy and paste the three lines of code below in game in the room where you cast the Limbo Mist. Replace the sections in bold with the appropriate information.

@Create Limbo Mist

@describe Limbo Mist=%R%T[ansi(hc,Castername has created a Limbo Mist, a golden cloud that hovers a few feet above the ground. The golden cloud of mist is ten feet long by ten feet wide, and the top is ten feet high. The mist is located describe where the mist is located. If you enter the mist, gravity reverses, and you must roll +roll Body + Reaction -2 to avoid falling upward (possibly hovering helplessly if you cannot reach handholds). To escape the disorienting mist, you must +roll Mind + Presence -2 with a Good Success, or make two rolls with a Success or better. %R

Drop Limbo Mist

hp.png Living-Image Charm "Depingo" (deh-PEEN-goh)
The charm used to activate wizard paintings, granting them sentience. Such paintings must be created using special paints mixed with the proper potions. If the painting is a portrait of an actual person, the portrait's personality is determined primarily by the perceptions of the painter. So the better the painter knows the subject, the more accurate the portrait's behaviour is likely to be. When casting this charm, first roll the painter's appropriate Background Skill (this would typically be Painting). The success level of this roll determines the maximum success level that can be achieved with the Living-Image Charm. So if the Painting roll results in a Good Success, the Charms roll will be a Good Success at most, even if an Amazing Success is rolled. This is due to the fact that the artist's skill and accurate depiction can limit how effective the charm can be.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: Private study (40 Cookies) / 5th Year Arts Club (25 Cookies) Duration: Permanent
  • Success: The subject cannot leave the painting (though it can "hide" in the painting, such as going through a door), nor can it interact with anything or anyone outside of the painting. The subject will behave like a caricature of the real person, displaying the most obvious personality traits, sometimes greatly exaggerated.
  • Good Success: As above, but the subject is interactive, and behaviours are less exaggerated.
  • Great Success: As above, but the subject is capable of learning to behave like its real world counterpart, typically by observing and conversing with said counterpart (or, to a lesser extent, speaking with those that know the person well). The subject can also leave its painting to travel to other paintings nearby (usually limited to those in the same room).
  • Amazing Success: As above, but the subject can travel to any portrait depicting the same subject, effectively becoming the image in that painting. Often, this will lead to other portraits being empty, as the subject is only present in one at a time.

hp.png Lock-Breaking Spell "Portaberto" (POR-tuh-BAIR-toh) Harmful • Opening
Shatters a lock, or rips it from a door.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Gringotts Curse-Breaker training / Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Target lock is broken, but repairable.
  • Good Success: Target lock is shattered beyond repair.
  • Great Success: Target lock is ripped clean from the door.
  • Amazing Success: Target lock is incinerated, leaving a smoking hole where the key should have gone.

hp.png Locking Spell "Colloportus" (cuh-loh-POR-tus) Locking
A very simple spell to lock a door, or to seal a door that otherwise has no lock on it.
Skill/Roll: Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Permanent, until unlocked
  • Success: Target door is locked, and can be opened with a key or by picking the lock. A door without a lock is wedged shut, and can be forced open with a Body roll.
  • Good Success: Target door is locked, and cannot be unlocked by mundane means. A door without a lock is wedged shut, and can be forced open with an Opening spell, or a Body roll at -2.
  • Great Success: Target door is locked or wedged shut, cannot be unlocked by mundane means, and Opening spells suffer -2 to unlock it.
  • Amazing Success: Target door is locked or wedged shut, cannot be unlocked by mundane means, and Opening spells suffer -4 to unlock it.

hp.png Locomotion Charm "Locomotor" (LOH-koh-moh-tor) Movement
Lifts an object a few inches off the ground and moves it to a location specified by the caster (up to 100 feet away, or within the same building). The incantation is typically followed by the name of the spell's target (e.g. "Locomotor trunk"). This spell cannot be used on a living target.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Fourth Year Charms class Duration: Until target reaches destination
  • Success: Moves a target object weighing up to 50 lbs.
  • Good Success: Levitates a target object weighing up to 100 lbs.
  • Great Success: Levitates a target object weighing up to 200 lbs.
  • Amazing Success: Levitates a target object weighing up to 500 lbs.

M • N • O

hp.png Memory Charm "Obliviate" (oh-BLIH-vee-ait) Mind
Sometimes known as Obliviation, this spell erases memories. While it cannot actually create new memories (see False Memory Charm), the nature of the spell does allow the mind to fill in gaps for itself. Generally, people do not question when they cannot remember something. People forget things all the time, so unless there is a memory gap that is glaringly obvious (and not easily explained by something like alcohol), a victim of Obliviation isn't likely to question it. This charm does not allow the caster to dictate how the mind fills in the gaps, however. Obliviation can remove a period of time, or can selectively remove elements related to a given subject. In truth, Obliviation does not genuinely destroy memories. It only buries them so deeply that they are inaccessible. It is possible for a talented Legilimens or Healer to retrieve them, but it is highly difficult to do so (a penalty of at least -5 on attempts).
Skill/Roll: Glamers 8 / +roll Glamers-4 Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: M.A.C. Obliviator training / Private study (40 Cookies; two months) Duration: Permanent
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The spell turns on the caster, randomly erasing large chunks of memory.
  • Failure: The caster cannot summon sufficient will to penetrate the target's mind. No effect.
  • Success: Removes a block of memory up to an hour long, or memories of a subject of trivial importance to the victim (e.g. an overheard conversation that means nothing to him out of context).
  • Good Success: Removes a block of memory up to a day long, or memories of a subject of minor importance to the victim (e.g. details about a book he enjoys).
  • Great Success: Removes a block of memory up to a week long, or memories of a subject of moderate importance to the victim (e.g. memories of a heated argument).
  • Amazing Success: Removes a block of memory up to a month long, or memories of a subject of major importance to the victim (e.g. memories of a loved one or a significant event).

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target feels strange, but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Marginal Victory: The target retains fragments of the affected memories, but finds them confusing.
  • Solid Victory: The chosen memories are erased.
  • Crushing Victory: The chosen memories are erased and the victim is left bewildered for several minutes, as if hit with a mild Confundus Charm.

Role-Playing Obliviation: It can be tricky knowing how to RP a character that has had memories removed. The key thing to remember is that the human mind tries to rationalize. It wants the world to make sense. So when it encounters something that doesn't quite add up, it will almost never leap to the conclusion that it has been tampered with. This is true even among wizards.

hp.png False Memory Charm "Mnemos" (NEE-mohs) Mind
Unlike the Memory Charm, a False Memory Charm doesn't eliminate memories. Rather it alters them. It is a more complex process, but one that doesn't leave holes in a person's memory. It can be used to change a person's recollection of a conversation, or to make them think a thing occurred which did not. Obliviators make as much use of this charm as the Memory Charm, if not more so.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 10 / +roll Glamers-6 Casting Time: Five rounds
Training: M.A.C. Obliviator training / Private study (50 Cookies; three months) Duration: Permanent
  • Embarrassing Failure: Backfire! The spell turns on the caster, randomly erasing and confusing large chunks of memory.
  • Failure: The caster cannot summon sufficient will to penetrate the target's mind. No effect.
  • Success: Alters a block of memory up to ten minutes long, or memories of a subject of trivial importance to the victim (e.g. an overheard conversation that means nothing to him out of context).
  • Good Success: Alters a block of memory up to an hour long, or memories of a subject of minor importance to the victim (e.g. details about a book he enjoys).
  • Great Success: Alters a block of memory up to a day long, or memories of a subject of moderate importance to the victim (e.g. memories of a heated argument).
  • Amazing Success: Alters a block of memory up to three days long, or memories of a subject of major importance to the victim (e.g. memories of a loved one or a significant event).

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target feels strange, but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Marginal Victory: The target retains fragments of the affected memories, but finds them confusing, unsure which version of events is true.
  • Solid Victory: The chosen memories are altered, but remain vague and fuzzy, similar to the effects of intoxication.
  • Crushing Victory: The chosen memories are altered with perfect clarity.

Role-Playing Memory Alteration: It can be tricky knowing how to RP a character that has had memories altered. The key thing to remember is that the human mind tries to rationalize. It wants the world to make sense. So when it encounters something that doesn't quite add up, it will almost never leap to the conclusion that it has been tampered with. This is true even among wizards.

hp.png Memory Extraction Spell "—" (—) Mind
This spell extracts a memory from the caster's mind. This does not remove the memory, but rather creates a copy of it. The memory appears as a small wisp of ethereal smoke, drawn out of the caster's temple with the tip of the wand. It can be stored in a bottle, or poured into a Pensieve for viewing. Extracted memories can be altered with a False Memory Charm. This spell is unlike most spells, in that it does not require an incantation (and suffers no penalty for non-verbal casting). But it does require a wand, and cannot be cast wandlessly. Extracted memories are fragile, and can easily be destroyed.
Skill/Roll: Glamers -3 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: Permanent
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 7

hp.png Mending Charm "Reparo" (reh-PAH-roh) Transformation
Seamlessly repairs broken objects. This spell cannot repair the magical function of broken magical items, including wands. It is illegal to use this spell on people or animals, as it can result is serious scarring or disfigurement. This spell cannot restore an object broken down by natural weathering. If there are pieces missing, the roll suffers a -2 penalty, or -4 if one-quarter to one-half of the object is missing. If more than half of the object is missing, the spell will not work. Similarly, if the object has moving parts that are broken, the spell may suffer a penalty of -1 to -3, depending upon the complexity of the mechanics.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: A target object up to the size of a book is repaired.
  • Good Success: A target object up to the size of an office desk is repaired.
  • Great Success: A target object up to the size of an automobile is repaired.
  • Amazing Success: A target object up to the size of a building is repaired.

hp.png Muggle-Repelling Charm "Repello Muggletum" (ruh-PEL-oh MUH-gul-tum) Area • Mind • Ward
This enchantment causes a location up to 100 square feet to be overlooked or seem undesirable to Muggles. Exceptionally strong-willed Muggles may have a chance to see through it with a Mind + Presence roll at -6.
Skill/Roll: Glamers 7 / +roll Glamers-3 Casting Time: One hour
Training: M.A.C. training (2 Cookies) / Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The location will be warded against Muggle perception for twelve hours.
  • Good Success: The location will be warded against Muggle perception for one day.
  • Great Success: The location will be warded against Muggle perception for one month.
  • Amazing Success: The location will be warded against Muggle perception for one year.

hp.png Obliteration Charm "Oblitero" (oh-BLEE-teh-roh) Vanishment
Erases markings made within the last hour, including writing, doodles, and footprints.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Obscuring Charm "Obscuro" (ub-SKYOO-roh) Conjuring
Conjures a blindfold over the target's eyes, preventing them from seeing. The blindfold is held in place magically, and cannot be physically removed.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target is blinded for five minutes, or one round if in combat.
  • Good Success: Target is blinded for ten minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
  • Great Success: Target is blinded for half an hour, or three rounds if in combat.
  • Amazing Success: Target is blinded for an hour, or four rounds if in combat.


hp.png Packing Charm "Pack" (PAK) Movement
Causes a trunk, box, bag, backpack, or similar container or luggage to pack itself with the desired nearby items.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Domestics Club (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Parchment-Sealing Spell "Nonlegituro" (NON-leh-jee-TER-oh) Locking
Seals a scroll or folded parchment seamlessly, so others cannot open it to read without physically tearing it. It can be opened with a tap of the wand of the wizard it is intended for. If torn open, that shape becomes the parchment's new form, and a Mending Charm will not return the paper to its original form.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Patch-Up Spell "Episkey" (eh-PIS-kee) Healing
Heals minor physical damage to the body, such as a broken nose or split lip. The healing body part will feel hot, then cold. Cannot heal major injuries, such as a broken arm or leg, severe lacerations, a ruptured organ, etc.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: First year of Healer training / Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Patronus Charm "Expecto Patronum" (ex-PEK-toh pa-TROH-num) Conjuring • Light • Ward
This powerful defensive charm conjures a spirit guardian, called a "Patronus." Of those that can manage this difficult spell, most can only produce a non-corporeal Patronus, which manifests as a shapeless burst of ethereal vapor. A rare few can produce a corporeal Patronus, in which the spirit guardian's true form is revealed in the shape of an animal that reflects the caster's true self.

To conjure a Patronus, the caster must call upon a happy memory. Those suffering under severe sadness, fear, or other negative emotional influences find the charm harder to cast (a -2 penalty is appropriate in such circumstances). Furthermore, only those who are "pure of heart" can use the Patronus Charm. Simply put, Dark wizards (those with the Dark Corruption quirk) cannot produce a Patronus, and may face dire consequences if they attempt to. Even those who have merely used Dark magic, but are otherwise not considered Dark wizards, find the spell challenging (-4 to any wizard that has used a Dark spell within the last month).

The Patronus serves primarily as a defense against certain Dark creatures, including Dementors, Lethifolds, and Vampires. This is the extent of what a non-corporeal Patronus can do. A corporeal Patronus is even more potent against those Dark creatures, actively fighting against them and chasing them away. The caster can also mentally command a corporeal Patronus.

(Note: The "recorded voice message" trick seen in the books and films was developed by Albus Dumbledore specifically for the Order of the Phoenix, and is not considered possible with this version of the spell.)
Skill/Roll: Dark Defense 7 / +roll Dark Defense-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (50 Cookies; four months) Duration: Varies with success level.
Lore Threshold: Wizard Lore 5
  • Embarrassing Failure: A crushing personal defeat, as negative emotions flood in, inflicting a -2 on any further attempts to cast the Patronus Charm this scene.
  • Failure: Fizzle. No effect.
  • Success: A non-corporeal Patronus is produced, lasting for a single round (instantaneous duration). All vulnerable Dark creatures within 10 feet of the caster must achieve a Good Success or better on a Body + Presence roll, or be repelled.
  • Good Success: A non-corporeal Patronus is produced, lasting while the caster concentrates on the spell (taking no other action and moving at no more than a walking pace), up to a maximum of three rounds. All vulnerable Dark creatures within 30 feet of the caster must achieve a Great Success or better on a Body + Presence roll, or be repelled. Those that get a Failure or worse are banished from the scene.
  • Great Success: A corporeal Patronus is produced, lasting up to three rounds independently of the caster, or for as long as the caster concentrates on the spell (taking no other action and moving at no more than a walking pace). All vulnerable Dark creatures within 50 feet of the caster must achieve an Amazing Success or better on a Body + Presence roll, or be repelled. Those that get a Success or worse are banished from the scene.
  • Amazing Success: A corporeal Patronus is produced, lasting for the remainder of the scene. All vulnerable Dark creatures in the scene are repelled, and must achieve a Great Success or better on a Body + Presence roll, or be banished from the scene.

hp.png Pepper-Breath Hex "Calispiro" (kah-LEE-spih-roh)
Causes the victim to have painfully hot breath, as if they'd just eaten a plate of hot peppers.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Effects last for five minutes.
  • Good Success: Effects last for one scene.
  • Great Success: Effects last for six hours.
  • Amazing Success: Effects last for one day.

hp.png Pestering Jinx "Remordeo" (reh-MOR-deh-oh) Movement
Bewitches small and relatively harmless objects, such as snowballs, to follow and harass a designated target.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (5 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for five minutes.
  • Good Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for one scene.
  • Great Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for six hours.
  • Amazing Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for one day.

hp.png Pimple Jinx "Furnunculus" (fur-NUN-kyoo-lus)
Causes a target to break out in boils or pimples.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The blemishes last for one day.
  • Good Success: The blemishes last for three days.
  • Great Success: The blemishes last for one week.
  • Amazing Success: The blemishes last for one month.

hp.png Plant-Growth Charm "Herbivicus" (her-BIV-uh-cus) Plant
Causes a plant to grow at an accelerated rate.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Herbology Class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The target plant flourishes instantly — a seed sprouts, fruit ripens, flowers bloom, an ailing plant springs back to health, etc.
  • Good Success: The target plant achieves one month's worth of growth in one round.
  • Great Success: The target plant achieves six months' worth of growth in three rounds.
  • Amazing Success: The target plant achieves a year's worth of growth in six rounds.

hp.png Post-Drop Charm "Subvectio" (sub-VEK-tee-oh)
A very common Charm (easily learned from a Ministry pamphlet) for identifying a residence or container as a post-drop, making the target a beacon for post owls looking to deliver letters and packages to any wizard living at the residence (or otherwise intended as a recipient for the drop box). A wizard can also attune the post-drop so the charm is only a beacon to certain owls. This charm can also be used on a letter or package to assign it to the listed address (but not a specific person), even if that address is not designated as a post-drop. Letters sent to Hogwarts students during the school year will be delivered to Hogwarts (delivered during the morning meal) unless specifically addressed to another post-drop.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One minute
Training: Private study (0 Cookies) Duration: Permanent

hp.png Prior Incantato Spell "Prior Incantato" (PRI-or in-kan-TAH-toh) Revealing
This spell is cast on another wand to reveal the most recent spells cast by it, in the form of a shadowy manifestation of the spells' effects. Some spells aren't immediately obvious, and may require a Wizard Lore roll to identify them.

Note: Not to be confused with the Priori Incantatum effect.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: Hit Wizard training / Auror training / Private study (25 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: The spell reveals several of the most recent spells by the caster of the Prior Incantato Spell (but does not display the Prior Incantato Spell itself). The shadows of the target wand's spells are "erased", causing further castings of the Prior Incantato Spell to have no effect unless the target wand casts more spells.
  • Failure: There is a slight whiff of shadowy smoke, and nothing more. The shadows of the target wand's spells are "erased", causing further castings of the Prior Incantato Spell to have no effect unless the target wand casts more spells.
  • Success: Manifests the most recent spell cast.
  • Good Success: Manifests the most recent spell cast, as well as all spells cast in the last hour.
  • Great Success: Manifests the most recent spell cast, as well as all spells cast in the last six hours.
  • Amazing Success: Manifests the most recent spell cast, as well as all spells cast in the last day.

hp.png Protean Charm "Proteus" (PROH-tee-us) Transformation
This spell magically links several identical objects (or near-identical objects, such as coins of the same type), with one of the objects designated as a "master," and the rest being "slaves." Whenever the master object is transfigured, all of the slaved objects will transfigure in the same way. Slaves also emit mild heat when being transfigured in this way.

Transfiguring the master requires a Transfiguration roll (no particular spell required for minor cosmetic changes; more complete transformations require an appropriate spell). The original caster of the Protean Charm may designate specific ways in which the master may be transfigured. Finely tuned changes such as detailed text are impossible without a specific spell.

An object can only be subject to a single Protean Charm at a time. Similarly, a given caster can only have one Protean Charm active at any one time. Casting a new Protean Charm negates the first one.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: Four minutes, plus one minute per slave created
Training: 7th Year Charms class Duration: Permanent
  • Success: Creates a master and one slave.
  • Good Success: Creates a master and up to three slaves.
  • Great Success: Creates a master and up to six slaves.
  • Amazing Success: Creates a master and up to ten slaves.

hp.png Puppet-Body Charm "Mobilicorpus" (MOH-bil-ee-COR-pus) Movement
Moves the body of a person who cannot walk, whether due to incapacitation, ensnarement, or unconsciousness. The target's movements have the appearance of a puppet on strings. If used on a person who is able to move on their own, the target will feel the sensation of something like strings pulling at their limbs, but can move normally.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target is mobilized for five minutes.
  • Good Success: Target is mobilized for fifteen minutes.
  • Great Success: Target is mobilized for thirty minutes.
  • Amazing Success: Target is mobilized for one hour.

Q • R

hp.png Quieting Charm "Quietus" (KWI-uh-tus) Counter-spell • Sound
Reduces the volume of a sound. This is the counter-spell for the Amplifying Charm.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target sound is quieted for five minutes.
  • Good Success: Target sound is quieted for fifteen minutes
  • Great Success: Target sound is quieted for thirty minutes
  • Amazing Success: Target sound is quieted for one hour.

hp.png Reductor Curse "Reducto" (ree-DUK-toh) Harmful
A powerful curse that breaks objects to pieces. This spell cannot be used to target a living creature.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms Class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: The target object is broken into several chunks.
  • Good Success: The target object is shattered into rubble.
  • Great Success: The target object is reduced to dust.
  • Amazing Success: The target object is pulverized with explosive force. Anyone standing within five feet must +roll Body + Reaction or be knocked to the ground.

hp.png Refilling Charm "Repleo" (reh-PLAY-oh)
Refills a glass or small container with whatever drink it was last filled with. This is not conjuration, but rather a replication of the traces of drink still in the container.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Repelling Spell "Recedo" (reh-SAY-doh) Movement • Ward
Repels a moving object or creature, sending it harmlessly back in the direction it came from. The spell is only strong enough to repel small targets, up to the size and weight of a cat, quaffle, or thrown knife. Considered an Opposed Roll if used against a creature (vs. Body + Reaction) or a missile attack.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Revealing Charm "Aparecium" (AH-par-EH-see-um) Revealing
Cause invisible ink and other hidden markings to appear, whether hidden by magic or more mundane means. Higher success levels may be required for markings hidden by more powerful magic.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Reviving Spell "Rennervate" (REN-er-vait) Counter-spell • Healing
Awakens a sleeping or stunned target. It serves as the counter-spell to the Stunning Spell and similar effects, but is ineffectual against Dark magic.
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by a single Stunning Spell.
  • Good Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by up to two Stunning Spells.
  • Great Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by up to four Stunning Spells.
  • Amazing Success: Awakens a target that is sleeping, or that has been affected by any number of Stunning Spells.

hp.png Revulsion Jinx "Relashio" (reh-LASH-ee-oh) Counter-spell
Forces a person or object to release its hold on something. If used against a living target, make an Opposed Roll against the target's Body + Fighting. Similarly, if used against magical bindings, the caster must achieve a greater success level than the original casting. Can be used as a counter-spell to Binding spells.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Instantaneous

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The target feels the pull of the spell, but maintains their grip. If it is a living creature being gripped, it may make an Opposed Body + Fighting roll at -2 to escape.
  • Marginal Victory: The target is forced to release their grip.
  • Solid Victory: The target is forced to release, and is pushed back several steps.
  • Crushing Victory: The target is forced to release, and is knocked back several yards (+roll Body + Reaction to avoid being knocked prone).


hp.png Scarpin's Revelaspell "Revela Parsus" (reh-VEH-luh PAR-sus) Revealing
Identifies the ingredients of a potion.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: Two minutes
Training: 6th Year Potions class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Scouring Charm "Scourgify" (SKOOR-juh-fye) Conjuring
Cleans an object by conjuring soap and scrubbing the target. If used on a living target, the spell fills the subject's mouth with soap.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Domestics club (3 Cookies) / Private study (6 Cookies) Duration: Concentration (or Instantaneous if used on a living target)

hp.png Secret Message Charm "Abeo Scripto" (ah-BAY-oh SKRIP-toh) Hiding
Conceals writing or markings from view. If desired, the caster may include a special code phrase or password to reveal the hidden message, and another to conceal it again. This enchantment lasts for as long as the caster wishes.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One minute
Training: Private study (30 Cookies) / Dept. of Mysteries Training Duration: Specified by caster (may be permanent)

hp.png Seize and Pull Charm "Carpe Retractum" (KAR-pay reh-TRAK-tum) Movement
Creates a "rope" of light that can be whipped out to seize a target (thought it does not bind it), then whipped back with the intent is to pull the target to the caster, as a sort of cruder form of the Summoning Charm. The charm does not grant any additional strength to the caster, that could not be pulled with a normal rope cannot be pulled with this charm, either. If attempting to pull a moving target, such as a large creature, there is a serious risk of the wand being yanked from the caster's hand (likely requiring a Body + Reaction roll to keep hold of the wand long enough to release the spell), or even pulling the caster unceremoniously along with the target.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Third Year Charms class Duration: Until target is pulled or released
  • Embarrassing Failure: The wand is yanked from the caster's hand, flinging toward the target.
  • Failure: The rope misses entirely and dissipates.
  • Any Success: The target is successfully seized. If pulled through the air, +roll Reaction + Body to catch the pulled target.

hp.png Severing Charm "Diffindo" (dih-FEEN-doh) Harmful
This spell is used to make precision cuts. It is generally used as a tradesman's tool for cutting relatively soft materials like fabric, or clipping plants. If used inappropriately, it can cut flesh and cause serious injury.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: The spell is strong enough to sever very soft materials, such as light cloth, paper, or hair (not recommended for haircuts).
  • Good Success: The spell is strong enough to sever soft materials, such as heavy fabric, thick rope, or flesh.
  • Great Success: The spell is strong enough to sever durable material, such as wood or bone.
  • Amazing Success: The spell is strong enough to sever hard material, such as stone or metal.

hp.png Shield Charm "Protego" (pro-TAY-goh) Protection
A moderately difficult charm that deflects spells and physical attacks. More powerful castings can cause attacking spells to rebound, sometimes back at the attacker. Cast with a parrying motion of the wand.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class / 5th Year Duelling Club (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous

If the caster is victorious on the Opposed Roll, apply the following additional effects:

  • Success: Physical attacks bounce away harmlessly, while spells are dissipated on the shield.
  • Good Success: The attack is deflected, sending projectiles and spells hurtling away in a random direction. An opponent within arm's reach is thrown backward, and must roll Body + Reaction to land on his or her feet.
  • Great Success: The attack is rebounded, sending projectiles and spells bouncing back at the attacker. The attacker must make a Mind + Reaction roll to avoid being struck by their own spell. An opponent within arm's reach is thrown backward, and must roll Body + Reaction -2 to land on his or her feet.
  • Amazing Success: The attack is violently rebuffed, sending projectiles and spells bouncing back at the attacker. The attacker must make a Mind + Reaction -2 roll to avoid being struck by their own spell. An opponent within arm's reach is knocked to the ground.

hp.png Shield Charm, Apotropaic "Protego Horribilis" (proh-TAY-goh hor-ih-BIL-lus) Protection
A specialized shield charm that grants the target protection from the Dark Arts. The protection is applied as a bonus to any rolls to resist the effects of Dark magic, and the powers of Dark creatures. This spell can be cast on other lasting spell effects (e.g. an Area Shield Charm) to bolster them against the Dark Arts. This spell cannot be cast by Dark wizards. An individual wizard may only have one Apotropaic Shield Charm active at any one time. Bonuses from multiple castings of this spell on the same target do not stack; only the highest bonus applies.
Skill/Roll: Dark Defense 8 / +roll Dark Defense-4 Casting Time: Five minutes
Training: M.L.E. Auror training (20 Cookies; one month) / Private study (40 Cookies; two months) Duration: One scene
  • Success: Provides +1 protection.
  • Good Success: Provides +2 protection.
  • Great Success: Provides +3 protection.
  • Amazing Success: Provides +5 protection.

hp.png Shield Charm, Area "Protego Totalum" (pro-TAY-goh toh-TAH-lum) Area • Protection
Erects a lasting shield charm around a designated area, creating a physical, dome-shaped barrier that bars all passage and deflects spells.
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: 7th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Twenty-four hours (or until caster dispels)
  • Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius dome.
  • Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius dome.
  • Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius dome.
  • Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius dome.

hp.png Shock Spell "Curamens" (COO-rah-mens) Electricity • Healing
Causes a controlled electrical discharge to the body's nervous system, similar to electroshock therapy. Used to treat mental illness.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Fourth Year of Healer training Duration: Varies

hp.png Shrinking Charm "Reducio" (ruh-DOO-see-oh) Counter-spell • Transformation
Causes a target to shrink in size. This is the counter-spell to the Engorgement Charm
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class Duration: One scene
  • Success: Target shrinks to half its original size.
  • Good Success: Target shrinks to one quarter its original size.
  • Great Success: Target shrinks to one tenth its original size.
  • Amazing Success: Target shrinks to one hundredth its original size.

hp.png Siccing Jinx "Oppugno" (oh-PUG-noh) Harmful • Movement
Causes one or many small objects or creatures of the same type to fly through the air and attack a chosen victim. This spell can be cast on a single object, or a stack/pile/container of objects of the same type (causing all of them to attack). Just how dangerous the spell is depends upon what it uses to attack.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 or Dark Defense 6 / +roll Charms-2 or +roll Dark Defense-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Varies with success level.
  • Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for one round.
  • Good Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for two rounds.
  • Great Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for three rounds.
  • Amazing Success: Bewitched objects harass the victim for five rounds.

hp.png Signalling Spell "Periculum" (puh-RIK-yoo-lum) Light
Sends out red sparks from the wand, which shoot like fireworks or a flare gun. They can shoot up to a great height, and then hover in the air. This spell is commonly used as a signal that the caster is in danger and in need of assistance.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration+2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Transfiguration class Duration: Ten minutes

hp.png Silencing Charm "Silencio" (sih-LEN-see-oh) Sound
This difficult charm renders the victim temporarily mute, unable to speak. Wizards are therefore unable to recite incantations, and can only cast spells non-verbally.
Skill/Roll: Charms 7 / +roll Charms-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Victim is silenced for one minute, or one round if in combat.
  • Good Success: Victim is silenced for five minutes, or two rounds if in combat.
  • Great Success: Victim is silenced for fifteen minutes, or three rounds if in combat.
  • Amazing Success: Victim is silenced for one hour, or five rounds if in combat.

hp.png Singing Jinx "Cantis" (KAN-tis) Mind • Sound
Causes a target to break out into song. By taking a -2 penalty on the casting roll, the caster may indicate a trigger that will cause the target to start singing (e.g. anytime the target sees a professor, upon entering the Leaky Cauldron, etc.)
Skill/Roll: Glamers / +roll Glamers Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (10 Cookies) / 3rd Year Arts Club (5 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target is affected for twenty minutes.
  • Good Success: Target is affected for one hour.
  • Great Success: Target is affected for three hours.
  • Amazing Success: Target is affected for twelve hours.

hp.png Skin-Crawling Curse "Cutis Motus" (key•U•tess MO•tus) Beast • Dark • Harmful • Transformation
This spell makes the target's skin shift and move, causing discomfort and pain. It may make the victim appear temporarily grotesque or find it difficult to grip objects. This spell was created by Samira Prince.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms -1 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private Study (20 Cookies) Duration: Concentration
Lore Threshold: N/A (Can only be known of circumstantially)
  • Success: Discomfort. -1 to rolls involving manual dexterity. +1 to rolls to escape confinement or grapples.
  • Good Success: Mild pain. -2 to rolls involving manual dexterity. +1 to rolls to escape confinement or grapples.
  • Great Success: Heavy pain. -3 to rolls involving manual dexterity. +2 to rolls to escape confinement or grapples.
  • Amazing Success: Extreme pain. -4 to rolls involving manual dexterity. +2 to rolls to escape confinement or grapples.

hp.png Slide Spell "Glisseo" (GLIS-eh-oh) Transformation
Transforms a staircase (or other slanted ground, such as a hillside) into smooth slide. The Grand Staircase of Hogwarts is charmed against this spell, and nothing short of an Amazing Success will work on it.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Up to one hour (caster's choice)
  • Any Success: Anyone standing on the slide must +roll Body + Reaction to avoid some bumps and bruises on the way down.

hp.png Slowing Charm "Arresto Momentum" (ah-REST-oh moh-MEN-tum) Movement
Slows or halts the movement of a target. This only affects the general motion of a whole target through space. It does not slow or prevent a person's motor functions.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Movement rate slowed by one-quarter.
  • Good Success: Movement rate slowed by half.
  • Great Success: Movement rate slowed by three-quarters.
  • Amazing Success: Movement is completely halted.

hp.png Slug-Vomiting Charm "Slugulus Eructo" (SLUG-yoo-lus ee-RUK-toh) Beast • Conjuring
Causes the victim to belch up slugs.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (15 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target periodically vomits slugs for one minute.
  • Good Success: Target periodically vomits slugs for ten minutes.
  • Great Success: Target periodically vomits slugs for twenty minutes.
  • Amazing Success: Target periodically vomits slugs for thirty minutes.

hp.png Smokescreen Spell "Fumos" (FOO-mohs) Conjuring • Hiding
Produces a cloud of smoke from the tip of the caster's wand, obscuring the caster from view. Notably, it also obscures the caster's view beyond the smoke. Attempts to target or see through the smokescreen suffer a -3 penalty.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Duelling Club (5 Cookies) / Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: The smokescreen lasts for one round.
  • Good Success: The smokescreen lasts for two rounds.
  • Great Success: The smokescreen lasts for three rounds.
  • Amazing Success: The smokescreen lasts for five rounds.

hp.png Snake Summons Spell "Serpensortia" (ser-pen-SOR-tee-uh) Beast • Conjuring
Conjures a large snake from the tip of the caster's wand. Understandably, the summoned snake will be fairly agitated, and may attack the first person it sees. However, the snake is not under the caster's control.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class Duration: 24 hours

hp.png Softening Charm "Spongify" (SPUN-juh-fye) Transformation
Softens a target area or object, making it rubbery and bouncy.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Softens an object up to the size of a large book, or a 2 square-foot area.
  • Good Success: Softens an object up to the size of a chair, or a 5 square-foot area.
  • Great Success: Softens an object up to the size of an office desk, or a 10 square-foot area.
  • Amazing Success: Softens an object up to the size of an automobile, or a 20 square-foot area.

hp.png Spell-Fire Rune "Consequentum…" (kahn-seh-KWEN-tum)
One of the most challenging runes, this spell is considered by many to be the mark of a true runemaster. The Spell-Fire Rune allows the caster to define a condition (or set of conditions) under which the rune will "fire" a second spell. The Spell-Fire Rune absorbs this second spell and holds it until such time that the conditions are met. Conditions must involve interaction with the object or surface that the rune is inscribed upon.

The held spell is cast at the time of the rune's creation, with its normal incantation preceded by the incantation, "Consequentum." For example, creating a Spell-Fire Rune holding a Shrinking Charm would require the incantation, "Consequentum Reducio".

One one spell can be held by a single Spell-Fire Rune. The spell is cast immediately after a successful casting of the Spell-Fire Rune. Only spells with a Casting Time of one round can be held by a Spell-Fire Rune. Spells with a Duration of "Concentration" will only last for one round. The effectiveness of the held spell is limited by the strength of the Spell-Fire Rune (see below). The Unforgiveable Curses cannot be held by a Spell-Fire Rune, as their unnatural qualities disrupt the stability of the rune.

Usually, the target of the held spell will be whomever is directly interacting with the Spell-Fire Rune (e.g. attempting to steal the priceless vase, opening the door, etc.). But the held spell can be aimed at a specific location with a second rune, called a Target Rune (taught along with this spell). The Target Rune is placed somewhere in the vicinity of the first rune, with a clear line of trajectory between them — like any spell, if something gets in the way of the firing spell, it can interfere with the effects. If the held spell creates an area of effect, the Target Rune marks the epicenter of that area. Inscribing the Target Rune does not require an additional roll, as it is considered part of the initial casting.

Precision in defining the conditions of the rune is key. The rune can only do what it is instructed to do. It has no ability to interpret the caster's intentions. Note that, much to the frustration of some wizards, blood status cannot be used as a variable in the rune's conditions, as blood status is a subjective social construct, and not something that the rune can determine. It can, however, identify familial relationships and differentiate between a wizard, a Squib, and a Muggle.

Examples of conditions that might be defined:
• If this door is opened by someone without first speaking the password, "Lemmeyin", then fire a Blasting Curse at the Target Rune inscribed on the roof support.
• If this rune is stepped on by an intelligent creature, then fire a Lesser General Counter-Spell at the creature.
• If this sword is touched by anyone who is not Sirius Black, or a direct descendant of Sirius Black or his siblings, cast a Full Body-Bind Curse on that person.

Interpreting the Rune: It is possible for a skilled observer to identify the magic held in a Spell-Fire Rune by examining the fine details of the rune itself and making an Ancient Runes roll. For this reason, many runemasters will attempt to hide or disguise the Spell-Fire Rune. A Success indicates the type of magic the spell is (i.e. the skill used to cast it). A Good Success indicates the spells keywords (if any). A Great Success identifies the spell itself. An Amazing Success indicates the power (success level) of the spell.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 9 / +roll Ancient Runes-5 Casting Time: Two hours
Training: Private study (75 Cookies; three months) Duration: Permanent until fired
  • Embarrassing Failure: The rune immediately fires the held spell back at the caster. No evasion or counter-spell is possible.
  • Failure: The rune is ruined, and two hours are wasted.
  • Success: The rune can hold a spell with up to a Success of power. Excess success levels rolled for the held spell are wasted.
  • Good Success: The rune can hold a spell with up to a Good Success of power. Excess success levels rolled for the held spell are wasted.
  • Great Success: The rune can hold a spell with up to a Great Success of power. Excess success levels rolled for the held spell are wasted.
  • Amazing Success: The rune can hold a spell with up to an Amazing Success of power.

hp.png Spell-Strengthening Charm "Fianto Duri" (fee-AHN-toh DYOO-ree)
This charm is cast on other lasting spell effects to toughen them against dispelling or countering.
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 Casting Time: Ten minutes
Training: Private study (50 Cookies) Duration: Until target spell expires or is successfully dispelled
  • Success: All efforts to dispel or counter the target spell suffer -2.
  • Good Success: All efforts to dispel or counter the target spell suffer -4.
  • Great Success: All efforts to dispel or counter the target spell suffer -6.
  • Amazing Success: All efforts to dispel or counter the target spell suffer -8.

hp.png Spell Ward "Salvio Hexia" (SAL-vee-oh HEX-ee-uh) Area • Ward
Wards an area around a rune against dangerous magic. The rune must be written or carved by the caster prior to casting, and somehow secured in place. If the rune is moved outside of the protected area, the spell's effects are cancelled. Attempts to use spells with the Harmful keyword against any target inside the warded area suffer a -6 penalty.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 8 or Dark Defense 8 / +roll Ancient Runes-4 or +roll Dark Defense-4 Casting Time: Twenty minutes
Training: 6th Year Ancient Runes class / 7th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: One day
  • Success: Area of effect is a 10 foot radius around the rune.
  • Good Success: Area of effect is a 20 foot radius around the rune.
  • Great Success: Area of effect is a 40 foot radius around the rune.
  • Amazing Success: Area of effect is a 100 foot radius around the rune.

hp.png Spirit Rope "Spiritus Ligus" (SPIH-reh-tus LEE-gus) Binding
This spell produces a "rope" of orange light that attempts to wrap around a spirit, physically binding it. If successful, the wizard can move the spirit at a walking pace by dragging it through the air. This spell is more effective on spirits already bound in a Spirit Rope. The caster gains +1 to the roll for every Spirit Rope already successfully binding the target.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll <Caster> Charms vs <Spirit> Presence+Fighting Casting Time: One round
Training: R.C.M.C. Spirit Division training / Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Concentration
  • Embarrassing Failure: The burst of spiritual energy attracts nearby spirits to the caster, most likely looking to deal with the threat.
  • Failure: A miss, and probably an angry spirit.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The spirit is struck by the rope, but not bound.
  • Marginal Victory: The rope catches the spirit, but just barely. The spirit may attempt to escape on its turn by with +roll Presence + Body.
  • Solid Victory: The rope gets a firm hold on the spirit. The spirit may attempt to escape on its turn by with +roll Presence + Body -2.
  • Crushing Victory: The rope firmly binds the spirit. The spirit may not attempt to escape.

hp.png Splint Spell "Ferula" (feh-ROO-luh) Conjuring • Healing
Conjures wood rods and bandages, which form a splint around a broken limb. The spell also serves to ease the pain of the break.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: Second Year of healer training Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Stealth Sensoring Spell "Detego" (deh-TAY-goh) Revealing
Creates an invisible field in a doorway or other portal. Those disguised by magic (including Hiding spells or Polyjuice Potion) trigger an alert to the caster, notifying them of a disguised intruder. The form the alert takes can vary, but is generally keyed into a piece of jewelry worn by the caster, which will warm, vibrate, or otherwise notify the caster that the spell has been triggered.
Skill/Roll: Ancient Runes 7 / +roll Ancient Runes-3 Casting Time: Thirty minutes
Training: Private study (30 Cookies) Duration: One month

hp.png Stickfast Hex "Colloshoo" (COH-loh-shoo) Binding
This irritating spell causes the target's shoes (or other footwear) to stick to the ground. If the target is not wearing footwear of any kind, the spell has no effect.
Skill/Roll: Charms 3 / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private (10 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target's shoes are stuck for one minute.
  • Good Success: Target's shoes are stuck for one hour.
  • Great Success: Target's shoes are stuck for one day.
  • Amazing Success: Target's shoes are stuck permanently.

hp.png Sticking Charm "Epoximise" (ee-POX-uh-mize)
Secures an object in place, as if it were glued or nailed to the spot. Also sometimes called a Fixing Charm. This spell requires the caster's wand to touch the part of the object to be made adhesive.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: 6th Year Charms class Duration: Permanent
  • Success: The object will stay in place, but can be removed with some effort. Attempts to remove the object suffer a -2 penalty.
  • Good Success: The object is firmly in place, and attempts to remove it suffer a -4 penalty.
  • Great Success: The object is held fast, and attempts to remove it suffer a -6 penalty.
  • Amazing Success: Often called a Permanent Sticking Charm. Attempts to remove the object suffer an enormous -10 penalty.

hp.png Stinging Jinx "Mordeo" (MOR-day-oh) Dark • Harmful
Stings like a particularly nasty insect bite, causing the victim's targeting limb or face to swell up and the flesh to redden painfully.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (20 Cookies) Duration: One to four hours (see success levels)
  • Success: Actions requiring the part of the body struck suffer a -1 penalty for one hour.
  • Good Success: Actions requiring the part of the body struck suffer a -2 penalty for one hour, after which the victim is afflicted with the effects of a Success.
  • Great Success: Actions requiring the part of the body struck suffer a -3 penalty for one hour, after which the victim is afflicted with the effects of a Good Success.
  • Amazing Success: Actions requiring the part of the body struck suffer a -4 penalty for one hour, after which the victim is afflicted with the effects of a Great Success.

hp.png Stunning Spell "Stupefy" (STOO-peh-fye) Harmful
Colloquially called a "Stunner," this produces a jet of red light that renders victims unconscious. Multiple Stunners from different sources can cause serious injury, even risking death. This spell is always an Opposed Roll (for unaware victims, roll Body + Presence).
Skill/Roll: Charms or Dark Defense / +roll Charms or +roll Dark Defense Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class / 4th Year Duelling Club (15 Cookies) Duration: Varies with success level

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: The spell is resisted or avoided.
  • Marginal Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for five minutes, or one round if combat is ongoing.
  • Solid Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for ten minutes, or two rounds if combat is ongoing.
  • Crushing Victory: The target is knocked unconscious for fifteen minutes, or three rounds if combat is ongoing.

hp.png Summoning Charm "Accio" (AK-see-oh) Movement
Causes a target object or creature (but not a sentient Being) at a distance to fly through the air into the caster's hand or arms. The target must be able to be carried under normal human power. This is one of the few spells that does not require line of sight with its target. However, it does require the caster to be able to visualize the target and its location in his or her mind. In addition, if the target cannot be seen and pointed at with one's wand, it must be named with the incantation (e.g. "Accio broom!"), which most wizards tend to do habitually anyhow. If the target is being held by another person or creation, the caster must make an Opposed Roll of Mind + Presence against the holder's Body + Reaction in order to wrench the target free of the holder's grasp.

Difficulty modifiers can vary. The following modifiers are cumulative:
+2 if target is extremely familiar to the caster (e.g. your own wand, a favourite book)
+2 if specific name of target is known (e.g. summoning a book by its title)*.
–2 if target is not in line of sight.
–2 if target has never been seen by the caster.
–4 if caster guessing at target's location.

*Only applies if target has a proper name.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms (see below) Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with distance
  • Success: The target is successfully summoned, and will arrive as quickly as it is able. Objects can move roughly 100 feet per round if unobstructed.
  • Good Success: Gain +1 to Opposed Roll to wrench target from a holder.
  • Great Success: Gain +2 to Opposed Roll to wrench target from a holder.
  • Amazing Success: Gain +3 to Opposed Roll to wrench target from a holder.

hp.png Sunbeam Spell "Lumos Solem" (LOO-mohs soh-LEM) Conjuring • Light
Produces a focused beam of pure sunlight. The light is very warm, and has the same effect as normal sunlight on creatures vulnerable to it, such as vampires or Devil's Snare. It is considered a must in every vampire hunter's arsenal.
Skill/Roll: Charms 5 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Herbology Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Sunlight Spell "Solarus" (soh-LAH-rus) Conjuring • Light
Causes a target object to glow with sunlight. The light is very warm, and can provide all the benefits (or detriments) of sunlight to plant life. Against creatures vulnerable to sunlight (such as vampires), it will not burn or truly harm them, but it can keep them at bay, acting like a Foe-Repelling Charm.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 6 / +roll Conjuration-2 Casting Time: Two rounds
Training: 7th Year Herbology class Duration: Twenty-four hours

hp.png Supersensory Charm "Sensus Supremus" (SEN-sus soo-PREH-mus)
The target's normal senses become supernaturally acute, even performing beyond the normal scope of a given sense (e.g. hearing acting like a crude form of sonar). This is represented in the form of a bonus to Awareness rolls. A given wizard can only have one Supersensory Charm active at a time. Bonuses from multiple Supersensory Charms do not stack — the target benefits only from the highest bonus.
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (30 Cookies) Duration: One scene
  • Success: Target gains +2 to all Awareness rolls.
  • Good Success: Target gains +4 to all Awareness rolls.
  • Great Success: Target gains +6 to all Awareness rolls.
  • Amazing Success: Target gains +8 to all Awareness rolls.

hp.png Sweeping Charm "Purgo Tabulato" (PER-goh tah-boo-LAH-toh) Movement
Causes a broom or mop to animate under its own power to perform its function and clean the floor of an indicated room. Brooms will create piles of dust and debris, unless provides dustpans, bins, or an aperture to sweep out through. Mops require a nearby source of water. It is a more difficult charm than it might seem, due to the potentially serious consequences of miscasting it.
Skill/Roll: Charms 4 / +roll Charms-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Domestics Club (3 Cookies) / Private study (6 Cookies) Duration: Until task is complete
  • Embarrassing Failure: It works. Oh boy, does it work. The effects are permanent until dispelled (requiring no less than a Great Success to achieve). The animated appliance is far too assiduous in its activity. Brooms scour away carpet, deface floorboards, or wear themselves to nubs on flagstones. Mops go so overboard that minor flooding can occur (and will even seek out new water sources if theirs are depleted).
  • Failure: Do it yourself.
  • Any Success: The indicated room is cleaned. The better the success, the faster the work is done and the more intelligently the appliance functions.

hp.png Switching Spell, Greater "Vicissitudo" (Vee-SEE-see-TOO-doh) Transformation
Switches are partial transformations in which the features of two targets are swapped for one another. Switching Spells must be cast twice — once on each target to be switched — and both spells must be cast in the same scene. The effect only takes place after the second Switching Spell is cast. If either target is untransfigured, both are. The Greater Switching Spell can be used for switches on Medium (or smaller) unintelligent targets. Targets may be a specific part of a larger thing, such as a cart wheel or a window.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• -1 if one of the targets is a living creature.
• -1 for cross-species switches (switching features between two different living creatures).
• -2 if either of the features being switched has moving parts.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 4 / +roll Transfiguration-1 Casting Time: Two+ rounds (one per casting)
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class (requires Lesser Switching Spell) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incorrect, either switching the wrong part, or affecting the caster.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for a twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Switching Spell, Lesser "Permuto" (pair-MOO-toh) Transformation
Switches are partial transformations in which the features of two targets are swapped for one another. Switching Spells must effectively be cast twice — once on each target to be switched, but only roll for the second one — and both spells must be cast in the same scene. The effect only takes place after the second Switching Spell is cast. If either target is untransfigured, both are. The Lesser Switching Spell can be used for switches on Tiny (or smaller) unintelligent targets. Targets may be a specific part of a larger thing, such as a nose or cup handle. Cross-species switches (switching features between two different living creatures) are not possible with this spell.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• -1 if one of the targets is a living creature.
• -2 if either of the features being switched has moving parts.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: Two+ rounds (one per casting)
Training: 2nd Year Transfiguration class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incorrect, either switching the wrong part, or affecting the caster.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for a scene, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.


hp.png Talon-Clipping Charm "Amputungo" (AM-poo-TOON-goh)
A charm for maintaining claws and talons of domesticated creatures.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Care of Magical Creatures class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Teleportation Spell "Reappareo" (reh-ah-pah-REH-oh) Conjuring • Vanishment
This advanced spell causes objects to vanish, then reappear elsewhere. The caster must be able to envision where the items are being sent (making it most helpful if the wizard has actually been there before). Use the destination modifiers for Apparition. If used to try to teleport moving objects, an additional -2 penalty is imposed. This spell cannot be used on living creatures.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration (see above) Casting Time: Three rounds
Training: Gringotts Curse-Breaker training / Private study (40 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Embarrassing Failure: Uh oh! The objects vanish, but never make it to their intended destination. They're out there…somewhere.
  • Failure: Fizzle! The objects start to vanish, but return to the same spot.
  • Success: Teleports an object, or pile of objects, up to the size of a traveling trunk.
  • Good Success: Teleports an object, or pile of objects, up to the size of an office desk.
  • Great Success: Teleports an object, or pile of objects, up to the size of an automobile.
  • Amazing Success: Teleports an object, or pile of objects, up to the size of a train engine.

hp.png Tickling Charm "Rictusempra" (ric-tuh-SEM-pruh)
Produces a jet of silver light that causes a victim to become overwhelmed with a tickling sensation, causing them to buckle with laughter.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Spell's effects last for 1 round.
  • Good Success: Spell's effects last for 2 rounds.
  • Great Success: Spell's effects last for 3 rounds.
  • Amazing Success: Spell's effects last for 4 rounds.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target gets a mild thrill. Otherwise, no effect.
  • Marginal Victory: Target suffers -1 to all actions.
  • Solid Victory: Target suffers -1 to all actions, and cannot walk more than a few steps per round.
  • Crushing Victory: Target suffers -2 to all actions, and cannot walk at all.

hp.png Tongue-Tying Curse "Mimble Wimble" (MIM-buhl WIM-buhl)
Binds up the target's tongue, making it very difficult to speak coherently.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Spell's effects last for 1 round.
  • Good Success: Spell's effects last for 2 rounds.
  • Great Success: Spell's effects last for 3 rounds.
  • Amazing Success: Spell's effects last for 4 rounds.

On an Opposed Roll:

  • DRAW: Target's tongue tingles. Otherwise, no effect.
  • Marginal Victory: Target suffers -1 to any roll involving speaking, including casting spells verbally.
  • Solid Victory: Target suffers -2 to any roll involving speaking, including casting spells verbally.
  • Crushing Victory: Target suffers -3 to any roll involving speaking, including casting spells verbally.

hp.png Tooth-Growing Spell "Densaugeo" (dens-OW-jee-oh) Healing
This spell causes a target's tooth or multiple teeth to re-grow when damaged or missing. When used on healthy teeth, it is more of a jinx and will cause the target's two front teeth to elongate grotesquely. The Tooth-Shrinking Spell is the counter-spell for this latter effect.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd year of healer training Duration: Permanent

If used as a jinx:

  • Success: The target's front teeth grow to twice their normal length.
  • Good Success: The target's front teeth grow to three times their normal length.
  • Great Success: The target's front teeth grow to four times their normal length.
  • Amazing Success: The target's front teeth grow to five times their normal length.

hp.png Tooth-Shrinking Spell "Densarto" (dens-AR-toh) Counter-spell • Healing
Reduces the size of a teeth or multiple teeth. Though sometimes used for cosmetic reasons, this spell is also the counter-spell for the Tooth-Growing Spell.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 2nd year of Healer training Duration: Permanent

hp.png Transformation Repair Spell "Reparifarge" (reh-PAIR-uh-farj) Counter-spell • Transformation
A general untransfiguration spell to reverse the effects of botched Transformation spells. Though taught in First Year Transfiguration, it is generally not mastered until much later.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• +2 if the target and original form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material.
• +1 if the caster knows the spell that was originally used to transfigure the target.
• -1 if the target was (or has become) a living creature.
• -1 for trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another).
• -1 if the shape being untransfigured from has moving parts.
• -1 to transmute target from one state of matter to another (e.g. solid to gas, liquid to solid, etc.).**

*Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool), and therefore easier to untransfigure such a target back to its original shape.
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 5 / +roll Transfiguration-1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class Duration: Permanent

hp.png Transformation Spell, Complex "-fors" (-fors) Transformation
The Complex Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Medium (or smaller) unintelligent target into something else of Medium (or smaller) size. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material.
• -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature.
• -1 for trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another).
• -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts.

*Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool)

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a chair, one might incant "Cathedrafors".
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class (requires Standard Transformation Spell) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Transformation Spell, Master "-fors" (-fors) Transformation
The Master Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a target of any size into something else entirely. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material.
• -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature.
• -1 for trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another).
• -2 if target is an intelligent creature (or will appear to become one).
• -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts.
• -2 to transmute target from one state of matter to another (e.g. solid to gas, liquid to solid, etc.).**
• -4 to transmute energy to matter.**

*Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool)
**The only living targets that may be affect this way are conjured creatures.

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a tree, one might incant "Arborifors".
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 6 / +roll Transfiguration-4 Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (75 Cookies; three months; requires Superior Transformation Spell) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation is permanent, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Transformation Spell, Partial "Mutato" (moo-TAH-toh) Transformation
The Partial Transformation Spell can be used to partially transform a target of any size. Full transformations are not possible. This is similar to Switching Spells, but differs in that no swapping of features is required.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• -1 per additional aspect being altered (see Metamorphmagi for some guidelines).
• -1 if the target is (or will take on features of) a living creature.
• -1 if target is an intelligent creature.
• -2 if the shape the feature is being transformed into has moving parts.

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a horse, one might incant "Equifors".
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 7 / +roll Transfiguration-3 Casting Time: One round
Training: 7th Year Transfiguration class (requires Superior Transformation Spell and Greater Switching Spell) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation is permanent, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Transformation Spell, Simple "-fors" (-fors) Transformation
The Simple Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Tiny unintelligent target into something else of Tiny size. Trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another) is not possible with this spell. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material.
• -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature.
• -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts.

*Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool)

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a lizard, one might incant "Stelliofors".
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration+2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Transfiguration class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for a scene, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for six hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Transformation Spell, Standard "-fors" (-fors) Transformation
The Standard Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Small (or smaller) unintelligent target into something else of Small (or smaller) size. Trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another) is not possible with this spell. Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material.
• -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature.
• -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts.

*Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool)

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a book, one might incant "Librofors".
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration / +roll Transfiguration+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Transfiguration class (requires Simple Transformation Spell) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for a scene, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for twelve hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Transformation Spell, Superior "-fors" (-fors) Transformation
The Superior Transformation Spell can be used to fully transform a Large (or smaller) unintelligent target into something else of Large (or smaller) size. This is the minimum transformation spell necessary for "Human Transfiguration" (transforming a target of human intelligence, or a target into the shape of a creature with human intelligence). Partial transformations are not possible, except as a result of the spell going awry.

The following roll modifiers apply. All modifiers are cumulative.
• +2 if the target and final form share a common quality, such as name*, shape, function, or material.
• -1 if the target is (or will become) a living creature.
• -1 for trans-species transformation (transfiguring one living creature into another).
• -2 if target is an intelligent creature (or will appear to become one).
• -2 if the shape being changed into has moving parts.

*Odd as it sounds, it is easier to transform a target into something with a similar name (e.g. guinea pig to guinea fowl, toadstool to footstool).

The prefix for this spell's incantation can vary greatly, depending upon what the target is being transformed into. Usually it will be some derivative of the Latin name for the thing. For example, if turning the target into a horse, one might incant "Equifors".
Skill/Roll: Transfiguration 6 / +roll Transfiguration-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 6th Year Transfiguration class (requires Complex Transformation Spell) Duration: Varies with success level
  • Embarrassing Failure: The transformation is incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Failure: The spells fizzles, and nothing happens.
  • Success: The transformation lasts for twenty-four hours, unless untransfigured.
  • Good Success: The transformation lasts for a week, unless untransfigured.
  • Great Success: The transformation lasts for a month, unless untransfigured.
  • Amazing Success: The transformation is permanent, unless untransfigured.

hp.png Tree-Moving Charm "Mobiliarbus" (MOH-bil-ee-AR-bus) Movement • Plant
Uproots and levitates a tree (can also be used for other plants) safely to a new location, which must be dug out ahead of time.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 3rd Year Herbology class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target is mobilized for five minutes.
  • Good Success: Target is mobilized for fifteen minutes.
  • Great Success: Target is mobilized for thirty minutes.
  • Amazing Success: Target is mobilized for one hour.

hp.png Trip Jinx "Claudeo" (KLOW-dee-oh) Movement
Causes a victim to trip and fall down. This spell has no effect on a target that is standing still.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (10 Cookies) Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: Target trips and falls, requiring a round to stand up.

hp.png Twitchy-Ears Hex "Vellauris" (vell-OR-is)
Causes the target's ears to twitch. This is essentially a harmless spell used for practicing purposes, such as learning basic wand technique, and practicing Shield Charms.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: A few seconds to a few minutes

U • V

hp.png Unbreakable Charm "Infragilus" (IN-fruh-JEE-lus) Protection
Makes an object unbreakable by mundane means. Magic can still harm the object, though efforts to do so suffer a -4 penalty. The caster's wand must touch the target object.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Charms class Duration: Varies with success level
  • Success: Target is unbreakable for one scene.
  • Good Success: Target is unbreakable for six hours.
  • Great Success: Target is unbreakable for twelve hours.
  • Amazing Success: Target is unbreakable for one day.

hp.png Undetectable Extension Charm "Grandio Intus" (GRAN-dee-oh IN-tus) Hiding
Enchants a target container to be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, allowing it to fit more contents, while the weight of it remains proportional to its original size. It has the added benefit of being undetectable by anyone by the caster, and those the caster informs about the charm. Others simply will not realize the charm is in place, even if they see it in action. A wizard may only have one Undetectable Extension Charm active at a time. Note: This is not the exact magic used to create the common extended containers found in wizarding shops (such as extended handbags or camping tents). Those items are extended (usually only to double capacity), and are not undetectable except by Muggles.
Skill/Roll: Charms 9 / +roll Charms-5 Casting Time: One round
Training: 7th Year Charms class Duration: Permanent
  • Success: The container's inside is expanded to twice its normal capacity.
  • Good Success: The container's inside is expanded to five times its normal capacity.
  • Great Success: The container's inside is expanded to ten times its normal capacity.
  • Amazing Success: The container's inside is expanded to twenty times its normal capacity.

hp.png Unlocking Charm "Alohomora" (ah-LOH-hoh-MOR-ah) Counter-spell • Opening
This spell unlocks locked doors. This is the counter-spell to the Locking Spell.
Skill/Roll: Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Charms class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Vanishing Spell "Evanesco" (eh-vah-NES-koh) Vanishment
That very complicated spell causes an object or creature to vanish from existence. The spell becomes more difficult with the complexity of the target to be vanished. It cannot be used on sentient beings, nor on targets of Huge or Massive size.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration 7 / +roll Conjuration-5 Casting Time: One round
Training: 5th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Permanent

Difficulty modifiers can vary by size and complexity.

Size — Use lowest applicable modifier Mod
Tiny target +2
Small target +1
Medium target -0
Large target -2
Complexity (Creature) — Use lowest applicable modifier Mod
Target is an invertebrate -1
Target is a non-mammalian vertebrate -2
Target is a mammal -3
Target is a magical beast -4
Complexity (Object) — Use lowest applicable modifier Mod
Target is multiple pieces fitted together (e.g. a sword, a desk) -1
Target has moving parts (e.g. a compass, a gun) -2
Target moves under its own power (e.g. a pocketwatch, an automobile) -3
Target is a magical artefact (e.g. a sneakoscope, a flying broom) -4

hp.png Voice-Changing Charm "Abscondita Orator" (AB-skon-DEE-tah OR-uh-tor) Hiding • Sound
This obscure spell alters the target's voice to make it unrecognizable. Cannot be used to specifically imitate another voice, though the caster may re-use the same voice alteration on another casting.
Skill/Roll: Charms Casting Time: One round
Training: Private study (15 Cookies) Duration: Up to one hour (chosen at time of casting)
  • Success: Any roll to identify the speaker by voice suffers -3.
  • Good Success: Any roll to identify the speaker by voice suffers -4.
  • Great Success: Any roll to identify the speaker by voice suffers -5.
  • Amazing Success: The speaker cannot be identified by voice.

W • X • Y • Z

hp.png Wand-Extinguishing Charm "Nox" (nox) Counter-spell
This is the counter-spell to the Wand-Lighting Charm, and will extinguish the light instantly.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: Instantaneous

hp.png Wand-Lighting Charm "Lumos" (LOO-mohs) Light
Illuminates the caster's wand tip with an ambient white light, suitable for illuminating up to a ten-foot radius. Can also repel spectral foes such as Gytrashes and malevolent spirits.
Skill/Roll: Charms / +roll Charms+1 Casting Time: One round
Training: 1st Year Defense Against the Dark Arts class Duration: One scene

Some variants have been developed to change the color of the light:

  • Pink"Lumos Rosea" (LOO-mohs roh-SAY-ah)
  • Red"Lumos Rubeo" (LOO-mohs ROO-beh-oh)
  • Orange"Lumos Luteo" (LOO-mohs LOO-teh-oh)
  • Yellow"Lumos Flavus" (LOO-mohs FLAH-vus)
  • Green"Lumos Viridus" (LOO-mohs vuh-RID-us)
  • Blue"Lumos Caerulo" (LOO-mohs kah-ROO-loh)
  • Purple"Lumos Ostrinus" (LOO-mohs OS-tree-nus)

hp.png Water-Making Spell "Aguamenti" (AH-gwah-MEN-tee) Conjuring • Water
Shoots a jet of pure water from the tip of the caster's wand. Can also be used to fill a receptacle with water.
Skill/Roll: Conjuration / +roll Conjuration Casting Time: One round
Training: 4th Year Transfiguration class Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Up to the force of a garden hose, or enough water to fill a large bowl.
  • Good Success: Up to the force of a garden hose with spray nozzle, or enough water to fill a wash basin.
  • Great Success: Up to the force of a fire hose, or enough water to fill a large bathtub. Can cause damage or knock target down (victim rolls Body + Reaction to stay upright).
  • Amazing Success: Up to the force of a crashing wave, or enough water to fill a swimming pool. Will cause damage and will knock target and surrounding things down.

hp.png Weather Magic Counter-Spell "Meteolojinx Recanto" (mee-tee-OH-loh-jinks ree-KAN-toh) Counter-spell • Weather
A counter-spell for dispelling weather-related magic.
Skill/Roll: Charms 6 / +roll Charms-2 Casting Time: One round
Training: Central Department (Magical Maintenance) training Duration: Instantaneous
  • Any Success: Success level must equal or exceed the success level of the spell being countered.

hp.png Wound-Knitting Spell "Vulnera Sanentur" (VUL-neh-rah sah-NAHN-tur) Healing
A powerful healing spell for knitting flesh together, capable of healing deep gashes and halting blood loss. At its most potent, this spell can even mend wounds caused by Dark magic (though there will still be scarring).
Skill/Roll: Charms 8 / +roll Charms-4 Casting Time: One to three rounds
Training: Fourth year of Healer training Duration: Instantaneous
  • Success: Heals a minor injury (e.g. a nasty scratch, a patch of missing skin).
  • Good Success: Heals a major injury (e.g. a deep gash), or two minor injuries. Alternatively, heals one minor injury caused by Dark magic.
  • Great Success: Heals a critical injury (e.g. a punctured organ), or two major injuries, plus all minor injuries. Alternatively, heals one major injury caused by Dark magic.
  • Amazing Success: Heals all injuries. Alternatively, heals one critical injury caused by Dark magic.
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