This character is retired, and is no longer in play.
Portrayed by Cody Allen Christian |
Name: |
Tarquin Aurelius Bulstrode |
Aliases: |
Quin |
Birthday: |
May 05 |
Position: |
Hufflepuff |
Lineage: |
Pure-Blood |
Standing a few inches under six feet, this young man carries himself with dignity and poise. His light brown hair is short and neatly styled. Strong eyebrows of the same color frame his clear, hazel eyes. A firm squared chin shows signs of a light stubble, helping create the image of a serious, unyielding young man. There is a softness to his eyes, however, that hints at depths of emotion that aren't always shown in the rest of his features. He is in great shape, and while he's not overly muscular, he seems quite agile.
At the moment Tarquin is wearing a Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry uniform. Rather notable by the yellow and black colouring he must have sorted into House Hufflepuff. A grey vest edged in yellow and black covers a crisp white Oxford shirt, buttoned from the belt-line to the collar and accented with a yellow tie with narrow black stripes. The shirt is tucked neatly into matching grey trousers that fall to the tops of black shoes. Over all of this flows a voluminous black robe lined in soft Hufflepuff Yellow fabric, unadorned except for a black badger standing rampant over a yellow background with black 'ermine tufts' sewn over the heart.
Tarquin Aurelius Bulstrode is the eldest of three children, two sons and a daughter, born to Thaddeus Caius Bulstrode and Beatryce Bulstrode nee Selwyn, and the heir of a wealthy line of the sacred pure-blooded Bulstrode family. His father, a successful curse-breaker and a Hogwarts alumni sorted into Slytherin, expected Tarquin to follow in his footsteps and Tarquin, whose love and loyalty to his family knows no bounds, intended to do so. Yet fate had other plans, and he was sorted into Hufflepuff instead, in great part due to Tarquin's capacity for steadfast loyalty. While he loves Laurelia, his little sister, dearly, and she loves him just as much, his relationship with his brother is strained, even though he cares about him deeply.
At first, Tarquin was confused and unhappy with his sorting, but over time found the stereotypes about the house to be without merit. Rather than untalented wizards, he found loyal hard working friends. His desire to not let his father down again fueled his dedication and led to his choosing of Ancient Runes and Arithmancy as his two electives during his third year, in order to prepare himself to try and become a curse-breaker after graduation. His successful O.W.L.s scores pushed him on, allowing him to take N.E.W.Ts courses on Ancient Runes, Defense against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Charms. With such a busy schedule, he's found it hard to enjoy extra-curricular activities, but he's remained a Duelling Club member over the years.
13 inches, Cedar, Unyielding, with a Unicorn Hair core.
Grumples is one of the many strays taken in by Adorabella. She gave him to Tarquin as a gift during one of his birthdays, and while he's quite the grumpy cat, he gets along with two people. Adorabella and Tarquin's sister. Grumples tolerates Tarquin, but just barely. Still, Tarquin is very fond of the grumpy cat, and enjoys holding it, whenever it allows Tarquin to pet it.
Usually stoic and serious, he has retained the childhood appeal that the romance and legend surrounding the curse-breakers once held. As a child he devoured such stories, so following on his father's footsteps has been easy. He remains as loyal to his family and friends as ever, stubborn to a fault, and while he has purist views, he is less extreme than some. Believing in the separation of the pure from the half and the muggleborn bloodlines, but accepting there is a place perhaps for the lesser wizards. Current events in the wizarding world have concerned him, and if anything were to threaten family and those close to him? It will be dealt with swiftly and without hesitation. Family above all, those are the words that have ruled his life.
RP Hooks
- Duelling - Tarquin enjoys duelling and is an active member of the Duelling Club.
- Curse-breaking - His father is a well-known curse-breaker, as Tarquin hopes to be.
- Adventure Novels - Tarquin grew up reading stories about curse-breakers so he's all about the legends, the adventure, the romance.
- Family Ties - If you're part of his family, Tarquin will always bat for you.
- Purist - Tarquin believes in the superiority of pure-blood wizards. However his views aren't too extreme and he believes there is a place for half-blood and muggle-born wizards, as long as they don't try to meddle in pure-blood affairs.
- ELECTIVES: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy
- N.E.W.T.s: Ancient Runes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfigurations, Charms
- CLUBS: Duelling
- Loyalty: Family
- Code of Honor: Keeps Word
- Wealth: Well-To-Do
- Stubborn
- Chivalrous
Logs featuring Tarquin |
Logs that refer to Tarquin |
Tarquin's Journal Entries |
Others' Journal Entries About Tarquin |
Thaddeus Caius Bulstrode
Thaddeus is a well-known curse-breaker and supporter of purist beliefs. It was his hope that all his children would end up sorted into Slytherin, but it just didn't go that way. Tarquin was sorted instead into Hufflepuff, and became a source of disappointment to be then followed by his younger daughter, Laurelia, also sorted into Hufflepuff. While Tarquin has tried time and time again to gain his father's approval, things remain strained and Thaddeus is holding judgment on his son, until the boy graduates.
Beatryce Bulstrode (neé Selwyn)
A social butterfly, Beatryce is the complete opposite of Thaddeus. She's sweet and caring and very involved in her social work. Tarquin has lost track of all the committees she's currently part of. She enjoys writing to his cousin Adorabella, often keeping tabs on him through her.
Beloved Sister
Laurelia is Tarquin's younger sister, his little princess that is to be treasured, protected and kept safe. They are very close, and he just couldn't imagine life without her love and support. There is nothing that he wouldn't do for her, be it protect her from their brother, or make sure that anyone getting too close to her, meets his very demanding expectations. In turn, he keeps no secrets from her, often baring his soul to her, whenever he feels burdened.
??? Bulstrode
Reckless Brother
Tarquin's youngest sibling is considered by many to be a menace. Laurelia certainly seems to hate him, and the feeling appears to be mutual. Their mother loves him, but she loves everyone and their father, well, he is just a bit proud of his youngest son's ruthlessness, even if he tries to hide it. But Tarquin? Tarquin loves his brother, perhaps not in the same way he loves his sister, but he feels that he can be redeemed and in the end, he is family and Tarquin would never turn his back on family.
Ishram Cuthbert Selwyn
Uncle, Deceased
Olivia Rochelle Selwyn (neé Umbridge)
First Cousin
His closest cousin, Dora is very precious to Tarquin. He cares deeply for the girl and wants nothing more than to see her happy. He is protective of her, sometimes too protective although lately he's realized he needs to dial that back some. He's prone to try and find ways to make her smile, and intends to be there for her, whenever she needs him.
First Cousin
First Cousin
First Cousin
At first glance, Ulysses and Tarquin are two of the same. They both seem protective of those close to him, they both want to be curse-breakers and they both want to drag Adorabella along in their adventures. Friendly competition seems to run in their blood, and it's not uncommon for the two to be seen trying to outdo each other, every now and then. Still, family is family, and while they might argue about who is the greatest curse-breaker, Tarquin will stand by his cousin, if push comes to shove.
Third Cousin
Tarquin has known Ilsa since they were children. Now they both attend Hogwarts, albeit she's a year younger. She's not very good with potions, so Tarquin has offered to tutor her, and in return she's offered to help him learn how to dance. He took her deal, although as family, he would have helped her regardless.
Variel Weasley is in the same year that Tarquin is and considering that he, just like Ulysses and Tarquin wants to be a curse-breaker, they share the same classes. Tarquin likes Weasley just fine, and the two seem to have a lot in common. Variel seems to fond of making jokes, and Tarquin is fond of explaining them when others don't get them.
Madeline Evans is a courageous girl that Tarquin had ran into a few times. During an argument with Alphard Black and his cousin Elric, Tarquin stepped in and called Black on using Muggle-born methods to try and punished Elric, getting him back down. Madeline heard this and was quite offended. Since then, the two have talked several times, debating the issue of Pure-bloods and Muggle-borns and a friendship of sorts seems to have developed between the two. Madeline offered to help Tarquin figure out what's going on with Adorabella and Black, and in return, Tarquin gave her his word that he'd protect her from Black if needed.
Adam seems like a fine young boy, for a muggle-born, a very excitable and enthusiastic one. Tarquin feels some sympathy for the young muggle-born wizard who seems so intent in reaching beyond his limitations. He tried to explain to the boy that there will be things and places, he just won't be able to get to or reach and others would certainly see to it. He of course holds no ill will toward the boy, and wishes him the best of luck trying to prove Tarquin wrong.
Tarquin had seen Elizabeth a couple of times around Hogwarts, but never really had the chance to interact with her much. That changed when he ran into her at the pet store at Hogsmeade. They left the store and went to the Three Broomsticks Pub, where they had hot chocolate and talked for a while. The end result? Tarquin has made a new friend. Elizabeth seems like a very sweet girl, and Tarquin does feel bad that she's constantly teased because of her blood. He enjoys their conversations, and her keen mind.
St. Mungo's Healer
Tarquin ran into Ceridwyn Greengrass at Scrivenshaft Quills during a Hogsmeade weekend. She saw him looking through the journals, as he was trying to find a gift, and she was trying to find one for her son. They struck a conversation, and he helped her find both a journal and some inks for her son, while she gave him some motherly advice about life in Hogwarts. He promised to watch over her son at Hogwarts, and in exchange, she agreed to meet with his cousin, Dora, to share stories about being a healer.