Portrayed by Andy Scott Harris |
Name: |
Virgil Goshawk VII |
Aliases: |
- |
Birthday: |
April 4th, 1927 |
Position: |
Ravenclaw |
Lineage: |
Pure-blood |
"Chaos is the illusion that magic hides behind. In every random coincidence is a bit of magic."
A lanky boy, Virgil has thin hair and a pallid complexion. He has a long gawky look, with a rather pronounced nose and thick lips which give him a very distinctive appearance. His hair is dark and thick, and combed to the side a bit, but otherwise a bit messy. His eyes are overshadowed by thick brows, while his eyes themselves are a rather distinctive bluish gray. He lacks in apparent muscle, and seems sickly, but he does his best to hide it.
At the moment Virgil is wearing a Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry uniform. Rather notable by the blue and bronze colouring he must have sorted into House Ravenclaw. A grey vest edged in blue and bronze covers a crisp white Oxford shirt, buttoned from the belt to the collar and accented with a blue tie with narrow bronze stripes. The shirt is tucked neatly into matching gray trousers that fall to the tops of black shoes. Over all of this flows a voluminous black robe lined in soft Ravenclaw Blue fabric, unadorned except for a bronze eagle flying over a striped blue background sewn over the heart.
He is wearing a large scarf of deep Ravenclaw colors; the scarf is colored with alternating lines of blue and bronze, pulled high up on on his face.
Born in wizarding London, Virgil was one of those kids who had all of the pleasantries of life made available to them since they were a child. He never wanted for anything, and was able to devour as much knowledge as his parents could provide. Despite the fact that he always wanted to learn magic, he was not able due to the restrictions against underage wizardry. A restriction he, as a budding academic, both respected as it restricted fools but also despised as it pertained to him. His favorite subjects have always been of the scholarly sort, namely Charms, Transfiguration and D.A.D.A, as they require action where he otherwise might be unable to act.
The biggest limiting factor to his life has been his health. He was born with a rather strange affliction that is singularly his own, and has escaped the abilities of Saint Mongo’s ability to fix- -the affliction causing a rather regular feverish symptom that causes him to run rather warm, and a persistent cough that only repeated potion treatments can keep from getting out of hand. Luckily, Hogwarts has a rather skilled healer in Madam Spleen.
10.5" inches, Ebony, Springy, with a Unicorn Hair core.
He finds the world and behavior of Muggles perplexing, but at the same time, he respects that they have to struggle while wizards do everything so easily. Astronomy, the lore of the wizarding world, and mathematics being his favorite non-wizarding subjects, but he is also a fair hand at literature and plays a skilled game of wizard's chess.
As far as friends and family go, his close family is limited, but as far as cousins go, he is rather bounteous, like many Pure-bloods. Having both a slew of Goshawk and Proudmore cousins on either side.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Virgil was sorted into Ravenclaw, and has been an exemplary student early his entire stay, with his grades only suffering slightly for a week or two because of extended bouts of illness. Grade wise, he tends towards so many ‘Outstanding’ that it’s a bit annoying, and constantly talks about random events as if they were all interlinked by Arithmantic vertices. As he has grown older, in fact, he seldom talks about anything but magic.
RP Hooks
- Talk Shop Want to get down with a genius? Talk about the future of magic without all of the silly business with politics and normal wizard problems? The conceptual nature of magic? The nature of wandless casting? How to advance magic? Virgil is a brilliant boy, and loves to 'talk shop.'
- Quidditch Arithmancy Want to discuss who is going to win based on Arithmancy? Virgil keeps tabs on everyone and has running equations that relatively accurately predict winners.
- Candy He likes it, and can be wooed with it.
- Girls He's a teenage boy, so if you're a girl, or want to talk about girls, he's probably interested.
- Electives: Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Runes
- NEWT Classes: Fourth year, no NEWT level courses yet
- Clubs: Duelling Club, Mud Club, Domestics Club, Chess Club, Pirates
Logs featuring Virgil |
Logs that refer to Virgil |
- Never Forget a Book
- Frail
- Wealth: Comfortable
- Sharp Ears
- Perfectionist
Cullen Goshawk
Father: (b. 1906) Pure-Blood. There is a bit of tension between Virg and Cullen. When Virg turned his back on their family Cullen assumed that their father would make him heir of the title of Family Patriarch. But all was forgiven on their father’s death bed and Virgil VI was once more overshadowing Cullen. Cullen even gave his son the family name in order to gain their father’s approval. All for not. Garvus Flint has promised if he has a second son with Trinity Goshawk that he’ll allow for him to be named Virgil Goshawk VIII. Cullen’s son VII is quite sickly and there is little doubt that his own son will be skipped over by his older brother for his own grandson. Beyond the family issues Cullen is an extremely talented arteficer.
A genius with far too much time on his hands, Cullen Goshawk has been creating various oddities for the richer folk in wizarding London for over thirty years.
Louise Goshawk nee Proudmore
Mother: (b. 1906) Pure-Blood. Louise puts the proud in Proudmore. There is little doubt that she orchestrated much of the family drama that caused the rift. All so that her son would be heir of the family title and lands. This is of course only speculation as she is the very picture of civility and grace.
A professional solver of problems, mother 'hawk is always circling and looking for some problem to fix when she isn't busy at the Ministry solving problems for everyone else.
Cullen’s Big Brother - Uncle: (b. May 16th, 1893) Pure-Blood. Virgil Goshawk VI is the Healer-In-Charge of the Magical Bugs and Diseases branch at St. Mungo's he also has a second specialty in Artefact Accidents. This has affected his family life only in so much as he was taken away from family events every now and then. However it was minimally done. Soon after, he always makes up for the absences. He is fast man, he has a lot to do and a family to get home to, and so he speaks and does everything with quickness. This does not diminish his amicable nature however; he's fast, but friendly too.
Gwen Goshawk nee Brown
Virg’s Wife - Aunt: (b. June 9th, 1894) Pure-Blood. The glue that holds the Goshawk family together. A former nurse at St. Mungo's Hospital it is where she met Virgil and prodded her parents to approach his for a match. The match was made and Gwen was a very happy girl. When Unetta was conceived she left the Hospital to focus on her family. 9 girls later, Gwen is the only one that can seemingly cut the shenanigans to a quick halt with a particular loud *ahem*. She is not overbearing with the use of it, fully letting her girls have their fun and work it out amongst themselves. This manner of parenting has made her girls have quite the tight knit if chaotic bond of sisterhood.
Cousin: (b. November 23, 1914) Pure-Blood. Unetta is the first born of the Goshawks Sisters. Quite often she has a sweet disposition when around company, but said disposition always has a tinge of rambunctiousness hiding immediately under the surface, waiting to boil over. And boil over it did, especially when it came to her sisters. Not only was she a trickster, but she liked to play pranks on her own siblings. As she gained more sisters, she would start to bring one or more of them into her ploys amongst their other siblings. She graduated after NEWTS in 1932 from Hufflepuff House. Age has only slightly tempered her rambunctiousness of her youth. Not one to be good with authority, especially Goblin authority, Unetta became a free-lance Curse-Breaker Relic Hunter. Unetta married Coakley Prewett May 1st, 1933. Her job and personal wishes has a future family on the back burner a bit. She wants a family, just in a few years at least.
Cousin: (b. October 29th 1915) Pure-Blood. “Daffy” has always had an affinity for creatures great and small. While her parents pushed her towards a position in the Ministry within the R.C.M.C., Dauphne chose a simpler path for herself. She graduated after O.W.L.s in 1931 and went to work at the Magical Menagerie in the Mysticked District as a shop girl. Since she began working there, complaints and returns have gone down and the percentage of creatures finding their forever homes is on the rise. Her hours have dwindled to part time since her marriage to Howard Yaxley on May 1st, 1940. They are expecting their first child sometime in February of 1940.
Cousin: (b. September 13th, 1916) Pure-Blood. Trinity has followed in her parents footsteps and is a Journeyman Healer at St. Mungo's Hospital. Her goal is to become a midwife and eventually, hopefully become Healer-In-Charge like her father is of Magical Bugs and Diseases.
Cousin: (b. August 23rd, 1917) Pure-Blood. Pedwara is a very talented Jeweler. It's quite the usual affair to receive hand-crafted jewelry from Pedwara for gifting occasions. Bit by bit she'll bestow whole sets of glittering artwork on friends and family. Giving someone a bracelet on their birthday, then a necklace for Christmas and then earrings on Valentine's Day, etc.
Cousin: (b. July 10th, 1918) Pure-Blood. Sioned otherwise known as ‘Ned’ to the sisters works at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of International Magical Cooperation (I.M.C.) as a Clerk. Sioned is very particular about things and is the most serious of the girls. This of course made her quite the target of her sister’s pranks and shenanigans. There truly is not ‘black sheep’ in the Goshawk sisters, but if one was forced to be selected it would be Sioned. Despite her mild stammer, Sioned has quite the gift for languages. In fact she created an original language just for her and her sisters to speak.
Cousin: (b. June 10th, 1919) Pure-Blood. 'Whistler' is an example of irony that the second most serious of the Goshawk Girls (Sioned earning first place) would end up working at a Joke Shop. If and when she's asked why, her answer usually is, "Because laughter is my favorite sound." She graduated after her O.W.L.s from Hufflepuff House in 1935. Immediately she went to work for Gambol and Japes Joke Shop in the Mysticked District as a Shop Girl.
Cousin: (b. May 9th, 1920) Pure-Blood. “Milly the Mouth” is her affectionate nickname. She claims it gladly and uses it as her On-Air persona for the shows she has on the Wizarding Wireless Network. Romilda is never one to be afraid to tell someone what she thinks for good or for bad. Graduating after O.W.L.s in 1936 out of Hufflepuff House in Hogwarts she started at the Network as a gopher and assistant to Phineas Black. Eventually after she gave her boss an amazingly clever dressing down did she get her first show, an opinion piece hour. She also handles a set a day of being a music D.J.. There is a rumor around the WWN that Milly has feelings for her old boss and visa versa. But nothing has been confirmed nor denied that there’s anything romantic going on between her and Phineas.
Cousin: (b. April 1st, 1921) Pure-Blood. Diadema was always the one that wandered off. So it is no surprise to anyone that after the Gryffindor graduated after N.E.W.T.s in 1939 she went right into training to be a Placement Agent for the Department of Magical Transportation in the Portkey Office. Now she gets paid to wander off, so to speak.
Cousin: (b. March 17th 1922) Pure-Blood. Poor Miranda, being the youngest was quite the target on her poor head. However all of the pranks and teasing her sisters heaped upon her had its silver lining. It honed within her a talent for charms, even so far as to have a mind and gift towards creating spells. The Charms prodigy from Hufflepuff House at Hogwarts graduated in 1940 and was recruited by the Ministry for Magic’s Director of M.A.C. to be in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.
Closest cousin, and a co-conspirator when it comes to putting their heads together. He likes to think that they have a lot in common, being talented wizards as they are.
Virgil Goshawk V
Paternal Grandfather: (1868 - 1937) Pure-Blood. Family Honor and Duty was a big deal to the Fifth Virgil Goshawk. He ruled the family a bit too closed fisted for his eldest sons liking. Shortly after his fifth grand-daughter was born he suggested to his son, ‘Virg’ that he should divorce his wife and find a woman that could produce a male heir to inherit the family name and proud legacy he worked very hard to establish. It was the last time he spoke to Virg or saw Virg, Virg’s wife, and his grand-daughters. It was only on his death bed that he saw them again and with some, for the first time. He apologized for what he had done and passed the mantle of patriarch of the family onto Virg.
Evaline Goshawk nee Wilkins
Paternal Grandmother: (1868 - 1939) Pure-Blood. A quiet woman, she did as her husband commanded and did so with a soft smile. Even when her husband and eldest son had quite he rift, she stood by her husband and just secretly sent gifts to her son and his family on holidays that called for such things. She would never say as much, but her grandson, by her youngest boy, Cullen, who name his boy Virgil the Seventh was her favorite grandchild. If only because he’s the only one she got to really openly interact with.
Unetta’s Husband – In-Law: (b. February 27th, 1910) Pure-Blood. Coakley Prewett married Unetta Goshawk on May 1st, 1933. Coakley is an actor in the Midsummer Night's Stage Troupe on Whimzick Alley in the Mysticked District. Being a good and proper gentleman however is no act and he treats Unetta very well. They of course have their strife as every relationship does, but they are a solid match and a favorite couple in Pure-Blood society.
Dauphne’s Husband – In-Law: (b. July 27th, 1895) Pure-Blood. Howard Yaxley married Dauphne Goshawk on May 1st, 1940. He is the last male in the Yaxley line and it’s no secret that he married young Dauphne (who is 20 years his junior) is expecting a son from her.
Trinity’s Husband – In-Law: (b. June 11th, 1916) Pure-Blood. Garvus Flint married Trinity October 13th, 1940. He is not exactly what one would expect in a Flint. He seems instead to take after the Greengrass side that his mother comes from. Garvus spoke to Virgil before the wedding about an openess should they have more than one son to allow the younger to take the name Goshawk so that Virgil VI can have an heir and the family line not solely rely on the sickly Virgil VII.